
2023-12-16·9页·487.2 K

A. In the hospital. B. At home. C. In the shopping mall.

2023-2024 学年度(上)三校联考高三第三次调研考试

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 14 题。

11. How many languages can the woman speak?

英 语 试 题 A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.

考试时间:120 分钟 试题满分:150分 12. Which aspect of Spanish is the man poor at?

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) A. Speaking. B. Reading. C. Writing

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分) 13. Why did the woman go to Japan?

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听 A. To travel. B. To study. C. To work.

完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 14. Who taught the man Japanese?

1. What is the weather like now? A. His father. B. The man himself C. His grandmother.

A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy. 听第9 段材料,回答第 15至 17 题。

2. What does the man mean in the end? 15. When does the conversation take place?

A. His father is not good at cooking. A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.

B. He hates drinking hot chocolate. 16. What does the man intend to do today?

C. He will prepare dinner for the woman. A. Go camping with his son. B. Attend a wedding. C. Do some shopping.

3. How does the woman sound? 17. Why is the woman angry?

A. Curious. B. Confident. C. Anxious. A. Her luggage was lost.

4. Why does Jack look unhappy? B. The man failed to keep his word.

A. His pencil case got lost. C. She has too much work to do.

B. Terry didn't apologize to him. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

C. He failed the math exam. 18. Which cinema showed its first film in 1922?

5. When will the last bus probably arrive at Oak Street? A. The Kinema. B. The Cube. C. The Broadway.

A. In 5 minutes. B. In 10 minutes. C. In 15 minutes. 19. What does the speaker say about the Cube?

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分) A. It is a wooden building.

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出 B. It was used as a church.

最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给 C. It is managed by volunteers.

出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 20. What is forbidden at the Rex?

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。 A. Cola. B. Popcorn. C. Yogurt.

6. How many main courses did the speakers order? 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

A. 6. B. 4. C. 3. 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

7. What is the man going to do next? 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

A. Pay the bill. B. Pack the food. C. Walk towards the garage. A

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10 题。

8. What good news does the woman tell the man?

A. Emma gave birth to a baby.

B. She got a promotion. Report warns of growing smoking risks

C. She passed the driving test.

9. What does the name Dora mean according to the man?

A. The goddess of flowers. B. The happiest person. C. The gift of God. More than 1 million people in China are killed by smoking-related diseases each year, and the number

10. Where are probably the speakers? will be twice as many as that by 2030, a report warned on Wednesday. It pointed out that there are more

Unlike most learners, Xiong could not see the piano keyboard (琴键), so she must remember where

than 300 million smokers in China nowadays. The smoking rate of Chinese people over 15 years old is

each key is through its sound. That was very hard for her. She practiced for six to eight hours every day so

26. 6%, down by about 7. 3 from 1984. The global rate stands at 19. 2%.

that she could find the right keys.

Short videos can be addictive Xiong’s piano skill was getting better and better as she kept practicing. In 2020, she won the Special

Jury Prize in an international youth piano competition in Shanghai. “The piano is my best friend,” said

Xiong. It brings so much pleasure into my life and encourages me to face my life bravely.”

Xiong has a great dream. She wants to be a great musician like Beethoven. Beethoven lost his

A recent survey found that 60% of respondents spend about more than an hour a day hearing in his 20s and later went completely deaf, but he didn’t give up his love for music. He wrote so

many famous music works in his life. So for herself, Xiong still has a long way to go.

25.When did Xiong Linghao lose her eyesight?

A.When she was a baby. B.When she was a child.

watching short videos and 11% spend three hours or more on them. Short videos can be addictive as C.When she was a student. D.When she was an adult.

social media platforms keep suggesting related content once a video ends. 74. 2% said time management 26.How did Xiong remember the location of each key?

is necessary to avoid it. 73. 7% said people should take part in more offline activities while 50. 8% A.She learned from Beethoven.

suggest such platforms set up an anti-addiction system. B.She could see the piano keyboard.

C.She practiced for six to eight hours every day.

D.She listened to each key carefully and remembered it.

27.What can we know from the passage?

_________________________________ A.Beethoven went completely deaf in his 20s.

B.Xiong wrote many famous music works in her life.

C.Most learners remember where each key is through its sound.

D.Xiong should work hard to achieve her dream to be a great musician.

During the COVID-19 epidemic, more and more Chinese have started exercising at home on the Internet. 28 What does the passage mainly want to tell us?

A.Better late than never.

Besides such health games, they are also choosing to follow online exercise short videos. The number of

B.Strike while the iron (铁) is hot.

people was about 300 million last year, and is expected to rise to 420 million by 2026. A few are old men, C.Actions speak louder than words.

inspired by their families. D.God helps those who help themselves.

21.All the news above has something to do with ________. C

A.health B.sports C.videos D.smoke We all need sleep, but for many it comes out of living for all kinds of reasons.

22.How many ways are suggested in the passage to stop watching short videos? For Chen Danhong, 28, who works for a technology company in Beijing, the day really just begins

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 after about 8 pm. “When I get home, I’m feeling tired, but that suddenly turns to excitement and I go on

23.According to the passage, why can’t people stop watching short videos? the internet, read books or watch movies. I’ll be playing video games and always saying to myself, ‘OK,

A.Short videos can’t end. this is the last one’. Before I know it, it’s 2 o’clock. It’s the same with watching TV. Before I realize it,

B.Short videos are interesting. it’s 4 o’clock.”

C.People think it is necessary to watch short videos. For Chen, breaking promises about getting enough sleep has become a way of life. “I know that if

D.Platforms keep suggesting related content one by one. things go on like this, it’s going to take a toll on my health, but I just can’t help myself.”

24.The best heading for the third news would be ________. Chen is suffering from what is called unforced sleeplessness (失眠), a term borrowed from tennis, in

A.Many Chinese are playing games on the internet which an unforced error refers to a mistake that occurs when there is no pressure.

B.Old men are inspired by their families to do exercise Common symptoms include falling asleep later than 2 am, with the average time taken to fall asleep

C.Many Chinese are doing exercise at home on the internet being less than two hours. Young people in cities are most likely to have such symptoms, according to the

D.Many Chinese are choosing to follow online exercise short videos 2020 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper by the China Sleep Research Association. Common

B causes are loneliness, overtime sequelae, excessive stress and emotional disorders.

Xiong Linghao was born on May 29th, 2002 in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province. She lost her 29.Why does the writer say “For Chen Danhong, the day really begins after about 8 pm”?

eyesight because of illness when she was only two months old. But her mother later found that Xiong had A.After about 8 pm, he is tired.

a talent for music. She could play children’s songs on a small electric (电子的) piano when she was 3 B.After about 8 pm, he is excited.

years old. At the age of 6, she started learning the piano. C.After about 8 pm, he is sleeping

D.After about 8 pm, he is going on the internet. 第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)

30.What do the underlined words “take a toll on” mean in Chinese? 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A.改善 B.损害 C.促进 D.影响 Everyone knows about straight-A students. Many straight-A students actually put in fewer hours of

31.The best title of the passage could be ________. homework time than their low-scoring classmates. Here are some secrets of the young study champions.

A.Ways of Sleep B.Time of Sleep 36

C.The Trouble with Sleep D.The Reasons for Sleep Top students bear no breaks on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up,

D phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, and snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes

First impressions can set a lasting tone, but there is often something doubtful. Psychologists have before recreation.

documented a phenomenon known as the liking gap, whereby two people meeting for the first time Get organized.

routinely underestimate how much their counterparts (对应方) like them. A new study finds that the liking Paul Melendres, a straight-A freshman from New Mexico, keeps two folders 一 one for the day's

gap occurs in group settings too and affects how well groups function. assignments, another for papers completed and graded. 37 Melendres' methods have actually proven

In one experiment, the researchers divided 159 participants into groups of three and asked them to have effective. Even students who don't have a private study area remain organized to cut down time-wasting

a conversation. They then surveyed the participants individually about how much they liked each of their searches.

partners, how much they thought each partner liked them, and how much they thought their partners liked Clean up your act.

each other. On average, people liked their partners more than they believed their partners liked them, and Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones.“The student who turns in a neat paper,

thought themselves to be the least liked in the group. says Claude Olney, an Arizona State University business professor, is already on the way to an A. It's

In a subsequent experiment, the researchers asked similar questions of engineering students who had like being served a cheeseburger. 38

worked together in design competitions for varying lengths of time. Here, too, people tended to Speak up.

underestimate the degree to which they were liked, regardless of how long they had known their “If I don't understand what my teacher is explaining, I asked him to repeat it, says Christopher

teammates - and their dim views of their own likability reduced their willingness to ask others for help, Campbell. Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions, though. 39 “Better academic

give honest feedback, and work together in the future. grades come from better understanding. says Campell. “I don't want to memorize information for tests

A final experiment involving a broad sample of workers showed that the misperceptions (误解) were only.

strongest among teammates and that they decreased team effectiveness and job satisfaction. It also found Test yourself.

a possible explanation for the liking gap: People tend to focus on positive thoughts when reflecting on As part of her note-taking, Domenica Roman emphasizes points that she thinks may be covered during

how much they like someone else “(I'm happy that she got a promotion) but fall victim to more negative exams. 40 Later she gives herself a written examination before test day. “If I can't answer the

ones when considering how others view them“( I got a promotion, so she might be green with envy). questions satisfactorily, I will go back and review. she says.

Managers should think carefully not just about how teammates regard one another but about how team A. Set priorities.

members think they themselves are regarded, the researchers say; correcting misperceptions could boost B. Schedule your time.

team satisfaction and performance. “If only people knew how positively their teammates actually felt C. She designs test questions based on them.

about them, they might communicate better, feel more included on their teams, and be happier overall D. It's a matter of showing intellectual curiosity.

with their jobs, they write. E. A bag or drawer keeps essential supplies together.

32. What does the liking gap refer to? F. Hard work isn't the whole story behind their academic grades.

A. A type of social anxiety disorder. B. Love among different age groups. G. You can't believe it tastes good if it's presented on a dirty plate.

C. Misjudging others' opinions of us. D. Holding back others' evaluations. 第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

33. What did the experiment in paragraph 2 reveal? 第一节(共 15小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

A. People were not very confident about themselves. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选

B. People tended to think little of their partners. 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

C. People were quite demanding towards others. If you need courage when facing a challenge, learn from Jessica Cox. Born in February 1983 in Sierra

D. People did not like to give honest comments. Vista, Arizona, Jessica Cox 41 her parents. Why? She had no arms. As Cox grew up, her mother

34. What does the underlined word “dim” in paragraph 3 probably mean? 42 that her daughter had the 43 to live a normal life by doing things differently.

A. Conflicting. B. Negative. C. Conventional. D. Strong. 44 independent at a young age, Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a 45 .She also

35. What do the researchers suggest managers stress? got prosthetic(假体的)arms then and used them for 11 years, all the time 46 why. Getting called

A. Employees' viewpoints on themselves. names like “Robot Girl” made her 47 and quiet. But at age 14,everything changed.

B. The relationship between team members. Cox remembers boarding the bus on the first day of 8th grade with a 48 by Eleanor Roosevelt

C. Employee promotion and job satisfaction. running through her mind.“No one can make you feel inferior(卑微的 ) without your 49 ” She

D. Communication between leaders and employee decided to embrace her 50 and removed her prosthetic arms for good. Cox says that it is not until we

are 51 to ourselves that we are able to overcome our challenges. That year, she also 52 her black 3, 课后服务给学生带来的好处。

belt from the International Taekwondo Federation! 参考词汇: 课后服务 after-school service

After college, Cox was 53 by Arizona Daily Star, which kick-started her career. She has 注意:

spoken to audiences in over 26 countries since then. Cox often 54 people through humor. 1. 词数 80;

Cox conquered her greatest fear-flying and in 2011 became the world's first armless pilot. She uses her 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

feet to fly the plane! 55 learn from Jessica Cox-challenges are opportunities. 3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;

41. A. shocked B. discouraged C. annoyed D. touched 4. 短文开头和结尾已给出, 不计人总词数。

42. A. concluded B. advocated C. claimed D. decided Dear Mike,

43. A. choice B. challenge C. right D. fear

44. A. Merely B. Fiercely C. Hardly D. Patiently Yours,

45. A. trip B. break C. bath D. course Li Hua

46. A. wondering B. wandering C. expecting D. digesting

47. A. decent B. considerate C. shy D. sensible 第二节(满分 25分)

48. A. saying B. warning C. note D. quote 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

49. A. recognition B. pride C. comment D. permission The Right Thing

50. A. philosophy B. strength C. difference D. reputation My mother worked as a housekeeper and she was often given used toys as well as many other goodies

51. A. true B. close C. unique D. grateful by her clients. My elder sister and I always loved sharing the recycled books and board games brought

52. A. removed B. acquired C. attempted D. purchased home by my beloved mom, which we considered great gifts life presented us.

53. A. informed B. called C. improved D. reported The long-awaited Christmas finally approached. One December day, an old model toy car arrived in the

54. A. relates to B. corresponds with C. reflects on D. holds back load of goods. It was as long as my forearm and took both hands to lift. My sister didn't want it, so it was

55. A. Or B. So C. Otherwise D. And all mine. I immediately set down to wiping it clean and polishing it to a bright candy-apple red. It turned

第II卷 to be a thing of beauty, and I became overjoyed at possessing it. My elder sister was amazed at the newly

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分) polished, refreshing toy car, with a hint of regret and envy in her eyes.

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 As was planned, our relatives from France came to visit us that Christmas. It was a time when the

Huawei's success: Beyond the tech with a focus on core values family bond got strengthened. I shared the prized toy car with Alex, my young French cousin. Eyes glued

When the news that people who have pre-ordered Huawei's Mate 60 Pro could pick up their new phone to it, he fell in love with the wonderful, shiny red automobile the instant he saw it. It was a rare moment to

56.________ September 3rd hit the Internet, it immediately triggered a buying spree among Chinese see him feeling so relieved and happy. He'd been unlucky so far in life, suffering severe, life-threatening

consumers, with long queues 57.______(appear) at Huawei stores across major Chinese cities. “Do you illnesses as a child, leaving him mentally and physically stuck and the family starved of cash. Of course,

have Mate 60 Pro in stock? has become the most asked question in these stores. Several users such lovely toys like my dear model car were unreachable dreams for him.

58._______have had their Mate 60 Pro told media that conducting speed tests on the Mate 60 Pro, they Seeing Alex's consuming thrill brought by the red car, I was seized by immense joy as well. But

found that the download speed ranges from 500 to 600Mbps and can even reach over 1000Mbps.Wi-Fi 6E contrary to Alex's excitement, a voice inside me constantly reminded, “Watch out! He'd keep it for

support allows users 59._____(experience) stable and speedy Internet connections, even in himself?, which got me faintly worried. I followed my cousin for fear of something.

60._____(crowd) areas. Huawei's 3D facial recognition utilizes depth sensing technology to capture more My mother also noticed Alex's fondness for the car. Approaching me, she asked gently in a low voice,

comprehensive facial data, achieving three-dimensional anti-counterfeiting recognition. The Mate 60 Pro “Would you like to give it to Alex?

is also the world's first mass-market smartphone to support satellite calls, allowing users to 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

61.______(easy) make and receive satellite calls, even in areas without ground network 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

62._______(signal). Huawei has always been renowned for 63.______(it) exceptional camera technology, Paragraph 1:

and the Mate 60 Pro takes it to a new level. For people with battery anxiety, the Mate 60 Pro is also Giving or keeping? I struggled with myself._________________________________________

64.______more than perfect choice, considering its massive 5,000mAh battery. It 65.______(ensure) _____________________________________________________________________________________

all-day usage, keeping up with your busy lifestyle.

第四部分写作 (共两节,满分 40分) Paragraph 2:

第一节(满分 15分) In the moment of parting, my model car went with Alex._______________________________

假如你是李华, 请给你的英国朋友 Mike 写一封信, 介绍学校开展的校内课后服务课程。内容


1. 自愿参加课后服务;

2. 开设多种社团, 如篮球社团, 舞蹈社团…

2023—2024 学年第一学期12 月高三联考英语答案及解析 would always uplift him. An effort made for the happiness of others lifted us above ourselves as well.

听力解析: 1—5 CABBC 6—7 BC 8—10 ACB 11—14 BAAC 15—17 ACB

18—20 ACB

听力 1—5 CABBC 6—7 BC 8—10 ACB 11—14 BAAC 15—17 ACB 18—20 ACB

Text 1

阅读 21—24ABDC 25.A 26.D 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.B 31.C 32. C 33.A 34.B 35A

36. A 37. E 38. G 39. D 40. C W: The sky went gray. I think it's going to rain.

完型:41-55 ADCBC ACDDC ABDAB M: No, the sun went behind a thick cloud. The sunlight is blocked out by it.

语法填空 56. on 57. appearing 58. who/that 59. to experience 60. crowded Text 2

61. easily 62. signals 63. its 64. a 65. ensures M: The hot chocolate smells so good. Would you like some?

书面表达 W: I'd like to, but Dad said the dinner would be ready in five minutes.

Dear Mike,

M: Oh, the last thing I want to eat(我最不想吃的就是)is the food cooked by Dad. I would rather

We haven’t seen each other for a long time. How is everything going? Our school has offered

have instant noodles than try his dishes.

after-school service recently. First of all, we have the right to decide whether or not to take part in the

services. Next, the school sets up many clubs for us, such as the basketball club and dancing club. Text 3

In my opinion, after-school services can help us enjoy our school life and develop our hobbies. The M: Hi, Laura. How was your interview? Did it go well?

clubs can help raise our interest in different fields and open a new world in front of us. We are happy to

W: Although I was nervous during my conversations with the interviewers, they seemed to be

discover something beyond our imagination.

pleased with me. I think I have a good chance of getting the job.

How about you? Do you have after-school services in your school? I’m looking forward to hearing

from you! Text 4

Yours, M: Jack looks upset. Did he fail the math exam again?

Li Hua

W: No, Jack’s pencil case was broken by Terry. But Terry refused to make an apology, so they had a

第二节【参考答案】 fight.

Giving or keeping? I struggled with myself. Giving it? Hardly could I imagine life without the model Text 5

car! After all, it was my most precious treasure, which I had been proud of. My heart kept aching at the

W: Oh, it's already a quarter past ten. I have to go now.

prospect of giving it away. Nope! I shook my head determinedly. Glancing at my mother’s expectant

eyes, I couldn’t help sobbing. Keeping it? Definitely, it would otherwise upset Alex. Torn between the M: Can't you stay a little longer? I still have a lot to say.

two tough choices, I was totally at a loss. Nevertheless, deep down, I could feel my affection to Alex. W: I'm afraid not. I have to catch the last bus on Oak Street. It usually arrives there at half past ten.

Yep! I resolved to do the right thing.

Text 6

In the moment of parting, my model car went with Alex. Though I was crushed to see it go, my heart

sang when I saw his beaming face as he tightly clutched it. Seeing the thumbs-up from my mother and M: I'm so full.

sister, I did swell with relief, pride and joy, for I knew it was not a gift; to some extent, it was our concern

W: Me too. I can hardly move.

and love for him. Plus, sharing the model car also strengthened our bond, which, I was fully convinced,

M: We ordered too much. W: Wow, Spanish.

W: Yes.We needn't have ordered three starters and four main courses (主菜). There are only two M: Yeah. I once studied in Spain and learned it.

of us. W: So can you read, speak or write everything in Spanish?

M: Then what should we do now? M: Actually, my reading and writing are pretty good. But my pronunciation is really bad, because I

W: Let's take the rest of the food home. seldom get a chance to speak Spanish now.

M: Good idea! How many doggy bags (打包袋) do we need? W: Well, the pronunciation of Thai is easier, I think. I lived in Thailand for several years because of

W: At least six. I'll ask the waiter for them and then pay the bill.You drive our car out of the my father's work. But the pronunciation of Japanese is difficult for me.

underground garage. M: Why did you learn Japanese?

M:OK. W: During a trip in Japan, I found it very interesting, so I learned it by myself. And you?

Text 7 M: I can speak it because my grandmother is Japanese. She taught me how to speak and write it.

W:Honey, stop cleaning the window.I have good news for you! W: That's nice.

M: Let me guess. Did you get a promotion(升职)? Or did you finally pass the driving test? Text 9

W: Neither. Emma had a baby girl! Her husband posted the photo on Moments. Look! W: Hi, Mr. Wood. This is Gwen Hunter from J.K. Toys. I’m calling to ask about the model airplane.

M:Wow. The baby's so cute. Have you finished it?

W:Yeah. Emma is thinking of a name for her baby. Do you have any ideas? M: Sorry, Miss Hunter. Please give me one more day. I promise to finish the model this Tuesday.

M: Umm... I think Dora is a nice name. It means the gift of God. Beata is also a good name, W: The model should have been finished last Friday. We've already given you an extra three days,

which means the happiest person. because you said you would attend your friend's wedding in another city.

W: How about Cloris? It comes from Greek myth(神话) and means the goddess of flowers. M: I'm really sorry. My son will go to summer camp this afternoon, so I need to take him to the

M: Sounds nice. We should tell Emma these names. supermarket to buy a tent and help him prepare his luggage.

W: You're right. How about visiting Emma now? W: Well, Mr. Wood. I know it's not easy to balance(平衡) work and life when working from home.

M: Okay, we can go to the shopping mall to buy a gift for her on the way to the hospital. But you shouldn't break your promise.

W:Yes, let’s get changed first. M: I apologize for that, but I just need one more day. Tomorrow I'll...

Text 8 W:Enough is enough. Today is the deadline(最后期限).

M: What languages can you speak other than (除了) English, Sarah? Text 10

W: I’m fluent in Thai. I can speak Japanese but I can’t have long conversations. What about you, If you're a movie lover, here are four cinemas you shouldn't miss.

Kris? The Kinema, Lincolnshire

M: Besides English, I can speak Spanish and Japanese. It’s a wooden building on the outside and a two-screen cinema on the inside, all nesting among pine

trees in a tiny village. The Kinema showed its first film in 1922. “People come here because it’s a at home on the Internet.”可知本段介绍由于疫情原因,很多人选择在家通过互联网锻炼,C 选项符

fantastic place,” says manager Philip Jones. 合。故选 C。

The Cube, Bristol 25.A 26.D 27.D 28.D


It’s a cinema run by volunteers, which has been operating for the last 15 years. They are “unique 展示出很好的音乐天赋,六岁时她开始学习弹钢琴。对于熊翎好来说,学钢琴并不容易,她必须记

for what we do, which is to operate seven nights a week and with no funding”. They make many things 住每个琴键的位置,还需要花很长时间进行练习。但她通过艰苦的努力,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

25.细节理解题。根据“She lost her eyesight because of illness when she was only two months old.”

themselves, such as cola and yogurt. 可知两个月的时候就失明了。故选A。

The Broadway, Nottingham 26.细节理解题。根据“so she must remember where each key is through its sound”可知通过声音


The cinema has been there since the 1960s, when local fashion designer Paul Smith came to see 27.细节理解题。根据“So for herself, Xiong still has a long way to go.”可知想要实现成为音乐家的

foreign films, which heavily influenced his career choice. Broadway was previously used as a church, but 梦想,还有很长路要走,熊应该努力练习。故选D。


locals love it for its independent and DIY spirit. 但很早就展示出很好的音乐天赋,六岁时她开始学习弹钢琴。对于熊翎好来说,学钢琴并不容易,

The Rex, Hertfordshire 她必须记住每个琴键的位置,还需要花很长时间进行练习。但她通过艰苦的努力,取得了令人瞩目


It opened to the public in 1938 and has been named the most beautiful cinema in the UK. There are

various films every night.But hot dogs and popcorn are banned. People speak very highly of the Rex. So 29.B 30.B 31.C

do go, if only once, to see just how a cinema should be run. 【导语】本文主要介绍了生活中的睡眠问题。

第二部分 阅读 29.推理判断题。根据“When I get home, I’m feeling tired, but that suddenly turns to excitement and


I go on the internet, read books or watch movies.”可知作者说这句话是为了表示晚上 8 点之后陈丹红


很兴奋。故选 B。

21.推理判断题。根据“Report warns of growing smoking risks”、Short“ videos can be addictive”和

30.词义猜测题。根据“For Chen, breaking promises about getting enough sleep has become a way of

“Besides such health games, they are also choosing to follow online exercise short videos.”可知新闻介

life.”可知陈丹红经常不按时睡觉,不能保证足够睡眠,由此推出这样下去会损害健康,take a toll on

绍了吸烟、锻炼和短视频的问题,都与健康有关。故选 A。


22.细节理解题。根据“74. 2% said time management is necessary to avoid it. 73. 7% said people should

31.标题归纳题。通读全文可知本文主要介绍了生活中的睡眠问题,用“The Trouble with Sleep”

take part in more offline activities while 50. 8% suggest such platforms set up an anti-addiction system.”

做标题最合适。故选 C。


【答案】32. C 33.A 34.B 35A

让平台设置防沉迷系统。故选 B。 【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了“喜欢分歧”是如何妨碍团队作业的。

23.细节理解题。根据“Short videos can be addictive as social media platforms (平台) keep suggesting 【32 题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Psychologists have documented a phenomenon known as the

liking gap, whereby two people meeting for the first time routinely underestimate how much their

related content once a video ends.”可知短视频平台总是推荐相关视频,所以停不下来。故选 D。

counterparts (对应方) like them.”(“心理学家记录了一种称之为“喜欢分歧”的现象,即两个人第一

24.推理判断题。根据“During the COVID-19 epidemic, more and more Chinese have started exercising 次见面通常会低估对方对他们的喜欢程度。”)”可知“喜欢分歧”是由于低估即误判别人对“我们”的

看法。故选C。 计试探性的考题,并在考试前给自己做一次笔试。故选C。

【33 题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段“On average, people liked their partners more than they believed 第三部分 语言运用

their partners liked them, and thought themselves to be the least liked in the group.”(平均而言,人们喜 第一节

欢他们的伙伴超过他们认为他们的伙伴喜欢他们的程度,并认为自己是最不受欢迎的组员。)可知, 【答案】41-55 ADCBC ACDDC ABDAB

他们对自己被队友喜欢缺乏自信。故选A。 【导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要介绍的是出生残疾的考克斯(Cox)克服困难,勇敢面对挑战

【34 题详解】词义猜测题。根据第三段“ Here, too, people tended to underestimate the degree to which 的事迹,并呼吁人们向她学习。

they were liked, regardless of how long they had known their teammates .”(人们倾向于低估自己被喜 41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1983 年 2 月,杰西卡考克斯出生在亚利桑那州的塞拉维斯塔,

欢的程度不管他们认识了队友多久了)”可知他们对自己的 views of their own likability 是持否定态 她的父母震惊了。shocked 震惊的; discouraged 泄气的;annoyed 恼怒的; touched 感动的。

度的。故选B。 根据下文中的“Why? She had no arms.”可知,她没有胳膊,所以使她父母“震惊”。故选 A 项。

【35 题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Managers should think carefully not just about how 42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着考克斯的成长,她的母亲认为她的女儿有权利过正常人的生活,

teammates regard one another but about how team members think they themselves are regarded, the 只要做些与众不同的事情。concluded 推断; advocated 提倡; claimed 声称;. decided 决定,

researchers say(管理者应该仔细考虑的不仅仅是队友之间如何看待对方,还有队员如何看待自 确定。根据下文中的“Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a ____45____.”可知,她母

己)”可知管理者应该重视队员对自己的看法。故选A。 亲“确定”她能过上正常人的生活。故选 D 项。


【答案】36. A 37. E 38. G 39. D 40. C 只要做些与众不同的事情。choice 选择; challenge 挑战;right 权利; fear 害怕。根据下文中

【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了优秀学生的秘诀。 的“to live a normal life by doing things differently.”可知,过正常的生活是人们的权利。故选 C

【36 题详解】此处是小标题,为本段主要内容。 根据后段内容Study is business; business comes 项。

before recreation.(学习是要事;学习优先于娱乐)可知优等生学习的秘诀之一即 Set priorities(做 44.考查副词词义辨析。句意:考克斯很小的时候就非常独立,她学会了系鞋带、穿衣服和洗澡。

事要设定优先顺序)。故选A。 Merely 仅仅,只不过; Fiercely 猛烈地,非常;Patiently 耐心地; Hardly 几乎不。根据下文

中的 可知,考克斯

【37 题详解】根据下文内容Paul Melendres ,a sraight-A freshman from New Mexico, keeps two folders “at a young age, Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a ____45___.”

很小就会自己系鞋带等,说明她 非常 独立。故选 项。

—-one for the day's assignments. another for papers completed and graded. Melendres methods A bag “ ” B


or a drawer kccps csscntial supplics togcther and cuts down time-wasting searches.( Paul Melendres是 45

trip 旅行;break 间歇;bath 洗浴;course 课程,过程。根据上文中的“Cox learned to tie her

一名来自新墨西哥州的优等 生,他有两个文件夹 一个放当天的作业,另一个放已完成的论文和评

shoes, get dressed and”可知,此处与系鞋带,穿衣服等日常生活并列,所以此处指“洗澡”。故

分。结合本段大意主要建议学生要有条理。那么 37 题处应该仍然讲学生如何做到有条理:一个袋

选 C 项。


46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还做了假肢,并使用了 11 年,一直在想为什么。wondering 想知

【38 题详解】根据段首句Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones.(整洁的论文可

道;wandering 徘徊;expecting 期望;digesting 消化。根据下文中的“why”可知,此处为“想知

能比凌乱的论文得到更高的分数。”可知,整洁的论文能得到更高的分数。选项 D~No matter how

道”。故选 A 项。

good it really is(不管它真的有多好)”和空后”you can't believe it tastes good if it's presented on a dirty

47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:被称为“机器人女孩”让她变得害羞和安静。decent 体面的;.


considerate 体贴的; shy 害羞的; sensible 理智的。根据上文中的“Getting called names like “Robot


Girl” ”可知,被人起外号会让人“害羞”。故选 C 项。

【39 题详解】根据主题句 speak up=voice your opinions freely and bravely 加上 Class participation


goes beyond merely asking questions, though. 班级参与不仅仅只是问问题。更是 It's a matter of

句话在她脑海中回荡。saying 谚语;warning 警告;note 便签; quote 引语。根据下文中的““No

showing intellectual curiosity. (展示求知欲的时候。) 故选D

one can make you feel inferior(卑微的) without your____49____.””可知,此处指的是“引语”。故

【40 题详解】根据上下文行文逻辑反复提到 she…,特别是是 later she… 可知 40 题首要考虑C选

选 D 项。

项,再加上放进与原文意思切合。test questions 对应选项中的 a written examination。“As part of her

49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没有你的允许,任何人都不能让你感到自卑。” recognition 识别;

note- aking, Domenica Roman emphasizes points she thinks may be covered during exams. She designs

pride 自豪; comment 评论;permission 允许。根据上文中的“No one can make you feel inferior(卑

test questions based on them. Later she gives herself a written examination before test day (作为笔记的

微的)”以及语境可知,此处表示“未经你的许可”,没人能让你感到自卑。故选 D 项。

一部分,Domenica Roman 强调了她认为考试中可能会涉及的知识点。后来,她根据 这些知识点设

50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她决定接受自己的不同,永远摘掉了义肢。 philosophy 哲学;strength

优点,力量;difference 区别; reputation 声誉。根据上文中的“She had no arms.”可知,此处指

的是拥抱她的“不同”。故选 C 项。

51.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:考克斯说,只有我们对自己诚实,我们才能克服挑战。 true 忠

实的,真实的;close 关闭的;unique 独特的 grateful 感激的。根据下文中的“we are able to overcome

our challenges.”可知,只有“忠于”自己,才能战胜挑战。故选 A 项。

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一年,她还获得国际跆拳道联合会的黑带! removed 清除;acquired

获得;attempted 尝试; purchased 购买。结合语境可知,此处讲述的是她克服挑战所取得的成

绩,所以此空指的是她“获得”了黑带。故选 B 项。


的职业生涯。informed 告知;called 称呼;improved 改善;reported 报道。根据下文中的“Arizona

Daily Star”为一媒体可知,此处指的是她的事迹被该媒体“报道”。故选 D 项。

54.考查动词短语辨析。句意:考克斯经常通过幽默与人交流。 relates to 有关;corresponds with

符合. reflects on 反思; holds back 抑制,阻止。根据上文中的“She has spoken to audiences in over

26 countries since then.”可知,她在 26 个以上的国家演讲,所以此处指的是她用幽默的方式与

人“关联”起来,即与人交流。故选 A 项。

55.考查副词义辨析。句意:所以向杰西卡考克斯学习吧——挑战就是机遇。A. Or 或者;B. So

所以;C. Otherwise 否则;D. And 和。根据下文中的“challenges are opportunities.”以及全文对考

克斯事迹的介绍可知,此处呼吁大家向她学习,所以此处与上文为因果关系。故选 B 项。


【导语】本文是新闻报道: 华为 Mate 60 Pro 搭载“中国芯”突破科技封锁,引领手机新潮流

56. on 在具体某一天用介词 on

57. appearing 考查 with+n.+doing, long queues与 appear 是主谓关系,故用 appearing

58. who/that 考查定语从句,先行词指人,且在从句中做主语

59. to experience allow sb. to do sth.

60. crowded 形容词修饰名词

61. easily 副词修饰动词 make and receive

62. signals signal 为可数名词,前无冠词修饰,故用复数泛指

63. its 变形容词性物主代词修饰其后的名词短语

64. a 修饰可数名词 choice

65. ensures 缺谓语,根据上下文用一般现在时,与 it 主谓关系,且为单数,故用 ensures





