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专题15 新高考英语读后续写模拟专练71-75(翻译+范文)新高考读后续写模拟专练71读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。One Sunday last year, eight of us hiked for a couple of hours through the desert near San Diego to reachThunder Canyon Cave. We had to abseil(沿绳滑下)through an icy waterfall to get inside, so we put on our wetsuits and lowered ourselves 30 feet down. By 11:00 a.m. we were inside. After weclimbedfurther, we reached a nine-inch crack. Having moved for four hours, I was tired and wet. The group leader,Luca, was guiding three cavers. One of them, Steve got stuck in the crack. There was 10minutesof pulling and pushing until Steve was free. He was tired and needed to leave. Luca, assuming I’d been through the crack before, guided Steve through the cave for another 15 minutes to an exit. I was second from last to go through. I didn’t realize that Luca wasn’t there — if I’d known, I wouldn’t have attempted the crack, as I needed an experienced guide. The challenge is to put yourfeetfirst down the length of the crack, and then move your body sideways to swing along, before dropping five feet to the floor of the next space. On my first attempt, I knew I wouldn’tmake itthrough, but the groupencouragedme to try again. I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone by having to make the long trip back through the cave, so I backed out and took off my wetsuit. In just my T-shirt, I tried to slide through again but my hips(屁股)weretrapped. My feet were hanging on the other side and my left arm supported my body. My hand rested on a wooden board that had been left covering boulders(大圆石) to protect cavers from slipping. Luca returned and the team tried everything to shift me as I mentally focused on escape. After two hours my arm weakened, so I slid further into the crack, where thegapwas only 8.5 inches wide. My body weight was on my left hand, my back and chest touching the cold stone walls. The guy behind me,Jim, tried unsuccessfully to pull me back. Of course, I was blocking his escape, too.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph1:With the risk of the low body temperature, the group supplied me with their own jackets.______________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph2:After eight hours, Luca found the rescue team.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 然而,它们毫无用处。我又惊又累,在梦幻般的状态中忽进忽出。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 吉姆想开玩笑让我睡不着觉。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 随着时间的流逝,我能让它活下来的信念逐渐消失。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 注意到这一点,卢卡决定求助于救援队。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 他们一到,队伍就开始检查现场。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 他们试图抬高我手旁边的木板把我拉出来,但没有成功。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 卢卡不停地鼓励我,而救援队则用特殊的工具钻孔,甚至摩擦岩石的一部分来使我的臀部自由。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 在他们的帮助下,我设法移动了脚步,爬出了缝隙。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 当我被送到最近的医院时,我激动得差点忘了感谢所有的人。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 然而,它们毫无用处。我又惊又累,在梦幻般的状态中忽进忽出。However, they served no purpose. Frightened and exhausted, I was drifted in and out of a dreamlike state.2. 吉姆想开玩笑让我睡不着觉。Jimtried to crack jokes to keep me awake. 3. 随着时间的流逝,我能让它活下来的信念逐渐消失。As time went by, the faith that I couldmake italive faded gradually. 4. 注意到这一点,卢卡决定求助于救援队。Noticing it, Luca decided to turn to a rescue team for help.5. 他们一到,队伍就开始检查现场。On their arrival, the team began to examine the spot. 6. 他们试图抬高我手旁边的木板把我拉出来,但没有成功。They attempted to jack the board near my hand to drag me out, but in vain.7. 卢卡不停地鼓励我,而救援队则用特殊的工具钻孔,甚至摩擦岩石的一部分来使我的臀部自由。Lucakept onencouragingme while the rescue team used specific tools to drill and even rub part of the rock to free my hips.8. 在他们的帮助下,我设法移动了脚步,爬出了缝隙。With their help, I managed to move myfeetandclimbout of thegap.9. 当我被送到最近的医院时,我激动得差点忘了感谢所有的人。I was so thrilled that I nearly forgot to thank all the fellows when I was sent to the nearest hospital.参考范文: With the risk of the low body temperature, the group supplied me with their own jackets.However, they served no purpose. Frightened and exhausted, I was drifted in and out of a dreamlike state.Jimtried to crack jokes to keep me awake. As time went by, the faith that I couldmake italive faded gradually. Noticing it, Luca decided to turn to a rescue team for help. After eight hours, Luca found the rescue team.On their arrival, the team began to examine the spot. They attempted to jack the board near my hand to drag me out, but in vain.Lucakept onencouragingme while the rescue team used specific tools to drill and even rub part of the rock to free my hips. With their help, I managed to move myfeetandclimbout of thegap. I was so thrilled that I nearly forgot to thank all the fellows when I was sent to the nearest hospital.新高考读后续写模拟专练72读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Many years ago, when I was fresh out of school and working in Denver, I was driving to my parents' home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station(加油站)about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register(收款台), I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas. I took off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my friend's .We chatted on the way into the city, and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card. I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays meaningful. Years later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that I'd left the lights on all day, and the battery(电池)was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership - a shop selling cars - was right next door. I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom.注意:1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为二段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1I entered the shop, and one of the salesman came to me. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 After a while, they quickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 翻译小练习:1. 我立刻认出了他。这两个推销员是老两口,他们是Friendly Ford经销商的老板。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. “嘿,是你!你帮过我,记得吗?“我激动地对他们说。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. “是的,我们有!“老人笑了,我们经营商店是为了帮助更多的人。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 你知道吗,这让我们的生活如此有意义!”____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 他们再一次解决了我的麻烦,但当我付钱时,他们不接受我的钱。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 他们告诉我,刚开始经营这家店的时候,从来没有人抽时间给他们写信说声谢谢,但现在他们收到的感谢信越来越多,他们真的很高兴。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 我立刻认出了他。这两个推销员是老两口,他们是Friendly Ford经销商的老板。I recognized him at once. The two salesmen were the older couple, and they were the owners of the Friendly Ford dealership. 2. “嘿,是你!你帮过我,记得吗?“我激动地对他们说。“Hey, it’s you! You ever helped me, remember?” I said to them excitedly. 3. “是的,我们有!“老人笑了,我们经营商店是为了帮助更多的人。“Yeah, we do!” the old man laughed, we run the shop to help more people. 4. 你知道吗,这让我们的生活如此有意义!”You know, it makes our life so meaningful!”5. 他们再一次解决了我的麻烦,但当我付钱时,他们不接受我的钱。They solved my trouble once again, but when I paid for it, they would not accept my money. 6. 他们告诉我,刚开始经营这家店的时候,从来没有人抽时间给他们写信说声谢谢,但现在他们收到的感谢信越来越多,他们真的很高兴。They told me that when they ran the shop at first, no one had ever taken the time to write them and say thank you, but now they received more and more thank-you notes from people, which they were really happy about.参考范文:Paragraph 1I entered the shop, and one of the salesman came to me. I recognized him at once. The two salesmen were the older couple, and they were the owners of the Friendly Ford dealership. “Hey, it’s you! You ever helped me, remember?” I said to them excitedly. Yeah, we do!” the old man laughed, we run the shop to help more people. You know, it makes our life so meaningful!”Paragraph 2 After a while, they quickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it. They solved my trouble once again, but when I paid for it, they would not accept my money. They told me that when they ran the shop at first, no one had ever taken the time to write them and say thank you, but now they received more and more thank-you notes from people, which they were really happy about.新高考读后续写模拟专练73读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Dawn came slowly. A shaft of sunlight reached into the 4-meter-deep crater(弹坑),making the metal of the bomb shine.The boyswere numb and tight, and hungry. They tried not to look at the huge shape ofthe bombthat appeared over them.Harry suddenly opened his eyes and seized Jack's arm. Listen! hewhispered. Jack's eye widened instantly, and both boys strained their ears. They could hear a man talkingsoftly. The voice seemed a long way off. Jack went to shout, but Harry clamped his hand over Jack's mouth. Don't shout/' he hissed(发出嘘声),We'll be blown into pieces.The soft voice came nearer and nearer. Suddenly, an armycaptainappeared at the top of crater. He was talking to a mouthpiece(话筒)around his neck. He stopped talking when he saw the boys. What the... he said, “Who are you? Hairyfound his voice, Jack and Harry Brown. Is thatdogdead? asked the captain. “No:he’s sleeping, said Harry.The captain spoke into the mouthpiece again, “Sergeant(中士),he said, stopped and took a breath before he went on. “There are two kids and a dog down here. Then the captain crouched down and stared closely at the bomb. “Don't move and don't speak, he said, or we'll all go up. He began talking quietly to his sergeant.Jack and Harry were too stiff to move. They held Raf, the dog, tightly and waited. Another man appeared at the top of the crater. I thought so, he said, It's them all right?It’sOld Tin Hat! whispered Jack. Old Tin Hat was carrying aladder. He and the captain lowered the ladder into the loose earth next to the two boys. Keep still, the captain warned them. As the captain held on at the top. Old Tin Hat started to come down the ladder very slowly, verygently,step by step. At last, he reached the bottom, and with one movement, he lifted Jack on his back. Harry watched as Jack was carried up. It seemed to take an age.Paragraph1:With a sudden fall of earth, Old Tin Hat froze halfway up.______________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:Old Tin Hat pulled Harry onto his back, carrying Raf under his arm. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 翻译小练习:1. 哈利吓得喘不过气来,但幸运的是那家伙很稳定。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Old Tin Hat又起来了。他一到山顶,手就伸出来,杰克就不见了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Old Tin Hat又从梯子上下来了,温柔而谨慎。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 最终,他加入了哈里和英国皇家空军。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 尽管哈利暗示那只狗是走在最后,但他坚持说他们会在一起。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Old Tin Hat第二次开始爬梯子。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 男孩和狗的重量使他喘不过气来。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 经过巨大的努力,他们到达了火山口的顶部。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 所有人都获救了!远处传来微弱的欢呼声。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. 一群人挤在栅栏后面。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11. 在那儿,“妈妈!”Hurry冲过去,紧紧地抱着妈妈。后来,消息传来,炸弹已安全运走。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 哈利吓得喘不过气来,但幸运的是那家伙很稳定。Harry gasped with terror but luckily the ladder was steady. 2. Old Tin Hat又起来了。他一到山顶,手就伸出来,杰克就不见了。Old Tin Hat started up again. No sooner had he got to the top than hands reached out and Jack disappeared. 3. Old Tin Hat又从梯子上下来了,温柔而谨慎。Again down the ladder came Old Tin Hat, gently and cautiously. 4. 最终,他加入了哈里和英国皇家空军。Eventually, he joined Harry and Raf. 5. 尽管哈利暗示那只狗是走在最后,但他坚持说他们会在一起。Though he suggested that dog went last, Harry insisted that they would be together.6. Old Tin Hat第二次开始爬梯子。Old Tin Hat started to climb the ladder for the second time. 7. 男孩和狗的重量使他喘不过气来。The weight of the boy and the dog made him gasp. 8. 经过巨大的努力,他们到达了火山口的顶部。With great efforts, they came to the top of the crater. 9. 所有人都获救了!远处传来微弱的欢呼声。Everybody was rescued! A faint cheer rose from a long way off. 10. 一群人挤在栅栏后面。A group of people crowded behind the barrier. 11. 在那儿,“妈妈!”Hurry冲过去,紧紧地抱着妈妈。后来,消息传来,炸弹已安全运走。And there was, “Mom!” Hurry rushed over, hugging his mom tightly. Later, news came that the bomb was taken away, safe.参考范文:With a sudden fall of earth, Old Tin Hat froze halfway up.Harry gasped with terror but luckily the ladder was steady. Old Tin Hat started up again. No sooner had he got to the top than hands reached out and Jack disappeared. Again down the ladder came Old Tin Hat, gently and cautiously. Eventually, he joined Harry and Raf. Though he suggested that dog went last, Harry insisted that they would be together.Old Tin Hat pulled Harry onto his back, carrying Raf under his arm. Old Tin Hat started to climb the ladder for the second time. The weight of the boy and the dog made him gasp. With great efforts, they came to the top of the crater. Everybody was rescued! A faint cheer rose from a long way off. A group of people crowded behind the barrier. And there was, “Mom! Hurry rushed over, hugging his mom tightly. Later, news came that the bomb was taken away, safe.新高考读后续写模拟专练74读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was a Saturday afternoon. The color of the sky was changing, first light gray, then dark gray, and finally dark and dense. The wind was blowing heavily, and the trees were swaying in the strong wind. It began toraincats and dogs. Soon, the road was filled with puddles from the rain.In such a stormy afternoon, Mymothertook my five-year-oldbrother, Christopher, and me to a new big toy store she had read about in the newspaper. So manytoys,“ the advertisement had shouted in full and flashy color, “ that we had to get a huge warehouse to fit them all!”Christopher and I couldn't have been more excited. We ran across the parking lot, through the cold and biting rain, as fast as our little legs could carry us. We left our mother outside to battle with the frustrating umbrella, which never worked when she wanted it to. Christine! Take care of your young brother!“ Mother shouted at the top of her voice.“Christine! I'm going to find the Lego section(乐高积木区)!There's a newpirate shipI want, and I have four dollars! Maybe I can buy it!“ Christopher exclaimed and ran off excitedly. I only half heard him. I took a right turn and, to my wide-eyed delight, found myself in the midst of the Barbie(芭比)World.I was studying a Barbie and doing some simple math in my head when suddenly an earthshaking clap of thunder roared from the storm outside. I jumped at the noise, dropping the doll to the floor. The lights flickered(闪烁)once and died, covering everything in a blanket of blackness. Thundercontinuedto shake the sky and lightning illuminated the store for seconds, casting frightening shadows on mymind.Paragraph 1:“Oh no,” I thought, “Where’s Christopher?”______________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:“Christine, I’m here.”______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 我当场被吓呆了,我觉得有必要看看,拥抱我的弟弟,确保他没事。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 我的胃扭曲了。我在黑暗中在过道上跑来跑去,惊慌失措地填满了我的小胸膛,使我呼吸困难。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 我撞到了糖果,被玩具绊倒了,还疯狂地叫着我弟弟的名字。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 虽然我很着急,但还是找不到他。沮丧和恐惧的泪水从我的脸上滑落,但我继续奔跑。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 激动得我喘不过气来——在乐高过道里,我找到了克里斯托弗。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 他独自站在海盗船旁,一动不动。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 我松了一口气哭了起来,搂着他,紧紧地拥抱着他。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 他拥抱着我说:“我知道如果我在这里等着,克莉丝汀,你会找到我的。”____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 然后,我拉着他的手,我们去寻找我们的母亲,她一定在商店里拼命地找我们。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 我当场被吓呆了,我觉得有必要看看,拥抱我的弟弟,确保他没事。Scaredandfrozen onthe spot,I feltthe need to see, hug my brother and make surehe was all right. 2. 我的胃扭曲了。我在黑暗中在过道上跑来跑去,惊慌失措地填满了我的小胸膛,使我呼吸困难。My stomach twisted. I ran up and down the aisles in the dark, panic filling my small chest and making it difficult to breathe. 3. 我撞到了糖果,被玩具绊倒了,还疯狂地叫着我弟弟的名字。I knocked into displays of candiesand tripped over toys, while calling my brother's name like crazy. 4. 虽然我很着急,但还是找不到他。沮丧和恐惧的泪水从我的脸上滑落,但我继续奔跑。Anxious as I was, I could notfind him. Tears of frustration and fear trickled down my face, but I continued to run.5. 激动得我喘不过气来——在乐高过道里,我找到了克里斯托弗。Excitement took my breath away — there in the Lego aisle I found Christopher. 6. 他独自站在海盗船旁,一动不动。He was standing alone, perfectly still, next to the pirateship set. 7. 我松了一口气哭了起来,搂着他,紧紧地拥抱着他。I began to cry inrelief, throwing my arms around him and hugged him tightly. 8. 他拥抱着我说:“我知道如果我在这里等着,克莉丝汀,你会找到我的。”He hugged me back, saying, “I knew if I waited here, Christine, you would be able to find me.” 9. 然后,我拉着他的手,我们去寻找我们的母亲,她一定在商店里拼命地找我们。Then, I took his hand in mine and we went to look forour mother,who must be desperately searching the store for us.参考范文:Paragraph 1:“Ohno,”Ithought,“Where'sChristopher?” Scaredandfrozen onthe spot,I feltthe need to see, hug my brother and make surehe was all right. My stomach twisted. I ran up and down the aisles in the dark, panic filling my small chest and making it difficult to breathe. I knocked into displays of candiesand tripped over toys, while calling my brother's name like crazy. Anxious as I was, I could notfind him. Tears of frustration and fear trickled down my face, but I continued to run.Paragraph 2:“Christine, I'mhere.”Excitement took my breath away — there in the Lego aisle I found Christopher. He was standing alone, perfectly still, next to the pirateship set. I began to cry inrelief, throwing my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, saying, “I knew if I waited here, Christine, you would be able to find me.” Then, I took his hand in mine and we went to look forour mother,who must be desperately searching the store for us.新高考读后续写模拟专练75读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。There was a thick forest on the sides of a mountain. Many kinds of animals lived in the forest. A deer was eating grass and leaves with her two young ones. The young ones wandered happily here and there. Thedeerfollowed her fawns(幼鹿)into a cave. The deer was frightened because it was a tiger's cave. There were bones of dead animals all over thecave. Fortunately, thetigerwas not inside the cave at the time.The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cave when she heard a loud roar. She saw the tiger at a distance coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now. She thought of a plan. The deer raised hervoiceand shouted, My deer young children do not weep. I shallcapture(捕捉)a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner.The tiger heard these words and became frightened. He thought, Whose is that strange voice from the cave? A dangerous animal is staying inside to capture me. I shall run away toescapedeath. The tiger began to run away from there as fast as possible.A jackal(胡狼)saw the running tiger. “Why are you running in great fear? thejackalasked. The tiger said, My friend, apowerfuland fierce animal is in my cave. The young ones are crying for a tiger to eat. The mother is promising to capture a tiger for them. So, I am running away.The cunning jackal was now sure the tiger was acoward(懦夫).It said, Don't be afraid. No animal is fiercer or stronger than a tigerLet us go together to find out.”But the tiger said, I do not want to take a chance. You may run away. I will be left alone to die. So, I will not come with you.The jackal said, Trust me. Let us knot(打结)ourtailstogether. Then I will not be able to leave you. The tiger agreed unwillingly to this proposal. So the jackal tied their tails in a knot. Now they walked towards the cave together.注意:所续写短文的词数应为150左右;应使用至少5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词;续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。Para. 1The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together.______________________________________________________________________________________Para. 2The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now the jackal cheated him.______________________________________________________________________________________翻译小练习:1. 她对着站在山洞里的孩子们喊道。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.我亲爱的孩子们。我请求我的朋友。聪明的豺狼,为我们捉到一只老虎。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 看那豺狼为我们捉到了一只老虎。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 他把老虎的尾巴绑在尾巴上。这是为了防止老虎逃跑。你很快就会把老虎当晚餐了。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. 所以,老虎决定从站在洞穴里的可怕的动物身上逃脱。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. 他开始跑。他忘了那只豺狼。他把豺狼拖过岩石和荆棘。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. 在疯狂的逃跑中,豺狼被夹在两块岩石之间。老虎使劲地拉。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. 他的尾巴被切断了。豺狼在这次事故中丧生。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 没有尾巴的老虎跑向森林的另一部分。鹿和她的幼鹿离开了老虎洞。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. 他们安全地加入了牛群。头脑和智慧的存在可以使人免于危险。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:1. 她对着站在山洞里的孩子们喊道。She shouted towards her children standing inside the cave. 2.我亲爱的孩子们。我请求我的朋友。聪明的豺狼,为我们捉到一只老虎。My dear children. I requested my friend. The clever jackal, to capture a tiger for us. 3. 看那豺狼为我们捉到了一只老虎。Now look the jackal has captured a tiger for us. 4. 他把老虎的尾巴绑在尾巴上。这是为了防止老虎逃跑。你很快就会把老虎当晚餐了。He has tied the tiger’s tad to his tail. This is to prevent the tiger from escaping. You will soon have the tiger for dinner.5. 所以,老虎决定从站在洞穴里的可怕的动物身上逃脱。So, the tiger decided to escape from the terrible animal standing inside his cave. 6. 他开始跑。他忘了那只豺狼。他把豺狼拖过岩石和荆棘。He started running. He forgot about the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocks and thorns.7. 在疯狂的逃跑中,豺狼被夹在两块岩石之间。老虎使劲地拉。In the mad escape the jackal was caught between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his might. 8. 他的尾巴被切断了。豺狼在这次事故中丧生。His tail got cut. The jackal was killed in this accident. 9. 没有尾巴的老虎跑向森林的另一部分。鹿和她的幼鹿离开了老虎洞。The tail-less tiger ran away to another part of the forest. The deer and her young ones left the tiger’s cave. 10. 他们安全地加入了牛群。头脑和智慧的存在可以使人免于危险。They joined their herd safely. Presence of mind and intelligence can save one from dangerous situations.参考范文:Para.lThe deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together.She again raised her voice. She shouted towards her children standing inside the cave. “My dear children. I requested my friend. The clever jackal, to capture a tiger for us. Now look the jackal has captured a tiger for us. He has tied the tiger’s tad to his tail. This is to prevent the tiger from escaping. You will soon have the tiger for dinner.Para.2The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now the jackal cheated him. So, the tiger decided to escape from the terrible animal standing inside his cave. He started running. He forgot about the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocks and thorns. In the mad escape the jackal was caught between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his might. His tail got cut. The jackal was killed in this accident. The tail-less tiger ran away to another part of the forest. The deer and her young ones left the tiger’s cave. They joined their herd safely. Presence of mind and intelligence can save one from dangerous situations.





