
2023-12-18·16页·636.6 K

20232024 学年安徽县甲联盟高三12 月联考



1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。

2.答题前,考生务必用直径 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。

3.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把

答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1.What does the woman imply?

A.The team did a good job again.

B.It's time to join the football team.

C.Her school has no chance to win.

2.What program does the man usually listen to?




3.Where are the speakers most probably?

A.In a forest.

B.In a zoo.

C.In a pet store.

4.How does Mike feel?




5.What is the man doing?

A.Asking for help.

B.Begging for money.

C.Returning a dollar.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C

三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5

秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6.Why is the woman talking to the man?

A.To confirm the prices.

B.To get the,discount.

C.To return the goods.

7.What can we know about Heather?

A.She is a new worker.

B.She is very rude.

C.She is a manager

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8.What kind of place does the man want to go to?

A.A big city

B.A quiet new place.

C.A popular destination.

9.What is the woman worried about?

A.The path.

B.The weather,

C.The costs.

10What is the woman going to do?

A.Travel alone

B.Stay at home

C.Go to the travel agency.

听第 8:段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11.How often does the man contact his aunt?

A.Once a month.

B.Once a week

C.Every day.

12.Why does the man prefer to talk with his aunt on the phone?

A.It is much cheaper.

B.He wants to hear her voice.

C.His aunt dislikes online chat.

13.What will the man probably do next?

A.Buy a computer.

B.Teach his aunt himself.

C.Ask his cousins for help.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14.Who is the woman?

A.A police officer,

B.A university teacher.

C.An air hostess.

15.How long will the man stay in the UK?

A.For a few months.

B.For about a year,

C.For two years.

16.Where will the man live?

AIn a dormitory

B.In a hotel.

C.In a rented house.

17.Who has paid for the costs?

B.The man's friend

A.The man's employer.

C.The man's father.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题

18.What did the housewife become?

A.An artist.

B.An engineer

C.A designer

19.How old was the man when he entered the medical school?




20.What is the talk mainly about?

A.How to stay young.

B.How to apply to colleges.

C.How to keep physically fit.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Here are some of the world's best railway trips that offer towering mountain views.

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

Built by British East India Company,the railway was used to transport tea,rice andother

produce up and down the Himalayan foothills.Since 1881,this old steam train has beena hit

with Indian families on weekend breaks.On a clear day,passengers will be treated tobeautiful

views of Mount Kanchenjunga.

The train departs New Jalpaiguri daily at 10:30 am and arrives into Darjeeling at 5:30

pm.A one way ticket starts from 10.

Qinghai—Tibet Railway

Connecting Xining in Qinghai province to Lhasa in Tibet,China,this 22-hour journey is

the highest rail route in the world.Travelling around the Qinghai Lake through the night,

passengers wake up to see peaceful yaks wandering in the grassland at the icy sides of the

Kunlun Mountains.A one way ticket in a hard sleeper starts from f55.

The Skeena

Known locally as theRupert Rocket,the Skeena train departs Jasper three days a

week,taking passengers into the deepest wilderness of Prince Rupert in British Columbia,

Canada.With the snow-capped tops of the Rockies all around it,passengers can/spot.black and

grizzly bears,white-tailed deer as well as bald eagles circling in the sky.A one way ticket

starts from 98.

California Zephyr

Journeying from Chicago to San Francisco,the California Zephyr climbs both the

Rockies and the Sierra Nevada before reaching the Pacific coast on its 2,447-mile journey

across the heartland of America.A one-way seat in coach starts from 120.

The California Zephyr first ran from 1949 to 1970 and was restored in 1983 by Amtrak.

Since then,this scenic route linking popular resort towns and America's railroad and gold rush

history has remained popular.

21.How long does it take the steam train to travel from New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling?

A.10.5 hours.

B.10 hours.

C.7.5 hours.

D.7 hours.

22.Which is the highest railway?

A.The Skeena.

B.Qinghai—Tibet Railway.

C.California Zephyr.

D.Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

23.What do the last two railways have in common?

A.They go through the same mountain.

B.They journey across the heartland of the US.

C.They are two of the oldest railways in the world.

D.They were built by a British company to transport tea.


Before he left China in 1986,Che Zhao Sheng's teacher Said to him,After you go to the

United States,share some of our Chinese culture with them if you have a chance.”Today,more

than three decades later,the student is fulfilling his teacher's dream.Che has been appointed as

the specialist gardener for the penjing court in the newly expanded Chinese Garden at the

Huntington Gardens in San Marino.

The court is composed of winding paths,whitewashed walls and occasional pieces of

Taihu rock imported from Lake Tai in China.Che is busy displaying the penjing for the

opening ceremony.

Born in Guangzhou,China,Che started studying penjing when he was 26.He practiced

with Lu Zhi Quan,the son of noted master Lu Xue Ming,in Guangzhou,and later became a

student of Master Lu himself.In 1986,Che immigrated to the United States,eventually settling

down in San Gabriel.At first,he started as a volunteer at the Huntington Gardens,helping to

tend to a small collection of black pine penjing.

“When we began building the Chinese Garden,”says Jim Folsom,director of the garden,

“we were looking for someone who knew penjing.So it was a bit of luck we knew Mr. Che.

He's the first specialist gardener we hired for the Chinese Garden.”

That was more than a decade ago.Today,Che both develops new penjing and tends to the

ones in the Huntington's collection.When the Chinese Garden opens Friday,about 30 will be

seen in the court.Eventually,about twice that number will be on display.At least half of them

have been cultivated by Che.

Americans may be more familiar with bonsai,the Japanese version of penjing.Bonsai

came to Japan from China around 1200.Over time,it developed its own standards and


“Usually bonsai focuses on individual plant,”Bloom says.“whereas penjing typically

involves multiple plants that have a landscape-like setting with rocks and maybe water.”

24.What can we learn from the text?

A.Che started studying penjing relatively late.

B.The garden hired Che due to his teachers fame.

C Che volunteered to expand the garden in the 1980s.

D.The garden was well-known for its penjing in 1986.

25.What does the wordcultivatedunderlined in paragraph 5 mean?





26.What can we know about bonsai?

A.It is a Chinese version of penjing.

B.It has longer history than penjing.

D.It has to be surrounded with rocks.

C.It is suitable to be displayed alone.

27.What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?

A.To show China's influence on Japan.

B.To introduce a Chinese specialist gardener.

C.To compare two related gardening techniques.

D.To announce the opening of a Chinese garden in the US.


Neurobiologist Nina Kraus found that musical training doesn't just improve the ear form

music-it also helps the ear for speech.The result was published in The Journal of


Researchers have already found that kids who take music lessons for two years don't just

get better at playing music but also perform better at processing language. However, here's

something unusual about the new study. where it took place.It wasn't in her laboratory,but in

the offices of Harmony Project in Los Angeles,a nonprofit after-school program that teaches

music to children in low-income communities.

“Since 2008,93 percent of the kids who went through the program have gone on to

colleges like Dartmouth and NYU,says Margaret Martin,founder of the project, “despite

dropout rates of 50 percent or more in the neighborhoods where they live and wherer we

intentionally site our programs.”

Martin knew that there were plenty of possible explanations for that success.Some of the

kids and parents the program attracted were clearly more motivated.Perhaps more

importantly, Harmony Project gave kids a place to go after the bell rang,and access to adults

who challenged and loved them.Still,Martin suspected there was something else that was

helping these kids,too.

When Kraus was contacted for a scientific explanation,she jumped at the chance to study

the kids and their brains.Working with Harmony Project,Kraus randomly assigned several

dozen kids from the program's waitlist into two groups:those who would be studied after one

year of music lessons and those who would be studied after two years.And what she found

was that in the two-year kids,their brains got better—more precise—at processing speech.

Why the improvement?

“That's because the two aren't very different.They have three things in

common—pitch,timing and timbre—and the brain uses the same part to make sense of them

all,”Kraus explains.To be clear,the study has its limits.But third-grader Monica Miranda,who

is in her third year with Harmony Project,doesn't need proof.When I do my homework and

feel absent-minded,I usually start playing my violin to relax my mind,she says.

28.What is unusual about Nina Kraus's study?

A.It just concentrates on poor young adults.

B.It studies language and music side by side.

C.It is the first time to study homeless children.

D.It is not done in a precisely controlled environment.

29.Which statement will Margaret Martin probably agree with?

A.More varied programs should be provided for the kids.

B.It is too early to explain the students' remarkable success.

C.Love and security are important for the Harmony Project kids.

D.Musical training has played a decisive role in the children's success.

30.What does the underlined word“they”in paragraph 7 refer to?

A.Music and speech.

B.Pitch and timing.

C.The two groups of kids.

D.Kraus and Martin.

31.How does Monica Miranda say about playing music?

A.It keeps her more motivated.

B.It helps her concentrate more.

C.It improves her ears for speech.

D.It reduces her loneliness and anxiety.


Predicting heart attack,and perhaps even preventing the related death,may be possible

with the help of artificial intelligence(AI),according to a new paper to be presented at an

important meeting next week.

“Heart attack leads to 10%to 20%of overall deaths in the world.Predicting it is difficult.

This research may mark a big step toward a novel solution to the global health problem, says

Xavier Jouven,the lead author.

Xavier Jouven and his team examined the medical records of 25,000 individuals who

had experienced heart attack over a period of ten years,and then they employed their AI

model, Which had been trained on the collected medical records,to compare data from 70,000

people from the general population,in order to identify individuals at high risk of heart attack.

During the study,they drew 25,000 personalized health equations( 方 程 式 )from the

25,000 individuals and established a personalized risk profile for all of the 70,000 general

participants,in which the team identified the factors that were most likely to decrease or

increase the risk of heart attack at a particular percentage and time frame.For example, the

study predicted a certain factor may have an 89%risk of causing heart attack within three


According to the paper,the AI model could identify people who had more than 90% risk

of suffering heart attack,and they represented around one fourth of all cases of dearth.It also

discovered that the risk factors were very different between individuals and were of ten

identified by specialists from different medical fields—a picture that is difficult for a doctor

in just one given field to catch.

“While doctors have effective treatments for the identified patients,the use of AI is

necessary to detect in a person's medical information registered over the years to predict the

risk of heart attacks,”says Jouven.“We hope that the AI model will help doctors to reduce

those risk factors in advance.”

The study comes with several downsides,though.For example,the electronic health

records sometimes are not accurate,complete or even available.They may also contain

variations in data collection practices among different hospitals.

32.What did the researchers do in their study?

A.They surveyed the participants over a period of ten years.

B.They just studied people who suffered heart attack in the past.

C.They created a detailed risk profile for all of the general participants.

D.They trained the AI model on 95,000 individuals' existing risk profiles.

33.What can be inferred about the AI model?

A.It may make better predictions than a specialist.

B.It is able to predict about 90%of all cases of death.

C.It is more reliable among the low risk group.

D.It will offer better treatments for the patients.

34.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The significance of the study.

B.Limitations of the new model.

C.Problems with the collected data.

D.The application of the equations.

35.What is the best title for the text?

A.Upcoming Key Meeting to Unveil AI Breakthrough

B.Heart Attack Emerges as Major Global Health Threat

C.AI's Potential in Heart Attack Prediction &.Prevention

D Electronic Health Records Enhance Heart Attack Predictions

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



It's our nature to connect with one another.Here are some tips on how to host an amazing

gathering at home.


Hosting can be burdensome.Being clear about your purpose beforehand can ease some of

that burden.It can also give guests a clear picture of the event ahead of time,so that they can

decide for themselves whether or not to come.

A purpose doesn't have to be serious.__37__.But simply adding an intention can begin to

shape the group's experience of the night.

Think about your guest list

When it comes to deciding the specific people to invite,there can be a lot of anxiety.

__38__. It allows you to explain your reasons behind a particular guest list to your friends

who are not invited.

For starters,group size matters.It can fundamentally affect people's behavior,and there's

actual science to it,too.__39__.Eight to twelve is a great size for a dinner party where you're

much more likely to have small group conversations.Over twelve feels more like an

impersonal party.Lastly,make sure you invite people who will not only ff your purpose but

will be open to it,too.

Connect your guests

Groups are composed of many different identities.Every time any group is getting

together, he role of a host is to set up a context,where each person,regardless of their many

identities,can find a way in. __40__.

A.Put the list in your invitations

B.Give the gathering a specific purpose

C Six to seven is a good size for a really connected conversation

D.It can be catching up with old friends or celebrating a birthday

E.It's all about striking a balance between warmth and amazing food

F.This is where a clear purpose behind your gathering can help as well

G.In other words,a good gathering should give everybody a sense of belonging

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最


Hundreds of years before the founding of Rome,the Maori people had sailed across seas

in small boats.Their rich knowledge of the starry dark sky helped them __41 __the seas

without the help of compasses(指南针).

“Our ancestors sailed across the seas for different __42 __,”says Rangi Matamua,one of

the Maori experts who are leading the way to raise awareness of the cultural __43 __of dark

sky in New Zealand.“They were on the seas to fish or__44__new continents for settlements.”

The dark sky was more than just a sailing__45__for,the Maori people.They formed a sense of

familiarity with the stars.

“They didn't feel__46__on the oceans since they had all the__47__accompanying them

in the sky,adds Rangi Matamua.“To some degree,our beliefs come out of their__48__of the

starry dark sky.”

The dark sky is not just important for the Maori people.Looking at the sky and__49__to

it sits at the heart of humanity.It's one of the earliest activities every__50__on the planet did,

and the dark sky is__51__ connected to who we are as humans.

When we start to __52__that bond because of light pollution,we change who we are as

apeople.We're changing the way we__53__our world and the things that are important to

us__54__,we need to try and put together better ways of using lights and __55__our starry

dark sky.

41.A.discover B.expand C.dry D.cross

42.A.challenges B.purposes C.crops D.religions

43.A.importance B.ceremony C.protection D.attraction

44.A.create B.save C.explore D.measure

45.A.aid B.boat C.competition D.game

46.A.happy B.lonely C.excited D.hungry

A7.A.seabirds B.clouds C.friends D.coaches

48.A.lack B.control C.dislike D.observations

49.A.moving B.preferring C.connecting D.belonging

50.A.scientist B.culture C.animal D.leader

51.A.tightly B.hardly C.accidentally D.carefully

52.A.build B.sell C.see D.cut

53.A.destroy B.preserve C.understand D.beautify

54.A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Nevertheless

55.A.finding out B.focusing on C.depending upon D.caring for

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Kilauea has been erupting almost without stopping since 1983.It is one of the world's

most__56__(close)observed volcanoes.Most of these observations took place at the Hawaiian

Volcano Observatory on Kilauea's highest point,from__57__researchers now have to with

draw. But the__58__(late)eruption is one of the biggest and could provide scientists__59__a

lot of new information.

Scientists from the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory and University of Hawaii are

studying__60__the molten(熔化的)rock beneath the earth flows through a series of cracks(缝

隙 ) under Kilauea before__61__(send)flying into the air.They want to learn what warning

signs may exist for future eruptions to better protect Hawaii's __62__(community).

Hundreds of small earthquakes caused by the eruptions have damaged the structure of

the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.So the scientists were forced__63__(take)the equipment

and records out of the building and moved__64__ (they)to the University of Hawaii.The

records include __65 __(science)information and photos that are more than 100 years old.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

假定你是学生会主席李华。校英文报正在为 2024 年 8 月 15 日第二个“全国生态日

(National Ecology Day)”征文。请你代表学生会给该报投稿,内容包括:




1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dear fellow students,




The Student Union

第二节(满分 25 分)


I used to enjoy going to my aunt's flower farm.But not recently,because my newly born sister,

Rosa,was settled in my old bedroom.For many years,I stored my books and toys in that small

room.But now it was changed into her baby room.Both my space and my old life were gone.

One sunny morning,my aunt took me to her farm again.When we arrived there,my aunt

said I could pick some flowers for my parents.I used to love this,but today I was so overcome

with tired nest and envy that I did not move.

“Why bother to bother them flowers when they are enjoying Rosa at home without

me?”I thought while silently helping mg aunt arrange flowers.

“Your mother told me that there hadn't been much sleep recently for any of you,”my

aunt said.

“The alarm clock in Rosa's room kept going off;”I complained with a huge yawn(哈欠).“

I remember that I had to walk around the house like a worn-out mouse when your

mother was a baby.I spent the first months hating her so much,my aunt laughed“But you and

my mother seem so close,”I said,guiltily hiding away my envy of Rosa.“Now,we are.But it

took me years to get used to the role of being a big sister,”she said and pulled me into her

arms.“It really takes time,you know.”

A few seconds later,my aunt took me for a walk along the road which was dotted with

beautiful flowers.I began to pick the little flowers as we talked.It was like collecting my

childhood memories.I remembered how I'd made flower chains with my father,while giving

each other the silliest names such as Princess of Snacks and King of Junk Food.Little by

little,my face lit up and the flowers reminded me of the bright colors in my baby sister's room.

“Is she awake?”I wondered.


1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


Suddenly,I saw my parents walking towards me along the road.____________________



After the picnic,we went to pick some flowers.__________________________________







