
2023-12-19·15页·806.3 K

高 三 英 语 试 题



2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干



第 卷(选择题,共 95分)


第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应

位置。听完每段对话后,你有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What is the woman going to do tonight?

A. Attend a party. B. Do her homework. C. Go to the hospital.

2. When will the speakers go to the concert?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A dish washer. B. A washing machine. C. A printer.

4. Which is the first event today?

A. The tennis match. B. The running competition. C. The basketball tournament.

5. Where is the ruler probably now?

A. On the coffee table. B. On the desk. C. On the floor.

第二节(共 l5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应

位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. How will the woman probably go into town?

A. By bus. B. By car. C. By taxi.

7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son. C. Wife and husband.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. Why is the woman going to Chicago?

A. To make her cats give a show. B. To attend a sports event. C. To judge a show.

9. What insurance is the woman interested in?

A. Flight insurance. B. Animal insurance. C. Car insurance.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12题。

10. What is Long Live the King?

A. An action film. B. A drama. C. A comedy.

11. What film will the speakers see?

A. Moscow B. After Dark. C. Silly Money.

12. What time will the speakers see the film?

A. At 4:30. B. At 7:15. C. At 10:30.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16题。

13. Where are the speakers now?

A. In Australia. B. In Britain. C. In Italy.

14. What did the man use to do after graduation?

A. A teacher. B. A cook. C. A waiter.

15. How does the man feel about the woman's job?

A. Surprised. B. Admired. C. Disappointed.

16. Why does the man come here?

A. To look for a job. B. To do some business. C. To visit his friend.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20题。

17. Where will the students get on the bus?

A. By the school gate. B. At the bus stop. C. On the playground.

18. What will the students do first after they arrive at the farm?

A. Brush the horses. B. Learn about animal food. C. Give the lambs their breakfast.

19. What activity will the students take part in tomorrow?

A. Fishing. B. Playing baseball. C. Climbing the wall.

20. How long will it take the students to return to their school from the farm?

A. About 15 minutes. B. About 30 minutes. C. About 45 minutes.


第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


Fight pain and improve health by walking

Many people know there are areas of the foot that, if stimulated for example, with the right pressure - produce benefits

to other parts of our body. Moreover, if we add magnetic therapy (磁疗 ), the benefits are increased, because magnets are

natural stimulants.

Hence the idea of a group of French researchers to create a special insole (鞋垫) with hundreds of massaging microbeads

(按摩微珠), as well as magnetic inserts at specific points on the bottom of the foot. In this way, both benefits are achieved: foot

stimulation + magnetic therapy. And goodbye pain! After various improvements, the SoleltNow insoles have come into being,

ending the pain of hundreds of thousands of people.

The SoleltNow is able to:

tretch muscles

Reduce back and joint pain

Recover the body's energy

Reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs

Improve the blood flow around the body

Assist in walking properly

Relieve pressure points that cause great pain in the foot

How is it used?

The SoleltNow is worn like regular insoles and fits all types of shoes.

The SoleltNow is unisex: for men and women.

How can you get your SoleltNow insoles?

The SoleItNow can only be ordered from our official website and cannot be found in convenience stores or supermarkets.

Order now to get a discount during the launch period

LIMITED TIME OFFER: The SoleltNow is-available for $59.89 $34.90.

TIP: The SoleltNow is selling out very quickly right now! We strongly recommend that you place your order quickly before the

end of the promotion!

21. What benefit does the SoleltNow offer?

A. Improving sleep quality. B. Building up arm muscles.

C. Protecting injured joints and feet. D. Relieving pain in the back and legs.

22. What can we learn about the SoleltNow?

A. It is intended for men. B. It can be bought online and online.

C. It is available at a 50% discount now. D. It is specifically designed for sports shoes.

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advertise a special kind of insole. B. To stress the need of wearing insoles.

C. To introduce the benefits of foot massage. D. To recommend ways of dealing with foot pain.


Beverly Cleary, the celebrated children's author whose memories of her Oregon childhood were shared with millions

through the likes of Ramona and Beezus Quimby and Henry Huggins, has died. She was 104.

Trained as a librarian, Cleary didn't start writing books until her early 30s, when she wrote Henry Huggins, published in

1950. Children worldwide came to love the adventures of Huggins and his neighbours Ellen Tebbits, Otis Spofford, Beezus

Quimby and her younger sister, Ramona. They live in a real street in Portland, Oregon, the city where Cleary spent much of her

youth. Ramona, perhaps her best-known character, first appeared in Henry Huggins with only a brief mention. All the children

appeared to be only children, so I threw in a little sister and she didn't go away. She kept appearing in other books, Cleary said.

Cleary herself was an only child and said the character wasn' t a mirror. I was a well-behaved little girl, not that I wanted

to be, she said. At the age of Ramona, in those days, children played outside. We played hopscotch (跳房子) and jump rope

and I loved them and always had wounded knees.

Cleary stopped writing recently, because she said she felt it was important for writers to know when to quit. I even got rid

of my typewriter. It was a nice one but I hate to type. When I started writing I found that I was thinking more about my typing

than what I was going to say, she said in 2016. Although she put away her pen, Cleary re-released three of her most treasured

books with three famous fans writing forewords for the new editions.

Cleary's books have been translated into more than a dozen languages and inspired many programmes, such as a 10-part

PBS series, Ramona and the 2010 film Ramona and Beezus. Cleary was asked once what her favourite character was. Does

your mother have a favourite child? she responded.

24. What do we know about Cleary?

A. She was a late starter as an author. B. She wrote true stories in her books.

C. She published her first book in the 1930s. D. She drew writing inspiration from her neighbours.

25. What can be learned about Ramona in Cleary's books?

A. She was a well-behaved little girl. B. She was an only child of her family.

C. She had an impressive first appearance. D. She played an increasingly bigger role.

26. Which of the following best describes Cleary as a child?

A. Clever. B. Active. C. Lonely. D. Adventurous.

27. What did Cleary do after quitting writing?

A. She added her fans' words to her books. B. She learned to type quickly and correctly.

C. She translated her books into other languages. D. She made TV programmes based on her books.


When Abdus Salam looks across the garbage-filled river near his home in one of the major clothing producing districts in

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, he remembers a time before the factories moved in. When I was young there were no

clothing factories here. We used to catch fish in the river, he said. The river beside him is now black like ink. Waste from

nearby clothing factories has polluted the water.

Fashion is responsible tor up to one-fifth of industrial water pollution, thanks in part to weak management and

enforcement in producer countries like Bangladesh, the world's second biggest clothing producing country, where wastewater is

commonly discharged directly into rivers and streams. The wastewater not only hurts the environment, but pollutes drinking

water sources.

Once in waterways, poisonous chemicals from dyes (染料) build up to the point where light is prevented from coming

through the surface, reducing plants' ability to photosynthesize (进行光合作用). This lowers oxygen levels in the water, killing

plants and animals. These chemicals and heavy metals can also build up in the body, increasing the risk of serious illnesses and

skin problems. What's worse, chemical-rich water is also used to water crops, with one recent study finding that dyes were

present in vegetables and fruit grown aiound Savaz, just north of Dhaka.

Luckily, change is coming. In Bangladesh, there are signs clothing producers are taking environmental responsibility more

seriously, with brands committing to initiatives, such as the Partnership for Cleaner Textile, that tackle water, energy and

chemical use in the industry. Shahab Uddin of Bangladesh's Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change said a range

of measures were being taken to address pollution, including updating conservation and environmental laws, giving fines to

polluters, setting up centralized treatment plants, and working with international development partners to improve wastewater

treatment. And under a new environmental policy called Zero Liquid Discharge, dyeing, finishing and washing industries must

submit a time-bound plan to reduce, recycle and reuse wastewater.

There is definitely room for further improvement. These challenges cannot be solved overnight, Uddin added.

28. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To blame clothing factories for river pollution. B. To introduce Bangladesh's clothing industry.

C. To call for the closure of clothing factories. D. To recall the good old days in Dhaka.

29. What can we say about Bangladesh?

A. It is the biggest clothing producing country. B. It causes 20% of the world' s water pollution.

C. It suffers from serious drinking water shortages. D. It has poor control over wastewater discharge.

30. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. The difficulty of dealing with poisonous chemicals in waterways.

B. The chemicals from dyes negatively affecting photosynthesis.

C. The damaging effects of wastewater from the fashion industry.

D. The way to remove harmful chemicals from the food chain.

31. What does Zero Liquid Discharge require the clothing industry to do?

A. Establish centralized treatment plants. B. Set a deadline for tackling wastewater.

C. Pay high fines for discharging wastewater. D. Join international groups to treat wastewater.


Off-campus housing is not common at Middlebury College. With all the amenities (便利设施 ) a student could want

offered on campus, many students see no reason to find a rental on their own in. the town of Middlebury. However, 'the number

of students who choose to pursue off-campus housing is rising, according to Associate Dean of Students for Residential and

Student Life Doug Adams.

Adams said that a highly active academic scene on campus is central to the Colleges identity. Middlebury is a residential

college. As such, student life happens on the campus - classes, dining, athletics, events, etc., he added. This is a core element

to the College's mission where learning happens both inside and outside the classroom.

Nevertheless, the residential experience may be both a blessing and a curse. Students who live off campus are sometimes

seeking distance from the noise of campus living, said Adams. Other reasons cited by. students include a desire to live closer

to the local community; a change from living on campus; wanting to live on their own. Off-campus living can offer more

variety in terms of housing options - apartments, houses --as well as the option to live off the College meal plan. Students will

often say that they are looking for a `homey' experience.

Anna Stevens, a senior applying for off-campus housing, said the attractions of the residential college experience' fade

slightly by senior year. Living in dormitories was fun for my first two years because there seemed to always be people

around, she said. But, as we got older, my friends and I no longer wanted to live with people and we wanted to be able to

have gatherings without considering the other residents, public safety, etc.

However, moving off campus can come with its headaches. Obviously, expenses such as rent and transportation come into

play, as well as a new set of rules regarding living next to non-student neighbors.

32. What can the residential experience provide according to Adams?

A. An easy way to cut the cost of living. B. A good chance to form a friendship.

C. An escape from noisy society. D. A good learning atmosphere.

33. What does the underlined word curse in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Suffering. B. Misunderstanding. C. Risk. D. Difficulty.

34. What was Anna Stevens' s opinion about off-campus housing?

A. It made her feel at home. B. It gave her much freedom.

C. It pushed her to become independent. D. It allowed her to make a new meal plan.

35. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Living on campus or off campus

B. Tips you'll need for living off campus

C. College campus: an outdoor classroom

D. Off-campus housing: a wise choice for students

第二节 七选五

How to Keep Pets Safe in a Disaster

Families with new pets may experience a number of unfamiliar situations, but figuring out what to do when facing extreme

circumstances like natural disasters can be a particular challenge. ______36______ . The better you can prepare, the more

readily you can keep you and your pets safe. Below is some advice for keeping your pets safe in a disaster.

Create a disaster plan

Preparing before a natural disaster is key to keeping everyone in your family, including your pets, safe. Stock your home

with supplies needed to shelter in place in the event of an emergency, and figure out where you'll go if you have to escape from

your home. ______37______ .

Microchip (植入微型芯片) your pets

Have your pets microchipped and ensure your contact information is filed correctly in case your pets get lost. Pet

microchips are radio-frequency identification implants (植入物). ______38______ . If someone finds your pet without a collar,

they can have the identification checked.

Develop crate (A -f) acceptance

______39______ . You can make this experience more tolerable by investing in a quality crate and getting your animal

used to it in everyday life. You can start by taking your pets on short car rides in their crates - with treats, walks in the park and

favorite activities before and after the journey.


Even the disaster has ended, it's important not to let your pets run freely. They may be frightened by the visual of the

aftermath. When an all-clear signal is given, ensure your pets are tied or crated before you venture out so they don't potentially

hurt themselves or become lost.

A. Always bring pets with you.

B. Be careful after the all-clear

C. Bring pets inside at the first sign of danger

D. Remember to choose a pet-friendly destination

E. They aren't tracking devices but contain unique ID numbers

F. Pets may become anxious while experiencing a natural disaster

G. In an emergency, your pet may need to spend a long time in a crate for safety

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 35 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The surprise discovery of gold bars and gold coins in an old building has left a mountain community in eastern France


The mayor (镇长) of Morez, a small industrial town, said the ____41____ of the find was more than E600,000. Town hall

____42____ first found three jam jars (罐子) of gold bars and coins worth 500,000 at the back of a dusty shelf, and then

____43____ a safe hidden behind boxes to find up to 150,000 in gold coins.

The mayor, Laurent Petit, said the three-itory building in the town centre had been ____44____ by four brothers and

sisters without children. When the ____45____ died in his 90s last year, a relative ____46____ to sell the building to the town

hall for 130,000. Morez was ____47____ to buy up and renew old buildings to ____48____ families back to its emptying


The house was ____49____ with objects and furniture, Petit said. There had been several generations who ____50____

almost everything. I ____51____ we'd buy the house as it was and we'd gradually ____52____ its contents ourselves.

When COVID- 19 struck and France was locked down, the east of France was heavily ____53____ and plans for workers

to tidy the ____54____ were put on hold. But Morez was once a manufacturing (制造业) centre for clocks and glasses and

officials wanted to check if any items were of ____55____ interest.

The mayor, the head of services and the local museum head went in themselves. Then came the surprising find Petit said

the elderly relative who sold the house received the news calmly and decided to donate the money to the town hall. The find is

small compared with the town's annual budget of 6m, but it will be spent on a special public project yet to be decided.

41. A. location B. importance C. purpose D. value

42. A. audience B. staff C. protesters D. cleaners

43. A. opened B. decorated C. fixed D. bought

44. A. handed out B. stared at C. lived in D. knocked down

45. A. last B. best C. same D. rest

46. A. pretended B. offered C. learned D. hesitated

47. A. regretting B. forgetting C. seeking D. recommending

48. A. attract B. follow C. drive D. link

49. A. made B. designed C. replaced D. packed

50. A. knew B. kept C. hated D. controlled

51. A. suspected B. admitted C. agreed D. noticed

52. A. compare B. empty C. describe D. hide

53. A. hit B. occupied C. bombed D. mined

54. A. park B. town C. centre D. building

55. A. musical B. natural C. historic D. medical

第 卷(非选择题,共 50分)

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Researchers have discovered that honeybee venom (毒液) and its active component. melittin (蜂毒肽) could be used

against two breast cancer ______56______ (type) which are hard to treat: triple-negative and HER2-enriched.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer ______57______ (affect) women around the world. While there are thousands

of chemical compounds (化合物 ) which can fight cancer cells in a lab setting, there are few which can be produced as

______58______ (treat) for humans.

The study by the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Western Australia ______59______ (publish) in npj

Precision Oncology last month. The honeybee venom was found to be extremely ______60______ (power), said Ciara Duffy,

a PhD researcher ______61______ led the study. It could kill cancer cells within an hour, with minimal ha`rn to the other cells.

______62______ researchers also found the melittin compound on its own was effective in shutting down cancer cell growth.

While melittin ______63______ (natural) occurs in honeybee venom, it can also be artificially produced.

Prof Peter Klinken, Western Australia's chief scientist, described the research ______64______ incredibly exciting. It

provides another wonderful example of where compounds in nature can be used to treat human diseases, said Klinken.

But researchers warn more work is needed for us ______65______ (see) if the venom could actually work as a

cancer-fighting drug.

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)


66.假定你是李华,近日,你发现同学们参与外教 Peter 组织的“英语角”活动的兴趣不高,请你给他写一封邮件。内容





1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dear Peter,






Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)



Though his father, grandmothers, uncles, aunts and cousins were all going to be there, it would be the first time for Hasan,

a thoroughly pampered (娇生惯养的) child, to be without the constant mothering of his helicopter mother.

At first Hasan tried to emotionally blackmail (要挟) his mother into not going, but after she promised to bring back his

favorite toys and candies, he unwillingly let her go.

When he went to drop off his mother at the airport, he had teary eyes as he wondered how he was going to survive without

her for the next two weeks. Although he felt like crying like a baby, he was too embarrassed to cry out loud. But when his

father hugged him, Hasan couldn’t stop crying in his arms. When they returned home, Hasan, who had always been told by his

mother what to do, now had no one to tell him to wash his hands or finish his dinner. Though he was very upset about his

mother’s leaving, suddenly he also realized the potential for partying, away from his mother’s discipline (管教). There would

be no checks or balances. He could stay up late, eat junk food and use the Internet to his heart’s content.

Back from school, he would think, “Homework? I’ll make the most of my freedom and have some fun instead!” Hasan

started to stay up till he could no longer stay awake and then woke up with a lot of difficulty at seven in the morning, barely

making it to school on time. But after a few days, his partying started catching up with him. In school, he was barely managing

to stay awake. Things started getting out of control. His homework remained undone. He failed his tests. He felt weak from

eating only junk food.

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

One day, his teacher finally demanded to know what was going on with him.






The teacher’s words sank into his brain and made sense to him.










