
2023-11-30·6页·730.6 K

三贤中学2023-2024 学年度高三第三次教学质量检测 6.How many main courses did the speakers order?

A.6. B. 4. C. 3.

高三英语试卷 7.What is the man going to do next?

A.Pay the bill. B. Pack the food. C. Walk towards the underground garage.

(卷面总分 150 分 答题时间 120 分钟)

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。


8.What good news does the woman tell the man?

第一部分 听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) A.Emma gave birth to a baby.

B.She got a promotion.

第一节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

5 1.5 7.5 C.She passed the driving test.

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 9.What does the name Dora mean according to the man?

话仅读一遍。 A.The goddess of flowers. B. The happiest person. C. The gift of God.

1.What is the weather like now?

10.Where are probably the speakers?

A.Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.

A.In the hospital. B. At home. C. In the shopping mall.

2.What does the man mean in the end?

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 14 题。

A.His father is not good at cooking.

11.How many languages can the woman speak?

B.He hates drinking hot chocolate.

A.2. B. 3. C. 4.

C.He will prepare dinner for the woman.

12.Which aspect of Spanish is the man poor at?

3.How does the woman sound?

A.Speaking. B. Reading. C. Writing

A.Curious. B. Confident. C. Anxious.

13.Why did the woman go to Japan?

4.Why does Jack look unhappy?

A.To travel. B. To study. C. To work.

A.His pencil case got lost.

14.Who taught the man Japanese?

B.Terry didn't apologize to him.

A.His father. B. The man himself C. His grandmother.

C. He failed the math exam.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。

5.When will the last bus probably arrive at Oak Street?

15.When does the conversation take place?

A.In 5 minutes. B. In 10 minutes. C. In 15 minutes.

A.On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.

16.What does the man intend to do today?

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

A.Go camping with his son. B. Attend a wedding. C. Do some shopping.

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三

17.Why is the woman angry?

个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 秒钟;

5 A.Her luggage was lost.

听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 B.The man failed to keep his word.

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 C.She has too much work to do.

英语 第 页 共 12 页 英语 第 页 共 12 页

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听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 $26.67

18.Which cinema showed its first film in 1922? Jess needs a fresh start and turns to her half-brother, Ben, who lives in Paris, for a place to

A.The Kinema. B. The Cube. C. The Broadway. stay. When she arrives at his apartment, however, he’s not there. Although she comes to the city of

19.What does the speaker say about the Cube? lights to escape the past that has been disturbing her, she finds herself enter Ben’s future.

A.It is a wooden building. B. It was used as a church. C. It is managed by volunteers. The It Girl

20.What is forbidden at the Rex? by Ruth Ware

A.Cola. B. Popcorn. C. Yogurt. $26.67

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 40 分) April was the first person Hannah met at Oxford. Together, they developed a group of

devoted and inseparable friends. One day, April was dead and the murderer was arrested. Now, a

第一节 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

decade later, Hannah’s world is rocked when a young journalist presents new evidence that the

阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在

murderer may have been innocent. As Hannah reconnects with old friends and digs deeper into the


mystery of April’s death, she realizes that the friends she thought she knew all have something to


hide… including a murder.

You might find a few good recommendations helpful when it comes to adding to your reading

21. Whose book should you choose if you’re interested in sharing your memories?


A. Imani Perry’s.B. Lucy Foley’s.

South to America

C. Ruth Ware’s. D. Jennifer Egan’s.

by Imani Perry

22. What can you learn from The Paris Apartment?


A. The truth behind a young girl’s murder.

In this story, a native Alabaman returns home and looks at her state with fresh eyes, and

B. The simple way to make candy at home.

learns about the stories and experiences of others she meets along the way. By weaving these

C. How a girl travels to her brother’s future.

stories together, Perry has crafted a book that takes you not only below the Mason-Dixon line but

D. What an Alabaman experiences in her state.

also through the country as a whole.

23. Which of the following does The It Girl belong to?

The Candy House

A. A love story. B. A crime novel.

by Jennifer Egan

C. A science fiction. D. A historical novel.


Bix Bouton has a successful company and is desperate for new ideas. After he joins a


conversation group, mostly professors from Columbia, one of whom is experimenting with

In India, vendors (小贩) travel around with iron(熨斗) boxes full of hot coals which they

downloading or externalizing memories, he gets his big new idea—Own Your Unconscious. This

technology allows you to get every memory you’ve ever had, and to share every memory in use to iron clothes. Vinisha Umashankar noticed that six of these vendors were present in her town

exchange: for access to the memories of others. of Tiruvannamalai, when she was 12 years old. Concerned about the environmental effect of

The Paris Apartment burning charcoal ( 木 炭 ), the young lady went to work designing an innovative ( 创 新 的 )

by Lucy Foley

英语 第 页 共 12 页 英语 第 页 共 12 页

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solution: a solar-powered ironing cart (小推车) attached to a bicycle. Now at age 15, her idea has 27. Which of the following can best describe Umashankar?

A. A modest speaker. B. A hard-working vendor.

turned into a real invention.

C. A talented engineer. D. A practical environmentalist.

Umashankar became interested in science from a young age. At age eight, she learned of the


climate crisis ( 气候 危 机 ) , which drove her to come up with a clean-energy solution to the

New discoveries and technological breakthroughs are made every year. Yet, as the

ironing vendors in India. In 2019, the then-tween spent months researching college-level physics to information industry moves forward, many people in society are looking back to their roots in

learn about solar panels. She made a design for a bicycle car with solar panels to power a steam terms of the way they eat. A “locavore” movement has emerged in the United States. The

iron. Her design received recognition at the National Innovation Foundation, which assigned movement supports eating foods grown locally and sustainably ( 可 持 续 的 ) , rather than

engineers to help her create the cart, known as the Iron-Max.

prepackaged(预先包装的) foods shipped from other parts of the world.

The cart stores sunshine in a battery for cloudy days. Five hours of sunshine provide enough

energy for six hours of ironing. The bike also has a cellphone charging port so the vendor can earn Experts hold that eating local has many merits, and is expected to be accepted by an

extra income by charging for a charge. The Iron-Max is free from the matter and greenhouse gases increasing number of people. Erin Barnett is the director of Local Harvest, a company that aims to

released by the traditional coal carts. help connect people to farms in their area. By eating local, she argues, people have a better and

The invention had entered several international competitions. Umashankar was one of 15 more personal understanding of the impact their food consumption has on the rest of the world.

finalists at the first-ever Earthshot Prize. Although she did not win the prize, she was the youngest “There is a way of connecting the point, where eating locally is an act that raises our awareness of

finalist in the “Clean Our Air” category. She also won last year’s Children’s Climate Prize. sustainable living,” Barnett says.

With her invention, Umashankar made a powerful five-minute speech at COP26, the UN’s The United States’ agricultural output is one of the highest in the world, says Timothy Beach,

climate conference, which has been making headlines. Umashankar said in her speech, “You are a professor of geography and geoscience at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas. “There’s just

deciding whether or not we will have a chance to live in a habitable( 宜 居 的 ) world. You are no other place on Earth where the amount of input is so productive,” Beach says of American

agriculture. “Nobody can cut off the food we need.”

deciding whether or not we are worth fighting for, worth supporting, and worth caring for.”

However, the US food system is not sustainable because of its dependency on fossil fuels(化

24.Why did Umashankar design a solar-powered ironing cart?

A. To free vendors from carrying heavy boxes. 石燃料) , says Beach. Equipment used on “extremely productive”, farms is quickly consuming

B. To promote the sales of clean-energy bicycles.

Earth’s natural resources, particularly oil. Additionally, the production of agricultural

C. To attract more vendors to her town to iron clothes.

supplements(补充剂), such as fertilizer, uses large amounts of energy.

D. To reduce the environmental effect of burning charcoal.

25. What is paragraph 2 mainly about? The world has used close to half of the global oil supply, Beach says, and the second half will

A. What vendors in India need most. B. What makes the Iron-Max popular. be consumed at an even faster rate because of growing population and economic development.

C. How Umashankar made her invention.D. How Umashankar finished her college Although many businesses are experimenting with wind, solar, and biofuel, Beach says there’s

26. What can be inferred about the Iron-Max? nothing that we see on the horizon that can replace it. “There is no way on Earth we are using

A. It fails to work on cloudy days. B. It is not attached to a bicycle. fossil fuels sustainably. Then we have to reconsider the impact of eating local,” he says.

C. It has gained some recognition. D. It can still lead to air pollution

英语 第 页 共 12 页 英语 第 页 共 12 页

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28. What does the underlined word “merits” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? participated in chemical reactions similar to those of natural proteins that destroy bacteria. This

A. Aspects. B. Advantages. C. Challenges. D. Explanations. suggested that these new proteins could also kill bacteria.

29. What’s the weakness of the agriculture in the United States? The researchers then imaged them with X-rays. Even though their amino acid sequences were

A. It consumes too many natural resources. up to 30 percent different from any existing proteins, their shapes almost matched naturally

B. It has a relatively low agricultural output. occurring proteins. James Fraser at the University of California, San Francisco, who was part of the

C. Large equipment is not widely employed. team, says it was not clear from the start that the AI could work out how to change the amino acid

D. Agricultural supplements aren’t available. sequence so much and still produce the correct shape.

30. What’s Beach’s view on natural resources? “A similar process could be used to create new test molecules for drug development, though

A. Dependency on oil is and will be a big problem. they will still have to be tested in labs, which is time-consuming,” says Madani.

B. People will use less and less oil in the future. 32. How does ProGen produce anti-microbial proteins?

C. The use of fossil fuels features sustainability. A. By following the way amino acids form proteins.

D. There are better replacements for fossil fuels. B. By combining several kinds of existing proteins.

31. What can be a suitable title for the text? C. By changing some materials from new medicines.

A. Scientific Ways to Eat Local B. Is Eating Local Sustainable? D. By mixing several current proteins with amino acids.

C. Efforts to Promote Local Foods D. Are Local Foods Enough? 33. How did the researchers know AI-proposed proteins could kill bacteria?

D A. They ensured they were produced in real cells.

An AI has designed anti-microbial (抗菌的) proteins that were then tested in real life and B. They only analyzed their amino acid sequences.

C. They found they looked the same as natural ones.

shown to work.

D. They tested AI-proposed molecules in real cells.

Proteins are made of chains of amino acids (氨基酸). The sequencest (序列) of those acids

34. What is James Fraser’s feeling concerning the AI’s final performance?

determine the protein’s shape and function. Ali Madani at Profluent, a biotechnology start-up in A. Disappointment. B. Surprise. C. Indifference. D. Guilt.

California, and his colleagues used an AI to design millions of new proteins, and then created a 35.What do Madani’s words suggest?

small sample of those to test whether they worked. A. The AI’s process may benefit the medical field.

The AI, called ProGen, works in a similar way to AIs that can generate text. ProGen learned B. AI-proposed molecules don’t require any lab tests.

how to generate new proteins by learning the grammar of how amino acids combine to form 280 C. Hope for the use of the new molecules is very slim.

million existing proteins. Instead of choosing a topic for the AI to write about, the researchers D.The researchers’ efforts turn out to be a waste of time.

could specify(明确指出) a group of similar proteins for it to focus on. In this case, they chose a 第二节:七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


group of proteins with anti-microbial activity.


The researchers programmed checks into the AI’s process, and they also tested a sample of

This summer, climate change continues to push Earth’s weather to extremely hot.

the AI-proposed molecules in real cells. Of the 100 molecules they physically created, 66

____36____ The short answer is yes, if you take protection. We invite some experts to discuss the

英语 第 页 共 12 页 英语 第 页 共 12 页

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science behind exercising in the heat and offer some tips on how to exercise outdoors safely in the 出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

heat. Here are some of them. After my husband's Chinese kung fu school was open for about a week, my daughters and I

1. ___37___ decided to see how it was going. We were deeply 41 to see there wasn't a single student in the

Doesn’t our body need fuel to move? Yes, that’s true. A light meal is a great idea — just put school. My husband was standing 42 in the school waiting for customers.

an hour between eating and your workout in the heat. It takes blood and energy to digest the food, We had to 43 ! We decided to be his 44 until he got some real ones. We thought it

which makes more body heat — not what you want when you’re already hot. If you have had a was better to have five people in the school 45 just him if a passerby looked in the window.

heavy meal like a cheeseburger, you should wait two to three hours before your hot outdoor He started teaching us 46 and forms. We found that some of them actually were 47 to

exercise, since that fat-and protein-rich meal will take even longer to move through the digestive ballet moves but much more difficult. It was kind of fun but 48 , too! We were attracted by

process. then, so we 49 as learners.

2. Protect your skin — it’s the body’s cooling system. 50 , we got actual students in our school. There were many men and teenage boys, and

Your skin and the underlying tissues are incredibly designed to move warm blood away from we 51 lots of other girls and women as well. One special student was a 52 seven-year-

your core to keep your vital organs cool. Damage to them prevents your body from air- old girl. She was going 53 and had other health problems. With my daughters' help

conditioning itself. To protect your skin, start with sunscreen. ____38____ and 54 this little girl got to be a real kung fu kid. Although she is now a sightless, grown

3. Wear material that will help your body breathe. adult, I'm confident she can 55 herself if she needs to.

____39____ Wear sweat-wicking (吸汗的) athletic clothing that allows your skin to cool. I am 56 to say my daughters are more confident in every area of their lives. This

experience taught me to 57 things I never would have 58 before kung fu. I haven't

Avoid materials like cotton that basically keep the heat close to your body.

been 59 in all of my efforts, but I'll give almost 60 of niceness a try!

4. Drink water before, during and after exercise.

41.A.bored B.upset C.nervous D.moved

Dehydration (脱水) can really secretly attack you. ____40____ Make sure you drink water at

42.A.cheerfully B.aggressively C.alone D.forever

least an hour before you head out to exercise. Besides, keep drinking while you’re working out. 43.A.act B.joke C.appear D.learn

More importantly, replenish (补充) what’s lost during your workout after you finish your workout. 44.A.families B.workmates C.consultants D.students

45.A.more than B.in place of C.rather than D.in case of

A. Don’t eat right before you head out.

46.A.speeches B.moves C.manners D.designs

B. The best defense against dehydration is a good offense.

47.A.useful B.accessible C.similar D.comparable

C. Avoid eating and drinking shortly after your summer workout.

48.A.challenging B.astonishing C.relaxing D.inspiring

D. The type of protective clothing you wear can help your body breathe.

49.A.got together B.signed up C.broke away D.stayed on

E Should you finish your workout indoors during extreme temperatures?

50.A.Eventually B.Unfortunately C.Obviously D.Regularly

F. And consider wearing loose, lightweight clothing that blocks the sun.

51.A.discovered B.joined C.united D.attracted

G. Is an outdoor run or bike ride in hot summer weather OK for your body?

52.A.traditional B.homeless C.disabled D.typical

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

53.A.blind B.deaf C.lame D.stupid

第一节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

54.A.threat B.encouragement C.adjustment D.approval

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选

英语 第 页 共 12 页 英语 第 页 共 12 页

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55.A.protect B.recognize C.feed D.educate arrived somewhere, I would have more than one places to stay. At last, I chose stay with a local

56.A.stubborn B.proud C.sensitive D.tentative

family. I made friends with whom I met along the way. I know this is not a thoughtful approach. I

57.A.apply to B.give up C.try out D.hold back

should say, though, it makes a big different in my life!

58.A.appreciated B.predicted C.ignored D.considered

59.A.helpful B.successful C.cheerful D.enthusiastic

第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

60.A.some B.either C.none D.any

假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友 Sam 给你发来邮件说对中国文化很感兴趣,尤其喜欢

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

唐诗(Tang poetry)。请你给他回复一封邮件,分享你对唐诗的了解,提出学习建议并表达

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。


The Lion Rock mountain stands not only as one of the most famous scenic spots in Hong

1. 唐诗地位及影响;

Kong, ____61____ has become a spiritual symbol representing the persistent efforts of ordinary

Hong Kong people ____62____ (live) a better life. 2. 列举著名诗人;

The Lion Rock spirit has also ____63____ (deep) touched those outside Hong Kong, such as 3. 欢迎来中国交流文化。

Cui Xiaodong, ____64____ ink artist and director of the Yan Huang Art Museum in Bejing. “The 注意:

mountain stands like a giant, symbolizing the industrious and persistent spirit which, over the past 1. 词数 100 左右;

decades, ____65____ (pull) people in Hong Kong together through hard times. It is a recollection

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

of the youth and vigor (活力) of a generation of people in Hong Kong ____66____ struggled to

make the city what it is today.” he says. Dear Sam,


Cui created Lion Rock in Hong Kong, a colored ink painting. In his painting, Cui depicts (描 _______________________________________________________________________________

绘) the cliffs of the Lion Rock, ____67____ (overlook) the city’s skyscrapers. Made earlier this _______________________________________________________________________________


year, the painting is now ____68____ show at Greater Bay Area in the Eyes of Artists, a display


marking the 25th anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The ____69____


向 致 敬

(masterpiece) displayed there hail ( …… ) the ecological diversity of the area and also _______________________________________________________________________________

presents to the audience _____70_____ (success) accomplishments since 1997. _______________________________________________________________________________

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分) _______________________________________________________________________________

第一节短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) _______________________________________________________________________________


In 2018, I spend my summer vacation alone. I didn’t have too many money, so I could not


undertake costly travel. Instead of, I went backpacking. But I didn’t plan carefully when I would


stay the night. Beside, it was late for us to figure it out. Then I found an helpful app. As soon as I

英语 第 页 共 12 页 英语 第 页 共 12 页

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