湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期10月联考 英语答案

2023-11-25·5页·471.9 K

湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023 年秋季高三年级 10 月联考


第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

1-5 BABCC 6-10 BACBC 11-15 BBCAC 16-20 CAACB

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)


21. A 细节理解题 根据第二个小标题的文章最后一句话 if the person says, ‘How did

you know I needed that done?’ I reply, ‘it’s because a man once cleaned my shoes.’”可知,


22. C 细节理解题 根据第三个小标题的文章中“When we shared this classic on rd.com

in 2019, it went viral and it has now been read by many millions online and in print.”可知,


23. B 文章出处题 根据第一段“These are some of our proudest moments.”可知,这篇



24. C 细节理解题 根据第一段 “she quickly hit a plateau and knew it was time to start

moving.”可知,Stephanie Laska 通过节食减轻体重遇到瓶颈,她决定开始锻炼。

25. B 细节理解题根据第三段 “I was keeping it a secret at this point and I remembered

taking my kids to the park one day.”可知,Stephanie Laska 的孩子不知道她已经开始通


26. D 推理判断题 根据“I always try to remind myself that those little decisions snowball,

positive or negative.” 和第四段“Exercise for me is not about running a marathon, it’s about

those daily decisions to just go outside.”可知,Stephanie Laska 坚持一步一步地锻炼,从


27. A 标题归纳题 根据第二段和第三段的内容可知 Stephanie Laska 通过小小的改变让



28. D 细节理解题 根据“you’d want to wake up early, start working with the sunrise, have

a break to have the largest meal, and then you’d go back to work,”可知, “你希望早早地醒

来, 伴着日升开始工作,休息一下吃一顿最丰盛的饭,然后再回去工作”,从“伴随着

日升开始工作” 这一点可以看出,这一时期的日常休息是与自然的周期循环同步的。

29. C 细节理解题 根据第二段最后一句话“so there was a very important interconnection

between eating together and strengthening family ties.”可知,“一起用餐与加强家庭关系之


30. A 推理判断题 根据第三段第一句 “Since industrialization, maintaining such a slow

cultural metabolism has been much harder, with the long midday meal shrinking to



whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand.”用一个独立主格

结构紧接着对其含义进行了解释,“丰盛耗时的午餐现在缩减为任何能塞进午餐 盒的

东西或者任何能在小吃摊上买到的东西。” 可见产生变化的是用餐时间的快慢,也就


31. B 观点态度题 根据第四段的第二和三句“Take Italy. It’s no secret that the

Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it was also a joy to prepare and eat. Italians, says

Counihan, traditionally began the day with a small meal.”可知,“以意大利为例,地中海




32. D 细节理解题 根据第一段 “Adults tend to have stronger cognitive, social, and

emotional skills”和“Many young adults enjoy this emotional depth along with an

abundance of free time, before family and career responsibilities pick up in midlife.”可知,


33. A 推理判断题 根据第二段“potential new friends don't constantly surround them the

way they did in school or while living in dormitories.”可知,进入全职工作的成年人没有


34. B 文章出处题 根据第三段“For efficiency’s sake, they might pair socializing with

other activities, like sharing a meal.”和“the activity doesn’t bring about the type of natural

openness that play can.”可知,为了高效起见的社交并不能带来单纯的娱乐所带来的自

然而然地放开的状态。engaging 在此处是“有吸引力的”。a far cry 是“相差甚远”的


35. C 观点态度题 根据第四段 “An efficiency mindset risks making friendships feel

transactional, as if each meeting should be “worth it.””和 “You tend to enrich your social

life when you stop and stay longer and waste time.”可知,友谊就是需要人们停下来,逗


第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36. G 段中句注意与前后句的逻辑关系。根据前句“thousands of endurance athletes gather

annually to test their endurance in the Leadville Trail 100 ultramarathon”,以及后句“Its

ticket sells out every year.”,可知,36 空所填的句子应该是“The Leadville Trail 100

ultramarathon has been running for 40 years. ”。人们参 加 the Leadville Trail 100

ultramarathon 测试忍耐力,现在这个活动已经举办四十届,每年的入场券都售罄。

37. B 段尾句的承上启下的作用。根据空前这一段对 Leadville 的总体介绍以及下一段开始

介绍如何体验这座特别的城市,可知答案是“Here is how to best experience this fascinating

city. ”。

38. D 段中句注意与前后句的逻辑关系。根据前句 “there are less extreme options for

getting fresh but thin mountain air.”和后句 “The circular path11.6 miles through the

evergreen forests.”以及 “Plan enough time to stop for the trail’s interpretive signs”可知



38 空所填的句子应该是“Rent an electric bike and tour the scenic Mineral Belt Trail.” 有


39. F 段尾句注意与本段前句的逻辑关系。根据前句 “Harrison Avenue is the best place for

a walk through Cloud City,”所以 39 空的答案是“Pick up a historic walking tour map

online or at the Visitors Center.”

40. E 段首句对全段的总起作用。根据后句“It designs, makes, and sells T-shirts only at its

Leadville workshop and store”可知代词 It 指代 40 空出现的地点。所以 40 空的答案是“Book

in advance to shop at Melanzana, an outdoor clothing brand.”在 Melanzana,一个户外衣服


第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

41.B 考察动词辨析 根据下文“When he got ready for bed, Dad would 41 his

pockets and put his coins into the jar.”爸爸在睡觉之前会把兜里的硬币放在罐子里。C

项 empty 作为动词,意为“清空”, stuff the pocket 意为“装满口袋”;“pick the pocket”

意为 “扒窃“。所以 B 项符合语境。

42.B 考察名词辨析 “I was always attracted by the 42 the coins made as they

were dropped into the jar.”该句的句意:我常常被硬币放进罐子时产生的声音吸引。B

项 sounds 意为“声音”,符合语境。

43.C 考察动词辨析 该句的句意:我常坐在罐子前的地板上,欣赏这这些银色的圆东

西。当太阳从卧室的窗户洒进来,这些硬币发着光像海盗的财宝。C 项 admire 意为“欣


44.A 考察名词辨析 根据下文 “Every time Dad slid the box of 45 coins toward

the cashier at the bank”可知,爸爸把卷成卷的硬币带到银行存起来。A 项 bank 意为“银


45.D 考察形容词辨析 根据上句“Dad would sit at the kitchen table and roll the coins”该

句的句意如上。D 项 rolled 意为“被卷成卷的”,符合语境。

46.C 考察副词辨析 根据下文爸爸说的话“These are for my son’s college 47 .

He’ll never work at the mill all his life like me.”,该句的句意:这些都是我儿子上大学的


C 项 proudly 意为“骄傲地”。

47.D 考察名词辨析 该句句意如上,D 项 fund 意为“an amount of money that has been

saved or has been made available for a particular purpose 基金;专款”,符合句意。

48.C 考察动词辨析 该句的句意:我们总是会停下买个冰激凌来庆祝这笔存款。C 项

celebrate 意为“庆祝”, 符合题意。

49.A 考察名词辨析 该句的句意:当冰激淋店的店员递给爸爸零钱时,爸爸就会向我

展示手里的一些硬币。A 项 change 意为“零钱”。“

50.B 考察动词辨析 该句的句意:当我们到家时,我们开始再次把罐子装满。B 项 filling




51.B 考察动词辨析 根据前句 “No matter how tough things got at home,”该句的句意:

无论家里的事情变得多么困难,爸爸继续往罐子了放硬币。B 项 continued 意为“继续”。

52.A 考察动词辨析 该句的句意:甚至时在夏天爸爸被磨坊厂解雇,一个星期好几次

妈妈只得给我们提供干豆。A 项 even 意为“甚至”。

53.D 考察动词辨析 该句的句意:甚至时在夏天爸爸被磨坊厂解雇,一个星期好几次

妈妈只得给我们吃干豆。D 项 serve 意为“to give sb food or drink, for example at a

restaurant or during a meal (给某人)提供;端上”。

54.A 考察动词辨析 该句的句意:爸爸是个话不多的人,他从不。A 项 lectured 意为“a

long angry talk that sb gives to one person or a group of people 教训,训斥”, 符合题意。

55.C 考察副词辨析 该句的句意:泡菜罐子教给我的美德比华丽的辞藻所能表达的更

加形象。C 项 vividly 意为“栩栩如生地, 生动地”。

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)

56. which 考查非限制定语从句的关系代词。

57. completely 考查词性转换。设空处修饰动词 has been preserved,应使用副词形式。

58. demonstrating 考查非谓语动词。此处 with 复合结构做状语。

59. to 考查介词。此处固定结构 to the fullest 意为“充分地,最大限度地”。

60. located 考查非谓语动词。固定结构 be located in/at…意为“坐落在……”,过去分词

located 在此处做定语。

61. an 考查不定冠词。an ecologic engineering feat 意为“一个生态工程的壮举”。

62. to control 考查非谓语做状语,to control 是表示目的。

63. dug 考查非谓语动词做定语,和被修饰名词 spillway 是被动关系。

64. has produced 考查动词的时态和语态及主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,produce 在

此句中作谓语,主语是 the system,时间状语 since it was begun over 2,250 years ago,

故此处用现在完成时 has produced。

65. consumption 考查词性转换。分析句子可知 flood control, irrigation, water transport and

general water 65 (consume)是并列关系,所以用 consume 的名词形式


第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


With the aim of enriching our school lives and providing a stage to show our talent, an

Art Festival was held in our school. It turned out to be a great success.

The Art Festival consisted of a variety of activities held among students, such as a

speech competition and performances with singing and dancing. Besides, it featured a grand

exhibition on our beautiful campus, on which related pictures and videos were exhibited.

This festival is extremely meaningful for us students as it enables us students to have an

opportunity to show our talent for arts and know about the beauty of our school from

different angles. In the meanwhile, it also inspires us to work hard and make a contribution



to our school.

第二节(满分 25 分)


The thought that he was a policeman’s son reminded him of the rake in his hand. He

put the rake down into the hole at once. The little squirrel, who had been taught to climb so

well, came up with the assistant of the handle. The little fellow was very wet and frightened

when he climbed out of the hole. Billy took him off the rake gently, and rubbed his fur clean

and dry with soft grass. Then he carried the baby squirrel across the street to the garden

where the other squirrels were playing.

Mother Squirrel heard the lost one sing when Billy put him down on the grass. she

came running. Billy watched her while she carried the little squirrel safely across the street

to the nest in the tree. After she put her baby to bed, she went back to the garden. That

evening Mother Squirrel came to Billy’s window for her peanuts. She chattered and tried to

talk to the boy. “She wants to say ‘Thank you,’” thought Billy. “I am glad I helped her.

That’s what a policeman does. I was the squirrel’s policeman. Some day I will be a real








