
2023-11-15·4页·26.5 K

射洪中学高2021级高三上期入学考试英语参考答案听力1-20 BACAB BABAA CABCC CCABC阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 21-23 BAC24-27 BCAD 28-31 BCAD32-35 ABDD第二节 36-40 FCGDB完形填空41-60 CDCBABDADCBBADCABDCA语篇填空which 62.catching 63.lies 64.traditional 65.was regardedcommonly 67.festivals 68.the 69.like 70.to feel短文改错1. where- which 2. was-were 3. Under- With 4.but 5. came^to6. purposes- purpose 7. gives-gave 8. whom-who 9. hear- hearing 10. him- me第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)One possible versionLadies and Gentlemen,I’m Li Hua. Iamdelightedtospeakonthetopicof“TechnologyandLifestyles” at the TECHTALKevent. Thedevelopmentoftechnologyhasbroughtamassivetransformationtoourlives.Technologyhasimpacted our lives inso manyareas,includinghealthcare, communication,and transportation.Forexample,medicaltechnologyhasadvancedtreatments, allowing us to save morelives.Communicationtechnologyenablesustoconnectacrosstheglobe,furtherexpandingourhorizons.Additionally,transportationtechnologyhasmade travel more efficient and cost -effective. However, inspiteofitsmanyadvances,technologyhassomelimitationsand negative impacts. Over-dependence on technology can create social and personal problems, such as addiction and mental issues. Toconclude,technologyplaysacriticalroleinsociety,andwemustuseit wisely and responsibly. We must utilize the benefits of technology while also being mindful of its potential negative consequences. By working together, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future. 听力原文Text 1 M: I have an appointment to see Dr. Gran for a physical exam.W: Please have a seat. He is out for lunch and he will be back in a few minutes.Text 2 W: I am free today.M: Great! You’ve worked for seven days. Why not take a ride in the country?W: Good idea. We haven’t gone out for ages. Will we take the children?Text 3M: Is that your horse over there, with white face?W: No. Mine is the one with two white legs. Isn’t she pretty?M: Oh, yes, standing next to the black horse.W: That’s right.Text 4M: I seem to have lost my phone. What now?W: I will ring your number. Maybe someone will reply. Where did you lose it?M: No idea. There is no rush. I was thinking about changing it anyway.Text 5M: Any time you look up in the sky, you can see at least three planes. Just try it. W: I don’t believe that — but let’s see. Oh yes… In fact, I can see one more than that. M: I once counted ten.Text 6M: Sally, Double 11 is coming.W: What is Double 11?M: Well, in recent years, it has become a special festival in China.W: Why do you call it Double 11?M: Because it falls on November 11th. And it is also called Single’s Day. Single people have parties to show love that day. Then later, Double 11 Shopping Festival is held to celebrate it.W: I see. But I think the festival is only a means of promoting online shopping, right?Text 7M: OK, class, let’s do some paper-folding art. We’ll be making a paper rabbit. First of all, get a piece of paper and fold it like this.W: Have I folded it correctly, sir?M: Yes, that’s right. Now, these next three folds are really important. If you get this wrong, it will totally ruin the rabbit. Fold it like this, this and this.W: It’s quite difficult making this rabbit. Maybe we should have started on something easier, like a flower, sir.M: Actually, flowers are quite hard. Right, get some sharp scissors and cut it, like this.W: Are these its ears?M: You’ll see. Now, open it up.W: Oh, wow, a rabbit! That’s brilliant, sir!Text 8 W: Hi, you must be Robert.M: Yeah, that's right.W: Debbie Charm, head of the IT Department. OK, so what experience do you have in computer programming?M: Well, over the past three years I've had a lot of experience with many different programming languages.W: OK, so what's the attraction for working for our company?M: Well, I've seen some of the computer games you've come up with and therefore I think you're a very youthful company with a very good future. W: OK, excellent. Well, I need somebody to work right away. Do you think you can do that?M: Certainly, yeah. W: OK, we'll have your salary on $ 1,400 a month to start with. Does that sound good? M: That sounds fine.W: OK, you'll be working in the game section of our department. So why don't you come on Monday? M: OK.Text 9M: Good evening, today I’m with Karina Rogers, who’s working at a top restaurant. Karina, where did your interest in cooking come from? W: Well, both my parents prepared food in their hotel kitchen, and although I helped them a bit, I never enjoyed that much. In fact, it wasn’t until I worked for two weeks at a restaurant that I realized what cooking was for me.M: And the restaurant was really pleased with you?W: Yes, and that gave me the confidence to enter a cooking competition. I wasn’t among the winners, but the judges really liked what I made.M: Then a top chef noticed your cooking?W: Yes, and he gave me a Saturday job at his restaurant. My first task was to prepare a salad. No one had told me the food was for someone famous, but it seemed she really liked it.M: And do you eat out in your free time?W: I don’t do that anymore.M: Because it is expensive?W: No. On my days off, I just like eating at home. It’s a good chance to be with my parents!M: Well, Karina, thank you again for joining us in tonight’s program.Text 10 M: Today we’ll talk about Ernest Hemingway, the famous American writer. Like many great writers, many of Hemingway’s books and stories were based on his personal experiences. In 1923, he produced his first collection of short stories, and most of the stories related to his childhood. As we know, in his early twenties, Hemingway lived in Paris and knew many famous writers and artists there. So in his first novel, The Sun Also Rises, he wrote about those gifted but lonely and angry people. In 1929, he produced his fourth novel, A Farewell to Arms, which was based on his experiences during World War I. During World War II, he worked as a reporter in Europe, and he used these experiences to write Across the River and into the Trees. In 1952, he wrote a short novel, The Old Man and the Sea. For this book, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Why is it the best? As I said, when he was younger, he used to go fishing with his father and in his later years, deep-sea fishing remained his favourite hobby. He was able to write a powerful story because of his own personal experiences.





