宜宾市四中高 2021 级高三一诊模拟考试-英语试题+答案

2023-11-22·15页·1.3 M

宜宾市四中高 2021 级高三一诊模拟考试


第 I 卷 选择题(100 分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读


1.How many gallons of gas are put into the car?

A.15. B.45. C.50.

2.What is Jennifer going to do this Saturday?

A.See a doctor. B.Go to church. C.Go to the cinema.

3.What does the man suggest doing?

A.Placing an advertisement. B.Reading the local newspaper. C.Going to the next-door


4.What does the woman decide to do?

A.Change her diet. B.Do more sports. C.Drink warm milk.

5.Who is sick?

A.Sue. B.Jake. C.David.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中

选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各

小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段对话,回答以下 6-7 小题。

6.How does the woman suggest the man travel?

A.By car. B.By bus. C.By subway.

7.Why will the man go to the city center?

A.To find a job. B.To take a class. C.To meet his friend.

听第 7 段对话,回答以下 8-9 小题。

8.What surprised the woman?

A.The man did well in the interview.

B.The man will know the result very soon.

C.They won’t make a decision until next Friday.

9.How does the man sound?

A.Disappointed. B.Uncertain. C.Confident.

听第 8 段对话,回答以下 10-12 小题。

10.What do we know about Kemp Town Beach?


A.It is known for its coastal walks. B.It is near the man’s home. C.The water there is


11.Which beach will the speakers go to?

A.Canvey Island Beach. B.Kemp Town Beach. C.Birling Gap Beach.

12.How will the speakers go to the beach?

A.By car. B.By taxi. C.By train.

听第 9 段对话,回答以下 13-16 小题。

13.What is the woman’s major?

A.Architecture. B.Engineering. C.Information technology.

14.What factor does the woman care most about building design?

A.Low costs. B.Modern styles. C.Environmental protection.

15.What is the woman’s biggest design idea about?

A.Keeping heat. B.Generating electricity. C.Supplying water.

16.What does the man think of the woman’s ideas?

A.Impractical. B.Wonderful. C.Outdated.

听下面一段独白,回答以下 17-20 小题。

17.Where is the speaker?

A.In a museum. B.In a forest. C.In a park.

18.What animals will people see the most?

A.Birds. B.Bears. C.Fish.

19.What color of bird is the speaker’s favorite?

A.Red. B.Blue. C.Black.

20.Why is the north path closed?

A.It is too wet. B.It is too high. C.It is too old.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Artists with a Green Message

Chris Jordan

Photographic artist Chris Jordan takes pictures of ordinary objects like bottle caps, light bulbs and

aluminum cans and turns them into art by digitally rearranging them to construct one central image.

However, it’s the tiny pieces that drive home then environmental message. For example, his 2008

work “Plastic Cups” shows 1 million plastic cups, the number used on airline flights in the U. S. every

six hours.

Nele Azevedo

Visual artist Nele Azevedo is best known for her “Melting Men” interventions that she stages in

cities across the globe. Azevedo carves thousands of small figures for to watch them melt. Her ice

Sculptures are meant to question the role of monuments in cities, but Azevedo says she’s glad her art

can also “speak of urgent matters that threaten our existence on this planet.”


Agnes Denes

One of the pioneers of environmental art and conceptual art, Agnes Denes is best known for her

land art project, “Wheatfield- A Confrontation.” In May 1982, Denes planted a two-acre wheat field

in Manhattan on Battery Park Landfill. The land was cleared of rocks and garbage by hand. Denes

harvested more than 1,000 pounds of wheat She says her works are “intended to help the environment

and benefit future generations with a meaningful legacy.”

John Fekner

John Fekner is known for his street art and the more than 300 conceptual works. Fekner’s art

typically consists of words or symbols spray painted on walls, buildings and other structures that

highlight social or environmental issues. His stenciled (用模板印的) message, “Wheels Over Indian

Trails, “was painted on the Pulaski Bridge Queens Midtown Tunnel in 1979. It remained there for 11

years until Earth Day 1990,when Fekner painted over it.

21.What kind of art is Chris Jordan known for?

A.Photographic art. B.Visual art.

C.Conceptual art. D.Street art.

22.Which works probably reflects the effect of global warmth on our existence?

A.Plastic Cups. B.Melting Men.

C.Wheatfield-A Confrontation. D.Wheels Over Indian Trails.

23.Who grew wheat in a landfill?

A.Chris Jordan. B.Nele Azevedo. C.Agnes Denes. D.John Fekner.


Feeling sleepy in the middle of the day? There are many reasons why we get sleepy in the

afternoon. Bad lighting, a poor night’s sleep, a boring job, large (carb-heavy) lunches, and more can

all contribute to head-bobbing at your desk or falling into a light sleep during a meeting. The best

course of action would be to find the root cause of your sleep issue and fix it, but most of us simply

head for the coffee pot or the cafe. Instead of that, try climbing some stairs.

Well, now exercise researchers have discovered that walking up and down lights of stairs for

about 10 minutes actually gives you a more effective boost (提 高 ) of energy than drinking 50

milligrams of caffeine greedily (the average amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee, tea, or soda).

In a study called Stair walking, the researchers enlisted 18 “physically active” college women

between the ages 18 and 23. The participants reported experiencing chronically poor sleep, adding up

to an average of fewer than 45 hours of shuteye each week in the past few years. And they are often a

lack of available time during the workday for a dedicated exercise session.

The researchers chose stair climbing as the exercise of choice. Walking up and down the stairs

requires no specific clothing, travel time, or even a shower afterward. During the study, on some days

the participants alternated (交 替 ) between taking 50-milligram caffeine pills or a placebo. On the

other days, they skipped the caffeine (real or otherwise) and climbed up and down the stairs, at a

moderate pace, for 10 minutes.

At the conclusion of the study, the researchers acknowledged that there is more research to be

done (when isn’t that the case?) but concluded that “A short period of low-to-moderate intensity stair


walking has temporary energizing effects that exceed a low dose of caffeine for active young women

with chronic insufficient sleep.”

So, the next time you find yourself nodding off mid-afternoon, why not give stairs a try?

24.What is the main purpose of paragraph 1?

A.To describe a phenomenon. B.To explain reasons of poor sleep.

C.To present the topic of stair climbing. D.To remind people to drink less coffee.

25.According to the passage, college women ________.

A.suffered from sleep disorder B.were active in physical workout

C.were too busy to fall sound sleep D.volunteered to participate in the study

26.What does the underlined word “skipped” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Released. B.Exchanged.

C.Became addicted to. D.Missed out on.

27.What message does the text seem to convey?

A.Proper stair walking can refresh people.

B.People tend to fall asleep in mid-afternoon.

C.A moderate intake of caffeine will be harmless.

D.Climbing stairs can effectively solve sleep issue.


Ouarzazate is a desert town at the foot of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, Africa, which attracts

Hollywood and European film makers for its varied scenery and picture-perfect locations. Its Kasbah,

with its red and brown mud houses and narrow streets, is one of these locations. It’s been chosen by

many US and British movie makers as a location for big-budget films such as Gladiators and

Kingdom of Heaven.

The cinema has brought a lot to Ouarzazate, whose people may work as technicians, sound

engineers or decorators, but they are mainly given unimportant roles as extras. Mbarka, her husband,

and their five children have all appeared in Western films as extras. Mbarka has been in so many

Hollywood films over the past 20 years that she cannot remember most of them. She doesn’t even

know the name of the last one she appeared in.

“I was in the film for 15 days. My son, Azzedine, knows its name,” said Mbarka. It’s unnecessary

to remember that. After all, it’s not that she likes the industry, but that she makes a living from it.

Kingdom of Heaven, a $180 million US production, provided eight months of work for 2800

Ouarzazate people. “When the cinema comes here, people are happy, ” said Azzedine who has

appeared in movies since he was seven. When there’s no movie in town, his mother sells sandwiches

in the local market, but he doesn’t seek any other job or go to school to improve his skills, not wanting

to miss a film opportunity though he’s not well paid. In fact, inexperienced Moroccan extras get as

little as $15 per day. Still, the money isn’t bad considering the average salary in Ouarzazate is about

$6 a day. Those with experience earn more; they get about $24 per day or as much as $60.

Inexperienced European extras, on the other hand, get about $40 per day. This has led to complaints

of discrimination by some Ouarzazate people.

28.What can be learnt about Mbarka?


A.She is a senior extra. B.She loves making films.

C.She’s left show business. D.She has been forgetful.

29.What does Azzedine do when there’s no movie work?

A.He learns hard to be a real actor. B.He always goes out to work.

C.He deliberately remains jobless. D.He helps his mother in a market.

30.What’s Ouarzazate people’s attitude to the arrival of the foreign film industry?

A.Tolerant. B.Favorable. C.Unwilling. D.Carefree.

31.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To promote two big-budget films. B.To introduce the extras’ situations.

C.To recommend an African Hollywood. D.To call for an end to pay discrimination.


Dedicated educator is on a mission to revive rural education in a remote mountainous community

and provide the best education to its children, one school at a time.

With her ponytail and big, square glasses, Cheng Feng looks every bit the schoolteacher. Yet, to

many of her students, the 33-year-old is more than that. Cheng’s care for her rural students has

extended beyond the classroom and makes her a mother figure to them all.

During the just past summer vacation, Cheng didn’t take time off but paid home visits to rural

students of the Liling Primary School, which is located in the mountains more than 120 kilometers

from the central area of Poyang county, East Chin’s Jiangxi province.

Most students have been left behind by their parents, who have to go to work far away from home

and are looked after by their grandparents.

“Seeing these special families and special children is what made me realize the importance of

rural education, and it is one of the major reasons why I have stuck around all these years,” says

Cheng, who also grew up in Poyang.

Since learning that one of her students, Tan Yeting, and her brother, were just depending on the

small income of their grandparents’ handmade broom business, Cheng would pay regular visits to

Tan’s home. She would check the homework assignment of the two children, play games with them

and cut their hair. These interactions have helped both children grow in confidence and shake off their

timid nature at school.

“Cheng is just like our mother,” Tan says.

“I feel like I can talk to her about anything, ”she adds.

Cheng voluntarily chose to move to the school last year after she learned it was in need of faculty

members. She has since helped to improve the teaching facilities, and went out of her way to reach

children scattered around the surrounding rural area and persuade them to come to school.

Thanks to her efforts, approximately 200 children in the neighborhood have been able to enjoy a

better education.

32.What was Chen Feng doing during the past summer vacation?

A.She was on a holiday in the mountain.

B.She was looking after her students in school.

C.She was helping her students with their homework assignment.


D.She was visiting her rural students in remote areas.

33.What do we know about Tan Yeting?

A.Her parents deserted her brother and her. B.She is too shy to talk to her teacher.

C.She lives on her grandparents’ small business. D.She leads a care-free and rich life.

34.Which of the following can best describe Chen Feng?

A.Caring and warm-hearted. B.Ambitious and optimistic.

C.Responsible and fashionable. D.Considerate and stubborn.

35.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The Life Experience of a Rural Teacher. B.China’s Rural Education in Jiangxi Province.

C.A Teacher Devoted to Rural Education. D.A Teacher Who Likes Paying Home Visits.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


Friendship is a very beautiful bond in which no one is big or small, no one is rich or poor, and no

one is ugly or beautiful. 36 In friendship, there are no terms and conditions. There is no age

factor in friendship. Each person has his or her own mind, own views. and own perspective on life.

You can learn a lot from every one of your friends.

37 It is best to have one good friend who accepts you as you are,who bridges gaps and never

lets you fall. As the ancient Greek poet Euripides put it,“Friends show their love in times of trouble,

not in happiness.”

Be happy and cheerful about your friends’ success. Always stand by your friends. 38 Give

whatever you want from your friends,like honesty, love, support and understanding, and never boast

to your friends when you are more successful.

39 ,you will be friendless. Everybody has laws. And for a good find ship,we need patience,

because patience is the key to everything. A beautiful friendship is like a childhood friendship, free of

jealousy and full of love. Children are unaware of bad feelings, where anger can suddenly arise. This

is the quality that makes children pure and special. 40 That is why they are loved by everyone.

A.When you meet an old friend in a party

B.If you are looking for a friend who is faultless

C.Ask your new friends questions about themselves.

D.Friendship means understanding, bonding and helpfulness.

E.One good friend is better than thousands of ordinary friends.

F.Never be selfish, and always try to give more and expect less.

G.For a good friendship,one needs true love, and children are full of love.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳


Tim and Jim are best friends and they stick together like glue. Last year these two British

schoolboys conducted a project designed to answer the question “What color, if any, do birds like

best?”The project led to the boys 41 the Young Science Award of the year after presenting their


42 to a group of scholars.

The boys' decision to find out whether birds have a 43 for a particular color came purely

from scientific curiosity. Both of them are very 44 about nature and the power of colors in

things. 45 they worked as a perfect team and began a citizen science project that didn't 46

fancy equipment. In their backyards, the boys 47 five bird feeders, colored blue, green, red,

yellow and transparent(透明的). They 48 changed the position of the feeders and placed a

49 for am hour each morning, afternoon, and evening across four seasons to 50 birds

visiting each feeder. They collected 51 covering a total period of 400 hours.

When the experiment finished, they had recorded the birds’ 52 to the backyards added up

to over 3,000. with most of the birds coming to the 53 feeders. It was a conclusive and distinct

win for blue over other colors. The pair 54 the results and male a conclusion that blue is 55

to birds because of their familiarity with the sky; green and transparent ranks second and third because

they 56 grass and water, while red and yellow are often u 57 of poison in nature.

Tim and Jim said they would propose 58 their idea in some fields, such as using less

popular colors of red and yellow to 59 bird strikes on planes. There seems a quite strong 60

between the color of planes and the occurrence of bird strikes.

41.A.losing B.winning C.designing D.defeating

42.A.sufferings B.behaviors C.findings D.aims

43.A.preference B.intention C.enthusiasm D.passion

44.A.concerned B.curious C.worried D.bored

45.A.so B.but C.yet D.for

46.A.ask B.require C.admit D.regain

47.A.picked up B.took up C.gave up D.set up

48.A.swiftly B.steadily C.merely D.regularly

49.A.camera B.tent C.screen D.board

50.A.display B.record C.broadcast D.accompany

51.A.data B.media C.feeders D.resources

52.A.activities B.numbers C.visits D.destinations

53.A.red B.blue C.yellow D.transparent

54.A.recognized B.explained C.analyzed D.impressed

55.A.sensitive B.harmful C.native D.attractive

56.A.belong to B.go through C.look like D.feed on

57.A.secrets B.memories C.goods D.warnings

58.A.improving B.solving C.applying D.fixing

59.A.benefit B.promote C.predict D.prevent

60.A.construction B.connection C.limitation D.contribution

第 II 卷 非选择题(50 分)

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms(节 气 ). Autumn


Equinox (秋分), the 61 (sixteen) solar term of the year, begins this year on September 23rd and

ends on October 7th. Autumn Equinox 62 (lie) at the midpoint of autumn, dividing autumn into

two equal parts.

As is said in 63 ancient book, “It is on Autumn Equinox day 64 the Yin and Yang

are in a balance of power. Thus, the day and night are of equal length, and 65 are the cold and

hot weather.” After that day, the location of direct sunlight moves to the south, 66 (make)

days shorter and nights longer.

By Autumn Equinox, most of the areas in China have entered the cool autumn. When the cold air

meets the declining warm and wet air, rainfalls are the result. The temperature also drops 67


On Autumn Equinox day, thousands of people around the world try to make eggs stand on end.

According to 68 (expert), on the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox, the earth’s axis is in

a relative balance of power with the earth’s orbit around the sun. But some also say that standing the

egg has nothing to do with the time. The most important thing is to shift the egg’ s center of gravity to

the 69 (low) part of the egg. 70 this way, the trick is holding the egg until the yolk

sinks as much as possible.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)

第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)


10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

When I was a little kid, I dreamed of keeping on a dog. My parents disagreed, saying that I was

too young that I couldn't take care of myself, let alone a dog. I didn't give up. Instead, I tried to be

independence and often helped with housework. A few month later, my parents found that I had

become considerate than before. They finally approve of my request. On my eight birthday, they

bought me a lovely dog as the gift. Followed my parents' directions, I've learned how to raise the dog.

I still miss those days that we accompanied each other.

第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)





1.词数 100 左右;2.题目以为你写好。

题目:Waste Classification












