
2023-12-04·14页·367 K

英 语 试 题 2023.12




。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。共 150 分,共 12 页。


用 2B 铅笔填涂,非选择题请使用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整





第一部分 听力(共两节;满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分 )

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项

中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的


1. What is the woman making?

A. Chocolate. B. Cookies. C. Cakes.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.

3. What does the man want to do?

A. Admire the scenery. B. Continue walking. C. Have a rest.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The woman's hesitation about going abroad.

B. The advantage of homestay accommodation.

C. The woman's fear of traveling abroad.

5. What do we know about the woman?

A. She is more sensitive to hot weather than the man.

B. She doesn't want to buy an air conditioner.

C. She cooled herself down by a fan.

英语试题 第 1 页(共 12 页)

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将

给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。

6. What is the woman planning to do next year?

A. Go on a diet. B. Compete in a marathon. C. Improve her health.

7. What food does the woman need most at present?

A. Meat. B. Rice. C. Vegetables.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 、9 题。

8. What are the speakers organizing?

A. A company dinner. B. A wedding celebration. C. A birthday party.

9. When will the event take place?

A. On July 10th. B. On August 10th. C. On September 10th.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. Where did the woman know about the advertisement?

A. On the Internet. B. From a newspaper. C. From her friend.

11. Why will the man sell the dining table?

A. He has bought a smaller one.

B. He doesn't like it anymore.

C. He will move house.

12. What will the woman probably do this afternoon?

A. Talk with her friend. B. Check on the dining table. C. Tidy up her room.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. What is the man doing?

A. Painting a picture. B. Admiring a masterpiece. C. Having his meal.

14. What does the woman think of the food at the canteen?

A. Disappointing. B. Acceptable. C. Satisfactory.

15. What dishes does the woman like best?

A. Hot dogs. B. Rice and fish. C. Bread and fish.

16. What does the woman suggest doing for the talent show?

A. Singing a song. B. Bringing some food. C. Painting a backdrop.

英语试题 第 2 页(共 12 页)

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What is the speaker?

A. A teacher. B. A manager. C. A film-maker.

18. How did the speaker feel after his first project?

A. Joyful. B. Embarrassed. C. Surprised.

19. When do the courses end?

A. In July. B. In August. C. In September.

20. What does Pow Pictures offer throughout the year?

A. Design courses. B. Language programs. C. Work experience.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


The Best Volunteer Abroad Programs in Africa

Looking for the best volunteer abroad opportunities to join? Here are the best volunteer programs in Africa.

Volunteer in Zanzibar

Looking to unplug from everyday life? Zanzibar program is perfect for animal and nature lovers. As a

volunteer traveler, you can live in a beachside bungalow(平房 ) and regenerate wild turtle populations.

Alternatively, you can stay in a forest camp to protect endangered species, such as snakes, lizards and tortoises.

Volunteer in Victoria Falls

Imagine volunteering in a setting where your backyard has breathtaking views over a zebra-filled grassland—

Victoria Falls is just that. It is one of the best wildlife conservation volunteer programs, which has been

recommended in the Lonely Planet’ s Best in Travel for2023. While the volunteer work is physically demanding,

you'll be rewarded with night camping outside the reserve.

Volunteer in Zambia

For those who want to explore the incredible area of Victoria Falls, but also want to volunteer in the

community, check this out. Volunteer in Zambia includes construction,teaching and medical care. Thanks to its

thrilling activities, this is the“pe rfect destination for adventure-seekers” according to Lonely Planet! Whether you

want to swim on the ledge of a

英语试题 第 3 页(共 12页 )

waterfall or take a walking safari(徒步野生动物观光), Zambia is the perfect spot to witness nature at its best while making

a positive impact.

Volunteer in Ghana

Volunteers on the Ghana program consistently talk about the immersive cultural experience. The local people you'll

work with will make you feel at home from the mo ment you land in Ghana. As a volunteer here, you'll develop a strong

sense of connection to your host community and local traditions in Ghana.

21. What do Volunteer in Zanzibar and Volunteer in Victoria Falls have in common?

A. They provide beautiful sea views.

B. They offer camping in the reserve.

C. They aim to offer wildlife protection.

D. They are recommended by Lonely Planet.

22. Which program is the best choice for someone keen on taking risks?

A. Volunteer in Zambia. B. Volunteer in Ghana.

C. Volunteer in Zanzibar. D. Volunteer in Victoria Falls.

23. Who is the passage intended for?

A. People fascinated by wildlife conservation.

B. Individuals seeking a relaxing travel experience.

C. People with enthusiasm for travel and volunteering.

D. Individuals interested in African cultures and traditions.


One summer night, a boy felt himself lifted from bed by his father. Dazed with sleep, he saw stars flashing across

the heavens.“What is it?”the child whispered.“Shooting stars. They come every year in August.”Decades have passed,

but I remember that night still, because Iwas the fortunate boy whose father believed a new experience was more important

than an unbroken night's sleep.

Some parents like my father have the gift of opening doors for their children. This art of adding dimensions to a child

brings the reward: the marvelous moment when the spark bursts into a flame that will burn brightly on its own one day.

At a Golf Association tournament, a ten-year-old girl played creditably.“How long have you been interested in golf?”


英语试题 第 4 页(共 12 页)

asked.“I got it for my ninth birthday,”she said.“ Your father gave you a set of clubs?”“No,” she said, “he gave me golf.”

I have a friend, a psychiatrist, who says there are two types of people: those who think of life as a privilege and

those who think of it as a problem. The first type is enthusiastic and energetic. The other type is suspicious and self-

centered. And he adds, “Tell me about your childhood and I can tell you which type you are likely to be.”

The real purpose, then, of trying to open doors for children is to build eager and outgoing attitudes, which is the

most valuable legacy we can pass on to the next generation. But why don't we work harder at it? Probably because

sometimes we don't have the awareness or the selflessness or the energy. And yet, for those of us who care what becomes

of our children, the challenge is always there but the opportuniti es also come repeatedly. Many years have passed since

that night.And next year, when August comes with its shooting stars, my son will be seven.

24. Why does the author mention the girl in Paragraph 2?

A. To show parental impact on children's passion.

B. To suggest hobbies always start from the small.

C. To highlight the importance of diverse experiences.

D. To prove true passion usually arises from the reward.

25. What do the underlined words“adding dimensions to”in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Setting an example for.

B. Broadening the horizons of.

C. Providing attentive care for.

D. Narrowing the possibilities of.

26. What will the author's psychiatrist friend agree with?

A. Stability in upbringing builds confidence.

B. Parenting styles requires professional guidance.

C. Childhood experience determines adult happiness.

D. One's personality is related to childhood experiences.

27. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The author is always addicted to shooting stars.

B. It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to motivate kids.

C. The author will go to see shooting stars with his son.

D. It is impossible to unlock kids' potential without eagerness.

英语试题 第 5 页(共 12页 )


If someone asked whether you like the arts, you'd probably say you do—at least in theory. According to a

survey, more than two-thirds of U. S. adults say the arts “lift me up beyond everyday experiences.” However, only

30 percent attended a concert of any type in2017; 23 percent went to an art museum. Fewer than half actively

created art of any kind.

The mismatch can boil down to the fact that we are weighed down by our day-to-day responsibilities, leaving

our schedule packed. Maybe you like to play a little background music while you work or do the chores, but even

before the pandemic, most of us rarely, if ever,saw a live performance, let alone visited a gallery or watched a play.

Too often, we let the dull reality of life get in the way of the arts. But this is a mistake.The arts are the

opposite of an escape from reality; they might just be the most realistic glimpse we ever get into the nature and

meaning of life. If you make time for consuming and producing art—the same way you make time for work and

exercise and family commitments—I assure you that you'll find your life getting fuller and happier. Think of a

time when you heard a piece of music and wanted to cry. Or maybe your dizziness as you emerged from a narrow

side street in an unfamiliar city and found yourself in a beautiful town square as if in a fantasy.They probably

stimulated a sudden awakening, much like the shock from a lungful of pure oxygen after breathing in smoggy air.

If you are among the people who feel that art is pure pleasure to experience and participate in, you might

see it as a luxury item, while a preferable attitude is to treat art less like a distracting pleasure, and more like

exercise or sleep, a necessity. Then draw up a schedule of your art exposure journey, and gradually weave art into

your everyday life.

28. What prevents people from enjoying the arts?

A. Shortage of time. B. Avoidance of duty.

C. Lack of interest. D. Art space inaccessibility.

29. What can we learn about the role of art according to the passage?

A. It explores mysteries of life.

B. It sparks emotional responses.

C. It enhances physical well-being.

D. It offers a getaway from daily life.

英语试题 第 6 页(共 12 页)

30. What will be talked about next in the passage?

A. Ways to integrate art into routine.

B. Barriers to combine art and life.

C. Forms of distracting pleasures.

D. Benefits of engaging with art.

31. Which is the most suitable title for the text?

A. Art Journey: Refreshing Soul

B. Art Pursuit: Transforming Dull into Full

C. Embracing Art: From Luxury to Necessity

D. Connecting with Art: From Reality to Fantasy


Biodegradable(可降解的) food packaging is designed to detect to what degree the food has gone bad by

changing its color. Best-before labels are often poor predictors of when food becomes dangerous to eat, which can

lead to waste and food poisoning, says Benedetto Marelli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. So he and

his colleagues tried to create the package that can react to changes in food.

They made four films(膜) similar to plastic package, each consisting of two layers. One layer was made from

a protein extracted from silkworm silk, while the other was made of one of four so-called covalent organic

frameworks (COFs). These materials contain carbon and hydrogen, as well as atoms like oxygen or nitrogen, all

arranged in a network that allows air and water to go through easily.

After checking the films were non-toxic and strong, the researchers tried to compost(堆肥处理) them. For

the best performing film,50per cent of it degraded after being placed in soil for 30 days, which is comparable to

existing biodegradable plastics.

The material also changed colour when immersed in water with different pH values, due to the COF layer's

interaction with the liquid. Because the pH of food increases as it spoils, the researchers tried to use a piece of the

film as a colour-changing label attached to a packet of raw chicken. The label started off orange but turned yellow

and got 17 percent lighter after 20hours at 30, indicating that the meat had begun to spoil. The researchers also

loaded the

英语试题 第 7页 (共 12页 )

COF layer with a chemical. After 15 days, so ya beans packaged in the film and left in high heat and humidity

went bad, but only a third as much as beans wrapped in traditional plastic.

“For a successful market entry, the material will need to be affordable and easy to produce. The standard

for competing with plastic production is very high.” says Marelli.

32. Why did Marelli decide to create the package?

A. To improve the biodegradability of food.

B. To compete with plastic for market share.

C. To make a breakthrough in biotechnology.

D. To tackle food waste and enhance food safety.

33. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. The functions of films. B. The categories of films.

C. The application of films. D. The composition of films.

34. What is the feature of the film?

A. It prevents food from spoiling.

B. It shows sensitivity to chemicals.

C. It has incomparable biodegradability.

D. It is unaffected by unfavorable conditions.

35. What is Marelli's attitude towards the prospect of the film?

A. Realistic. B. Hopeless. C. Optimistic. D. Indifferent.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5分 ,满分 12.5 分)


How to Ease AI Anxiety

Rapid advances in generative artificial intelligence(AI) have brought big challenges and it's logical for

humans to feel anxious about it. 36 . The following can prove it and ease your anxiety.

Remember context is key

Keeping in mind that the present moment is far from the first time people have feared the rise of an

unfamiliar technology.“Computer anxiety” and“technostress” date back decades.Before that, there was

uncontrollable worry over industrial automation. 37 . But many of the worst sci-fi predictions did not

come true.

英语试题 第 8 页(共 12 页)

Address the problem together

Rather than sticking your head in the sand, gain new skills to prepare for a career change

or learning about ongoing efforts to regulate AI. Meanwhile, confronting anxiety over AI might

begin with coming up with collective solutions and finding community. 38 .

Switch your attention

Another way to feel better about AI is to avoid too much attention to it. 39 .Taking

breaks from technology to reconnect with nature or loved ones in the physical world is critical

for men tal health. Stepping away from tech can also provide a reminder of all the ways that

humans are distinct from AI.


The current technology is not truly producing new things but rather imitating or following what

people can do. AI may be able to answer questions and solve problems, but it lacks the power to

convey emotions, empathy and create original content. Therefore, unbiased judgment and certainty

about your own skills can help with uneasiness.

A. Focus on what you can control

B. Remind yourself of its limitations

C. More attention should be attached to AI

D. Getting involved in it is crucial to seeking security

E. There is more to life than just programs and screens

F. But humans aren't yet headed for a complete replacement

G. Past advances did lead to big social and economic changes

第三部分 语言运用(共两节;满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处


I was only eleven years old but I'd been the best runner, high jumper and long jumper in

my school since kindergarten! But the one hundred meter race was the most 41 competition

for me. Nothing boosted my ego more than my schoolmates 42 me as Isprinted across the

finish line.

But the 43 news crushed my spirit a knee injury meant I might never compete

again. It hit me like a knockout punch that left my ears ringing in 44 .

英语试题 第 9页 (共 12 页)





