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专题17 新高考英语读后续写模拟专练81-85(翻译+范文)新高考读后续写模拟专练81读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was one o’clock in the morning. In the Rivesville town art gallery, a window opened and a man came in. His name wasHarryBlack, and he was athief. It was darkin the art gallery, but Harry had a light. He looked across the room at apainting.“There it is!”he said.Harry moved quickly across the room. He stood and looked at the painting.“A million dollars for this?”he thought.“I don’t understand it.”But he took a knife from his coat. Then he took the painting very, very slowly from its frame. Harry went back across the room to the window, but he walked into a table. There was a beautiful blue glass vase on the table. It fell on the floor and broke into pieces. He ran acrossthe piece of glassto the window.Harry rented a room in Mrs. Allen’s house. He went quietly up to his room and closed the door. In his room, Harry took the painting from his bag. He wrapped it with anewspaperand put the newspaper under his bed.In the morning, Janey Allen was putting old bottles into a box. On the TV, a reporter was at the Rivesville art gallery. He was talking about thelostpainting and the broken glass vase. Janey glanced at the photo of the blue vase.At that time Harry wasn’tin his room. He was talking on his telephone. Janey was looking for old newspapers. Every Friday morning, she took them from every room in the house. Then later, the newspaper recycling truck arrived.Janey opened Harry’s door and looked into his room. She always took his old newspapers or bottles for recycling. She found a newspaper under Harry’s bed. She put the old newspapers into a black recycling box. Then she ran from the house and sawthe truck.“Wait!”she said. And she quickly gave the box to one of the men.Harry came back to the house. He saw the recycling truck, and he was Janey.“The newspaper——!Oh, no!”Harry said.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:He chased after the truck.______________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph2:Then Janey called the police on the telephone.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 巧合的是,当卡车正要通过时,最近的十字路口的红绿灯变成了红色。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 卡车不得不停下来,赫利设法靠近它,到达了黑色的回收箱。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 他把最贵的报纸紧紧地夹在怀里,立刻上了一辆出租车,没有注意到一块薄薄的玻璃。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 然而。珍妮目睹了所发生的一切。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 在好奇心的驱使下,她盯着那块玻璃,还记得那张蓝色花瓶的照片,嘴巴张得大大的。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 她向警方通报了出租车的行驶方向和她刚刚找到的那块可疑的玻璃。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. “我敢打赌,这正是美术馆的破花瓶里的。”警察很快就出发了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 三十分钟左右。哈利,那个可恶的小偷把那幅珍贵的画藏在小屋里时被抓住了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 最后,这幅画被送回了美术馆,哈利因贪欲而受到惩罚。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 巧合的是,当卡车正要通过时,最近的十字路口的红绿灯变成了红色。By coincidence, the traffic light in the nearest crossing turned red when the truck was on the point of going through it. 2. 卡车不得不停下来,赫利设法靠近它,到达了黑色的回收箱。The truck having to stop, Hurry managed to get close to it and reached the black recycling box. 3. 他把最贵的报纸紧紧地夹在怀里,立刻上了一辆出租车,没有注意到一块薄薄的玻璃。Having held the most expensive newspaper tightly under his arms, he got into a taxi immediately, not noticing a thin piece of glass drop. 4. 然而。珍妮目睹了所发生的一切。However. Jenny witnessed what had happened. 5. 在好奇心的驱使下,她盯着那块玻璃,还记得那张蓝色花瓶的照片,嘴巴张得大大的。Driven by curiosity, she homed in on the piece of glass and remembered the photo of the blue vase, with her mouth wide open.6. 她向警方通报了出租车的行驶方向和她刚刚找到的那块可疑的玻璃。She informed the police of where the taxi was heading and the doubtful piece of glass she had just found. 7. “我敢打赌,这正是美术馆的破花瓶里的。”警察很快就出发了。“It’s exactly from the broken vase in the art gallery, I bet.” The policemen set off in no time. 8. 三十分钟左右。哈利,那个可恶的小偷把那幅珍贵的画藏在小屋里时被抓住了。After thirty minutes or so. Harry, the hateful thief was caught when hiding the precious painting in a hut. 9. 最后,这幅画被送回了美术馆,哈利因贪欲而受到惩罚。Eventually, the painting was returned to the art gallery and Harry was punished for his greed.参考范文:He chased after the truck.By coincidence, the traffic light in the nearest crossing turned red when the truck was on the point of going through it. The truck having to stop, Hurry managed to get close to it and reached the black recycling box. Having held the most expensive newspaper tightly under his arms, he got into a taxi immediately, not noticing a thin piece of glass drop. However. Jenny witnessed what had happened. Driven by curiosity, she homed in on the piece of glass and remembered the photo of the blue vase, with her mouth wide open.Paragraph 2:Then Janey called the police on the telephone.She informed the police of where the taxi was heading and the doubtful piece of glass she had just found. “It’s exactly from the broken vase in the art gallery, I bet.” The policemen set off in no time. After thirty minutes or so. Harry, the hateful thief was caught when hiding the precious painting in a hut. Eventually, the painting was returned to the art gallery and Harry was punished for his greed.新高考读后续写模拟专练82读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Danniswas waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first noticed the young woman with shiny black hair pulled tightly into a knot. She wore black boots of soft leather. Dannis struggled to sec her face, she was ahead of him in line, but it was not until she bought her ticket and turned to walk away that he realized herbeauty, which was fair-skinned and big-eyed. She seemed aware that he was staring at her and lowered her gaze abruptly.His flight was leaving in an hour. To kill time, Dannis stepped into an airport bar and ordered a Scotch. While sipping it, he watched the flow of travelers throughthe terminal(航站楼)until he caught sight ofthe black-haairedgirlinthe leather coat again, deep in conversation witha blonde girl(金发女孩).Invite her for a drink? Dannis hesitated. In another instant, the two women separated, neither of whose directions was toward him.When next he saw her, Dannis was buying a magazine and became aware someone waspushinghim. At first, he was startled(受惊吓的)that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he saw who it was, he smiled.“Busy place, Dannis said.She looked up at him and blushed. Wordlessly, she moved away and joinedthe crowdsin the terminal.Dannis was at the counter with his magazine, but when he reached into his pocket for hiswallet,the pocket was empty. Where could I have left it? His mind was racing, the credit cards, the cash, the identification card..His stomach stirred with something very like fear. The girl who was so near to me! he said to himself. All at once he understood she hadpickedhis pocket. What shall he do?First, find a policeman, tell him what has happened. He would probably never see his wallet again. Dannis gritted his teeth. When glancing around for the police, suddenly, he spotted the black-haired girl, seated against a front window of the terminalShe seemed absorbed in a bookPara1:A seat beside her was empty, and Dannis occupied it.______________________________________________________________________________________Para2:girl ran and Dannis ran after her.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 他感到一阵怒火席卷全身。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. “我的钱包呢?”他喊道。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 黑发女孩看书后抬起头来,脸上带着困惑的表情。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 丹尼斯站起来,怒视着她,喊道:“你偷了我的钱包!“人群开始闲聊起来。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 那女孩脸色苍白得要命,看上去焦躁不安,说不出话来。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 空气中弥漫着一种奇怪的寂静。她突然从座位上跳了起来。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 过了一会儿,丹尼斯终于抓住了她的胳膊。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 就在这时,一个警察走近他们,询问发生了什么事。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 当女孩摇摇头皱着眉头时,丹尼斯赶紧解释。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. 在进一步询问后,警察拿出一个钱包递给丹尼斯,并补充说有人在厕所里发现了它。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11. 他犯了多大的错误!丹妮斯深感内疚,向女孩道歉。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 他感到一阵怒火席卷全身。He felt a wave of anger swept over him. 2. “我的钱包呢?”他喊道。“Where is my wallet?” he yelled.3. 黑发女孩看书后抬起头来,脸上带着困惑的表情。The black-haired girlglanced up from her reading, with a confused look on her face. 4. 丹尼斯站起来,怒视着她,喊道:“你偷了我的钱包!“人群开始闲聊起来。Dannisstood up, glared at her and shouted, “You stole my wallet!”The crowdsbegan to gossip. 5. 那女孩脸色苍白得要命,看上去焦躁不安,说不出话来。The girl turned deadly pale, looking so restless that words failed her. 6. 空气中弥漫着一种奇怪的寂静。她突然从座位上跳了起来。A strange silence hung in the air. Abruptly, she leaped from the seat.7. 过了一会儿,丹尼斯终于抓住了她的胳膊。After a while, Dannis finally grabbed her by the arm. 8. 就在这时,一个警察走近他们,询问发生了什么事。At exactly that moment, apolicemanapproached them and asked about what happened. 9. 当女孩摇摇头皱着眉头时,丹尼斯赶紧解释。Dannis hastened to explain it while the girl frowned with a shake of her head. 10. 在进一步询问后,警察拿出一个钱包递给丹尼斯,并补充说有人在厕所里发现了它。After further enquiries, the policeman took outa walletand handed it to Dannis, adding that someone had found it in the toilet. 11. 他犯了多大的错误!丹妮斯深感内疚,向女孩道歉。What a mistake he had made! Overwhelmed by guilt, Dannis made an apology to the girl.参考范文:Para 1:A seat beside her was empty, and Dannis occupied it.He felt a wave of anger swept over him. “Where is my wallet?” he yelled.The black-haired girlglanced up from her reading, with a confused look on her face.Dannisstood up, glared at her and shouted, “You stole my wallet!”The crowdsbegan to gossip. The girl turned deadly pale, looking so restless that words failed her. A strange silence hung in the air. Abruptly, she leaped from the seat.Para 2: Thegirl ran and Dannis ran after her.After a while, Dannis finally grabbed her by the arm. At exactly that moment, apolicemanapproached them and asked about what happened. Dannis hastened to explain it while the girl frowned with a shake of her head. After further enquiries, the policeman took outa walletand handed it to Dannis, adding that someone had found it in the toilet. What a mistake he had made! Overwhelmed by guilt, Dannis made an apology to the girl.新高考读后续写模拟专练83读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。In the far away land, there was a beautiful kingdom with its unique rule. The rule said, everyone may become the king, with all of his rights to govern the country for five years. After that he must be caught, his body will be tied and he will be thrown away to a remote island where the jungle is thick and there are plenty of wild animals and no human. Then, one by one, people became the king. The first man said, ‘‘Ok, I'm ready to be the king. And he became a king for five years. What he did in his five years was enjoying his position. He threw big parties, went to many beautiful places, married many women, collected many luxurious things and did other things that pleased himself. Those were all he did and he never prepared anything for his future. Until one day the time came. One morning when the king woke up, suddenly strong soldiers came to his palace and said, We came here under the order of constitution. Now it's time for you to be thrown away to the remote island. The king wasn't surprised but he felt that time passed by too fast. He had enjoyed himself in the past five years but now he had to accept his destiny with tears in his eyes. The soldiers sent him to the dangerous island and left. All they heard was the voices of the wild animals and the long scream of the former king; and then silent again. Every other king was the same until a young man came and declare his wish. By the constitution he was granted his wish. He would be a hug for five years before being thrown away to the island. But if other kings would follow their passion for having fun, he didn't. The king was always seen to be thinking.注意:1、所续写短文的词数应为150左右。 2、应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语。 3、续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好 4、续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1And not very long after that, he made a surprising decision. ______________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2Finally the time came when the king had to be thrown away to the island.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 他决定利用他所有的权利为他在这个偏远岛屿上的生活做准备。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.在第一年,他派遣军队,兽医和动物训练师杀野生动物或训练它们以使它们得到更好的利用。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 这是一个巨大的任务,但它是值得的。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 然后国王派了许多农民开垦了一大片稻田,开始种植水稻。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 接下来,他建造了从医院到学校的许多设施。从那以后,他派了许多受过教育的人去那里。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 最后他把所有的家人都送到了岛上。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 当许多强壮的士兵抓住他时,他笑了。他为最后一天做好了一切准备。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 当他被送到岛上时,这个岛已焕然一新。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 那里的每个人都过着舒适的生活,国王受到人民的热烈欢迎。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. 他们欢呼道:“英明的国王万岁”。聪明的国王从此过着幸福的生活。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11. 聪明人活在这个世界上是为了将来的生活做准备。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 他决定利用他所有的权利为他在这个偏远岛屿上的生活做准备。He decided to use all his rights to prepare for his life at the remote island.2.在第一年,他派遣军队,兽医和动物训练师杀野生动物或训练它们以使它们得到更好的利用。In the first year he sent troops, veterinarians and animal trainers to kill the wild animals or train them for good use. 3. 这是一个巨大的任务,但它是值得的。The task was so huge but it was worthwhile. 4. 然后国王派了许多农民开垦了一大片稻田,开始种植水稻。Then the king sent a lot of farmers to start a wide rice field and began to grow rice. 5. 接下来,他建造了从医院到学校的许多设施。从那以后,他派了许多受过教育的人去那里。Next he had many facilities, from hospital to school, built. After that he sent a lot of educated people there. 6. 最后他把所有的家人都送到了岛上。At last he sent all his families to the island.7. 当许多强壮的士兵抓住他时,他笑了。他为最后一天做好了一切准备。With many strong soldiers catching him, he smiled. He had prepared everything for the final day. 8. 当他被送到岛上时,这个岛已焕然一新。When he was sent to the island, the island had taken on a new look. 9. 那里的每个人都过着舒适的生活,国王受到人民的热烈欢迎。Everybody there lived a comfortable life and the king was welcomed warmly by his people. 10. 他们欢呼道:“英明的国王万岁”。聪明的国王从此过着幸福的生活。They cheered, “Long live the wise king. The wise king lived happily ever after. 11. 聪明人活在这个世界上是为了将来的生活做准备。The clever people live now in the world to prepare for their life in the future.参考范文:Paragraph l And not very long after that, he made a surprising decision. He decided to use all his rights to prepare for his life at the remote island. In the first year he sent troops, veterinarians and animal trainers to kill the wild animals or train them for good use. The task was so huge but it was worthwhile. Then the king sent a lot of farmers to start a wide rice field and began to grow rice. Next he had many facilities, from hospital to school, built. After that he sent a lot of educated people there. At last he sent all his families to the island.Paragraph 2 Finally the time came when the king had to be thrown away to the island. With many strong soldiers catching him, he smiled. He had prepared everything for the final day. When he was sent to the island, the island had taken on a new look. Everybody there lived a comfortable life and the king was welcomed warmly by his people. They cheered, “Long live the wise king. The wise king lived happily ever after. The clever people live now in the world to prepare for their life in the future.新高考读后续写模拟专练84读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Jack, a clerk at the local bank, was wandering alone on the street. It was a cold, silentwinter night. His mind was on hiswife Linda, who had been in a car accident two months ago and was now lying in a hospital bed, waiting for moremoneyfor heroperation. Jack had sold everything he had, and he had tried his best to borrow money from all the people and bank she could. But the real world is cruel. A large amount of money was still needed. To Jack, it wouldmean a great deal ofsuffering to see his wife die without any help. “I have only one option left,” Jack said to himself. Then he went tothe bank, his workplace, again. For several days, he observed the bank and planned atheft.The next day, he went to work as usual. Everything seemed normal: he joked with his workmates and helped his clients as he always did. But no one noticed that he had brought a biggersuitcase to work, instead of the small one he always carried. At 5:00 pm, the bank closed, andthe_clerks andthe guardshad all gone home. However, at that moment, Jack was in the bathroom, and the guards didn't notice him, of course. When the noises coming from the street were replaced by silence and everything turned dark, Jack came out from the bathroom. He first cut the lines of the alarms and monitors with tools from his new suitcase. He was all too familiar with the equipment since he had been working there for 8 years and had been studyingthe_security_system for the past 30 days. Using a special key and some other tools, he then easily opened the doors of the safes. The bank's security system wasn't very good, which allowed Jack to take a lot of money. Several minutes later, Jack left the bank with a heavy bag filled with money.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph1:AfterJackhadbeengonefromthebankforawhile,thealarmsbegantoring.______________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph2:Butthemostunluckymanwasthemanagerofthe bank, anoldman.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 警察很快就到了银行,却没有发现那里有人。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 第二天对镇上来说是个特别的日子,到处都是报道这起奇怪盗窃案的报纸和电视记者。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 银行的职员们忙着讨论这个案子,当然也包括杰克。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 尽管还没有找到线索,警察只能保证尽快抓到小偷。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 他似乎是唯一一个受到责备的人,被免职了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 最后,有了足够的手术费,杰克的妻子得救了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 然而,杰克对银行经理感到内疚。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 他忘不了他对老人所做的一切。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 随着时间的推移,他的罪恶感加深了。最后,他向警方自首并接受了惩罚。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 警察很快就到了银行,却没有发现那里有人。The police arrived at the bank very quickly,only to find no one there.2. 第二天对镇上来说是个特别的日子,到处都是报道这起奇怪盗窃案的报纸和电视记者。The next day was a really special day for the town,which was filled with newspaper and TV reporters covering the strange theft.3. 银行的职员们忙着讨论这个案子,当然也包括杰克。The clerk sat the bank were busy discussing the case,of course,including Jack.4. 尽管还没有找到线索,警察只能保证尽快抓到小偷。The police could only promise to catch the thieves as soon as possible,even though no clues had been found yet.5. 他似乎是唯一一个受到责备的人,被免职了。He seemed to be the only person to blame and was removed from his position.6. 最后,有了足够的手术费,杰克的妻子得救了。At last,with enough money for her operation,Jack's wife was saved.7. 然而,杰克对银行经理感到内疚。However,Jack felt guilty about the manager of the bank.8. 他忘不了他对老人所做的一切。He could not forget what he had done to the old man.9. 随着时间的推移,他的罪恶感加深了。最后,他向警方自首并接受了惩罚。His guilt deepened as time went by.Finally,he turned himself in to the police and accepted his punishment.参考范文:After Jack had been gone from the bank for a while,the alarms began to ring. The police arrived at the bank very quickly,only to find no one there.The next day was a really special day for the town,which was filled with newspaper and TV reporters covering the strange theft.The clerk sat the bank were busy discussing the case,of course,including Jack.The police could only promise to catch the thieves as soon as possible,even though no clues had been found yet.But the most unlucky man was the manager of the bank,an old man.He seemed to be the only person to blame and was removed from his position.At last,with enough money for her operation,Jack's wife was saved.However,Jack felt guilty about the manager of the bank.He could not forget what he had done to the old man.His guilt deepened as time went by.Finally,he turned himself in to the police and accepted his punishment.新高考读后续写模拟专练85读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A Sweet Song Nothing will ever be the same again, Ally whispered. She sank slowly into her father's favorite chair and stared at the small American flag on his desk. It was the flag which Chief Russell had given to her after the funeral last summer, when he hugged her and told her how proud the Police Department was of her dad's work for them. His tears had warmed Ally's cheeks; her own tears were still frozen inside her heart. Ally looked at her father's picture on the bookcase. Dad was sitting in the middle of a stream, wet through but grinning proudly. I miss you, Dad, she said softly .By this time last year she had already taken dozens of pictures. Ever since she could remember, she and Dad had been a team, searching the woods behind the house each weekend for a glimpse of the special woodwarbler(林中莺). Allyreachedfor the first photo album she and Dad had put together. On the cover a tiny orange bird with blue gray wings and sharp black eyes peered out of the photo her father had clipped from a local newspaper. Ally smiled, remembering the excited look on his face when he first showed her the pretty bird. Ally, I bet if we search real hard, we'll see this little guy together some day. They'd never spotted the warbler, but her father had an amazing way of making each outing seem special. Staying with Dad, Ally feltcomfortable,If only I could get that good feeling back, she thought, sighing. Staring at the bird, suddenly, she knew exactly what she had to do. Grabbing the little flag, she placed her camera around her neck and hurried outside. Ally stuck the flag among the flowers in the garden. Please let me see the warbler, she murmured to herself. She gave her worried Mom a kiss and then set off into the woods.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph1:Familiar smells of the earth rose up to greet her.______________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph2:Determined to start out the next morning, she was about to head home when a ringing birdsong floated down to her.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 有些事情永远不会改变,艾莉想。她加快了脚步,急忙跑到小溪边的岩石边,她和她父亲经常坐在那里吃午饭。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 她坐在上面,脸朝着太阳。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 头顶上的天空充满了鸟儿,它们正忙着潜水去采干草放在它们的巢里。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 他们甜美的歌声在树林中回荡。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 很久以来,阿丽第一次感到满足。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 在微风中,她几乎能听到父亲的笑声,因为她在听那只特别的鸟的甜美的歌声。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 太快,太阳消失在厚厚的灰色云层后面。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 这比她以前听过的任何一个都漂亮。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 当艾丽搜索天空时,她内心涌起了一种激动的情绪。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. 一道橘黄色的闪光冲下来,停在附近的一根树枝上。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11. 有一阵子艾丽不敢相信自己的眼睛,但那是真的。那只小小的林中莺就坐在那里,环顾四周,好像在等什么。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12. 艾丽止住眼泪。“谢谢,爸爸,”她低声说,慢慢地举起相机,仔细瞄准。“没有你,事情就不一样了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13. 我将永远怀念我们在一起的时光,但我现在感觉好多了。”____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 有些事情永远不会改变,艾莉想。她加快了脚步,急忙跑到小溪边的岩石边,她和她父亲经常坐在那里吃午饭。Some things never change, Ally thought. Quickening her pace, she hurried to the rock by the stream where she and her father used to sit and eat lunch. 2. 她坐在上面,脸朝着太阳。She sat on it, with her face toward the sun. 3. 头顶上的天空充满了鸟儿,它们正忙着潜水去采干草放在它们的巢里。Overhead the sky was filled with birds busily diving to gather dried grass to place in their nests. 4. 他们甜美的歌声在树林中回荡。Their sweet songs echoed throughout the woods. 5. 很久以来,阿丽第一次感到满足。Ally felt content for the first time in a long while. 6. 在微风中,她几乎能听到父亲的笑声,因为她在听那只特别的鸟的甜美的歌声。She could almost hear her father’s laughter in the gentle breeze as she listened for the sweet song of the special bird. 7. 太快,太阳消失在厚厚的灰色云层后面。All too soon, the sun disappeared behind thick gray clouds.8. 这比她以前听过的任何一个都漂亮。It was prettier than any she had heard before. 9. 当艾丽搜索天空时,她内心涌起了一种激动的情绪。An excited feeling bubbled up inside Ally as she searched the sky. 10. 一道橘黄色的闪光冲下来,停在附近的一根树枝上。A flash of orange dashed down and rested on a nearby branch. 11. 有一阵子艾丽不敢相信自己的眼睛,但那是真的。那只小小的林中莺就坐在那里,环顾四周,好像在等什么。For a moment Ally couldn’t believe her eyes, but it was true. The tiny wood warbler just sat there, looking around, as if it were waiting for something. 12. 艾丽止住眼泪。“谢谢,爸爸,”她低声说,慢慢地举起相机,仔细瞄准。“没有你,事情就不一样了。Ally blinked back tears. “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered slowly lifting her camera and taking careful aim. “Things will be different without you. 13. 我将永远怀念我们在一起的时光,但我现在感觉好多了。”I’ll always miss our times together, but I feel better now.”参考范文:Paragraph 1:Familiar smells of the earth rose up to greet her. Some things never change, Ally thought. Quickening her pace, she hurried to the rock by the stream where she and her father used to sit and eat lunch. She sat on it, with her face toward the sun. Overhead the sky was filled with birds busily diving to gather dried grass to place in their nests. Their sweet songs echoed throughout the woods. Ally felt content for the first time in a long while. She could almost hear her father’s laughter in the gentle breeze as she listened for the sweet song of the special bird. All too soon, the sun disappeared behind thick gray clouds.Paragraph 2:Determined to start out again the next morning, she was about to head home when a ringing birdsong floated down to her. It was prettier than any she had heard before. An excited feeling bubbled up inside Ally as she searched the sky. A flash of orange dashed down and rested on a nearby branch. For a moment Ally couldn’t believe her eyes, but it was true. The tiny wood warbler just sat there, looking around, as if it were waiting for something. Ally blinked back tears. “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered slowly lifting her camera and taking careful aim. “Things will be different without you. I’ll always miss our times together, but I feel better now.”





