
2023-11-30·12页·605.7 K

曲靖一中高三教学质量监测试题(四) 13. What is the relationship between the speakers?

2024 A. Instructor and a new driver. B. Policeman and driver. C. Brother and sister.

英 语 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。

14. What does the man usually do for meals?

命题:阮秀丽 审题:吕平

A. He has them in the cafeteria.

第一部分 听力 共两节,满分 分

( 30 ) B. He buys them on the way home.

第一节 共 小题 每小题 分,满分 分

( 5 : 1.5 7.5 ) C. He makes them at home by himself.

听下面 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 、 、 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

5 A B C 15. What does the woman suggest the man do this weekend?

听完每段对话后,你都有 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

10 A. Prepare some eggs for breakfast.

1. When might the man get up? B. Bring his friends to her house.

A. At 9:20 a.m. B. At 9:30 a.m. C. At 9:50 a.m. C. Go out to dinner with her.

2. What does the woman think about her steak? 16. Where are the speakers now?

A. It’s making her feel OK. B. It’s cooked properly. C. It’s disgusting. A. At the office. B. At a restaurant. C. At the man’s house.

3. What did the dentist do to the man?

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

A. He gave him a filling. B. He cleaned his teeth. C. He pulled his teeth.

4. How will the man book his reservation? 17. Who is the event held in honor of?


A. Online. B. By phone. C. In person. A. A saint ( . B. A farmer. C. A Roman official.

5. Where is Lucy going? 18. How did the event become famous?

A. To the hair shop. B. To a repair shop. C. To her doctor’s office. A. It was shown on TV.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) B. It was mentioned in a book.

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 C. It was reported by a newspaper.

出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟,听完后,各小题将给 19. What happens right before the gates open?

出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 A. Visitors take part in prayers.

B. People dress in costumes.

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。

C. A rocket ( 烟花)is set off.

6. When will the final exams be? 20. Why are many people angry during the event?

A. On January 8th. B. On January 11th. C. On January 29th. A. There are no winners.

7. What is the girl doing? B. The bulls may get hurt.

A. Reading a novel. B. Studying history in the library. C. Preparing for the English exam. C. The riders are being thrown off.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

8. How many things did the girl bring to the boy? 第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

9. Where did the boy have an accident? A

A. On the way back home. Museum Guide for London

B. On the way to an airport. London’s museums are among the best in the world and the incredible choice can be overwhelming. So

C. On the way to the hospital. this is a list of the 4 top London museums visitors should aim for.

10. What did the boy dislike about the hospital? The British Museum

A. The food. B. The doctors. C. The nurses. You can explore the whole world and go back through history by visiting the British Museum. Whatever

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 your interest is, whether it’s a specific country or era, you will be amazed by what you can see by wandering

11. What is the conversation mostly about? around here. Founded in 1753, it houses more than 8 million exhibits.

A. What to do at a four-way stop. Hours: Fri 10: 00 AM-8: 30 PM; Sat-Thu 10: 00 AM-5: 30 PM

B. How to be a considerate driver. Phone: +44 20 7323 8299

C. When to make a left-hand turn. Natural History Museum

12. Why did the driver wave at the woman according to the man? If you want to get up close and personal with massive dinosaurs, then this is the place for you! The most

A. To welcome her. B. To greet her. C. To thank her. amazing thing about the Natural History Museum for visitors is that it is free! Plus, there are 70 million

specimens, among which 28 million are insects.

Hours: Sun-Sat 10: 00 AM-5: 50 PM

试卷第 1页,共 4页


Phone: +44 20 7938 9123 C.Performing surgeries on his patients. D.Taking month-long breaks from his day job.

Science Museum 25.When was the book War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line probably published?

Founded in 1857, the Science Museum is packed full of buttons to push, levers(操纵杆) to pull and A.In 1993. B.In 2014. C.In 2018. D.In 2021.

things you should touch and explore as interactivity is the key here. From space rockets to huge old steam 26.What makes the experience thrilling according to Nott?

engines from the industrial revolution, which will appeal to the scientific types as it offers fascinating stuff for A.The feeling of narrowly escaping death.

all. B.The thought of saving lives.

Hours: Wed 12: 00 AM-11: 59 PM; Thu-Tue 10: 00 AM-6: 00 PM C.The improvement of his surgery skills.

Phone: +44 20 7942 4000 D.The difficulty of working in desperate situations.

Museum of London 27.Which of the following words can best describe Dr. David Nott?

At the Museum of London you can journey back in time to pre-historic London and then work your way A.Modest and courageous. B.Generous and strict.

through to the present day via all the major events in London’s rich past, among which one features “War, C.Careless and aggressive. D.Adventurous and selfless.

Plague and Fire”. Much of what is on display has been found locally, which helps bring it all to life. C

Hours: Sun-Sat 10: 00 AM-6: 00 PM It’s known to all that coffee can make you feel more awake, and now it seems that coffee may also

Phone: +44 20 7001 9844 improve your maths skills. And the best news is that you don’t even need to drink it to see the improvements

21.Which museum can you call for further information if you are a lover of animals? — you just need to smell it. Coffee is actually very healthy. It is loaded with antioxidants (抗氧化物) and

A.+44 20 7938 9123 B.+44 20 7001 9844 beneficial nutrients that can improve your health. The studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower

C.+44 20 7942 4000 D.+44 20 7323 8299 risk of developing several serious diseases.

22.If you are available on Wednesday night, which museum can you pay a visit to? A new study by researchers from Stevens Institute of Technology has revealed that the aroma of coffee

A.The British Museum. B.Natural History Museum. may help your maths skills. Professor Adriana Madzharov, who led the study, said: “It’s not just that the

C.Museum of London. D.Science Museum. coffee-like scent helped people perform better on analytical tasks, which was already interesting. But they also

23.What can you do in the Museum of London? thought they would do better, and we proved that this expectation was at least partly responsible for their

A.Explore the history of the whale world. improved performance.”

B.Discover the major events throughout London’s history. In the study, 100 business students took a 10-question algebra(代数) test. Half the group took the test in

C.Enjoy the stay with real dinosaurs. the presence of a coffee-like scent, while the other half took the test in an unscented room. The results

D.Appreciate the huge old steam engines from the industrial revolution. revealed that the group in the coffee-smelling room scored significantly higher on the test than those in the

B unscented room.

I have travelled the world for 25 years in search of trouble, admits Dr David Nott in his recent In a follow-up study, the researchers quizzed 200 new participants on their belief about various scents and

autobiography, War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line. “ It is a kind of addiction, a pull I find hard to resist.” their effects on human performance. Their answers showed that they believed they would feel alert (警觉的)

This pull has seen him use his surgical skills to help those in need by taking unpaid, month-long breaks from in the presence of a coffee scent. This suggests that their expectations about performance may have influenced

his day job as an NHS surgeon in the UK every year to work in conflict zones and disaster areas. their improved skills.

He first worked in Sarajevo in 1993 as a volunteer with the French charity Mdecins Sans Froatires. The The researchers believe that the findings could have major effects on the real world. Professor Madzharov

hospital he worked in had so many holes in its walls caused by bombing and sniper(狙击手) fire that it was added: “ Olfaction is one of our most powerful senses. Employers, architects, building developers, retail space

called the Swiss Cheese Hospital. It was his first insight into the terrifying reality of treating patients in a managers and others can use subtle scents to help shape employees’ or occupants’ experience with their

war zone. The hospital suffered power cuts during operations and he and his team were regularly shot at. environment. It’s an area of great interest and potential.”

But Nott found this exhilarating(令人激动的). Going to Sarajevo, almost getting killed, I had never felt 28.Which of the following best explains “aroma” underlined in Paragraph 2?

so wonderful. I really felt as though somebody bad injected me with something. I felt fantastic. I think to skirt A.Smell. B.Nutrient. C.Taste. D.Calorie.

death—and then to realize how close you are to death and that you survived it is exciting. And that's the 29.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3?

experience I've had many times over. A.Summarize the previous paragraphs. B.Provide some evidence for the findings.

This attitude may seem reckless (鲁莽的), but it means that Nott has saved lives in desperate situations. In C.Add some background information. D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.

Gaza in 2014, he decided not to abandon a young girl in the middle of surgery despite being told that the 30.What can we learn from the passage?

hospital was about to be bombed. He carried on, no bombs fell and the girl survived. He has kept a photograph A.200 new participants took a 10-question maths test.

of them taken together three days later. In Yemen, he operated on the wife of a bomb-maker who had B.100 business students felt more alert with a coffee scent.

accidentally blown up his own house. Nott found a detonator (雷管) buried in her leg and had to carefully C.The new participants performed better after drinking coffee.

dispose of it before continuing the operation. D.50 business students scored higher in the maths test with coffee than those without.

24.What does the underlined word It in Paragraph 1 refer to? 31.What does the passage mainly convey?

A.Travelling the world. B.Working as a surgeon in a war zone. A.Coffee is of great benefit to health.

试卷第 2页,共 4页


B.The new function of coffee is being tested. Many friendships hit rough aspects. Sometimes it is worth the emotional effort to work through your

C.The new findings of coffee will affect the world. problems, while at other times, especially when a friendship is harmful, it isn't. 36 Here are some tips for

D.The scent of coffee may help one’s maths skills. reference.

D Reflect and write down the good

Seagrass meadows (海草床) are wonder plants growing beneath the sea. They feed and shelter sea life Before you face a difficult conversation with a friend, pause and reflect first. Think of a specific moment

and are masterful at storing carbon. Thanks to the assistance of tiger sharks, a huge seagrass meadow in the that this friendship has brought you joy or excitement. Using that memory as inspiration to write down things

Bahamas Banks was recently discovered, offering the world a tool to fight climate change. you appreciate about a friend. 37 Even if there is still tension, that appreciation will go a long way to

Seagrass has usually been detected by Earth-orbiting satellites that identify darker areas in the blue water. building mutual understanding.

In this study, tiger sharks were selected as research tools due to their close relation with seagrass ecosystems. Choose a different way to communicate

They spend 70% of their time in seagrass meadows. The team equipped eight tiger sharks with satellite tags, If repair efforts have not worked via your usual tech channels, try another way to communicate. 38

seven sharks with camera tags, and used a 360-degree camera on a shark for the first time ever. Send some postcards, deliver exquisite handicrafts or mail someone a book you think they would enjoy.

The data researchers collected was astonishing. The world's largest seagrass ecosystem, measuring at Attached with these gifts, a hand-written letter explaining why you think the relationship feels awkward and

least 66,900 square kilometers, has been discovered. This reflects a 41% increase from previous estimates of why you want to repair it is highly recommended.

global seagrass. Seagrass can capture huge quantities of carbon by photosynthesis(光合作用)and stores it on Follow the red flags

the seafloor. In terms of climate change, this is excellent news; seagrass is 35 times faster at removing carbon 39 for example, your friend bullies you, or you feel misunderstood by them, it might be time to end

than tropical rain-forests. When referred to global seagrass carbon stock estimates, the study indicates that instead of mend. This indicates evaluating the balance of harm versus good is crucial. In other words, the good

seagrass in the Bahamas may contain 19. 2% to 26. 3% of all the carbon stored in seagrass meadows on Earth. does not necessarily outweigh the bad if there's too much bad. Thus, drop the relationship once you perceive

Yet seagrass meadows are rapidly disappearing, with over 92% of meadows in the UK gone, according to any dangerous sign showing you are being hurt.

the World Wildlife Fund. Scientists are collecting seeds and trying to grow new seagrass meadows through Give it time and try again

restoration projects. This new discovery offers optimism and proves the importance of the ocean for healing. People differ in how they deal with conflict, so remember that you may need to give a friendship some

The sharks led us to the seagrass ecosystem in the Bahamas, which we now know is likely the most breathing room before trying again. Friendships may require time to settle back into normal post-conflict and

significant blue carbon sink on the planet. What this discovery shows us is that ocean exploration and research that lasting uncomfortable feelings may require further attention. 40 If the friend would rather not repair,

are essential for a healthy future. The unexploited potential of the ocean is limitless. These meadows can be then you can be proud of yourself for acting with integrity. You’re not in control of other people, but on your

protected and can be replicated(复制), offering hope for climate change around the globe. end, you did all you could.

32.Why were tiger sharks chosen as research tools? A. When you realize that friendship is not strong enough,

A.They are more flexible than other sea animals. B. If you notice that friendship is doing more harm than good,

B.They can quickly adjust themselves to the deep sea. C. People are thrilled to get mail that's not a catalogue or a bill.

C.They can be easily equipped with experimental devices. D. How to repair a friendship or leave it behind if it's poisonous?

D.They have a strong connection with seagrass ecosystems. E. Not all friendships last a lifetime and it's OK to give up a bad one.

33.What are the numbers in paragraph 3 mainly about? F. It’s also important to remember that you can only do what you can do.

A.The reduction of global seagrass meadows. G. Then, sharing that list in conversation with the friend regardless of the outcome.

B.The impact of climate change on sea life. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

C.The potential value of the world's largest seagrass ecosystem. 第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

D.The rapid increase in the amount of carbon on Earth. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

34.What are scientists doing to protect seagrass? Getting accepted to Harvard Law School was a feeling that Rehan Staton will never forget.

A.Planting more seagrass meadows. Staton had a stable life growing up until his mother 41 the family and moved out of the county

B.Developing new technology to collect seeds. when he was 8. His father then worked multiple jobs to 42 Rehan and his older brother, but the family

C.Mapping the distribution of seagrass meadows. struggled 43 . They often had no food or electricity.

D.Encouraging people to join in restoration projects. Rehan's academics significantly suffered. As his grade 44 , he channeled his energy into sports.

35.What could be the best title for the text? He was 45 in boxing and won national and international competitions which he hoped would become

A.The New Way of Removing Carbon his way out of 46 . However, his dream was 47 when he suffered a shoulder injury in the 12th

B.The Significance of Ocean Exploration grade.

C.A New Discovery: World's Largest Seagrass Meadow Rehan's poor grades as a senior resulted in him being 48 by every college he applied to. So he

D.Tiger Sharks: Scientists' Essential Helper to Study Climate took a job at Bates Trucking and Trash, 49 rubbish and cleaning dustbins.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) Rather than add to his despair, the job marked a 50 point. His co-workers found his

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 51 , uplifted him and urged him to go back to school. Finally he was 52 to Bowie State

试卷第 3页,共 4页


University. By the end of his second year, Rehan decided he wanted to go to 53 school. Dear Jim,

Rehan was 54 for the support he got from his co-workers. “It was the first time in my life that ________________________________________________________________________________________

a group of individual had really just 55 me, and told me I was intelligent.” ________________________________________________________________________________________

41.A.contacted B.abandoned C.reunited D.established ________________________________________________________________________________________

42.A.reward B.comfort C.support D.shelter Yours sincerely

43.A.financially B.academically C.physically D.mentally Li Hua

44.A.slipped B.counted C.balanced D.improved 第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)

45.A.humble B.awful C.dynamic D.excellent 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。阅读下面材料,根据其内容

46.A.depression B.failure C.poverty D.ignorance 和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

47.A.switched B.fulfilled C.pursued D.ruined Miss Lee was an English teacher in an international school. She had many years of over-seas teaching

48.A.assessed B.removed C.guided D.denied experience. She had a weekly English music broadcast where she played different English songs. She found it

49.A.collecting B.recycling C.throwing D.studying a very good way to benefit her students in English study. What's more, it did improve the relationship between

50.A.starting B.turning C.rolling D.limiting her and her students.

51.A.preference B.potential C.identity D.intention In order to carry it forward, Miss Lee tried to get her students to recommend English songs to her for the

52.A.introduced B.persuaded C.admitted D.directed broadcast. The students were very enthusiastic about it, and they were actively involved in it. They tried their

53.A.arts B.sports C.science D.law best to find good English songs for her. The activity was becoming more and more popular among students

54.A.ambitious B.grateful C.desperate D.responsible and teachers. The time for English song recommendation became the moment everyone was looking forward

55.A.admired B.honored C.encouraged D.promoted to.

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) When broadcasting, she usually announced who recommended the song and then played it during lunch

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 time. Of course, if a song was chosen to be played, the person who recommended it also felt very proud.

Huishan clay figurines (泥人) are produced in the western suburb of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and are Miss Lee tried to give every student a chance to share themselves through their music, including one

one of China's most famous folk arts, having a history ___56__ (date) back over a thousand years. The craft disagreeable student, Chris. He chose to sit in the back of the classroom alone and constantly couldn't

originated in the Southern Dynasties and reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing, an artist concentrate on study. Most of the other teachers and students found it difficult to communicate with him.

made five clay figurines for Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) and __57__ (reward) with high praise from the However, Miss Lee knew that he just needed a friend, or at least someone he could connect with.

royal family. One day, Miss Lee called him into her office and said, Chris, please think of a song you like that has

Huishan figurines differ from those of other localities in that they are always small and always feature a some beautiful English words, and I'll play it on the broadcast for you. Chris agreed happily because he felt

big head. They are divided into two types --- mold-pressed ( 模 板 印 制 ) and hand-crafted. The being valued.

__58__( cheap) , mold-pressed figures often serve as children's toys while the hand-crafted pieces are more Chris eventually recommended a song. Miss Lee couldn't like the song too much. She put it in on the

refined and original. The characters depicted (描绘) come mainly from ___59___(legend) and Chinese broadcast as scheduled and made sure to announce Chris's name, so everyone knew that he recommended

opera plots. Da A Fu, a fat boy holding a fish, is the most popular figure in Huishan clay art. such a great song. As the song rang, Chris cheered loudly, It's my song. Then he sang along with it, and he

The legend goes ___60__ long, long ago, a god, disguised as a boy, beat a fierce lion and saved the sang amazingly well. From then on, Miss Lee would ask Chris to lead the other classmates to sing an English

children in Huishan. ___61____ (express) appreciation, local people started to make clay figures of their boy song before class. She exactly felt him warming up to her.

savior Da A Fu. One third of the overall figure is taken up by Da A Fu's large head, ___62____a face round as 注意:

a full moon and big ears reaching down to his shoulders. With its delicate design, vivid ____63____(appear) 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

and bright color, it has won great ___64___(popular) among visitors in Wuxi. It is ___65___ image implying 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

happiness and good fortune Playing the song Chris recommended completely changed his life._______________________________

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) ________________________________________________________________________________________

第一节 (满分 15 分) ________________________________________________________________________________________

假定你是校学生会负责人李华。你校将与到访的国际学校进行一次交流活动,请写封邮件告知对 Miss Lee even recommended Chris to participate in the annual school song contest.________________

方负责人 Jim 相关的活动安排。内容包括: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1. 表示欢迎; ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. 交流活动内容; ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. 表达期待。


1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

试卷第 4页,共 4页


2024 届曲靖一中高三英语检测卷四


1-5. B C C A A 6-10. C A B A A 11-15. B C C B B 16-20 . A A B C B



21.A. 细节理解题。根据“Natural History Museum(自然历史博物馆)”介绍中的“If you want to

get up close and personal with massive dinosaurs then this is the place for you! (如果你想近距离

接触大型恐龙,那么这里就是你的好地方!)”可知,在 Natural History Museum 游客可以近距

离接触大型恐龙,因此,喜欢动物的游客可以参观自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum);

结合下文的“Phone: +44 20 7938 9123(电话:+44 20 7938 9123)”可知,作为一个动物爱好者,

可以拨打自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum)的电话+44 20 7938 9123 了解更多的信息。

故选 A。

22.D. 细节理解题。根据“Science Museum”介绍中的“Hours: Wed 12: 00 AM-11: 59 PM;

Thu-Tue 10: 00 AM-6: 00 PM(时间:星期三中午 12 点至晚上 11 点 59 分;周四至周二上午 10

点至下午 6 点)”可知科学博物馆(Science Museum)的开放时间是星期三中午 12 点至晚上 11:59,

周四至周二上午 10 点至下午 6 点;因此,周三晚上有空的话可以去参观科学博物馆(Science

Museum)。故选 D。

23.B. 细节理解题。根据“Museum of London”介绍中的“At the Museum of London you can

journey back in time to pre-historic London and then work your way through to the present day via

all the major events in London’s rich past. Much of what is on display has been found locally, which

helps bring it all to life.(在伦敦博物馆,你可以回到史前的伦敦,然后通过伦敦丰富的过去的


动展现。)”可知,在伦敦博物馆(Museum of London)游客能够了解史前一直到现在的伦敦,

通过所有的重大事件了解伦敦丰富的历史。由此可知,游客在在伦敦博物馆(Museum of

London)可以了解史前伦敦发生的重大事件。故选 B。







24.B. 考查代词指代。根据第一段It is a kind of addiction, a pull I find hard to resist.这是一种

上瘾,一种我无法抗拒的诱惑;以及This pull has seen him use his surgical skills to help those in

need by taking unpaid, month-long breaks from his ‘day job' as an NHS surgeon in the UK every

year to work in conflict zones and disaster areas.在这种诱惑下,他利用自己的外科技能帮助那

些需要帮助的人,他每年都会从他作为英国 NHS 外科医生的日常工作中抽出长达一个月的

无薪假期,前往冲突地区和灾区工作。可知,It 指代的就是 pull,一种诱惑,最后一句解释

了这种诱惑就是他利用自己的外科技能在战争地区工作。故选 B。

25.C. 考查数字计算。根据第一段中的‘I have travelled the world for 25 years in search of

trouble,' admits Dr David Nott in his recent autobiography, War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line.

大卫诺特医生在他最近的自传《战医:前线的外科手术》中承认:我周游世界 25 年来一直

在寻找麻烦;以及第二段中的He first worked in Sarajevo in 1993 as a volunteer with the French

charity Mdecins Sans Froatires.他第一次在萨拉热窝工作是在 1993 年,当时他是法国慈善机

答案第 1页,共 8页



他 1993 第一次参加这种工作,书中又说他周游世界已经 25 年了,所以 1993+25=2018。可推

断,这本书可能是在 2018 年发表的。故选 C。

26.A. 考查细节理解。根据第三段中的I think to skirt death — and then to realize how close you

are to death and that you survived it — is exciting. And that's the experience I've had many times




27.D. 考查推理判断。根据第三段中的I think to skirt death — and then to realize how close you

are to death and that you survived it — is exciting. And that's the experience I've had many times



Gaza in 2014, he decided not to abandon a young girl in the middle of surgery despite being told

that the hospital was about to be bombed. He carried on, no bombs fell and the girl survived.2014


他继续进行手术,没有炸弹落下,女孩也活了下来;以及In Yemen, he operated on the wife of

a bomb-maker who had accidentally blown up his own house. Nott found a detonator (雷管) buried

in her leg and bad to carefully dispose of it before continuing the operation.在也门,他为一名炸弹


手术之前,他必须小心处理。可推知,大卫医生是无私的。故选 D。


28.A. 词义猜测题。由第一段第一、二句“It’s known to all that coffee can make you feel more

awake, and now it seems that coffee may also improve your maths skills. And the best news is that

you don’t even need to drink it to see the improvements — you just need to smell it.(众所周知,咖



至是闻一闻咖啡就会对数学技能的提高有帮助;由此可知第二段划线词所在句“A new study

by researchers from Stevens Institute of Technology has revealed that the aroma of coffee may help

your maths skills. (Stevens 理工学院的研究人员进行的一项新研究表明,咖啡的 aroma 可能有


能提高你的数学技能。由此可知,the aroma of coffee 指的是咖啡所散发出的气味,句中划线

词 aroma 指的是“气味”,与 smell“气味”意思相近。故选 A。

29.B. 推理判断题。第三段“In the study, 100 business students took a 10-question algebra test.

Half the group took the test in the presence of a coffee-like scent, while the other half took the test

in an unscented room. The results revealed that the group in the coffee-smelling room scored

significantly higher on the test than those in the unscented room. (在这项研究中,100 位商学院学

生做了 10 道代数题。一半的人是在咖啡香味的环境中做的测试题,另一半是在没有咖啡香味


境中做题的学生。)”主要讲述了研究人员找了 100 个学生做实验的过程及结果,实验结果表


的得分。由此可知,第三段通过阐述实验过程与实验结果为研究发现提供依据。故选 B。

30.D. 细节理解题。由第三段“In the study, 100 business students took a 10-question algebra test.

Half the group took the test in the presence of a coffee-like scent, while the other half took the test

in an unscented room. The results revealed that the group in the coffee-smelling room scored

significantly higher on the test than those in the unscented room. (在这项研究中,100 位商学院学

答案第 2页,共 8页


生做了 10 道代数题。一半的人是在咖啡香味的环境中做的测试题,另一半是在没有咖啡香味


境中做题的学生。)”可知,有 100 商学院学生参与 10 道代数题的测试,在有咖啡味的房间考

试的 50 位学生得分要明显高于比没有咖啡味的的另外一组 50 位学生。因此,D 选项“50

business students scored higher in the maths test with the presence of coffee than those without the

scent of coffee.(50 名商学院学生在有咖啡气味的环境中比没有咖啡气味的学生在数学测试中

得分更高。)”正确。故选 D。

31.D. 主旨大意题。文章第二段的第一句话“A new study by researchers from Stevens Institute of

Technology has revealed that the scent of coffee may help your maths skills. (Stevens 理工学院的



与研究发现。由此可知文章主要介绍了咖啡香味能提高数学技能这一研究发现。D 选项“The

Scent of Coffee May Help One’s Maths Skills(咖啡的香味可能有助于提高数学能力)”能够概括

文章主旨,最适合作为文章标题。故选 D。






32.D. 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的In this study, tiger sharks were selected as research tools

due to their highly consistent associations with seagrass ecosystems.在这项研究中,因为虎鲨与


与海草生态系统有着密切的联系。故选 D。

33.C. 考查推理判断。根据第三段中的The data researchers collected was astonishing. The

world's largest seagrass ecosystem, measuring at least 66,900 square kilometers, has been

discovered. 研究人员收集的数据令人震惊。世界上最大的海草生态系统已被发现,面积至少

为 66900 平方公里以及In terms of climate change, this is excellent news; seagrass is 35 times

faster at removing carbon than tropical rainforests. When referred to global seagrass carbon stock

estimates, the study indicates that seagrass in the Bahamas may contain 19.2% to 26.3% of all the

carbon stored in seagrass meadows on Earth.在气候变化方面,这是一个很好的消息。海草移除

二氧化碳的速度是热带雨林的 35 倍。当提到全球海草碳储量估计时,该研究表明,巴哈马的

海草可能含有地球上海草草甸中所有碳储量的 19.2%至 26.3%。可知,第三段提到的数字是

关于世界上最大的海草生态系统的潜在价值。故选 C。

34.A. 考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的Scientists are collecting seeds and trying to grow

new seagrass meadows through restoration projects.科学家们正在收集种子,并试图通过恢复项

目种植新的海草草地。可知,科学家们打算种植更多的海草草地以保护海草。故选 A。

35.C. 考查主旨大意。根据第三段中的The data researchers collected was astonishing. The

world's largest seagrass ecosystem, measuring at least 66,900 square kilometers, has been

discovered. 研究人员收集的数据令人震惊。世界上最大的海草生态系统已被发现,面积至少

为 66900 平方公里;以及最后一段中的What this discovery shows us is that ocean exploration

and research are essential for a healthy future. 鲨鱼把我们带到了巴哈马的海草生态系统,我们


的未来至关重要。可知,本文主要介绍了一项发现:世界上最大的海草床。故选 C。

第二节 语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与社会


答案第 3页,共 8页


36.D 此句承上启下。承接上文人们面对破裂友情的两种处理方式,引出对应用这两种方


37.G 前文提到首先停下来思考与朋友的过往美好回忆、写下朋友身上令人欣赏的点,此

处选择 G,将这些点在对话中分享给朋友。

38.C 根据下文“Send some postcards,deliver exquisite handicrafts or mail someone a book you

think they would enjoy.”具体例子中的动词可知,此处选择 C。

39.B 本段强调人们如果注意到一段友谊利大于弊时,就要及时放弃这段友情。因此,此

处选择 B。

40.F 根据前句 remember......和该句中 also 构成并列关系,因此,该项选择 F。

【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了 Rehan Staton 家境贫困且因为受伤无法再进行拳击了,



41.B. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Staton 在成长过程中一直过着稳定的生活,直到他母亲抛

弃了他——在他 8 岁时举家搬离了县城。A. contacted 联系;B. abandoned 抛弃;C. reunited

团聚;D. established 建立。根据后文“the family moved out of the county”可知八岁时 Staton 被

母亲抛弃,故选 B。

42.C. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了养活 Rehan 和他的哥哥,他的父亲打了好几份工,但

家里经济困难,经常没有食物供电。A. reward 奖励;B. comfort 安慰;C. support 支持;D. shelter

提供庇护。根据后文“Rehan and his older brother”可知父亲为了供养 Rehan 和他的哥哥,打了

好几份工。故选 C。

43.A. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:为了养活 Rehan 和他的哥哥,他的父亲打了好几份工,但

家里经济困难,经常没有食物供电。A. financially 经济上;B. academically 学术上;C. physically

身体上;D. mentally 心理上。根据后文“they often had no food to electricity”可知家里经济困难。

故选 A。

44.A. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于成绩下滑,他把精力都花在了运动上。A. slipped 滑

动;B. counted 计算;C. balanced 平衡;D. improved 改善。根据上文“Rehan's academics

significantly suffered.”可知,Rehan 的成绩也下滑了。后文“Rean's poor grades as a senior”也是

提示。故选 A。

45.D. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他擅长拳击,赢得了国内和国际比赛,他希望这些比赛

能成为他摆脱贫困的途径。A. humble 谦虚的;B. awful 可怕的;C. dynamic 动态的;D. excellent

出色的。根据后文“won national and international competitions”可知,Rehan 赢得了国内和国际

比赛,可见拳击出色。故选 D。

46.C. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他擅长拳击,赢得了国内和国际比赛,他希望这些比赛能

成为他摆脱贫困的途径。A. depression 沮丧;B. failure 失败;C. poverty 贫穷;D. ignorance

无知。根据上文内容可知,Rehan 的家庭困难,他希望通过拳击来摆脱贫穷。故选 C。

47.D. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,他的梦想在 12 年级时肩膀受伤后被毁了。A. switch

转变,改变 ;B.fulfil 实现;C. pursue 追求;D. ruin,毁坏,破坏。根据后文“when he suffered

a shoulder injury in the 12th grade”可知 Rehan 的梦想因为受伤而被毁了。故选 D。

48.D. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rehan 在高中时的糟糕成绩导致他申请的每一所大学都拒

绝他。A. assessed 评估;B. removed 去除;C. guided 指导;D. denied 否认,拒绝。根据上文“Rean's

poor grades as a senior resulted in him being”可知 Rehan 的成绩不好,导致申请大学被拒。故选


49.A. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:于是他在贝茨垃圾运输公司找了份工作,收垃圾,清理

垃圾箱。A. collecting 收集;B. recycling 回收利用;C. throwing 扔;D. studying 学习。根据后

答案第 4页,共 8页


文“rubbish and cleaning dustbins”可知他的工作就是收垃圾,清理垃圾箱。故选 A。

50.B. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这份工作不仅没有增加他的绝望,反而标志着一个转折点。

A. starting 开始;B. turning 转弯;C. rolling 滚动;D. limiting 限制。根据后文他考上了大学,

可知这份工作是一个转折点,turning point“转折点”。故选 B。

51.B. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的同事发现了他的潜力,激励他,敦促他重返校园。A.

preference 偏爱;B. potential 潜能;C. identity 身份;D. intention 目的。根据后文“uplifted him

and urged him to go back to school”可知,同事看到了他的潜力,鼓励他重返校园。故选 B。

52.C. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后他被鲍伊州立大学录取了。A. introduced 介绍;B.

persuaded 说服;C. admitted 承认;D. directed 指导。根据后文“to Bowie State University”可知

Rehan 被鲍伊州立大学录取了。be admitted to“录取”。故选 C。

53.D. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二年结束时,Rehan 决定要去法学院学习。A. arts 艺术;

B. sports 运动;C. science 科学;D. law 法律。呼应第一段“Getting accepted to Harvard Law School”

指上法学院。故选 D。

54.B. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Rehan 很感激同事们对他的支持。A. ambitious 有抱负的;

B. grateful 感谢的;C. desperate 绝望的;D. responsible 负责的。根据后文“for the support he got

from his co-workers”可知同事支持了他,所以很感激同事。故选 B。

55.C. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这是我人生中第一次有一群人真的鼓励我,告诉我我很

聪明。”A. admired 赞美;B. honored 尊敬;C. encouraged 鼓励;D. promoted 晋升。呼应上文

“uplifted him and urged him to go back to school”指同事鼓励 Rehan,故选 C。


56. dating 57. was rewarded 58. cheaper 59. legends 60. that 61. To express

62. with 63. appearance 64. popularity 65. an

Possible version :

Dear Jim

I am Lihua, in charge of this exchange activity. I'm so delighted to learn that you're coming to

my school for a visit and I’d like to extend my sincere welcome and inform you of some relevant


A welcome party will be held at 7 pm on June 10 at our school hall, where we can have fun On

next morning, you will be shown around and know about some history of my school. In the

afternoon, you will observe an English class and discuss with our students. I am firmly convinced

that not only can the cross-cultural visit improve our understanding of each other, but also promote

our friendship.

Looking forward to your coming. For any further information, please don't hesitate to contact


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【答案】One possible version:

Playing the song Chris recommended completely changed his life. Needless to say, the boy

was greatly encouraged and thrilled. And he had been happier and more focused in English class

ever since. He made rapid progress in English and other subjects. He even found confidence and

actively took part in various activities. While everyone else misunderstood him, Miss Lee

understood him and knew that he just needed someone who accepted him and gave him a chance.

Miss Lee even recommended Chris to participate in the annual school song contest. As

expected, he won first prize. He walked off the stage and gave Miss Lee the most honest smile that

答案第 5页,共 8页


she had ever seen. Then other teachers and students changed their attitude towards Chris. They were

happy to see Chris's changes and were getting along with him. When one of Miss Lee's coworkers

asked her, How did you get through to Chris Miss Lee smiled slightly and responded, I gave

him a chance—just through one song.


【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读可知,文章主要讲述了 Miss Lee 作为


由 Miss Lee 演奏并广播。班里一个不讨人喜欢的学生 Chris 在老师的单独鼓励下,推荐了一

首英文歌曲,这首歌受到了老师和同学们的喜欢。由此 Chris 开始改变。段落续写:由第

一段首句内容播放克里斯推荐的那首歌完全改变了他的生活可知,第一段播放 Chris 的歌曲

给他带来了什么样的变化;由第二段首句内容Miss Lee 甚至推荐克里斯参加一年一度的校

歌比赛。可知,第二段可 Chris 参加校歌曲比赛的盛况。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文





的驾驭能力。例如:While everyone else misunderstood him, Miss Lee understood him and

knew that he just needed someone who accepted him and gave him a chance 运用了定语从句;

As expected, he won first prize 运用了 as 引导的非限制性定语从句。


Text 1

W: Kevin, you need to set your alarm at 9:20 a.m., because we need to leave for the airport at

10:00 a.m.

M: But I showered tonight, and my suitcase is ready to go. If I get up 10 minutes later, I’ll still be

ready to go tomorrow morning. (1)

Text 2

W: I don’t think I can eat any more of this steak. It’s not cooked properly, and it’s making me

feel sick. (2)

M: That’s OK, honey. Here, have some of these potatoes. They’re very delicious.

Text 3

W: Don’t try to talk until your mouth feels better. How many teeth did the dentist pull?

M: Two. (3) And I will need a cleaning in a month.

W: At least you don’t need to get more fillings.

Text 4

M: Hello, I’d like to book a reservation tonight at 8:00. Do you still have tables available?

W: Unfortunately, we don’t take reservations over the phone. Please use our website instead. (4) Sorry

for this.

Text 5

M: It’s 3:00 p.m., Lucy. You’re going to be late for your hair appointment. (5)

W: Oh, no! My medical appointment ran longer than I thought. I got my watch repaired before that,


Text 6

W: Hi, Kevin. Where are you going?

M: Oh, I’m going to the library to study for the final exams. (6)

W: But today is January 8th and the exams are in three weeks. (6)

答案第 6页,共 8页






