广东省汕头市2024届高三上学期四校期中联考 英语参考答案

2023-11-27·8页·33.7 K

2024届高三级11月四校联考英语 答案及说明第一部分 阅读第一节 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)21-23 CAD24-27 ACDB28-31 CABD32-35 BADC第二节 阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)36-40 EAGCF第二部分 语言运用第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)41-45 DCBAB46-50 CDBCD51-55 DACAB第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. or57. are judged58. in 59. how60. a61. Occupied62. to pause 63. more effective64. enabling65. creativity第三部分 写作第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)A possible version: Dear fellow students,Smart phones have become an indispensable part in our life. Lots of students having been adversely affected, we appeal to every one of us to reasonably use smart phones. It can be noted that dissatisfying behaviors involving smart phones are going viral, such as getting drowned in games and even cheating in exams. Therefore, it’s urgent that we take instant measures. Initially, we call on every student to prioritize our academic work. Fully engaging ourselves in classes rather than phone entertainment, we are more likely to improve our academic performance. Additionally, we advocate strengthening the awareness of fair play. A majority of students make persistent efforts to attain higher scores, so all of us are expected to take exams honestly to guarantee fair play. Irresistible though smart phones are, it’s high time that we started from lessening the screen time bit by bit. Let’s take action right now! Li Hua第二节 读后续写(满分25分)Possible version 1: After a few seconds, the boy eagerly checked the deadline of the COMPETITION on the website. Hardly had he opened the webpage when the capitalized letters COMPETITION CLOSED leapt into his eyes again. How could that be? The deadline was a week away. “No!!!” silent screams exploded inside him. He rubbed his eyes, got closer to the screen and fixed his eyes on the letters. The Cruel capitalized letters just stood out as if naughtily winking at him. Unwilling though he was, he was forced to accept the irreversible fact that the competition had closed. Noticing mom leaning against his room door gazing at him with affection, he couldn’t fight back tears of grievance, bursting out crying loudly. His mother came up and comforted him. “Dear, it’s OK. You’ve written an award-winning story which is original and imaginative. That’s the biggest gain in the process.” mom said gently, patting him on the shoulder. Mom’s heartwarming comfort dispersed his shame, but still he regretted, “Mom, I should have started earlier and met the deadline! All my efforts have gone to waste.” As he recollected the struggle in choosing the topic and writing the imaginative story, mom wiped his tears, ruffled his hair and asked him to go to bed. Tossing and turning in bed, he was drawn to the fact that less procrastination, more satisfaction. Possible version 2: After a few seconds, the boy eagerly checked the deadline of the COMPETITION on the website. The day before yesterday! He could barely believe his eyes. Great sorrow overwhelmed him so suddenly that he bent over the keyboard with tears rolling down his face and his heart sinking. How could he make such a huge mistake? Reflecting on his passing spare time of the holidays, he suddenly realized it was his procrastination and carelessness that led to his failure in catching the deadline. Now he had no chance to enter the competition despite his great desire to win. Lost in deep regret, he couldn’t help bursting into tears.His mother came up and comforted him. “You missed the opportunity, but more opportunities are coming in your later life. What you should do is draw a lesson from the incident.” The boy straightened his body, stared into his mother’s eyes, and sobbed that he was so sorry. If only he had started earlier and stayed focused! If only he had taken it more seriously! “Mom, under no circumstances will I waste my time or procrastinate my work till the next day.” the boy promised in a trembling but determined voice. “It is gratifying that you know what to do. Do remember to plan ahead and take action as planned.” his mother added, her face beaming with satisfaction.参考答案与解析第一部分 阅读第一节 阅读理解A篇本文介绍了关于健身房会员资格的一些情况。C细节理解题。从STEP TWO: Your training部分中的After a few sessions with an expert private trainer you will feel comfortable working out on your own.(句意:在专业的私教给你上过几节课后,你自己锻炼时会觉得很舒服。) 可知,在第二步中有私教给你上锻炼课,故选C。A 细节推理题。从倒数第四句话Easy to start, stop, cancel or refund a membership.(句意:启动会员身份、停止会员身份、取消会员或者退还会员费都容易。) 可知,取消会员时可以得到退款,故选A。D 推理判断题。全文都在介绍这家健身房会员资格的一些情况,吸引人们去办会员卡,它应该是一则广告,故选D。B篇A 细节推断题。第四段Mc Laren说“I would be really surprised if there’s very much standing up from the bottom, two decades from now.”(句意:20年后如果泰坦尼克号仍有很多残骸幸存下来,我将非常惊讶。)可知,20年后可能只有一小部分保存下来。故选A。C 细节推断题。由第六段Kanuda说的 “People are going down just as an ego trip to say ‘I was here’.”(句意:人们下到海底,就像一种自我满足的行为,告诉大家:我来过。)可知,人们是为了满足好奇心和探索欲。故选C。D 细节推断题。由第九段Capt. Craig McLean says it’s unclear what part of the damage is from Mother Nature and which is from human nature.(句意:并不清楚对泰坦尼克号的损害哪部分来自大自然、哪部分来自人。)可知,对泰坦尼克号的损害并不一定来自探险游客。故选D。B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段most agree there’s little that can be done for this most famous of wrecks. And soon, the mighty Titanic could well be lost again. (句意:绝大多数人认为能为泰坦尼克号做的很少。而且很快,她可能会再次消失。)可知,作者也认为泰坦尼克号的未来是不太好的。A. promising 有前途的;B. discouraging 令人沮丧的;C. controllable 可控制的; D. vague 模糊不清的。故选B项。C篇C 细节推理题。根据第一段Fashion myths lave led women to believe that they are more beautiful or stylish for wearing heels (句意:错误的时尚信仰让女性相信穿上高跟鞋她们更美更有型。)可知,她们不重视高跟鞋的缺点是由于她们想提升自己的外表。故选C项。A 推理判断题。根据第二段,作者提出了高跟鞋的两个优点:给草坪通气和作为武器保护自己。作者是在用一种嘲讽的语气在调侃。故选A项。B 细节理解题。第二段中A simple trip around the yard in a pair of those babies gets rid of all the need to call for a lawn care specialist(句意:穿着高跟鞋在院子走一圈,就不需要找草坪养护专家了。)作者用调侃的语气指出了,鞋跟非常细,会陷进草坪中,很不方便,但是女性仍然青睐高跟鞋。由于女性对高跟鞋的青睐,作者用those babies这种调侃的称呼 来指代高跟鞋,因为高跟鞋穿着难受。故选B项。D 推理判断题。文章从开始告诉读者错误的时尚信仰欺骗女性穿高跟鞋,尽管它很不舒适并影响健康,但女性乐此不疲。作者想建议女性摆脱这些错误的时尚信仰。故选D项。D篇科研人员通过研究发现,微塑料的传播不局限于本地传播,还可通过空气在全球范围内传播。B 细节理解题。由第一段末句Now scientists are a step closer to understanding how these microplastics travel in the globe both locally and on long-distance flights.(句意:目前,科学家更进一步地了解到这些微塑料是如何在全球传播的 既有本地化传播,又有远距离传播。)可知,科学家目前更深入的了解塑料分子是如何在风中传播的。故选B。33. A 推理判断题。第二段最后一句提及The results, published on Thursday in Science, reveal the seriousness of the problem: more than 1 million kilograms of microplastics the weight of 120 million to 300 million plastic water bottles-fall on protected lands in the country’s western region each year.(句意:在周四的Science杂志上发表的研究结果揭示了问题的严重性 每年有超过100万公斤微塑料(1200万到3000万塑料瓶的重量)落入西部地区受保护的土地上。)可知,每年有超过100万公斤微塑料落入西部地区受保护的土地上,故可推断微塑料的数量是巨大的,故选A。34. D 细节理解题。第三段提及Steve Allen,由该段结尾 Plastics in the environment “carry all sorts of pesticides, heavy metals and all the other chemicals that we’ve made over time,” he adds. “They’re going to carry them directly into our lungs.”(句意:“环境中的微塑料携带有我们长期制造的各种杀虫剂,重金属和其他化学品成分,”他补充说。“微塑料把这些成分送入我们的肺中。”)可知,Steve Allen 表示空气中的塑料会把有毒气体和其他毒性物品送入肺中。故选D。35. C主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了对微塑料在空气中传播的研究成果:第一段介绍了研究主题,第二段主要介绍了研究的过程和结果,第三段主要介绍了研究成果在科学界的影响,最后一段则补充介绍了过去对微塑料的研究发现。故选C。阅读填空36. E 第一句说到青少年比过去花了更多的钱,并列举了数据。根据下文中提到的青少年花钱的原因与父母有关以及父母该怎么做,需引出钱是父母的。可知选E。37. A 第二段讲到一些奢侈的花销是不可忍受的,但家长仍然付钱了。这种普遍的现象难以理解。所以提问Why do some parents give in? 干扰项How did they persuade parents to pay?人称与上文不一致,不可选。故选A项。18. G 本段主要讲家长为孩子花钱的一个原因补偿心理。G选项提到了some guilt involved in not spending enough time at home。Guilt 呼应compensate。故选G项。39. C 本段主要讲家长应如何解决孩子花钱过多的问题:给零花钱但教会孩子省着花钱。本空在段首,为全段的总起句,F选项的budget(预算)与本段大意呼应。故选C项。40. F 本段主要讲家长应如何解决孩子花钱过多的问题,得出结论:家长要承担引导孩子、培养良好习惯。F选项中we指代parents,干扰项D主要讲孩子需要怎么做,与上文不一致。故选F项。第二部分 语言运用第一节 完形填空【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了没有运动史的坎贝尔因照顾妻子与跑步结缘,并爱上跑步的故事。考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他的妻子苏珊的脚受伤时,她需要帮助才能重新加入跑步小组,所以坎贝尔陪着她一起康复。A. arrangement安排;B. operation操作;C. confidence信心;D. support帮助,支持。根据句中“Susan, injured her foot”和“to rejoin her running group”可推知,选D项。考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. progress进步;B. treatment治疗;C. recovery康复;D. diagnosis诊断。根据上文“Susan, injured her foot”和下文“Susan recovered and...” 可知,苏珊脚受伤,一直在康复。故选C项。考查名词词义辨析。句意:但几周、几个月过去了,体重减轻了,苏珊恢复了健康,坎贝尔的能力也增强了。A. talent才能;B. abilities能力;C. experiences经验;D. health健康。根据下文“At the age of 63, he ran 50km, and at 70, he completed a 100km ultramarathon.”可知,坎贝尔的运动能力增强了。故选B项。考查动词词义辨析。句意:63岁时,他跑了50千米,70岁时,他完成了100千米的超远距离马拉松。A. completed完成;B. managed经营,(经过努力)做到;C. won赢得;D. joined参加。故选A项。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那么,一个没有运动史的人是如何在六七十岁的时候成为一名超远距离长跑运动员的呢?A. precious珍贵的;B. previous先前的;C. special特别的;D. sufficient足够的。根据第一段中“The last attempt of Ken Campbell to run could trace back to high school.”可知,坎贝尔不是一个爱运动的人,没有运动史。故选B项。考查名词词义辨析。句意:苏珊在受伤前跑过马拉松,但对坎贝尔来说,转折点出现在苏珊的Fleet Feet跑步小组喜欢上他们家附近的内华达山脉山麓的小径。A. graduation毕业;B. growth增长;C. injury伤害;D. attendance出席。根据上文“ When his wife, Susan, injured her foot, she needed support to rejoin her running group”可知,苏珊在受伤前跑过马拉松。故选C项。考查名词词义辨析。句意:坎贝尔去拜访苏珊的跑步小组,发现“小径上一片狼藉。天一直在下雨,我失足,滑行,摔倒。但我想,我很喜欢这个。” A. practice练习;做法;B. atmosphere气氛;C. dream梦想;D. mess混乱。根据下文“It had been raining, and I was slipping, sliding and falling.”可知,跑步的小径因为下雨一团糟。故选D项。考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. sighing叹气;B. falling摔倒;C. complaining抱怨;D. moving移动。与动词slipping和sliding并列,表示“摔倒”。故选B项。考查动词词义辨析。句意:他最喜欢的是被小道环绕、被茂密的植被和身边的小河拥抱的感觉。A. appreciated欣赏;B. appealed呼吁,上诉;C. embraced拥抱;D. buried埋葬。根据句中“the closeness of the vegetation”可推知,坎贝尔喜欢被茂密的植被拥抱的感觉,embraced与上文wrapped一致。故选C项。考查动词词义辨析。句意:当坎贝尔凌晨3点冲过终点线时,苏珊递给他一张100公里的贴纸,让他在卡车后面展示。A. approached接近;B. accomplished完成;C. divided分开;D. crossed穿过。根据句中“the finish line”可知,坎贝尔冲过了终点线。故选D项。考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. remain保持;B. advertise宣传;C. locate定位;D. display展示。根据句中“on the back of his truck”可知,贴纸是贴在卡车后用于展示的。故选D项。考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一份公开声明,表明你是这个社区的一员。A. statement声明;B. reminder提醒,引起回忆的事物;C. truth真实;D. expectation期望。根据下文“Wherever we park, I see a line of vehicles with their various stickers and I feel that we are a tribe (部落).” 可知,跑完100公里超级马拉松的人都有贴纸,所以他们属于一个部落,一个社区。故选A项。考查名词词义辨析。句意:坎贝尔在开始跑步之前患有关节炎,并且是“被认为需要做膝关节置换术”,但现在,他推迟了手术。A. target目标;B. alternative另一种选择;C. candidate被认定适合者;D. survivor幸存者。根据句中“knee replacement”可知,坎贝尔被医生认定需要做膝关节置换术。故选C项。考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个手术可能会结束他的跑步生涯,但“幸福感和成就感将永远支撑着我”,他说,“如果我不能跑,我会走。”A. put an end to结束;B. get involved in参加;C. keep an eye on 注意,留意;D. take advantage of利用。根据上文可知,坎贝尔的关节炎需要手术,而手术可能会结束他的跑步生涯。故选A项。考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. die死亡;B. walk走;C. stop停止;D. cry哭泣。根据上文“sense of well-being and accomplishment will carry me on forever” 可推知,坎贝尔不会放弃锻炼,即使不能跑,他还是会坚持行走。故选B项。第二节 语法填空 56. 考查连词。根据前面的whether, 本空填or,构成whether... or...结构,“无论是..., 还是...”。故填or。57. 考查谓语。此句句意:“我们适应机器,并坚持他们的标准:评判人的标准是他们的反应速度,而不是反应的质量。”。People和judge为被动关系,且此句中的adapt和hold用一般现在时态。故填are appreciated。58. 考查介词。take pride in为固定搭配,意为“为...而自豪”。故填in。59. 考查连词。根据后面的回答 “busy”得知在问最近的状态,而不是在做什么。How are you doing? 意为“你最近怎样?”。故填how。 60. 考查冠词。句意为“把任务从要做清单上划掉变成了一种定义我们的方式”。means单复数同形。故填a。61. 考查非谓语动词。occupy的用法为occupy oneself with sth, 与主句主语most of us为被动关系。故填Occupied。62. 考查非谓语动词。介词in后的宾语从句中,it为形式主语,用to pause做真正主语。故填to pause。63. 考查形容词的比较级。后面出现than。故填more effective。64.考查非谓语动词。The small walk acted as a pause中的acted是此句的谓语动词,后面的enable需用非谓语动词, “使我能够休息...”是前面主句导致的结果,为主动。故填enabling。65. 考查名词。in my后面需要名词形式。creative adj. 创造性的,有创造力的 creativity n. 创造性;创造力。 故填creativity。





