
2023-12-09·9页·246.6 K

河北省2024 届高三年级大数据应用调研联合测评()


本试卷共 12 页,满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。



2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)


第一节(共5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的

相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.

答案是C 。

1.What does the man suggest doing?

A.Practicing more. B.Doing tore reading. C.Asking his teacher for help.

2.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Return books for her. B.Attend a party. C.Buy her a gift.

3.What is probably the man?

A.A tourist guide. B.A policeman. C.A tourist.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Colleagues. B.Brother and sister. C.Father and daughter.

5.Which type of movies does the man prefer?

A.Western movies. B.Horror movies. C.Sci-fi movies.

第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,

并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将

给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。

6.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.

7.What will the woman probably do tomorrow?

A.Eat out. B.Watch videos. C.Stay at home.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 、9 题。

8.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Buying presents. B.Celebrating birthday. C.Matching clothes.

9.How much will the woman pay?

A.$25. B.$40. C.$65.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 13 题。

10.How does the man feel about college life?

A.It’s rather relaxing. B.It’s a bit tiring. C.It’s quite interesting.

11.Where is the man from?

A.Japan. B.China. C.Korea.

12.Why did the woman go to Japan?

A.To learn Japanese. B.To attend college. C.To take a vacation.

13.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a classroom. B.In a cafeteria. C.In a dormitory.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14.How long does Frank swim every morning?

A.Half an hour. B.One hour. C.Two hours.

15.Where does Frank have lunch?

A.At a caf. B.At the gym. C.At the university.

16.What may Frank do after his classes?

A.Co to the library. B.Go to the gym. C.Go shopping.

17.What do we know about Frank’s life for the school magazine?

A.It’s dull. B.It’s tight. C.It’s exciting.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18.What type of event is the World Pipe Band Championships?

A.A car show. B.A music contest. C.A yearly sports competition.

19.What do the Glasgow city officials say the event will do?

A.Enrich the local culture. B.Improve the city’s image. C.Contribute to the local economy.

20.When were the first World Pipe Band Championships held?

A.In 1947. B.In 1948. C.In 1986.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。


Here are four of the best museums in the U. S. that should appeal to you.

Smithsonian American Art Museum (Washington D.C.)

The Smithsonian American Art Museum is a famous museum in the heart of Washington D.C., featuring a vast

collection of American art from the colonial (殖民的) era to the present. The museum is known for its impressive

collection of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, photographs, and folk art.

The Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago)

Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Art are the highlights of the collection at The Art Institute of Chicago. The

museum is famed for its expansive collection of American art and 20th-century furniture. If you are a Monet

enthusiast, don’t forget to stroll (闲逛) through this museum to catch one of America’s largest collection of

Monet paintings.

Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum—Boston

The Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum allows tourists not only to see where the tea was thrown into the harbor

almost 250 years ago, but also to take on the role of someone who witnessed the historical event. The one-hour

program allows visitors to enjoy the whole museum, as well as the gift shop and Abigail’s Tea Room & Terrace for

light food and drinks.

National Museum of Natural History—Washington, D.C.

The National Museum of Natural History boasts an astonishing accumulation of more than 145 million different

items. It’s also home to the famous Hope Diamond, as well as hundreds of different butterfly species. The museum is

completely free, so go ahead and spend hours getting lost in all the historical objects.

21.Where should you go if you want to appreciate the works of Monet?

A.Smithsonian American Art Museum. B.The Art Institute of Chicago.

C.Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum. D.National Museum of Natural History.

22.What can you do in the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum?

A.Buy some presents. B.Throw tea into the harbor.

C.Participate in the historical event. D.Play musical instruments.

23.What is a feature of the National Museum of Natural History?

A.Easy access. B.Diamond theme. C.Free admission. D.Excellent service.


When Joy Ryan set out to visit all 63 national parks with her grandson Brad, traveling during a global pandemic

wasn’t on the to-do list. But seven years—and countless hours spent in the air and on the road—later, the 93-year-old

grandma and her grandson have reached their final and most remote destination: the National Park of American


In 2015, their journey began, when Brad discovered that his grandmother had never visited a mountain in person.

He invited her on a road trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which is between North Carolina and

Tennessee, and after that, the pair kept planning more trips.

The journey to the South Pacific wasn’t an easy one. The National Park of American Samoa is the only U.S.

national park south of the equator, also making it the furthest from Ohio, where Joy resides. The adventurous pair

touched down late Monday after nearly three days of travel with breaks in between.

“We took a two-day break in Oahu before boarding our final flight to Pago Pago, American Samoa, on Monday.

Three flights and nearly seventeen flying hours were required before we touched down in American Samoa on

Monday evening,” Brad said.

Visiting national park number 63 is a “bittersweet” milestone, Brad continued. It marks both the end of their

mission and a historic achievement for Joy, who officially became the oldest person to visit all 63 national parks.

“Standing at the finish line in American Samoa affirms that seemingly impossible goals are in fact possible if you

pursue them with passion and pure intention,” Brad said. “Grandma Joy has taught the world that you are never too

old to show up and live the adventurous life of your dreams. It has been the greatest privilege of my life to be in the

driver’s seat as Grandma Joy made history to become the oldest person to achieve this ambition.”

24.What inspired Joy Ryan and her grandson Brad to start their journey?

A.A goal to visit the most remote parks. B.A desire to escape the global pandemic.

C.A friend’s invitation to explore the South Pacific. D.Brad’s realization that Joy hadn’t been to a mountain.

25.What was the pair’s biggest challenge on the journey to the South Pacific?

A.The long distance. B.The inconvenient transport.

C.The financial burden. D.Their lacking in experience.

26.Why is visiting the National Park of American Samoa a significant achievement for Joy Ryan?

A.It marks the end of a difficult journey during the pandemic.

B.She achieved her personal goal of visiting all national parks.

C.It was done with the company of her grandson.

D.She became the first person to visit all national parks.

27.What does the author mainly convey in the last paragraph?

A.It is never too old for us to learn new things.

B.It is wise and thrilling to pursue practical goals.

C.Family members are those who we can always rely on.

D.Passion and intention lead to remarkable accomplishments.


Asking for help is hard, but others want to help more than we often give them credit for, says Stanford social

psychologist Xuan Zhao.

We shy away from asking for help because we don’t want to bother other people, assuming that our request will

feel like an inconvenience to them. But oftentimes, the opposite is true: People want to make a difference in people’s

lives and they feel good happy even when they are able to help others, said Zhao.

There are several common reasons why people struggle to ask for help. Some people may fear that asking for

help would make them appear incompetent or weak. Some people are concerned about being rejected, which can be

embarrassing and painful. Others may be concerned about burdening and inconveniencing others. These concerns may

feel more relevant in some contexts than others, but they are all very relatable and very human.

When people are in need of help, they are often caught up in their own concerns and worries and do not fully

recognize the prosocial motivations of those around them who are ready to help. This can introduce a persistent

difference between how help-seekers and potential helpers consider the same helping event. The researchers

consistently observed that help-seekers underestimated how willing strangers and even friends would be to help them

and how positive helpers would feel afterward, and overestimated how inconvenienced helpers would feel.

We love stories about spontaneous (自发的) help, and that may explain why random acts of kindness are

popular on social media. But in reality, the majority of help occurs only after a request has been made. It’s often not

because people don’t want to help and must be pressed to do so. Quite the opposite, people want to help, but they

can’t help if they don’t know someone is suffering or struggling. A direct request can remove those uncertainties and

unlocks opportunities for positive social connections and emotional closeness.

28.One of the reasons some people hesitate to ask for help is that ______.

A.they fear appearing weak or incapable. B.they enjoy handling challenges independently.

C.they don’t want to make others embarrassed. D.they don’t believe in the power of social connections.

29.What can we learn about potential helpers?

A.They are unwilling to help strangers. B.They willingly offer to help others.

C.They lack motivation to help others. D.They are often underestimated by researchers.

30.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.People are often pressed to help others. B.Stories about spontaneous help are not true.

C.It is better to directly ask for help if necessary. D.People are unwilling to help unless requested.

31.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Benefits of Offering Help B.Ways of Asking for Help

C.Reasons Why People Need Help D.Shocking Truths About Asking for Help


When most people think of Amish communities, they picture old-fashioned environments free of modern

technology. For the most part, that’s true, but there are a few surprising exceptions. Many Amish families use solar

panels to meet their modest electricity needs.

According to Electric Rate, some Amish communities adopted solar as far back as the 90’s. In addition to wind

turbines on churches and barns, Amish homes may also have solar panels on the roofs. These are connected to

batteries that power electric lights, water pumps, and even the occasional washing machine, refrigerator, cash register,

or e-bike. Amish communities don’t reject all technology for its own sake. Instead, they consider the impact each type

of technology will have on their lifestyle und traditions.

Television doesn’t have a place in the simple Amish lifestyle, and connecting to the power grid to run multiple

appliances (家用电器) would threaten the community’s independence and self-reliance. However, electric lights

are another matter, according to Electric Rate. Amish families previously used kerosene (煤油) lamps to light

their homes. These created major safety issues, like heightened fire risk and harmful smoke.

Solar panels and LED lights were the perfect solutions, Electric Rate says. They’re self-contained, so Amish

communities don’t have to pay a monthly bill. They don’t even have to add wiring to the whole house. Just one or two

panels are enough for a whole home since they don’t have many electric appliances. The lights themselves are

reliable, efficient, long-lasting, affordable, and safe.

Even better, solar technology is getting cheaper all the time. Ongoing breakthroughs in solar panel design have

made them easier to manufacture and more efficient to use, opening up this possibility for even more families. Solar

panels are also gentle on the planet. Unlike burning kerosene, solar doesn’t produce air pollution that traps heat in our

atmosphere. The more households, businesses, and governments adopt solar, the more we cool down the planet.

32.What is the popular view of Amish communities?

A.They enjoy free modern facilities. B.They like old-fashioned pictures.

C.They live an out-of-date lifestyle. D.They have no access to electricity.

33.What is the major concern when Amish communities decide which technology to adopt?

A.The effect on the way they live. B.The difficulty level of using it.

C.The energy efficiency. D.The cost effectiveness.

34.What does the underlined part “the power grid” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.A set of batteries used to store energy. B.A device showing television programs.

C.A piece of equipment used to measure power. D.A network generating and distributing electricity.

35.What is the benefit of Amish families using solar panels?

A.It helps to pay their monthly bills. B.It contributes to decreasing air pollution.

C.It reduces their consumption of electricity. D.It allows them to run many electric appliances.

第二节(共5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Maintaining good health doesn’t happen by accident. 36

A healthy diet is rich in fiber, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids (不饱和脂肪

酸). These dietary components turn down inflammation (炎症), which can damage tissue, joints, and organs.

37 Sweets, foods made with highly refined grains, and sugar-sweetened drinks can cause sharp increases in blood

sugar that can lead to early hunger. High blood sugar is linked to the development of diabetes, obesity, and even heart


38 Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of

disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do

any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits. 39

Finally, establish a good relationship with a primary care physician. A primary care physician is a healthcare

professional who helps you manage your health. He or she is the first person you talk to when you have any medical

problem that is not an emergency. If something happens to your health, a physician you know—and who knows

you—is in the best position to help. 40 A good physician and patient relationship can go a long way in

helping you stay healthy—and getting the care you need when you’re not feeling well.

A.Lifelong learning is beneficial to your health.

B.Physical activity is also necessary for good health.

C.Talking to trusted family members and friends can help a lot.

D.Going easy on processed foods is another element of healthy eating.

E.It requires smart lifestyle choices, workout and the occasional checkup and test.

F.He or she will also recommend tests to check for hidden cancer or other conditions.

G.Only a few lifestyle choices have as large an impact on your health as physical activity.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

While on holiday in Istanbul I experienced kindness from a total stranger. I was at a(n) 41 bar that I had

to try, because it had a history of 200 years. While I was there, my stomach got really upset and I wanted to

42 . Suddenly I became pale and started 43 , which suggested I should go back to my hotel.

But the problem was that there were no cabs (出租车) and I wasn’t in a state to 44 at that moment. I

saw a small hotel nearby and asked if they could help me with a 45 . They said yes, but obviously they would

46 me extra to get me to my destination. Meanwhile, while I was 47 to walk and hunt for cabs, a man

came by and asked me where I wanted to go.

I told him I needed to get to Taksim, where my hotel was. Much to my 48 , he was a taxi driver. His cab

was 49 a walk away, so he had me 50 while he went to get his cab so I didn’t have to walk.

He didn’t try to charge me extra or take advantage of my 51 . He took me back 52 to my hotel by

the regular taxi meter. Not only did he 53 me from an extremely uncomfortable night, he also 54

some tea that could make me feel better.

This act of kindness from the sweet man made me feel 55 and have more faith in humanity.

41.A.noisy B.official C.ancient D.public

42.A.run away B.throw up C.cheer up D.get away

43.A.shrinking B.wandering C.screaming D.trembling

44.A.drive B.walk C.speak D.eat

45.A.phone B.doctor C.taxi D.bill

46.A.charge B.offer C.award D.prepare

47.A.struggling B.learning C.expecting D.pretending

48.A.regret B.embarrassment C.satisfaction D.surprise

49.A.stopped B.passed C.abandoned D.parked

50.A.leave B.pay C.wait D.follow

51.A.decision B.situation C.position D.operation

52.A.safely B.secretly C.hurriedly D.casually

53.A.separate B.prevent C.remove D.save

54.A.invented B.suggested C.grew D.mixed

55.A.curious B.energetic C.grateful D.generous

第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Peking Duck Museum, a Chinese restaurant that has served duck for more than a century, provides an

entertaining and 56 (education) experience. Founded in 2014, the museum will soon celebrate the 150th

annivensury of Quanjude, 58 now has about 100 branches worldwide.

The entrance of the museum has 58 giant gold duck statue to welcome visitors with luck and charm. On

one wall 59 (be) pictures of national leaders and 60 (comment) from Chairman Mao Zedong and

Prime Minister Zhou Enlai about Peking roast duck.

Roast duck—or Peking duck, as it’s often known— 61 (serve) in Beijing for around 600 years. It is often

sliced at tableside 62 served alongside some vegetables. The components are wrapped in a thin flour pancake,

which is slathered (涂抹) with any one of several tasty sauces.

Quanjude, an iconic Peking roast duck restaurant 63 (establish) in 1864, has used a twist of innovation

64 (stay) relevant with young diners in recent years. Quanjude’s new menu combines traditional and modern

cuisine, 65 (make) it more suited to young people.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)






(1)写作词数应为 80 左右;


A Photo Exhibition Of Disaster Prevention And Reduction






第二节(满分 25 分)


A few years ago, Andy Davis and his wife decided to ride their bikes across the country. They spent months

training and planning for their adventure.

But one day in February of 2020, just a few months before they were going to start, Davis felt an intense pain

across his chest. After some medical check-ups in the hospital, he was diagnosed (诊断) with heart failure, a

serious condition in which the heart can no longer pump blood efficiently.

It was incredible because he was so fit, and just a couple months later he could barely move around his own

home. His doctors told him that the only way he’d survive was with a new heart. By November, Davis was placed on

a heart transplant (移植) list—a wait that can take months, if not years.

“You don’t know if you’re going to get a heart if you’re placed on the list,” he said. “You just hope.”

But Davis’ condition quickly got worse, and for 11 days, he was kept alive with a balloon pump placed in his

aorta (主动脉). On the 12th day, Davis was delighted to learn that a new heart was on its way. It would come

from a wife and mother named Sarah Ivy.

The operation was rather successful. However, after the operation, Andy Davis, with his new heart, experienced a

mix of emotions, grateful for the second chance at life yet burdened with the knowledge that it came at the expense of

someone else’s loss. As he recovered, he couldn’t help but think of Sarah Ivy’s family and the incredible gift they had

given him.

Once he regained his strength, Davis decided to honor Sarah’s memory and her selfless act by fulfilling the

dream they once shared with his wife-riding their bikes across the country. He believed that by doing so, he could

carry a part of Sarah’s spirit with him on the journey.


(1)续写词数应为 150 左右;


Together with his wife, Davis started the cross-country adventure they had longed for.

Davis and his wife eventually completed their cross-country ride.





