山东省新高考联合质量测评2023-2024学年高三上学期开学联考 英语参考答案

2023-11-12·4页·364.7 K

山东新高考联合质量测评9 月联考试题



第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

1—5 ACCCA 6—10 BCCBB 11—15 BACAC 16—20 BAABB

第二部分 阅读(共 20 小题;每题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

21-23 BCC 24-27 BBDA 28-31 BACB 32-35 DADC 36-40 AGEFD

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45 CBDCD 46-50 BBADC 51-55 AADAB

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. which 57. by 58. better 59. is seen 60. humans

61. and 62. involving 63. based 64. What 65. invaluable

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 应用文(满分 15 分)

A possible version:

Dear chief editor,

I’m Li Hua from China, a senior high school student.

Owing to its rich content and colourful pictures, Reader’s Digest has been one of favorites as

a great help to my learning the English language since junior high school. Apart from learning the

language, I have acquired a lot about culture, history, lifestyle, and so on from both at home and

abroad, which does help broaden my horizons. However, the content about China’s scenic spots is

obviously insufficient. After all, China is a great country with a vast territory, an enormous

population, a long history and numerous scenic spots worth a visit in particular, the Great Wall,

for example. If Reader’s Digest includes the introduction to China’s tourist attractions, it will be

able to attract the attention of more readers globally.

I would appreciate it if you would like to consider my proposal thoughtfully.

Looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


一、 评分原则


第五档: (13-15 分)


第四档: (10-12 分)


第三档: (7-9 分)


第二档: (4-6 分)




第一档: (1-3 分)


第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)

A possible version:

To her surprise, the bag contained big piles of money, which could set a person up for life!

“Why so much cash?” she asked the empty room, panicking a little. A sudden thought struck her.

If she took that money, she could quit her job and live a better life. But as soon as that thought

came, it went away. Someone had put money in a dark trash bag and hid it in the janitorial closet

of the building. It was more than a little suspicious. What if the money was hidden by some

criminals? Would it be better to ignore the bag and go home? She tied the bag’s knot and tried to

forget about it. But her conscience didn’t allow her to ignore it. She took a deep breath, grabbed

her simple phone and called the police.

The police came immediately. They were investigating some people for money laundering(洗

黑钱). The bag was exactly what they needed to move forward with the case. With the clue, the

police arrested the criminals eventually. Even more shocking, a TV channel asked her for an

interview a few days later. They asked her about her finding and her life. Paula told them

everything about her grand kids. Her story went viral, and netizens started a fund for her family, as

Paula’s bravery, sacrifice and hard-working qualities moved them. She saved the money and

continued her work. She knew money was not the only thing that could prove that she was the best

guardian for her grand kids.


Text 1

M: The house is a good size and is suitable for a family with lots of children.

W: Yes. And the price is within my budget. However, it is far away from my office.

Text 2

M: The man is very famous in Europe, right?

W: Yes, but actually his songs and TV series are not so good.

M: That’s true. I once watched one of his TV series; it’s really boring.

Text 3

W: Today, I’d like to tell you about an idea that I’ll give you students more opportunities to

practice your spoken English. I’m going to found a drama club.

M: Great. We can also make new friends there.

Text 4

W: Sir, you parked your car in my parking space. You shouldn’t have done so.

M: Don’t get angry just yet. Take a closer look, please. I think you got it wrong.

W: Oh, I misunderstood you. My parking space is next to yours.

Text 5

M: Do you have any hobbies?



W: Yes, but nothing special. I just like reading and going to the movies. How about you?

M: I have just one—photography. It’s good fun.

Text 6

M: It is cold on the mountain. Have you packed any warm clothes?

W: Of course. And I’ll also take two umbrellas just in case of rain.

M: Good. Do you think our tent will work well? What about our phones and cameras? Did you

charge them last night?

W: Well, I did all the preparations. You never thought to help me. That’s unfair.

M: Honey, I’m sorry. I just think you’re efficient.

7. How does the woman feel about the man?

A. He’s helpful. B. He’s efficient. C. He’s inconsiderate.

解析:此题答案为 C。考查考生理解说话者意图、观点和态度的能力。根据女士所说“…I did all the preparations.

You never thought to help me. That’s unfair.”(我做了所有的准备工作。你从没想过要帮我。这不公平。)可知,女

士认为男士不够体贴。故选 C。

Text 7

W: Hello, this is the First People’s Hospital. How can I help you?

M: Help, help, madam.

W: Please take a deep breath... Now tell me what’s going on.

M: My son Eric fell off a two-meter ladder when repairing the roof of the house.

W: How is he now? Can you take him here right now?

M: I think he twisted his ankle. I tried to lift him up, but he said it hurt too much.

W: What does the wound look like? How about his arms or head?

M: The wound is all swollen. His arms are free to move. And there is no wound on the head.

W: OK. I’ll send an ambulance right now. Put some ice on the wound. But don’t do anything

else. I will arrange an emergency X-ray.

M: Thanks a million.

Text 8

W: Is the clock broken? The sun has come out, but it says 4:30.

M: It is broken indeed. My watch says a quarter to nine.

W: I’ll speak to the hotel clerk about it.

M: OK. Are you going to lie on the beach and sunbathe later?

W: Yes. I need to wear some suncream, because now we are on a tropical island. Do you want

to sunbathe with me?

M: I’m not interested in sunbathing. I want to do some exciting water sports, such as water-

skiing and windsurfing.

W: What about diving?

M: I don’t think the underwater sport is suitable for me.

W: All right. I will meet you when you finish water sports. We can have some delicious seafood.

M: That would be great.



Text 9

W: Look at the note on the fridge. It must be from Mom.

M: Let me see. Mom said she got a call from our grandpa this morning, because something

had come up at his house. She didn’t have time to cook breakfast. Besides, she wanted us to do


W: No problem. The summer vacation started yesterday, so you don’t have to deal with school

work. As for me, I don’t need to go to my flower shop, because it is being decorated

and won’t reopen until next week. Therefore, we’re both free today.

M: OK. Let’s share the housework now. I’ll mop the floor and take out the garbage. I leave the

laundry and window cleaning to you.

W: OK. You’ve been having back pain lately, so I’ll also take care of mopping the floor.

What about grocery shopping?

M: We can walk to the nearby grocery store when we’re done.

W: It is closed these days, so Mom has to drive to the far market. But she drove the car to

our grandpa’s house today.

M: It’s simple. Let’s take the bus.

W: Good idea.

Text 10 (第 18 题为推断题)

M: A summer camp will be held at our school from June 1st to June 15th. This activity is designed

to prepare our high-school guests to be qualified college students in the near future. They

would be clearly aware of the differences between high school life and college life.

In order to improve their campus tour experience, we are recruiting thirty volunteers to support

this summer camp. Here are some job responsibilities of volunteers: Firstly, volunteers

will need to introduce the brilliant history and development of our school to the younger

guests. Secondly, each volunteer will guide five to eight students throughout the campus tour

and teach them how to use the library, the sports center and the lab.

I’m sure the voluntary service can be impressive to all participants. For more information,

please call the student council at 845–5632 or visit our official website. If you are willing

to join us, please don’t hesitate to come and fill in the application form at the student

union office. Thanks for your attention.







