
2023-12-15·11页·3.5 M







腾云联盟2023—2024 学年度上学期高三年级 12 月联考


第一部分 听力

1—5 CBCBA 6—10 ACCBC 11—15 ABACC 16—20 BCCBA

第二部分 阅读

21—23 DCA 24—27 BABD 28—31 DACC 32—35 CBAB

36—40 CFGEA

第三部分 语言知识运用


41-45 BDCDB 46—50 DADCB 51—55 BABAC



56. as 57. expansion 58. affordable 59. is priced 60. averaging

61. but 62. steadily 63. professionals 64. a 65. To make

第四部分 写作


How to use a scanning translation pen properly?

In recent years, scanning translation pens have gained popularity among middle school

students. However, problems arise out of their misuse including over reliance, lack of

understanding, distraction, and neglect of fairness of examinations.

To address these problems, students are supposed to be encouraged to use scanning pens

selectively. When reading, students should attempt to understand the sentences on their own,

which can help them avoid excessive dependence on these devices and attain balanced language

development. In addition, it’s advisable for schools to establish clear guidelines on when and how

scanning pens can be used, to ensure a more focused and fairer learning environment.

By following the suggestions, scanning pens can be used to their fullest potential, enhancing

students’ language skills and their overall educational experience.


Once again, she blurted out, “I found a puppy!” Emma told Pete what had happened. Pete,

who had been pacing up and down, looking out of his apartment window waiting for Emma, felt

the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Without hesitation, he grabbed his coat and bolted out of

the apartment to the subway station. It was not until Pete arrived that Emma breathed a sigh of

relief. They sought to find out the puppy’s owner all night, but in vain. Suddenly, an idea occurred

to Emma.

“Maybe we can adopt this puppy,” said Emma. At first, Pete was totally stunned and

remained deeply hesitant about the offer. Just then, the puppy stared at them with watery eyes,

giving them a toothless grin. Holding the puppy in his arms for the first time, Pete gently said, “Hi,

my doggy.” An instant wave of warmth came over him. The puppy licked his fingers, their hearts

melting with sympathetic tenderness. Despite being abandoned, this fortunate puppy ended up

living a new life with a new family.



(Text 1)

W: Would you like me to drive you to the train station this evening?

M: No, thanks. I'll take the bus. But now I must walk to my office.

(Text 2)

M: So how did things go today. dear?

W: The same old thing. Tidied up. Did some washing. Fetched the kids from school. Made dinner.

Waited for you to come home. Nothing exciting.

(Text 3)

W: Mike, do you know that my sister Amy was admitted to Renmin University?

M: Is that so? Her hard work finally paid off.

(Text 4)

W: I am thinking about finding a second job to earn a bit of extra money.

M: Why? I thought you got a raise the other day.

W: Yes. But I am still not paid well. I think I should find a part-time job as a tutor at night.

(Text 5)

M: Have you seen my brown hat? I've been looking for it everywhere.

W: Which one? You have tons of brown hats...the warm one with stars, the one with a baseball

logo,the cowboy hat with...

M: I'm going skiing, so I need the warm one.

(Text 6)

M: Excuse me. Could you please check to see if we could stay till the day after tomorrow? We've

found some extra things we'd like to do in this area.

W: OK. But maybe you need to change to the second floor.

M: All right. At least we don't have to pack up again. We'd like it if we could put off our

check-out till Thursday morning instead of tomorrow morning.

(Text 7)

M: Now, this is Westminster Abbey. It's one of the oldest buildings in London, and in its

architecture you will recognize different styles.

W: Wow, it's really splendid.

M: There, to the left, you will see a small street called Downing Street. No. 10, the last of its ten

houses, has always been the living place of the British prime minister.

W: Oh, is that the Tower Bridge?

M: Yeah. Look! The bridge is parting in the middle, and the two halves are moving upwards. A

big ship is passing underneath.

(Text 8)

W: Hi, Mike! Could you please tell me something about your study experiences?

M: OK. I studied in Australia for five years, in America for a year, and in Japan for more than

three years.

W: Is that so? Did you also study in your home country, Canada?

M: Yes, of course. I went to primary school in Canada.

W: You've had quite a lot of experiences around the world.

M: Yes, it's been interesting.

W: So, what did you and your friends like to do for fun when you were in America?


M: Well, teenagers all like to have parties, and American students like to have parties at their

own houses. Every weekend different students would invite me to their places and we would have

a great time.

(Text 9)

W: Jack, how have your two sons been doing at school recently?

M: Don't ask! Mark never starts studying, and Jason never stops studying.

W: You're joking! I heard that Jason is likely to be at the top of his class after the exams this


M: Yes, so his teachers say. He's been buried in his books every evening for months on end

recently. He is hoping to go to Harvard University.

W: Great. Maybe he'll become a university professor himself in the future.

M: Maybe. But sometimes I wish he'd go out and enjoy himself for a change.

W: How about the younger one?

M: Well, Mark's teachers say he has ability, but he rarely does his best. He does his homework in

ten minutes every day and then rushes out to play football.

W: But he can make his fortune at football. People can make a lot of money from sports now.

M: My wife always worries about their future. She wants Mark to study law. I don't believe in

forcing them, but I wonder how Mark will progress over the next few years.

W: Perhaps you can have a talk with him now to find out what he is thinking about his studies

and future plans.

M: Good idea. I'll take your advice.

(Text 10)

M: Good morning everybody and welcome to this class on English words. I hope that all of

you can hear me. If not, please let me know. I am Professor John Morris. I'll be your teacher for

the next 13 weeks. As you can probably tell, this is one of the most popular and crowded classes.

Indeed, every time this course is offered, this room is full. Why is that? Well, in order to use the

English language, it's very important to have at least a basic understanding of how words are

formed. Just to mention one figure and there are many; there are about one million words in

English. If you are an English learner, you may wonder how you can possibly remember all of

these words. Well, for one thing, you don't have to. No native speaker exists who knows all of the

words in the English language. Besides, there are short cuts. Short cuts? Yes, for example, if you

know how words are formed by using parts of words from other languages, such as Greek and

French, you'll understand a good number of English words when you first come across them. Let

me put it this way. Knowing the rules will help you to master a large number of words. This is

probably the No. 1 reason why this class is so popular.


【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了 PacSci 提供的春假夏令营活动及相关注




22. C 细节理解题。最便宜的 camp 价格是 530;extended care 六点结束,超时 10 分钟以内

收费 20;超过 10 分钟,每 10 分钟收费 10。因此至少花费:530+20+20=570。

23. A 推判断题题。文章第一段第一行提到 Ignite your child’s curiosity,因此目标受众是家






24. B 细节理解题。根据第一段内容中“currently sit on the 17th floor in Andheri”可知,作

者现在居住在 Andheri.

25. A 细节理解题。根据第二段内容中“when my mother decided to pay me a visit, for like only

mothers can sense, when my mother decided to pay me a visit, for like only mothers can sense,”可


26. B 推理判断题。根据第二段内容中“I resisted and tried every trick in the book to cover up.”


27. D 推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,母亲是在用无声的行为表示对作者的支持,通过





28. D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容中“The lowest rates were found in older adults. Only 17%

of people age 65 and older reported feeling lonely.”可知,65 岁以上的老人孤独感较低。

29. A 写作方法题。根据第二段内容可知,作者通过呈现数据的方法展示了报告结果。

30. C 推理判断题。根据第三段内容中“younger people who are in a transitional stage of

becoming an adult experience more uncertainty in many areas of life, including ‘a tumultuous love

life, uncertainty about a professional path, and in the process of separating from their parents.’”可


31. C 词义猜测题。根据第四段内容中“She described the behavior as only taking in the rosy

posts of others and comparing it with one’s reality.”可知,划线短语的含义为将自己与别人进




32. C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“for those who struggle to fall asleep at night, habitual

morning exercise may help to reset their circadian rhythms, the internal, biological processes that

regulate the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle.”可知,对于有睡眠障碍的人来说,规律的晨间锻炼有


33. B 细节理解题。根据第三段中“A small, 12-week study focusing on pre-diabetic and diabetic

men found that afternoon training produced slightly more beneficial metabolic effects and resulted

in a little more fat loss compared to morning training.”可知,对糖尿病人来说下午锻炼可能更


34. A 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 中 “ Whether morning, afternoon, or evening, it is

recommended if exercise timing remains somewhat consistent, ”可知,每天的锻炼时间保持一


35. B 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要谈论的话题为:什么时间锻炼更好?



36. C C 项承上启下,说明纽扣最先出现时只起到装饰作用。






