湖北省宜昌市协作体2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试 英语答案

2023-11-20·7页·278.5 K




(Text 1)

M:It's Friday already.Jim's supposed to come back today.Why isn't he here yet?

W:Oh,he decided to put off his return date.He'll be back the day after tomorrow.

(Text 2)

W:Sir,does the rent cover all the expenses,including the use of electricity and heating?

M:Yes,but you have to pay extra for parking.

(Text 3)

W:How was your flight,George?

M:Thanks for picking me up.I had a sound sleep during the flight,just like at home.

W:No wonder you look so refreshed.We can head for the company directly.

(Text 4)

M:I'm starving,have you got lunch ready?

W:Not yet,I have been working at my desk all morning and I'm too tired to cook.

M:That's OK.We can order takeout food.

(Text 5)

M:Guess what?I'll start my new job next month.W:That's great.Congratulations.

M:Thank you for always supporting me.

(Text 6)

M:What have you been doing these days,May?W:Nothing.I'm just taking classes in art.

M:Is it painting class?

W:Not really.I'm learning how to write Chinese characters.

M:You are very smart and perseverance.Speaking Chinese is hard,let alone writing Chinese

characters with a writing brush.

W:It does take a lot of practice.My teacher is in his late fifties.He never loses temper easily

for my slow progress,though and he makes it fun to study.

M:Will you show me a little?

W:Not until I'm better at it.I just started last month.

(Text 7)

M:Hello,this is customer service.What can I do for you?

W:Hi,I recently returned an office chair.I'm just calling to ask you when I will be able to get

my money back.

M:When did you return it?

W:A week ago.

M:According to the rule,our company will pay back the money within five days of us

receiving the returned item.

W:Oh,I see.Have you already received the returned goods?

M:Just a minute,please.Let me check.Oh,it arrived two days ago.I'll arrange for you as soon as


(Text 8)

M:Molly,tell us about your business.

W:Well,I sell women fashion clothes designed by myself through a website.

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M:Did you have any sort of training in design?

W:No one taught me.As you can see,I'm very tall and I couldn't find clothes that fit me in

ordinary shops,so I started making my own.

M:How did you get started in this business at such a young age?

W:When I was in university,some classmates got to know I made my own clothes.They liked

my styles so much that they asked me if I would make clothes for them.So I started my

business at that time.

M:Really,that's unbelievable!I know your business grew rapidly after graduation.Do you

intend to open a physical store?

W:No,I'll keep things online to keep cost down,but I will add more styles for men and kids.

M:Wish you success,Molly.

(Text 9)

W:Carl,how did your driving theory test go?

M:I prepared it as much as I could.Yesterday,right after the test,they printed out my result.It

was such a relief to pass.W:I knew you could do it.Congratulations!

M:Thanks.You know it was my second try.I was afraid of a second failure.

W:Anyway,good job for passing it.Now,all you have to do next is your road test.Have you had

any lessons yet?

M:Yes,I really enjoyed it and I can't wait for my next session.W:How's your instructor?Is he


M:He is very understanding.This time I'll need to make a lot more practice and hopefully it

will be successful the first time.

W:Well,good luck.

(Text 10)

M:Hello,welcome to the lab!It will be your workplace from now on.Please remember some

rules I explain to you today.My name is Tony.I am your guide for this lab tour.As you may

have been told already,there is a safety meeting once a week.I expect you to know the lab

safety rules.There will be a brief test every two weeks.How you perform in this test will be

noted in your personnel file and could affect your salary.The most important information I

want to give you now is about safety and cleanliness.First of all,the only acceptable shoes are

sports shoes; don't wear jackets,necklaces or loose belts;you should wear full-protected

clothing in the lab.Second,everything must be kept clean.Wash your hands before handling

any equipment.This is extremely important.Tools and jars should be kept absolutely clean and

avoid any pollution.OK.Any questions?


15 CABCA 610 ACBBA 1115 ABCBC 1620 BACCB



21.B 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 Oprah Winfrey 一 节 “...Oprah was born into a poor family in

Mississippi...”及 Jim Carrey 一节“ButCarrey grew up extremely poor in Canada.”可知,

Oprah 和 Jim 都生在穷苦家庭。

22.D 细节理解题。根据 James Dyson 一节“...let me introduce you to James Dyson,the

famous inventor of the Dyson vacuums(真空吸尘器)...Luckily,the bag less vacuum worked.”

可知,James Dyson 成功研发出了无尘袋吸尘器。

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23.A 细节理解题。根据 Stephen King 一节Before Stephen King became known as a great

living writer—having written over 60novels...”可知,Stephen King 是一位小说家。


本文是一篇记叙文。加纳艺术家 Amoako Boafo 作画方式别具一格——不用画笔,而用



24.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“For Amoako Boafo,who often paints with his fingers,this

seems doubly true.His distinctive paint

strokes(笔画)combine the complex skin tones of his chosen subjects...”可知,Boafo 作画方


25.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Boafo...moved to Vienna,Austria,in 2014,where he ran into

difficulties,with gallerias unwilling to show his works...He also developed his standout

approach to figurative painting...”可知,面对画廊老板的苛刻,Boafo 并未放弃绘画,而是


26.B 推理判断题。根据第四段“Boafo is now a global art star...with three of his paintings

being launched into space by Blue Origin,Jeff Bezos' Kent-based spaceflight company,you

might even say Boafo has rocketed to success.”可推断,作者在此提及 Jeff Bezos 的太空公

司是为了说明 Boafo 的绘画作品具有很高的价值。

27.C 推理判断题。根据第二段及最后一段“And yet a recent phone conversation with the

artist...revealed a well-mannered person who appreciated his success while pointing out all of

the luck and preparation that led to it.”可推断,Boafo 意志坚定。




28.C 词义猜测题。根据第一段“...how the Earth's changing climate could impact this vast

undersea network has been relatively understudied until now.”及画线词后“by assessing how

and where future climate change is likely to impact subsea cables”可推断,画线词与 Explain


29.B 段落大意题。通读第三段,尤其是“...the researchers identified...”可知,本段主要介


30.D 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 五 段 “...look at Florida,there are at least 21 subsea

telecommunications cables that connect to the Florida coastline,North and South America and

the Caribbean,meaning that there will be a breakdown in communications worldwide...”可推

断,Florida 在全球通讯网络中尤为关键。

31.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“‘Our reliance on cables that are no wider than a garden

hose(软管 )is a surprise to many...’says lead author Mike Clare...‘The ‘cloud' is not in the

sky—it is under the sea.’”可推断,海底光缆在全球通讯中是更为重要的联通路径。



32.C 细节理解题。根据第一段“Before starting any study,his lab must get ethical(伦理

的 )approval from an institutional review board,which can take weeks or months.Then his

team has to hire online participants...Then the researchers spend hours...”可知,对 Kurt Gray


33.D 推理判断题。根据第二段及第三段“‘This is crazy,’Gray says.‘If you can just ask

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GPT to make these judgments,why don't you just ask GPT instead of asking people?’”可推断,

Kurt Gray 对 GPT 在实验中的表现很满意。

34.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Language models might also help with experiments that

would be too impractical,or even dangerous to run with people.”可知,语言模型可应用于研


35.D 标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要探讨在行为研究方面,人工智能可助力科研





36.F 根据空后“because it's such a personal decision and many factors are involved”可知,F


37.E 根据本节主题句及空后“Is that impact acceptable to you?For example,if you have to

take out loans to cover your expenses..”可知,E 项“回校深造对你的财力将产生怎样的影响”


38.B 根据本节下文“Wait until you've done some research and know what would best suit

you...Ask them what types of training programs they would recommend.”可知,B 项“哪种选


39.D 根据空前“What type of program/degree would best serve your interests?”及空后“The

right program for you may not be immediately obvious.”可知,D 项“并非所有的教育项目都


40.G 根 据 本 节 主 题 句 及 空 前 “However,make sure you know it's not other factors like

company culture.”可知,G 项“如果是公司文化(的原因),那就另找一家适合自己的工作单


本文是一篇记叙文。Tannenbaum 在哥斯达黎加旅游期间,因遭遇出行限制,转而萌发



41.A 当 Tannenbaum 确认(clear)因出行限制暂不能离开(leave)这个国家时,她开始研究在

Nosara 创业的可能性(prospect)。

42.C 见上题解析。

43.B 见第 41 题解析。

44.A “一切都让人感到压力很大(stressful),但我在 Nosara 能找到那份内心的平静,”她说


45.D 和当地团队共同搭建一个远程办公地点时,她看到了在此开设(open)酒店的机遇。

46.C Tannenbaum 曾(previously)在美国一家酒店管理公司任职,经常梦想(dreamed of)能

经营一家属于自己的酒店。滞留哥斯达黎加期间,她遇见了自己的合作伙伴 Sarah


47.D 见上题解析。

48.D 这两个搭档兴奋不已,将全部积蓄用来投资(invested)这个项目。

49.B “这是个勇敢的(brave)决定,”她坦言。

50.A 这家酒店最令人瞩目的就是其餐厅(restaurant),它为顾客提供当地的新鲜食材。

51.B “我们的菜单(menu)上标注了很多用当地金枪鱼烹制的菜肴,”Tannenbaum 说。

52.C 酒店里的一家冲浪培训点由当地人经营,酒店里的画廊展示的大多是以哥斯达黎加


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53.A “我们只想通过这个酒店尽情展示(shine through)当地的特色,”Tannenbaum 补充说


54.C 如今,Tannenbaum 很自豪(proud)当时开设了这家酒店。

55.B 她已在此开启(started)了一段全新的生活,正憧憬着美好的未来。



56.randomly 考查词形转换。根据空后 pairing 可知,此处填所给形容词的副词形式,


57.their 考查代词。根据空前 first-year students、空后 roommates and dormitories 及所属

关系可知,此处填所给代词的形容词性物主代词 their。

58.has established 考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据空前时间状语 Since 2001 可知,此处

用现在完成时,且主语为 China,故此处填 has established。

59.and 考查连词。根据空前 undergraduates,postgraduates 及空后 doctoral students 可知,

此处填 and,表示并列关系。

60.that/which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此空引导一个限制性定语从句;先行

词为 valid reasons,且在从句中充当主语,故此处填关系代词 that 或 which。

61.of 考查介词。be incapable of 意为“不能……”,是固定搭配。

62.selecting 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,此处填非谓语动词;根据空前介词

of 及空后 their own bed 可知,此处填动名词,作介词 of 的宾语。

63.increased 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,此处填非谓语动词;动词 increase 与

名词 flexibility 为逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用所给动词的过去分词,作定语,修饰其

后的名词 flexibility。

64.to voice 考查非谓语动词。encourage sb to do sth 意为“鼓励某人做某事”,是固定搭配。

65.importance 考查词形转换。根据空前 others questioned its 可知,此处填所给形容词的

名词形式,作动词 questioned 的宾语。


One possible version:

Dear Robinson,

I'm glad to write to tell you that our school basketball team plans to play a friendly with

your team.I believe it will be a good chance for both teams to learn from each other by

practicing together.Hopefully,the match will be held on the school basketball court from 2:00

to 4:00 this Saturday afternoon.After the match,we will hold a meeting to assess our

performance and expect you to give us some advice.I wonder if it is suitable for you.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


One possible version:

This upset me in the initial days of my recovery.Being fortunate to live all my life around

snow and skiing with my friends would make me feel happy!My heart sank on learning that I

would be unable to ski like before.To my horror,the four walls of my room got me angry over

the broken leg.My friends had always known me as a happy person full of jokes,but this event

changed me.Discouragement ran through my whole body,enough to get me in a black mood!

One dark evening,a joyful voice got me to turn towards the window.I looked at the front

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yard of my house.It was a man who sold things by standing in the street.My eyes stayed open

in amazement.A strong feeling ran across my body on witnessing him yet working with ease

to earn his livelihood. The rain of inspiration washed the desperation in me and gave my life a

new vision—You should shine brighter each day and let the failures wash away.”I was

anxious to ski on those soft snowy mountains.The fighter in me was now alive

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