专题38 补全对话 考点2 填空型(解析版)

2024-09-10·71页·395.7 K

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题38 补全对话 考点2 填空型(2024中考真题)(2024黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)(Mary and Lily meet on the street.)A: Hi, Mary! Long time no see.B: Hi, Lily! 1 ?A: I am going to improve my spoken English in an English club.B: Wonderful! 2 ?A: Because I want to try out for a volunteer of the 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin.B: 3 ?A: It will be held in 2025.B: Sounds fantastic. I think it’s also helpful to speak more often in English classes.A: 4 . Would you like to join me?B: Sure. 5 ?A: I go to the English club twice a week.B: OK. Let’s prepare for the volunteer work together.【答案】1.What are you going to do Why do you want to improve your spoken English/Why do you want to do that When will it be held/When is it/When will the 9th Asian Winter Games (in Harbin) be held/When is the 9th Asian Winter Games (in Harbin) (Yes,) you’re right/I agree (with you)/I think so/You have a point 5.How often do you go to the English club【导语】本文是玛丽和莉莉之间的对话。莉莉介绍了自己参加英语俱乐部提高口语以便选拔第九届亚洲冬季运动员的志愿者。1.根据“I am going to improve my spoken English in an English club.”可知,此处询问莉莉将要去做什么,用What提问,时态是一般将来时,结构是be going to。故“你打算做什么”符合语境。故填What are you going to do。2.根据“Because I want to try out for a volunteer of the 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin.”可知,此处询问莉莉想要提高英语口语的原因,用Why提问。故“你为什么想提高你的英语口语/你为什么想那样做”符合语境。故填Why do you want to improve your spoken English/Why do you want to do that。3.根据“It will be held in 2025.”可知,此处询问哈尔滨亚洲冬季运动会的举行时间,用When提问。故“什么时候举行/什么时间/(哈尔滨)第九届亚洲冬季运动会什么时候举行/(哈尔滨)第九届亚洲冬季运动会什么时间”符合语境。故填When will it be held/When is it/When will the 9th Asian Winter Games (in Harbin) be held/When is the 9th Asian Winter Games (in Harbin)。4.根据“I think it’s also helpful to speak more often in English classes.”可知,玛丽认为在英语课堂上多说英语很有帮助,莉莉应对此表示赞同。故“(是的)你说得对/我同意(你的看法)/我想是的/你说得有道理”符合语境。故填(Yes,) you’re right/I agree (with you)/I think so/You have a point。5.根据“I go to the English club twice a week.”可知,此处询问莉莉多久去一次英语俱乐部,用How often提问。故“你多久去一次英语俱乐部”符合语境。故填How often do you go to the English club。(2024河南中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(Tony is talking about the coming summer vacation with his classmate, Li Hua.)A: Hi, Tony! You look excited!B: You know what? I am looking forward to the summer vacation. But I haven’t decided where to go yet. 6 ?A: Ummm... Let me see. 7 ?B: Your hometown?A: Yes. It is Xinxian.B: 8 ?A: It is in the south of Henan. Xinxian is a good place with mountain s and rivers. It’s famous as the county of the generals (将军县).B: 9 . Anything more?A: Some villages are worth visiting. With the help of the government, great changes have taken place in many old villages. They receive a lot of visitors every year.B: Great! Thank you for your advice.A: 10 .【答案】6.Can/Could you give me some adviceCan/Could you help meAny places to suggestAny suggestions/advice/ideasWhat’s your advice/suggestion/ideaDo you have any suggestions/advice/ideasHave you got any suggestions/advice/ideas… 7.What/How about (going to) my hometownWhy don’t you go to my hometownWhy not go to my hometownWould you like to go to my hometown… 8.Where is itWhere is XinxianWhere is your hometown… 9.Sounds great/goodSounds like a good idea/placeGreat/Wonderful/Fantastic/Perfect/Good/Nice/OKI’ve never heard of itI see… 10.You’re welcomeThat’s all rightNo problemNot at allIt’s a pleasure/My pleasure…【导语】本文是二人谈论关于暑假去哪里度假的一则对话。6.根据“I am looking forward to the summer vacation. But I haven’t decided where to go yet.”可知,此处寻求对方的建议、请求对方的帮助,故填Can/Could you give me some advice或Can/Could you help me或Any places to suggest或Any suggestions/advice/ideas或What’s your advice/suggestion/idea或Do you have any suggestions/advice/ideas或Have you got any suggestions/advice/ideas…。7.根据“Your hometown?”可知,此处建议对方去自己的家乡,故填What/How about (going to) my hometown或Why don’t you go to my hometown或Why not go to my hometown或Would you like to go to my hometown...。8.根据“It is in the south of Henan.”可知,此处询问对方的家乡新县在哪里,故填Where is it或Where is Xinxian或Where is your hometown…。9.根据“Xinxian is a good place with mountain s and rivers. It’s famous as the county of the generals (将军县).”可知,此处,此处对对方的介绍做出评价,故填Sounds great/good或Sounds like a good idea/place或Great/Wonderful/Fantastic/Perfect/Good/Nice/OK或I’ve never heard of it或I see…。10.根据“Thank you for your advice.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You’re welcome或That’s all right或No problem或Not at all或It’s a pleasure/My pleasure…。(2024陕西中考真题)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。David: Hi, Zihan! I’ve been reading a book recently. It mentions a place called Yan’an. 11 ?Zihan: Yes. Yan’an is my hometown. Let me tell you something about it. Yan’an is a city in Shaanxi Province. It’s one of the revolutionary bases (革命根据地). It’s very important in Chinese history.David: 12 ?Zihan: Because great leaders of the CPC once lived and worked there. What they did had a great influence on the founding of the New China. What’s more, the Yan’an Spiri means a lot to the Chinese.David: 13 ?Zihan: It’s the spirit of being hard-working and self-supporting. In the past, the spirit supported Chinese people through the hard times. Today, it still encourages us to work hard for a better life.David: I got it. I think Yan’an is really important to Chinese people.Zihan: 14 . That’s why more and more people visit Yan’an these years. Maybe next time I can show you around my hometown.David: Great! I hope to go there one day. Thank you.Zihan: 15 . CPC stands for the “Communist Party of China”. It’s “中国共产党” in Chinese.【答案】11.Do you know that place Why is it very important in Chinese history 13.What is Yan’an Spirit 14.You are right 15.You are welcome【导语】本文是二人谈论关于延安和延安精神的一则对话。11.根据“It mentions a place called Yan’an.”和“Yes. Yan’an is my hometown.”可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,询问是否了解延安,故填Do you know that place。12.根据“Because great leaders of the CPC once lived and worked there.”可知,此处询问为什么延安在中国历史上如此重要,故填Why is it very important in Chinese history。13.根据“It’s the spirit of being hard-working and self-supporting.”可知,此处询问什么是延安精神,故填What is Yan’an Spirit。14.根据“I think Yan’an is really important to Chinese people.”和“That’s why more and more people visit Yan’an these years.”可知,此处赞同对方说的话,故填You are right。15.根据“Thank you.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You are welcome。(2024内蒙古包头中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, Grace. Your skirt looks good on you.B: 16 . I bought it on a vacation in Qingdao.A: Qingdao? Lucky you! 17 ?B: I went there during the May Day holiday. I had a wonderful time there. It’s a great place to have fun.A: 18 ?B: Er…Let me see. For four days.A: 19 ?B: It was always sunny and warm. The sunshine was bright.A: What did you do there?B: 20 .A: Sounds like fun. I like playing beach volleyball, too. Oh, it’s time for lunch. See you.B: See you.【答案】16.Thank you/Thank you very much/Thanks/Thanks a lot/It’s very kind of you/That’s very kind of you 17.When did you go there/When did you go to Qingdao How long did you stay there (in Qingdao)/How long have you stayed there (in Qingdao) How was the weather (there)/What was the weather like (there) 20.I played beach volleyball【导语】本文是A和格蕾丝之间的对话,格蕾丝介绍了自己的五一假期青岛行。16.根据“Your skirt looks good on you.”可知,对于对方的称赞,应表示感谢。故“谢谢你/非常感谢/你真好”符合语境。故填Thank you/Thank you very much/Thanks/Thanks a lot/It’s very kind of you/That’s very kind of you。17.根据“I went there during the May Day holiday.”可知,此处询问什么时候去的青岛,用when提问。故“你什么时候去得那里(青岛)”符合语境。故填When did you go there/When did you go to Qingdao。18.根据“Let me see. For four days.”可知,此处询问在青岛待了多长时间,用how long提问。故“你在那里(青岛)待了多长时间”符合语境。故填How long did you stay there (in Qingdao)/How long have you stayed there (in Qingdao)。19.根据“It was always sunny and warm.”可知,此处询问青岛的天气如何。故“(那里)天气怎么样”符合语境。故填How was the weather (there)/What was the weather like (there)。20.根据“What did you do there?”及“I like playing beach volleyball, too.”可知,格蕾丝在青岛打沙滩排球。故“我打沙滩排球”符合语境。故填I played beach volleyball。(2024吉林中考真题)根据所给对话,填写适当的内容、使其完整、通顺、正确,每空词数不限。Liu Yuan: Hi. Han Wen! The summer vacation is coming! Do you have any plans?Han Wen: 21 . I can’t wait to watch the Summer Olympic Games this year.Liu Yuan: Oh, 22 will the Summer Olympic Games be held?Han Wen: In France.Liu Yuan: I’ve got it. 23 ?Han Wen: I like swimming and ping-pong.Liu Yuan: Chinese teams 24 these sports. They’ve won many gold medals (金牌).Han Wen: Yes. And what’s your plan?Liu Yuan: I haven’t decided it. Maybe I’ll join a sports club.Han Wen: I’m in a basketball club. Why not join us?Lin Yuan: 25 . We can play together then.【答案】21.Yes/Yes, I do/Of course/Certainly/Sure where/in which country/in which place 23.What are you interested in/What game(s)/What event(s)/What sport(s) are you interested in/What kind of games are you interested in/What do you like (to watch)/What game(s)/What event(s)/What sport(s) do you like (to watch)/What kind of games do you like (to watch) 24.are good (better) at/do well (better) in/are strong (stronger) in/are talented (more talented) in 25.Good/Great/OK/(It/That )Sounds good (great)/Good idea/That’s a good idea/That sounds like a good idea【导语】本文是Liu Yuan和Han Wen之间的对话,两人谈论了即将到来的夏季奥运会。21.根据“Do you have any plans?”及“I can’t wait to watch the Summer Olympic Games this year.”可知,此处是一般疑问句,询问是否有任何计划,答语应表示肯定。故“是的/是的,我有/当然”符合语境。故填Yes/Yes, I do/Of course/Certainly/Sure。22.根据“In France.”可知,此处询问夏季奥运会举办地,可用where//in which country/in which place提问。故填where/in which country/in which place。23.根据“I like swimming and ping-pong.”可知,此处询问对什么运动感兴趣或喜欢观看什么运动等,合理即可。故填What are you interested in/What game(s)/What event(s)/What sport(s) are you interested in/What kind of games are you interested in/What do you like (to watch)/What game(s)/What event(s)/What sport(s) do you like (to watch)/What kind of games do you like (to watch)。24.根据“Chinese teams…these sports. They’ve won many gold medals (金牌).”可知,此处指中国运动员非常擅长游泳和乒乓球,可用be good (better) at/do well (better) in等表示,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,be动词用are,do用其原形。故填are good (better) at/do well (better) in/are strong (stronger) in/are talented (more talented) in。25.根据“Why not join us?”及“We can play together then.”可知,此处表示接受邀请。故“好的/好主意/听起来是个好主意……”符合语境。故填Good/Great/OK/(It/That )Sounds good (great)/Good idea/That’s a good idea/That sounds like a good idea。(2024山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面对话,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情境。M = MeimeiT =Tourist(Meimei meets a foreign tourist in a wheelchair (轮椅) outside a hotel in Beijing. )M: It’s sunny and warm, isn’t it?T: Yes, it is. I hope tomorrow will be fine, too.M: Are you new here?T: That’s right. I’ve always dreamed of visiting China. I’ve been to Shanghai before I came here.M: Oh! It’s a little far from Shanghai to Beijing. 26 ?T: I came here by plane.M: How do you manage in your wheelchair?T: I seldom have any difficulties in China. Many people offer to help me. Many places have special facilities (设施) for welcoming disabled people.M: Do you think Shanghai is a great city?T: 27 . Shanghai is an international city. I like it very much.M: So do I. You said that you hoped it would be fine tomorrow. Where are you going to visit?T: I’m going out to Tian’anmen Square and a Beijing Hutong.M: Sounds good. What are you going to do there?T: 28 .M: Great. As far as I know, you shouldn’t have any problems.T: I hope so. Thank you!M: It’s a pleasure. I need to catch the bus. 29 ?T: A quarter past seven.M: Oh dear! I must go. Have a good day!【答案】26.How did you come here Yes, I think so I’m going to see the raising of the national flag and take photos 29.What time is it【导语】本文是梅梅和一位外国游客之间的对话,外国游客介绍了自己的中国行以及在北京的旅行计划。26.根据“I came here by plane.”可知,此处询问来这里的交通方式,用How提问,时态是一般过去时。故“你怎么来的这儿”符合语境。故填How did you come here。27.根据“Do you think Shanghai is a great city?”及“Shanghai is an international city. I like it very much.”可知,外国游客认为上海是一座很棒的城市。故“是的,我认为是”符合语境。故填Yes, I think so。28.根据“I’m going out to Tian’anmen Square and a Beijing Hutong.”及“What are you going to do there?”可知,梅梅询问外国游客去天安门和胡同做什么。此处是一般将来时,可以回答看升旗、拍照等。故“我要去看升国旗并拍照”符合语境。故填I’m going to see the raising of the national flag and take photos。29.根据“A quarter past seven”可知,梅梅询问现在是几点了。故“现在几点”符合语境。故填What time is it。(2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(Now Wei Le and Li Jian are talking about famous people.)Wei Le: Hi, Li Jian, who is your hero?Li Jian: Guess. He is Chinese and he made important contributions to our country.Wei Le: 30 ?Li Jian: He is a scientist. I’m fond of math and I want to be a man like him.Wei Le: 31 . It must be Qian Xuesen!Li Jian: Yes, you’re right. 32 ?Wei Le: Hai Ya is my hero. He is a Chinese writer. He was just 33 when he won the Hugo Award (雨果奖).Li Jian: 33 ?Wei Le: His masterpiece is The Space-Time Painter.Li Jian: 34 .Wei Le: I think so. He is really great. We’ve learned a lot from the famous people.【答案】30.What is he I know who he is What/How about you What is his masterpiece 34.He is an excellent writer【导语】本文是魏乐和李健两人之间的对话,两人在介绍自己心目中的英雄。30.根据“He is a scientist.”可知,此处询问李健心目中的英雄是做什么的。故“他是做什么的”符合语境。故填What is he。31.根据“He is a scientist. I’m fond of math and I want to be a man like him.”及“It must be Qian Xuesen!”可知,李健描述了自己心目中的英雄,魏乐猜测出这个人是钱学森,故此处指魏乐知道李健描述的人是谁。故“我知道他是谁”符合语境。故填I know who he is。32.根据“Hai Ya is my hero.”可知,此处是李健询问魏乐心目中的英雄是谁,前文已经提出此问题,此处可用What/How about you提问,意为“你呢”。故填What/How about you。33.根据“His masterpiece is The Space-Time Painter.”可知,此处询问他的代表作是什么,用What提问。故“他的代表作是什么”符合语境。故填What is his masterpiece。34.根据“I think so. He is really great.”可知,此处是李健对作家海漄的正向评价,魏乐对此表示赞同。故“他是一位优秀的作家”符合语境。故填He is an excellent writer。(2024黑龙江中考真题)(Paul from America wants to visit the Ice and Snow World, but he doesn’t know the way. )A: Excuse me, 35 ? B: Sorry, I’m new here, too. You can ask the volunteer there. He may know the way. A: 36 .(Paul comes to the volunteer. )C: 37 , sir? A: Yes. I don’t know where the Ice and Snow World is. Could you please give me a hand? C: Sure, it’s a little far from here, and I think you’d better take the subway. A: OK. But 38 ?C: You can take No. 2 Subway. It can take you there. A: I see. Thanks a lot. C: 39 .【答案】35.could you please tell me how to get to the Ice and Snow World/... 36.Thank you all the same/... 37.Can I help you/... 38.which subway should I take/... 39.You are welcome/...【导语】本文是Paul想去冰雪大世界问路的对话。35.根据“Paul from America wants to visit the Ice and Snow World, but he doesn’t know the way.”可知Paul想知道怎么去冰雪大世界,此处礼貌询问,用could you please tell me...开头,后接“疑问词+不定式”作宾补,get to到达。故填could you please tell me how to get to the Ice and Snow World/...。36.根据“Sorry, I’m new here, too. You can ask the volunteer there. He may know the way.”可知尽管对方不知道路,仍表达感谢。故填Thank you all the same/...。37.根据“Paul comes to the volunteer. ”可知此处是志愿者询问是否需要帮助,可以用Can I help you。故填Can I help you/...。38.根据“You can take No. 2 Subway. It can take you there.”可知此处询问应该做哪个地铁,用which subway引导的特殊疑问句。故填which subway should I take/...。39.根据“Thanks a lot.”可知此处回复感谢,应该说“不客气”。故填You are welcome/...。(2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据对话内容,用适当的句子将对话补充完整。Lin Hai: Hey, Ma Hua. I called you last night, but you didn’t answer. 40 at that time?Ma Hua: I was looking after my dog, Lucky. She was ill.Lin Hai: 41 Have you taken her to the animal hospital?Ma Hua: Yes, I have. By the way, 42 Lin Hai: Not yet. But I’m planning to keep a pet. A cat, maybe.Ma Hua: 43 Lin Hai: Cats are always lovely, and they don’t need much space since they’re small.Ma Hua: It’s true. But you still need to be responsible and look after it very carefully.Lin Hai: 44 Having a pet is far more than just playing with it.【答案】40.What were you doing 41.I’m sorry to hear that./That’s/It’s (really) terrible/bad./That/It sounds terrible/bad./Sounds terrible/bad. 42.do you have/keep a pet?/do you have/keep pets?/have you had/kept/got/gotten a pet (yet)?/have you had/kept/got/gotten pets (yet)? 43.Why?/Why do you want/like to keep a cat?/Why do you want/like to keep cats? 44.I agree (with you)./You’re right./You are right./I think so./Yes, I couldn’t agree more./You have a point./I think you’re/you are right./That’s/That is right/true./It’s/It is right/true.【导语】本文是林海和马华谈论自己的宠物的对话。40.根据“ I called you last night, but you didn’t answer.”和“I was looking after my dog”可知此处询问昨天打电话的时候正在做什么,用What引导的特殊疑问句,时态是过去进行时。故填What were you doing。41.根据“She was ill.”可知得知狗狗生病了,应该表达抱歉,惋惜等。故填I’m sorry to hear that./That’s/It’s (really) terrible/bad./That/It sounds terrible/bad./Sounds terrible/bad.42.根据“Not yet. But I’m planning to keep a pet. A cat, maybe.”可知此处询问对方是否养宠物,时态可用一般现在时或者现在完成时。have a pet表示“有宠物”;keep a pet表示“养宠物”,此处可以用单数或者复数。故填do you have/keep a pet?/do you have/keep pets?/have you had/kept/got/gotten a pet (yet)?/have you had/kept/got/gotten pets (yet)?43.根据“Cats are always lovely, and they don’t need much space since they’re small.”可知此处询问想养猫的原因,用Why引导的特殊疑问句。故填Why?/Why do you want/like to keep a cat?/Why do you want/like to keep cats?。44.根据“Having a pet is far more than just playing with it.”可知此处是同意对方的说法,可以说“你是对的/我也这么认为”等等。故填I agree (with you)./You’re right./You are right./I think so./Yes, I couldn’t agree more./You have a point./I think you’re/you are right./That’s/That is right/true./It’s/It is right/true.(2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)结合本题所设置的情境,在每个空白处填入适当的内容完成下列对话。 (After Li Hua and Zhang Ming visited the science fair. ) A: How do you like the science fair? B: 45 . There are so many inventions in it. A: 46 ? B: I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most. It looks and speaks just like a real person. A: You see. Our country is developing so fast. 47 ? B: I’m going to be a scientist in the future. A: 48 ? B: I’m going to study science and maths harder. A: Hope your dream will come true. B: Thanks so much. A: 49 .【答案】45.Good/Wonderful/Great/Amazing/Fantastic/It is good/wonderful/great/amazing/fantastic/I like/love it a lot/very much 46.Which one interests you (most)/What interests you (most)/Which one are you interested in/What are you interested in 47.What are you going to be/become/do when you grow up/What do you want to be/become/do when you grow up/What are you going to be/become/do in the future/What do you want to be/become/do in the future 48.How are you going to do that/How are you going to be a scientist/What are you going to do to be a scientist 49.You’re welcome/Not at all/That’s all right/It’s my/a pleasure/My pleasure【导语】本文是两人参观过科学博览会之后的一则对话,谈论关于发明和梦想。45.根据“How do you like the science fair?”和“There are so many inventions in it.”可知,觉得这次科学博览会很好,故填Good/Wonderful/Great/Amazing/Fantastic/It is good/wonderful/great/amazing/fantastic/I like/love it a lot/very much。46.根据“I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most. It looks and speaks just like a real person.”可知,询问对方最感兴趣的是什么,故填Which one interests you (most)/What interests you (most)/Which one are you interested in/What are you interested in。47.根据“I’m going to be a scientist in the future.”可知,此处询问对方长大后想成为什么,故填What are you going to be/become/do when you grow up/What do you want to be/become/do when you grow up/What are you going to be/become/do in the future/What do you want to be/become/do in the future。48.根据“I’m going to study science and maths harder.”可知,询问对方为了成为科学家打算怎么做,故填How are you going to do that/How are you going to be a scientist/What are you going to do to be a scientist。49.根据“Thanks so much.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You’re welcome/Not at all/That’s all right/It’s my/a pleasure/My pleasure。(2024山西中考真题)请根据下面的对话内容,在空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。YingyingHello!Hi! 50 I’m fine. Thank you.Do you have any ideas for the summer vacation? 51 Could you please give me some advice? 52 The 2024 Paris Olympics is coming. Why not watch the games?Sounds great. 53 It will start on July 26th.We can cheer for our Chinese players. 54 I hope so. Let’s wait and see.【答案】50.How are you? No, I don’t./No. OK./Sure./Of course./Certainly./No problem./With pleasure./All right./Yes, I can./Yes./… When will it start?/When is it going to start?/When is it?/… 54.I hope they will win honor for our country/can win a victory/will win the first place/can win as many gold medals as possible/will win the games/can make their dreams come true./…【导语】本文是一个聊天对话框,两人讨论了暑假的计划和打算。50.根据“I’m fine. Thank you.”可知,此处表示问候。故“你好吗?”符合语境。故填How are you?51.根据“Do you have any ideas for the summer vacation?”可知,询问对方有没有关于暑假的一些想法。结合“Could you please give me some advice?”可知,此处应为否定回答,表示没有想法。故“不,我没有。/不。”符合语境。故填No, I don’t./No.52.根据“Could you please give me some advice?”可知,此处指向对方请求给出一些建议。结合“The 2024 Paris Olympics is coming. Why not watch the games?”可知,此处表同意给出建议。故“好的。/当然。/没问题。/我的荣幸。/好吧/是的,我可以。/是的。”符合语境。故填OK./Sure./Of course./Certainly./No problem./With pleasure./All right./Yes, I can./Yes./…53.根据“It will start on July 26th.”可知,此处询问时间,应用when提问,时态是一般将来时。故填hen will it start?/When is it going to start?/When is it?/…54.根据“I hope so. Let’s wait and see.”可知,此处表达对中国运动员的美好祝愿,希望他们赢得比赛或实现梦想等。故填I hope they will win honor for our country/can win a victory/will win the first place/can win as many gold medals as possible/will win the games/can make their dreams come true./…(2024四川泸州中考真题)根据对话内容,在每个空缺处填入一个适当的词,使整段对话意思完整。(每空限填一词)A: Bob, do you like playing sports?B: Of course I do. Sports are good 55 our health.A: What sports do you like best?B: I like basketball.A: How 56 do you play basketball?B: About three times a week. And I also like watching basketball games on TV.A: Who is your 57 basketball player?B: Yao Ming.A: Could you 58 me something about him?B: Sure. He is a famous basketball player. And I want to be a star like him. How about you?A: I like science, so I hope to be a 59 just like Deng Jiaxian.B: That’s cool. I hope our dreams will come true!【答案】55.for 56.often 57.favorite/favourite 58.tell 59.scientist【导语】本文是二人谈论关于运动和梦想的一则对话。55.根据“Sports are good...our health.”可知,运动对我们的健康有好处,be good for“有益于”符合语境,故填for。56.根据“About three times a week.”可知,此处对频率提问,how often“多久一次”符合语境,故填often。57.根据“Who is your...basketball player?”可知,询问最喜欢的篮球运动员是谁,favorite/favourite“最喜欢的”符合语境,故填favorite/favourite。58.根据“Could you...me something about him?”可知,请对方告诉自己一些关于他的情况,tell“告诉”符合语境,故填tell。59.根据“I like science, so I hope to be a...just like Deng Jiaxian.”可知,想成为像邓稼先一样的科学家,scientist“科学家”符合语境,故填scientist。(2024四川成都中考真题)在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(N: NickT: Taylor)N: Dr. Taylor, I’m Nick from Popular Science. Nowadays people are easily distracted (分心的). How come?T: It’s “the monkey mind”. You feel it hard to stay focused, like a monkey 60 from thought to thought.N: Yeah. Many people get mad with 61 for having so many thoughts.T: It’s 62 to feel like this because humans have around 6,000 thoughts per day. So 63 it and make friends with your monkey mind. What if your monkey mind isn’t a 64 ? Perhaps it can remind you to be curious and kind towards your mind.N: Umm, I see. 65 that, what else can we do to calm our brain?T: When the monkey mind is getting busy, give it a job to do. Use your 66 , like watching a flower, listening closely to the birds, smelling the air or taking deep breaths. Notice 67 your thoughts and feelings change.N: That’s to say, try to focus our attention first. When our mind is calm, we can 68 our work again.T: That’s true. In the daily life, developing habits helps make your brain stronger. Try drawing, reading, playing chess or else and see what 69 . Then keep practicing to strengthen your brain’s power.【答案】60.jumping 61.themselves 62.normal/common 63.accept 64.problem 65.Besides 66.senses 67.how 68.begin/start 69.works/helps【导语】本文是一篇对话,关于讨论现在人的猴子思维。60.根据“like a monkey…from thought to thought”可知是指就像一个猴子,在想法之间跳跃。jump“跳跃”,此处like的宾语是“a monkey”,因此后接现在分词短语作定语。故填jumping。61.根据“Nowadays people are easily distracted”以及“Many people get mad with…for having so many thoughts.”可知是指因为有这么多想法而生自己的气。Many people作主语,需用反身代词themselves“他们自己”。故填themselves。62.根据“because humans have around 6,000 thoughts per day”可知这种感觉很常见,normal“正常的”/common“普遍的”都符合,故填normal/common。63.根据“make friends with your monkey mind”可知是指接受它,祈使句用动词原形,accept“接受”,故填accept。64.根据“Perhaps it can remind you to be curious and kind towards your mind.”以及“Nowadays people are easily distracted”可知此处是指如果你的猴子思维不是问题,空前有a,需用单数problem“问题”,故填problem。65.根据“what else”可知是指除此之外,Besides“除……之外”,故填Besides。66.根据“watching a flower, listening closely to the birds, smelling the air or taking deep breaths”可知是指运用你的感官,senses“感官”,复数表泛指,故填senses。67.根据“Notice…your thoughts and feelings change”可知是指注意你的想法和感觉是如何变化的。how“怎样”,故填how。68.根据“When our mind is calm, we can…our work again.”可知是指我们就可以重新开始工作了。begin/start“开始”,情态动词can后接动词原形。故填begin/start。69.根据“Try drawing, reading, playing chess or else”可知是指尝试不同的事,看看哪个会起作用/有帮助。时态为一般现在时,主语是what,看作单数,谓语动词用三单形式。works“奏效”/helps“帮助”都符合。故填works/helps。(2023中考真题)(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。A: Hello? This is Lily.B: Hi, Lily. It’s Ted here. 1 ? A: I’m watching TV. What’s up?B: Summer vacation is coming. My daughter Kate is going to spend her vacation in your city.A: Great! 2 ?B: She will stay for two weeks.A: Well, I haven’t seen her for two years. I remember she used to be short and have long hair. 3 ?B: She is tall and has short hair now.A: 4 ?B: She is arriving on July 3rd. Can you meet her at the train station?A: 5 . I’ll drive there to meet her then.【答案】1.What are you doing 2.How long will she stay 3.What does she look like now 4.When is she arriving 5.No problem【导语】本文是二人在打电话,谈论Ted的女儿Kate要来过暑假的相关事宜。1.根据“I’m watching TV.”可知,此处应询问对方正在做什么,故填What are you doing。2.根据“She will stay for two weeks.”可知,此处询问她会待多久,故填How long will she stay。3.根据“She is tall and has short hair now.”可知,此处询问她现在的样貌,故填What does she look like now。4.根据“She is arriving on July 3rd.”可知,此处询问她什么时候到达,用现在进行时表将来,故填When is she arriving。5.根据“Can you meet her at the train station?”和“I’ll drive there to meet her then.”可知,此处应回答没问题,可以去火车站接她。故填No problem。(2023陕西统考中考真题)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。(Peter, a student from the UK studying in Xi’an, meets his mom at the airport in the morning. )Son: Hi, mom. I miss you so much. Mom: 6 . You’ve been in Xi’an for one year. How is it going? Son: Pretty good. People here are very friendly, and there are many places of interest. This afternoon, let’s visit the Bell Tower first. Mom: 7 ?Son: It is called the Bell Tower because there is a big bell in the tower. It was used to tell time in the past. Mom: That’s interesting. It’s like Big Ben in our country. 8 ?Son: No, it’s not far. It’s just 10 minutes’ walk from the hotel. Mom: That’s good. (In the evening, they take a walk near Dayan Pagoda. )Mom: Wow, the night view here is amazing. Son: Yes, mom. Look, Dayan Pagoda! It was built over 1,300 years ago and it’s well-protected. Mom: Unbelievable! Such a long time! 9 ? Son: They are poems, written on lights. Mom: That’s cool. Xi’an is rich in history and culture. Can you show me around other places? Son: 10 . We can also go to many other beautiful places in Shaanxi. They are worth visiting. Mom: Great. I’m sure I will have a wonderful time.【答案】6.I miss you too/Me tooWhy is it called the Bell Tower 8.Is it far (from the hotel) 9.What are they/these/those 10.Sure/No problem/Of course/Yes/Yes, I can【导语】本文是在机场,Peter和妈妈关于西安名胜古迹的一段对话。6.根据“Hi, mom. I miss you so much.”可知此处应回答“我也想你”。故填I miss you too/Me too。7.根据“It is called the Bell Tower because there is a big bell in the tower.”可知此处指询问为什么被称为钟楼。故填Why is it called the Bell Tower。8.根据“No, it’s not far. It’s just 10 minutes’ walk from the hotel.”可知此处是一般疑问句,且询问离酒店是否远。故填Is it far (from the hotel)。9.根据“They are poems, written on lights.”可知此处是询问大雁塔上面的是什么。故填What are they/these/those。10.根据“Can you show me around other places?”和“We can also go to many other beautiful places in Shaanxi. They are worth visiting.”可知此处是作肯定回答。故填Sure/No problem/Of course/Yes/Yes, I can。(2023湖南衡阳统考中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。A: What’s your plan after the exam?B: I will do some reading. 11 ?A: I will go somewhere beautiful. Do you have some ideas?B: 12 . Why not go to Mount Heng? It is one of the greatest mountains in China.A: I went there in 2021. It’s a wonderful place.B: Then you can go to Changsha. It has been popular these years.A: That’s a good idea. 13 ?B: You can get there by high-speed train. A: What will the weather be like these days?B: 14 . Cloudy days are pleasant for travelling.A: Thank you for telling me so much.B: 15 .【答案】11.What/How about you 12.Yes, I do 13.How can I get there 14.It will be cloudy 15.You’re welcome./No problem/ Not at all【导语】本文是一则对话,主要是关于考试后的计划。11.根据“What’s your plan after the exam?”以及“I will go somewhere beautiful”可知回答了自己的计划,应该要问对方的,可以问“那你的呢”。故填What/How about you。12.根据“Do you have some ideas?”以及“Why not go to Mount Heng? It is one of the greatest mountains in China.”可知作肯定回答,故填Yes, I do。13.根据“You can get there by high-speed train.”可知是问自己如何到达那里,故填How can I get there。14.根据“What will the weather be like these days?”以及“Cloudy days are pleasant for travelling.”可知天气是多云,故填It will be cloudy。15.根据“Thank you for telling me so much.”可知此处是回答感谢,故填You’re welcome./No problem/Not at all。(2023四川成都统考中考真题)完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。 一空一词(含缩写词)。A: You look worried. What’s the matter?B: I’ll have a ping-pong match against Mike tomorrow. I think I’ll 16 it because he is much better than me.A: Don’t worry too much. Let’s play a game. Look, is this glass of milk half-full or half-empty?B: Half-empty. What’s the 17 of it?A: This game is used to test people’s opinions. The 18 opinions show people treat life in two different ways. I guess you don’t often believe things will turn out well.B: No, I don’t. When I face challenges, I always feel nervous about what lies 19 . A: Perhaps you don’t have a good 20 of challenges. Why don’t you think positively? I mean, look at the bright side.B: But how?A: If Mike beats you, don’t be sad. Think about his strengths and your weaknesses, 21 . And then learn from him.B: Maybe you’re right. I need to be 22 worried, but I don’t know why I can’t help worrying.A: Well, worrying 23 is not always bad. It warns you of risks, just like a fire alarm. However, the trouble is that sometimes it goes off 24 there isn’t a huge danger.B: I see. So a half-full glass of milk means thinking positively. The game teaches me to 25 the way I think. I’ll learn to do it. Thanks.A: Hope things work out.【答案】16.lose/fail 17.point 18.opposite 19.ahead 20.understanding 21.instead 22.less 23.itself 24.when 25.change【导语】本文主要讲述了B担心明天与Mike的比赛,而A安慰对方要坦然面对挑战。16.根据“because he is much better than me”可知,认为自己会输掉比赛,lose“输掉”,fail“失败”,will后接动词原形,故填lose/fail。17.根据“Look, is this glass of milk half-full or half-empty”可知,B在表述自己担心明天的比赛,而A询问他这瓶牛奶是半满的还是半空的,所以B询问这和比赛有什么关系,point“意图,目的”符合,故填point。18.根据“The opinions show people treat life in two different ways.”可知,相反的观点显示人们以两种不同的方式对待生活,opposite“相反的”,故填opposite。19.根据“When I face challenges, I always feel nervous about what lies”可知,面对挑战时,总是担心前面会出现的事情,ahead“在前面”符合,故填ahead。20.根据“Perhaps you don’t have a good…of challenges”及“I mean, look at the bright side”可知,认为对方没有很好地理解挑战,understanding“理解力”,故填understanding。21.根据“If Mike beats you, don’t be sad”及“Think about his strengths and your weaknesses”可知,如果Mike赢了,要多考虑他的优势,而不是自己难过,此空位于句末,且空格前有逗号隔开,应填副词instead表示“反而,代替”,故填instead。22.根据“Maybe you’re right”及“I need to be…worried”可知,赞同对方的观点,认为自己不应该这么担心,也就是“不那么担心”,less“较少”符合,故填less。23.分析句子结构可知,此空作worrying的同位语,用反身代词itself,故填itself。24.根据“the trouble is that sometimes it goes off … there isn’t a huge danger.”可知,在没有大危险的情况下警报声就会响起,when引导时间状语从句,故填when。25.根据“The game teaches me to … the way I think”可知,要改变自己思考的方式,change“改变”,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形,故填change。(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)根据对话内容,在每个空缺处填入一个适当的词,使整段对话意思完整。请把该空缺处的词填写在答题卡相应的位置上。(每空限填一词)A: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me?B: Sure, Nelly. I can help you. So 26 shall we have the party?A: Let’s have it today after class.B: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.A: OK, let’s have it tomorrow then.B: Hmm…There’s a 27 the day after tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for the test. Why not have it on the 28 ?A: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.B: No, I 29 think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.A: OK, good idea. Can you organize the party games?B: Sure, I can do 30 . And can you make some food for us?A: Yes, no problem.【答案】26.when 27.test 28.weekend 29.don’t 30.that【导语】本文是A和B两人在讨论组织班级聚会的相关事宜。26.根据“Let’s have it today after class.”可知,此处应是问什么时候举办聚会,when“什么时候”,故填when。27.根据“Students will leave early to study for the test. ”可知,此处指后天有考试,test“考试”,a后跟单数名词,故填test。28.根据“OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon”可知,这里提到把时间定在星期六的下午,结合题干“on the...”可知,空处应是说把时间放在周末,weekend“周末”,on the weekend“在周末”。故填weekend。29.根据“No”可知,此处是不同意上文的观点,且宾语从句要否定前移,所以主句部分应是否定句,时态是一般现在时,主语是I,所以空处应填助动词don’t,表示否定,故填don’t。30.do后缺少宾语,结合“Can you organize the party games”可知,此处应是说可以“组织游戏”那件事,所以用that指代,故填that。(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语,使对话完整。话语可能是句子、短语或单词。W: Good morning, sir.M: Good morning.W: Is this your first time to visit Beijing?M: 1 . I haven’t got a chance before.W: Welcome to Beijing! 2 ?M: I arrived here two days ago.W: Where have you been in the past two days?M: I’ve been to the Great Wall.W: 3 ?M: It’s so great!W: We are all proud of it. There’re many other places of interest in Beijing. 4 are you going to stay here?M: For about five days.W: 5 !M: Thanks.W: You’re welcome.【答案】1.Yes, it is When did you arrive/get here What do you think of it/How do you like it How long 5.Have a good time in Beijing【导语】本文是一则对话,主要围绕来北京旅行展开的。1.根据“Is this your first time to visit Beijing?”以及“I haven’t got a chance before”可知此处应作肯定回答,故填Yes, it is。2.根据“I arrived here two days ago.”可知是问对方什么时候到达北京的,故填When did you arrive/get here。3.根据“I’ve been to the Great Wall.”和“It’s so great!”可知问对方觉得长城怎么样,故填What do you think of it/How do you like it。4.根据“For about five days.”可知是问对方打算在这里待多久。故填How long。5.根据上文介绍可知,此处应祝对方在北京玩得开心。故填Have a good time in Beijing。(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短话或单词)。A: Hi, Linda. 6 ?B: I’m reading a book named Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. A: 7 ? B: It’s about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.A: Really? I can’t imagine! What’s Robinson like? B: He’s clever enough to overcome many difficulties. A: 8 ?B: Yes, I do. I can’t stop reading it.A: 9 ?B: Of course you can. I’ll lend it to you as soon as I finish it.A: Thank you very much.B: 10 . 【答案】6.What are you reading What’s the book about Do you enjoy it Can I borrow it 10.You’re welcome【导语】本文是一段A和Linda关于借阅《鲁滨逊漂流记》这本书的对话。6.根据“I’m reading a book named Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.”可知,此处询问对方在读什么,故填What are you reading。7.根据“It’s about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.”可知,此处询问这本书的内容,故填What’s the book about。8.根据“Yes, I do. I can’t stop reading it.”可知,此处询问是否喜欢这本书,故填Do you enjoy it。9.根据“Of course you can. I’ll lend it to you as soon as I finish it.”可知,想从对方借阅,故填Can I borrow it。10.根据“Thank you very much.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You’re welcome。(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A: Hello, Lin Tao! What are you going to do this summer vacation?B: Nothing much. 11 ?A: I’m going to the Ancient City of Pingyao. I love the local food there.B: 12 ?A: Yes, I have been there before. But I want to go there again.B: 13 ?A: It’s in Shanxi Province(省). Would you like to go with me?B: 14 . After hearing your words, I’m interested in it.A: What about making a trip plan first?B: 15 .A: Let’s do it now.【答案】11.What/How about you Have you ever been there before Where is it Sure, I’d love to 15.(It) Sounds good/great/interesting【导语】本文是A和B的对话,A计划要去平遥古城旅游,并邀请B一起去。11.根据“What are you going to do this summer vacation?”和“Nothing much.”可知此处是B不知道去哪里旅行,想知道A打算去那里旅行。故填What/How about you。12.根据“Yes, I have been there before.”可知此处应是B询问A之前有没有去过那里,应用“Have you ever been there before?”来提问。故填Have you ever been there before。13.根据“It’s in Shanxi Province(省).”可知此处是询问平遥古城在哪里,用“Where is it?”来提问。故填Where is it。14.根据“After hearing your words, I’m interested in it.”可知此处说明B同意A的邀请,可用“Sure, I’d love to.”来表示。故填Sure, I’d love to。15.根据“What about making a trip plan first?”可知此处表示B对于A的提议,表示赞同并做出评价,可以说“听起来很不错/有趣”。故填(It) Sounds good/great/interesting。(2023新疆中考真题)根据对话内容,用恰当的单词、短语或句子补全对话。Two friends are talking on the phone.A: Hello, Mike speaking.B: Hi, 16 . How is it going?A: Not bad, Laura. 17 ?B: I am writing a report about the future jobs.A: Sounds interesting! 18 when you grow up?B: I want to be a doctor in the future.A: Great! 19 this job?B: I think it is difficult but meaningful.A: I agree. I believe you can make it.B: 20 .A: You’re welcome. See you then!B: See you!【答案】16.It’s Laura (speaking)/This is Laura (speaking)/Laura speaking What are you doing/What are you busy doing What do you want to be/What are you going to be/What will you be What do you think of/How do you like/How do you feel about 20.Thank you/Thanks/Thanks a lot【导语】本文为Mike和Laura的电话对话,Mike询问Laura正在做什么,Laura说她正在写报告,由此谈到了她的未来职业。16.根据上一句“Hello, Mike speaking.”可知此处B应要自报家门,根据下文“Not bad, Laura.”可知,B是Laura,因此B可说“我是Laura。”故填It’s Laura (speaking)/This is Laura (speaking)/Laura speaking。17.根据下一句“I am writing a report about the future jobs.”可知A在询问B正在做什么,可用“What are you doing?”来提问,也可以是问B正在忙什么,可用 “What are you busy doing?”来提问。故填What are you doing/What are you busy doing18.根据下一句“I want to be a doctor in the future.”可知询问B长大后要做什么,应用what引导的疑问句来提问。故填What do you want to be/What are you going to be/What will you be。19.根据下一句“I think it is difficult but meaningful.”可知是询问B是如何看待这个工作的。故填What do you think of/How do you like/How do you feel about。20.根据下一句“You’re welcome.”可知此处应是表示感谢。故填Thank you/Thanks/Thanks a lot。(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.(Xiao Qi meets her American friend Emily on the street.)A: Hi, Emily! What are you going to do this Sunday?B: Nothing much. What’s up?A: I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo. I’m going to have a look. 21 ?B: Sure, I’d love to. You like pandas, don’t you?A: Yes. In fact, pandas are my favorite animals.B: 22 ?A: Because they are very cute. And they are a symbol of China.B: Well, I become interested in them. 23 ?A: OK. Pandas mainly live in Southwest China. They can live to be 20 to 30 years old.B: 24 ?A: They eat bamboo and fruit.B: Oh, I see. Are they endangered?A: No. Thanks to the government and workers’ efforts, pandas are no longer endangered now.B: 25 ! Thank you for telling me so much.A: You’re welcome. See you this Sunday.【答案】21.Would you like to go with me/Do you want to go with me Why do you like them/pandas(so much) Can you tell me more about pandas/them/Could you tell me something about pandas/them What do they/pandas eat 25.Good/Great/Good news/Sounds good【导语】本文是A和B的对话,A邀请B一起去动物园看熊猫,并向其介绍了关于熊猫的一些知识。21.根据上一句“I’m going to have a look.”可知,A想去看看。根据下一句“Sure, I’d love to.”可知,B表示想去,此处应是A邀请B一起去,可以用“Would you like to go with me?”或“Do you want to go with me?”来提出邀请。故填Would you like to go with me/Do you want to go with me。22.根据下文“Because they are very cute. And they are a symbol of China.”可知,因为熊猫很可爱,它们是中国的象征。此处应是询问喜欢熊猫的原因,可以用“Why do you like them?”、“Why do you like pandas?”、“Why do you like them so much?”或“Why do you like pandas so much?”来提问原因。故填Why do you like them/pandas(so much)。23.根据下文“OK. Pandas mainly live in Southwest China. They can live to be 20 to 30 years old.”可知,熊猫主要生活在中国西南地区。他们可以活到20到30岁。此处是在介绍熊猫,说明B问A能不能告诉他关于熊猫的一些知识。可以用“Can you tell me more about pandas?”、“Can you tell me more about them?”、“Could you tell me something about pandas?”或“Could you tell me something about them?”。故填Can you tell me more about pandas/them/Could you tell me something about pandas/them。24.根据下一句“They eat bamboo and fruit.”可知,熊猫吃竹子和水果,说明此处应是询问熊猫吃什么。可以用“What do they eat?”或“What do pandas eat?”来询问。故填What do they/pandas eat。25.根据上一句“Thanks to the government and workers’ efforts, pandas are no longer endangered now.”可知,由于政府和工作人员的努力,大熊猫现在不再处于濒危状态。此处应作出肯定的评价,可以用“Good”、“Great”、“Good news”或“Sounds good”来表示。故填Good/Great/Good news/Sounds good。(2023辽宁统考中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A: Hello, this is Tom. 26 ?B: Yes, this is Mike speaking.A: Hi, Mike. Can you go to the movies with me tonight?B: 27 . I’m not feeling well.A: 28 ?B: I have a headache.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 29 ?B: Yes, I have seen the doctor. He said I just had a cold. It’s not serious.A: Oh, lie down and have a rest. Let’s make it next time.B: OK.A: 30 .B: Thank you.【答案】26.May I speak to Mike, (please)/Is that Mike (speaking) Sorry/Sorry, I can’t/I’m afraid not/I’m afraid I can’t What’s wrong (with you)/What’s the matter (with you) Have you seen the doctor 30.I hope you can feel better (soon)/I hope you will feel better (soon)/I hope you can get better (soon)/I hope you will get better (soon)/I hope you can be better (soon)/I hope you will be better (soon)【导语】本文是Tom邀请Mike去看电影,但是Mike生病了,Tom询问了他的病情,并希望他早点好。26.根据“Yes, this is Mike speaking”可知此处是打电话,询问“可以和Mike说话吗”。故填May I speak to Mike, (please)/Is that Mike (speaking)。27.根据“I’m not feeling well.”可知此处表示抱歉,不能和他一起去。故填Sorry/Sorry, I can’t/I’m afraid not/I’m afraid I can’t。28.根据“I have a headache.”可知此处询问对方怎么了。故填What’s wrong (with you)/What’s the matter (with you)。29.根据“Yes, I have seen the doctor”可知此处询问对方有没有去看医生。故填Have you seen the doctor。30.根据“Thank you.”可知此处是希望对方早点好起来。故填I hope you can feel better (soon)/I hope you will feel better (soon)/I hope you can get better (soon)/I hope you will get better (soon)/I hope you can be better (soon)/I hope you will be better (soon)。(2023辽宁营口中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。A: Hi, Mary! I heard someone play the violin last night. What wonderful music! 31 ?B: I did. I often play the violin when I am free.A: 32 ?B: Twice a week.A: It’s really nice. 33 ?B: Quite a few things. Like taking a walk, doing sports and so on. What do you do in your spare time?A: Besides doing my homework, I have to take my after school classes. I don’t have time to do other things to relax myself.B: 34 ? For example, you can listen carefully in class and try to solve your problems at school. Then you will have more free time.A: 35 ! I’ll have a try.B: I believe you can make it.【答案】31.Who played the violin 32.How often do you play it 33.What else do you often do in your free time 34.Why not try to manage your time properly 35.Sounds good【导语】本文是二人谈论关于休闲时做什么。31.根据“I heard someone play the violin last night. What wonderful music!”和“I did. I often play the violin when I am free.”可知,应该问是谁昨晚在拉小提琴,故填Who played the violin。32.根据“Twice a week.”可知,此处询问多久拉一次小提琴,故填How often do you play it。33.根据“Quite a few things. Like taking a walk, doing sports and so on. What do you do in your spare time?”可知,此处询问在空闲时间还经常做什么,故填What else do you often do in your free time。34.根据“I don’t have time to do other things to relax myself.”和“For example, you can listen carefully in class and try to solve your problems at school. Then you will have more free time.”可知,对方说没有时间做其他事情来放松自己,所以此处建议对方合理地管理时间,故填Why not try to manage your time properly。35.根据“I’ll have a try.”可知,决定尝试对方的建议,此处的评价是肯定的,故填Sounds good。(2023吉林统考中考真题)根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、通顺、正确,每空词数不限。 (Yu Min is talking to his new classmate, Jimmy, on the playground.)Yu Min: I’m Yu Min. Nice to meet you, Jimmy!Jimmy: 36 .Yu Min: Do you like our school?Jimmy: 37 . I like it very much. Look at that building. What’s it used for?Yu Min: Oh! It’s the Students’ Sports Center.Jimmy: Cool! 38 does it open?Yu Min: At 3:00 p.m. By the way, 39 ?Jimmy: My favorite sport is basketball.Yu Min: I like basketball, too. Why not play together this afternoon?Jimmy: OK. See you then.Yu Min: 40 .【答案】36.Nice to meet you, Yu Min Yes 38.When 39.what’s your favorite sport 40.See you【导语】本文主要介绍于敏和吉米谈论关于学校的设施以及相约一起去打篮球。36.根据“I’m Yu Min. Nice to meet you, Jimmy!”可知,此处应该是吉米跟于敏说“见到你很高兴”,故填Nice to meet you, Yu Min。37.根据“Do you like our school?”和“I like it very much.”可知,吉米很喜欢学校,此处作肯定回答,故填Yes。38.根据“At 3:00 p.m.”可知,此处问开放时间,故填When。39.根据“My favorite sport is basketball.”可知,此处询问对方最喜欢的运动,故填what’s your favorite sport。40.根据“See you then.”可知,此处应回答“再见”,故填See you。(2023山东临沂统考中考真题)阅读下面对话,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情境。M: Hi, Kate. I’m a reporter from Teen Talk. I know you won the school English speech competition yesterday. Congratulations!W: Thanks.M: So, could I ask you some questions?W: Sure, go ahead.M: I’ve seen the competition from the beginning to the end, and you really did a good job. 41 ?W: I have learned English since I was five.M: Oh, so early. You really like it, don’t you?W: Yeah! It’s my favorite subject.M: 42 ?W: I like it because it helps me learn more about the world.M: 43 ?W: Yes. I joined Perfect English Club two years ago. I practice a lot there and make great progress.M: Wow! Are you going to study abroad?W: 44 . I don’t think it’s necessary to study abroad.M: Oh, that sounds right. Thanks for your time!W: My pleasure!【答案】41.How long have you learned English Why do you like English Did you join any English clubs 44.No, I’m not【导语】本文是一则对话,主要是Teen Talk的记者对Kate的采访。41.根据“I have learned English since I was five.”可知是问对方学习英语多长时间了。故填How long have you learned English。42.根据“I like it because it helps me learn more about the world.”可知是问对方为什么喜欢英语,故填Why do you like English。43.根据“Yes. I joined Perfect English Club two years ago.”可知是问对方是否加入一些俱乐部。故填Did you join any English clubs44.根据“Are you going to study abroad?”和“I don’t think it’s necessary to study abroad.”可知此处作否定回答,故填No, I’m not。(2023内蒙古赤峰统考中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(Peter is reading in the living room. The phone is ringing...)Peter: Hello, this is Peter speaking.Li Bo: Hello, Peter. 45 Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go hiking?Peter: 46 But I want to finish reading a book.Li Bo: What book are you reading? Peter: The Old Man and the Sea.Li Bo: 47 Peter: It’s about a man named Santiago. I admire his spirit of never giving up.Li Bo: What does he do?Peter: He is an old fisherman.Li Bo: 48 Peter: It’s a great book and it’s well worth reading. I enjoy it very much.Li Bo: Then how about going hiking next Sunday?Peter: Sure. I’ll be free then. 49 Li Bo: See you.【答案】45.This is Li Bo. I’d love to./Good idea!... What’s it about? What do you think of/How do you like the book? 49.See you.【导语】本文是二人打电话谈论《老人与海》这本书以及相约下周日去远足。45.根据“Peter: Hello, this is Peter speaking.”和“Li Bo: Hello, Peter. ...”可知,是彼得和李波二人打电话,故填This is Li Bo.46.根据“Shall we go hiking?”和“But I want to finish reading a book.”可知,想要一起去远足,但是要先读完书,故填I’d love to./Good idea!...47.根据“It’s about a man named Santiago. I admire his spirit of never giving up.”可知,询问书的内容,故填What’s it about?48.根据“It’s a great book and it’s well worth reading. I enjoy it very much.”可知,此处是对书的评价,故填What do you think of/How do you like the book?49.根据“See you.”可知,此处应说再见,故填See you.(2023内蒙古包头统考中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(Sam and Joe are talking on the phone)Sam: Hello, who’s that?Joe: Hi, Sam. 50 .Sam: Hi, Joe. What’s up?Joe: You know the graduation day is coming. I want to buy my classmates some gifts to show my thanks. They have helped me a lot for the past three years. But I don’t know what to buy. 51 ?Sam: How about giving each of them a handwritten thank-you card? Trust me! They will love it.Joe: Sounds great! 52 ?Sam: Yes, I am free tomorrow.Joe: Would you like to buy the cards with me?Sam: Of course. 53 ?Joe: How about 10 a.m. at our school gate?Sam: No problem. See you then.Joe: 54 .【答案】This is Joe/This is Joe speaking/Joe speaking/It’s Joe/It’s Joe speaking Can/Could you give me some advice/suggestions/Do you have any ideas/advice/suggestions Are you free tomorrow/Do you have time tomorrow When and where shall/will we meet 54.See you【导语】本文是Sam和Joe的对话。Joe致电Sam,向他寻求毕业送礼的建议。50.根据上一句“Hello, who’s that?”可知,Sam在电话中询问对方是谁,因此Joe应作自我介绍。故填This is Joe/This is Joe speaking/Joe speaking/It’s Joe/It’s Joe speaking。51.根据下一句“How about giving each of them a handwritten thank-you card?”可知,Sam提议给每个人手写一张感谢卡,此处应是向Sam寻求建议,可问“你能给我一些建议吗?”或“你有什么建议/想法吗?”。故填Can/Could you give me some advice/suggestions/Do you have any ideas/advice/suggestions。52.根据下一句“Yes, I am free tomorrow.”可知,Sam说他明天有空,说明Joe应是问他明天有没有空,或明天有没有时间。故填Are you free tomorrow/Do you have time tomorrow。53.根据下一句“How about 10 a.m. at our school gate?”可知,Sam提议10点在校门口见面,此处应是询问见面的时间和地点。故填When and where shall/will we meet。54.根据上一句“See you then.”可知此处在道别,因此也应回应“See you”。故填See you。(2023河南统考中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hey, Leilei! Have you got any plans for the weekend?B: Not yet. 55 ?A: I heard the Science and Technology Center is a great place to visit. 56 ?B: I am sorry, but I have been there already.A: What a pity! When did you go there?B: 57 . I went with my family.A: Did you enjoy yourselves?B: Yes, we had a great time there.A: 58 ?B: We watched a video about how Shenzhou-16 was sent into space successfully.A: What else did you do?B: 59 .A: Cool! I will ask my sister to go with me this weekend.B: Have a good time!【答案】55.Do you have any suggestions/advice/ideas/opinions/plans/Do you have any plans for the weekend/How/What about you/What’s your plan/idea/opinion/suggestion/advice... 56.Do you want to go (there) with me/Would you like to go (there) with me/How/What about going there together/Shall we go (there) together/Why not go there with me... 57.Last Saturday/Three days ago/Yesterday/I went there last Saturday/yesterday/... 58.What did you do (there)... 59.We (also) watched a robot show/We (also) talked to a smart robot/We (also) took some photos/We (also) bought some souvenirs...【导语】本文两人主要谈论了Leilei去科技中心的事情。55.根据“Have you got any plans for the weekend”以及“Not yet”可知此处询问对方有没有什么计划/建议等,也可问“你呢”。故填Do you have any suggestions/advice/ideas/opinions/plans/Do you have any plans for the weekend/How/What about you/What’s your plan/idea/opinion/suggestion/advice...56.根据“I am sorry, but I have been there already”可知此处询问对方想不想和自己一起去,故填Do you want to go (there) with me/Would you like to go (there) with me/How/What about going there together/Shall we go (there) together/Why not go there with me...57.根据“When did you go there”可知此处回答一个过去的时间,合理即可。故填Last Saturday/Three days ago/Yesterday/I went there last Saturday/yesterday/...58.根据“We watched a video about how Shenzhou-16 was sent into space successfully.”可知此处询问对方在那里做了什么。故填What did you do (there)...59.根据“What else did you do”可知此处回答自己在那里做的事情,符合语境即可。故填We (also) watched a robot show/We (also) talked to a smart robot/We (also) took some photos/We (also) bought some souvenirs...(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.A: What are you going to do after the exams?B: 60 . Do you have any good ideas?A: Yes. I want to relax myself. So I want to go on a trip.B: Sounds great! 61 ?A: I’d like to go somewhere interesting and exciting.B: There is a new zoo in Harbin. 62 ?A: No, I haven’t. 63 ?B: Me neither. But I heard that people could watch the animals there in a more natural environment.A: Really! That sounds interesting.B: I am going there next Sunday. Would you like to go with me?A: 64 . Haha… I can’t wait.【答案】60.I don’t know/I have no idea 61.Where would you like to go 62.Have you been there 63.What/How about you 64.Yes, I’d love to【导语】本文就考试后的活动计划展开对话。60.根据下文“Do you have any good ideas?”可知询问对方有没有什么好主意,此处指“自己不知道考试后要做什么”。故填I don’t know/I have no idea。61.根据“I’d like to go somewhere interesting and exciting”可知此处询问对方想去哪里。故填Where would you like to go。62.根据“There is a new zoo in Harbin”以及“No, I haven’t”可知此处询问对方有没有去过那里,故填Have you been there。63.根据“Me neither”可知此处询问对方有没有去过。故填What/How about you。64.根据“Haha… I can’t wait”可知此处表示同意和对方一起去。故填Yes, I’d love to。(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)根据对话内容,用适当的句子将对话补充完整。Li Jun: Hi, Wu Jin.Wu Jin: Hi, Li Jun. 65 ?Li Jun: Because three astronauts have been carried into space successfully.Wu Jin: 66 ?Li Jun: They are Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe. They are our heroes. Chinese take pride in them.Wu Jin: 67 . We should learn from them.Li Jun: By the way, a new student is coming to our class. Do you know him?Wu Jin: 68 . He is my good friend.Li Jun: Really? 69 ?Wu Jin: He is good at swimming.Li Jun: Great! We can swim together. We will be good friends, too. Let me know him, OK? Wu Jin: No problem.Li Jun: Thank you very much.Wu Jin: You are welcome.【答案】65.Why are you(so/very)happy/excited/glad 66.Who are they/What are their names67.I agree(with you)/I think you are/you’re right/You are right/You’re right/I think so/That is(That’s)right/true/It is(It’s)right/true/So they do 68.Yes, I do/Yes/Sure/Of course/Certainly 69.What is/What’s he good at(doing)/What does he do well in(doing)/What is(What’s)his hobby/What hobby(hobbies)does he have/What is(What’s)he strong in(doing)/What kind of sports does he like/What kind of sports is he good at【导语】本文是李军和吴锦的对话,他们谈论了中国三名宇航员进入太空的消息以及班里新来的同学。65.根据“Because three astronauts have been carried into space successfully.”可知,问李军为什么开心,故填Why are you(so/very)happy/excited/glad。66.根据“They are Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe.”可知,问进入太空的宇航员都是谁,故填Who are they/What are their names。67.根据“They are our heroes. Chinese take pride in them.”和“We should learn from them.”可知,同意李军的观点,故填I agree(with you)/I think you are/you’re right/You are right/You’re right/I think so/That is(That’s)right/true/It is(It’s)right/true/So they do。68.根据“Do you know him?”和“He is my good friend.”可知,吴锦认识这位新同学,回答是肯定的,故填Yes, I do/Yes/Sure/Of course/Certainly。69.根据“He is good at swimming.”可知,问新同学擅长/喜欢做的事情/运动,故填What is/What’s he good at(doing)/What does he do well in(doing)/What is(What’s)his hobby/What hobby(hobbies)does he have/What is(What’s)he strong in(doing)/What kind of sports does he like/What kind of sports is he good at。(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)完成下列交际用语,词数不限A: I’m going to Beijing for my summer holiday next week.B: Really? 70 !A: 71 ? B: It is June 26th today.A: 72 ?B: My new schoolbag is 100 yuan.A: 73 ?B: It often takes me half an hour to have lunch.A: 74 ?B: There is a kite in the tree.【答案】70.Have a good/nice/great/wonderful time/Enjoy yourself/Have fun/Have a good journey/trip 71.What’s the date (today)/What is the date (today) 72.How much is your new schoolbag/What is/What’s the price of your new schoolbag 73.How long does it (often) take you to have lunch/How many hours does it (often) take you to have lunch 74.How many kites are there in the tree/What is/What’s in the tree【导语】本文是五段小对话,分别是祝对方假期快乐,询问日期,询问书包价格,询问午餐时长和询问树上的东西。70.根据“I’m going to Beijing for my summer holiday next week”可知对方暑假要去北京,所以此处应祝对方玩得愉快或者假期愉快。故填Have a good/nice/great/wonderful time/Enjoy yourself/Have fun/Have a good journey/trip。71.根据“It is June 26th today”可知此处询问今天的日期。故填What’s the date (today)/What is the date (today)。72.根据“My new schoolbag is 100 yuan”可知此处询问对方新书包的价格,故填How much is your new schoolbag/What is/What’s the price of your new schoolbag。73.根据“It often takes me half an hour to have lunch”可知此处询问对方吃午饭花费多长时间,疑问词可用how long/how many hours。故填How long does it (often) take you to have lunch/How many hours does it (often) take you to have lunch。74.根据“There is a kite in the tree.”可知此处可询问树上有多少风筝,也可询问树上有什么。故填How many kites are there in the tree/What is/What’s in the tree。(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)结合本题所设置的情境,在每个空白处填入适当的内容完成下列对话。(A: AnnB: BettyC: Sales clerk)A: Hi, Betty. Long time no see. 75 ?B: Pretty good. How about you?A: Great! Where are you going?B: Summer vacation is coming. I’m going shopping for my study tour. 76 ?A: Sure, I’d love to.B: Terrific! Let’s go.(The two girls are in the shopping mall)C: 77 ?B: I’d like a pair of sports shoes.C: What about this pair? They’re the latest design and at a good price.B: 78 ?C: Of course. A: You look cool in the shoes, Betty!B: Haha, I think so. 79 ?C: 150 yuan.B: I’ll take them. Here is the money.【答案】75.How’s it going(with you)?/How’s everything going(with you)? 76.Would you like to go with me?/Would you like to join me?/Would you like to go together?/Do you want to go with me?/Do you want to join me?/Do you want to go together?/Can you go with me?/Can you join me? 77.Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 78.Can(Could/May)I try them on?/Can(Could/May)I try this pair on?/Can(Could/May)I try on this pair? 79.How much are they(the shoes)?/How much do they(the shoes)cost?/What’s the price of the shoes?/What’s the price of them?【导语】本文是安和贝蒂的对话,贝蒂邀请安一起去商店购物,最后她买了一双鞋。75.根据“Long time no see.”和“Pretty good.”可知,安问候贝蒂的近况如何,故填How’s it going(with you)?/How’s everything going(with you)?76.根据“I’m going shopping for my study tour.”和“Sure, I’d love to.”可知,贝蒂邀请安一起去购物,故填Would you like to go with me?/Would you like to join me?/Would you like to go together?/Do you want to go with me?/Do you want to join me?/Do you want to go together?/Can you go with me?/Can you join me?77.根据“I’d like a pair of sports shoes.”可知,商店店员问贝蒂需要什么,故填Can I help you?/What can I do for you?78.根据“You look cool in the shoes, Betty!”可知,贝蒂试穿了这双鞋,她会先询问店员是否可以试穿,故填Can(Could/May)I try them on?/Can(Could/May)I try this pair on?/Can(Could/May)I try on this pair?79.根据“150 yuan.”可知,贝蒂询问鞋的价钱,故填How much are they(the shoes)?/How much do they(the shoes)cost?/What’s the price of the shoes?/What’s the price of them?(2023湖南张家界统考中考真题)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hello, 80 .B: Hi. Steve. This is Ben. 81 ?A: I’m doing chores. B: 82 ?A: Yes. I usually clean my room and make the bed every morning before school. 83 ?B: I always help my mother wash the dishes and take out the rubbish. A: What do you think of doing chores?B: 84 . Oh, shall we go to the movies tonight? A: Good idea! I’m free. B: Let’s meet at 7:00 in front of Sunshine Cinema. A: OK, see you then.【答案】80.This is Steve./It’s Steve here./Steve speaking. What are you doing? Do you usually do chores at home?/Do you usually clean your room?/Do you like doing chores? 83.What chores do you usually do at home?/What about you?/How about you? 84.Good./Great./Meaningful./Interesting./I like it very much./I enjoy helping my parents.【导语】本文是二人在打电话,谈论关于做家务的问题。80.根据“Hi. Steve. This is Ben.”可知,此处二人在打电话,是史蒂夫说的话,故填This is Steve./It’s Steve here./Steve speaking.81.根据“I’m doing chores.”可知,此处询问对方在做什么,故填What are you doing?82.根据“Yes. I usually clean my room and make the bed every morning before school”可知,此处询问对方在家是否做家务/打扫房间/是否喜欢做家务。故填Do you usually do chores at home?/Do you usually clean your room?/Do you like doing chores?83.根据“I always help my mother wash the dishes and take out the rubbish.”可知,询问对方的情况,故填What chores do you usually do at home?/What about you?/How about you?84.根据“What do you think of doing chores?”可知,此处应是对做家务的看法,故填Good./Great./Meaningful./Interesting./I like it very much./I enjoy helping my parents.(2022中考真题)(一)(2022湖南张家界中考真题)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hi, Lisa. Did you have a good weekend? B: _________1_________. I went to the countryside to see my grandparents. It was so much fun.A: _________2_________? B: I went with my parents.A: _________3_________? B: It’s about ten kilometers.A: _________4_________? B: We fed chickens, went fishing and climbed the mountains.A: _________5_________? B: Once a week.A: Lucky you.【答案】1.Yes, I did2.Who did you go with3.How far is it4.What did you do there5.How often did you go there【解析】【导语】本文是一则对话,主要谈论了Lisa的周末活动。1.根据“It was so much fun.”可知周末过得很愉快,用肯定回答。故填Yes, I did。2.根据“I went with my parents.”可知问和谁一起去的。故填Who did you go with。3.根据“It’s about ten kilometers.”可知询问乡下与所在地的距离。故填How far is it。4.根据“We fed chickens, went fishing and climbed the mountains.”可知询问做了些什么。故填What did you do there。5.根据“Once a week.”可知询问多久去一次乡下。故填How often did you go there。(二)(2022湖南益阳中考真题)通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hi, Tom. How was your school trip last Saturday?B: It was great. I went to a farm.A: ________6________? B: I went there with my friends.A: ________7________? B: Yes, we did. We went there by bus. It’s very far from here.A: ________8________? B: It took us half an hour to get there.A: ________9________? B: We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there. We really enjoyed ourselves.A: Oh, it sounds good. I’d like to visit the farm, too.B: Yeah, I’m sure you will have a good time there.A: Thank you very much.B: ________10________.【答案】6.Who did you go there with7.Did you go there by bus8.How long did it take you to get there9.What did you do there10.You are welcome【解析】【导语】本文是A和B的对话。A询问B上周六的旅行如何,B一一告诉了关于旅行的细节,包括同行的人、交通方式、坐车时长和在那里所做的事情。6.根据下一句“I went there with my friends.”可知我和朋友一起去那里,说明此处询问的是“你和谁一起去?”,应用who来提问,句子应用一般过去时,助动词用did。故填Who did you go there with。7.根据下文“Yes, we did. We went there by bus.”可知我们坐公车去那,说明此处应是询问“你们是不是坐公车去那里?”,应用一般疑问句,助动词did位于句首,首字母要大写。故填Did you go there by bus。8.根据下一句“It took us half an hour to get there.”可知我们花了半个小时到达那里,说明此处应是询问“花了多久时间到达那里?”,应用how long来提问,动词用take表示“需要……时间”,助动词用did。故填How long did it take you to get there。9.根据下一句“We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there.”可知我们在那儿散步、骑马和拍照,由此可知此处应是询问“你们在那里做了什么?”,应用what来提问,助动词用did。故填What did you do there。10.根据上一句“Thank you very much.”可知表示感谢,因此此处应是表达“不用谢”,用you are welcome即可。故填You are welcome。(三)(2022湖南娄底中考真题)通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hi. Alice! I called you last night, but you didn’t pick up. ________11________? B: Oh, I was looking after my mother.A: ________12________? B: She had a fever and a sore throat.A: ________13________. Is it serious? B: No, she is feeling better now. By the way, why did you call me? A: Because I’m going to visit the Old People’s Home. ________14________? B: Yes. I’d love to. But what can we do for them? A: ________15________. And we can also tell them stories and so on.B: Good idea. See you then.A: See you.【答案】11.What were you doing12.What was the matter with her13.I am sorry to hear that14.Would you like to go with me15.We can sing for them【解析】【导语】本文是一则对话,A询问Alice昨晚没有接电话的原因,两人约定一起去养老院。11.根据“I called you last night, but you didn’t pick up.”可知问打电话时Alice正在做什么。故填What were you doing。12.根据“She had a fever and a sore throat.”可知问Alice的妈妈怎么了。故填What was the matter with her。13.根据“She had a fever and a sore throat.”可知Alice的妈妈生病了,要表示遗憾。故填I am sorry to hear that。14.根据“Yes. I’d love to.”可知邀请Alice一起去养老院。故填Would you like to go with me。15.根据“But what can we do for them?”可知要回答能为老人们做什么,答案合理即可。故填We can sing for them。(四)(2022山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面对话,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情境。Tina: Kate, you showed an old photo on WeChat yesterday. There are two kids and their parents in it. Is that your family photo?Kate: Yes, it is. Tina: _____16_____?Kate: It was taken in 2018. Tina: Is that little baby in the photo your younger sister?Kate: Yes, she is a lovely girl. What about you? Do you have a brother or sister?Tina: _____17_____. I am the only child in my family. Kate: Really? How does it feel to be an only child? ____18____?Tina: No, I haven’t. I’ve never felt lonely. I have two cousins who live nearby. They’re just like my brothers. Kate: My cousins live in Qingdao. We don’t see each other often. Tina: What a pity! May I ask what your parents do?Kate: My father is an engineer and my mother is a doctor. What about your parents?Tina: My father is a computer programmer. He is good at computer. _____19_____. She teaches art at a local school. They’re very busy, but they always make time for me. I think family is the most valuable thing in the world. Kate: I agree.【答案】16.When was it taken/When was the photo taken17.No. I don’t/No18.Have you(ever)felt lonely19.My mother is a teacher/My mother is an art teacher【解析】【导语】本文是一段对话,Tina和Kate相互询问了对方的家庭情况。16.根据“It was taken in 2018.”可知,下文回答的是照片拍摄的时间,空格处应询问照片是什么时候拍的。故填When was it taken/When was the photo taken。17.根据“I am the only child in my family.”可知,Tina没有兄弟姐妹,空格处应为否定回答。故填No. I don’t/No。18.根据“No, I haven’t. I’ve never felt lonely. ”可知,空格处应是问Tina曾经是否感到孤单。故填Have you(ever)felt lonely。19.根据“What about your parents?”和“She teaches art at a local school.”可知,Kate询问Tina父母是做什么的,空格处应回答是一名(美术)老师。故填My mother is a teacher/My mother is an art teacher。(五)(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hello, Lin Shan!B: Hi, Wang Ling! A: ____20____?B: Yes, I did. I watched the Beijing Winter Olympics on TV last night.A: Me, too. It’s really interesting. Did you see the skier Gu Ailing on TV?B: Sure. She looks like a foreign girl, but she competes for our China. ____21____?A: Because her mother is a Chinese, and she loves China, though she has an American father.B: Wow! What a lovely girl! ____22____?A: She won two gold medals in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.B: When was she born?A:____23____.B: Only 19 years old? She is still a student, isn’t she?A: ____24____. She studies well, too.B: Wow! She must be hard-working.【答案】20.Did you watch the Beijing Winter Olympics21.Why22.What did she win in the Beijing Winter Olympics23.She was born in 200324.Yes, she is【解析】【导语】本文是A和B的对话,主要谈论了滑雪运动员谷爱凌的一些基本信息。20.根据“Yes, I did. I watched the Beijing Winter Olympics on TV last night.”可知,此处是问对方有没有看北京冬奥会。故填Did you watch the Beijing Winter Olympics。21.根据“She looks like a foreign girl, but she competes for our China.”以及“Because her mother is a Chinese...”可知,此处是问原因。故填Why。22.根据“She won two gold medals in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.”可知,此处是问在北京冬奥会上谷爱凌赢得了什么奖牌。故填What did she win in the Beijing Winter Olympics。23.根据“When was she born?”以及“Only 19 years old?”可知,此处是回答谷爱凌什么时候出生,今年19岁,也就是2003年出生。故填She was born in 2003。24.根据“She is still a student, isn’t she?”以及“ She studies well, too.”可知,谷爱凌是学生,此处是作肯定回答。故填Yes, she is。(六)(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.A: Hello, Lost and Found. _________25_________?B: I lost my sports bag! I must find it.A: _________26_________. We can help you. Tell us more about it, please.B: Well. I left it on bus No. 10 this morning.A: _________27_________?B: It’s black and white.A: _________28_________?B: I got on the bus at Xinhua Bookstore at about 7:30 a.m.A: What about your destination(目的地)?B: Wanda Plaza. I always do sports there.A: Oh. I see. _________29_________?B: Sure, my phone number is 426-0529.A: OK. We’ll call you as soon as we get any information.【答案】25.How can I help you/How could I help you/How may I help you/What can I do for you26.Don’t worry/Take it easy27.What color is your sports bag/it/What’s the color of your sports bag/it28.When/What time and where did you get on the bus29.Could/Can you please tell me us your (tele)phone number/May I know your (tele)phone number/Could you (please) tell me (us) what your (tele)phone number is/Could you (please) leave your (tele)phone number【解析】【导语】本文主要是B说自己的运动包丢了,失物招领处询问相关信息并留下联系方式,如果找到会通知B。25.根据“Hello, Lost and Found.”和“I lost my sports bag! I must find it.”可知,询问需要什么帮助,故填How can I help you/How could I help you/How may I help you/What can I do for you。26.根据“I lost my sports bag! I must find it.”可知,此处应该安慰对方不要担心,故填Don’t worry/Take it easy。27.根据“It’s black and white.”可知,询问运动包的颜色,故填What color is your sports bag/it/What’s the color of your sports bag/it。28.根据“I got on the bus at Xinhua Bookstore at about 7:30 a.m.”可知,询问上车的时间和地点,故填When/What time and where did you get on the bus。29.根据“Sure, my phone number is 426-0529.”可知,询问对方的电话号码,故填Could/Can you please tell me us your (tele)phone number/May I know your (tele)phone number/Could you (please) tell me (us) what your (tele)phone number is/Could you (please) leave your (tele)phone number。(七)(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。Xiao Jing: Hello? This is Xiao Jing speaking. Who is that?Gu Hong: Oh, Xiao Jing. ____30____ It’s reported that China’s Shenzhou-14 has been sent up into space successfully. ____31____Xiao Jing: Yes, I have. I watched it just now. Maybe the astronauts will give the Heavenly Palace Class (天宫课堂) in space for the third time.Gu Hong: I hope so. The astronauts of the Shenzhou-13 gave the Heavenly Palace Class three months ago. It was amazing!Xiao Jing: Really? It’s a pity that I missed it. ____32____Gu Hong: It was about some interesting scientific experiments.Xiao Jing: Oh, I love science! I can’t wait to watch the third class.Gu Hong: Me, too. Oh, there will be a space show in the Space Museum and people can experience the life in space. Why not pay a visit there?Xiao Jing: ____33____ Would you like to go with me?Gu Hong: ____34____ I also want to learn something more about space. Let’s go there together.【答案】30.It is Gu Hong(speaking).31.Have you known it?32.What was it about?33.It’s a good idea./That sounds great!34.Yes, I’d love to.【解析】【导语】本文是一篇对话,是关于天宫课堂的谈论。30.根据“Hello? This is Xiao Jing speaking. Who is that?”以及“ Oh, Xiao Jing”可知此处是打电话,应该说自己是Gu Hong。故填It is Gu Hong(speaking).31.根据“ It’s reported that China’s Shenzhou-14 has been sent up into space successfully. ”以及“Yes, I have”可知此处是问对方是否知道中国的神舟14号已成功送入太空的新闻,且疑问句是以have开头,故填Have you known it?32.根据“It was about some interesting scientific experiments.”可知此处是问天宫课堂是关于什么的,故填What was it about?33.根据“Why not pay a visit there?”以及“Would you like to go with me?”可知此处是对对方建议的的评价,故填It’s a good idea./That sounds great!34.根据“Would you like to go with me?”以及“I also want to learn something more about space. Let’s go there together.”可知此处是表示自己很乐意去,故填Yes, I’d love to.(八)(2022湖南郴州中考真题)通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。A: Hello, House of Dumplings. ________35________?B: Yes, please. I want to order some dumplings. A: ________36________?B: I’d like some beef dumplings. Are there any vegetables in the beef dumplings? A: ________37________. There are some tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. B: Good. I’d like 15 beef dumplings with carrots. A: All right. What else? B: Umm … a large bowl of tomato soup, please. A: OK. 15 beef dumplings with carrots and a large bowl of tomato soup. That’ll be 35 yuan. ________38________?B: 20 Bridge Street. A: OK. You may wait for half an hour. B: It doesn’t matter. See you then. A: ________39________.【答案】35.Can I help you/May I help you/What can I do for you/…36.What kind of dumplings would you like/…37.Yes/Yes, there are38.What’s your address/…39.See you/See you then【解析】【导语】本文是A和B一段关于点餐的对话。35.根据“Hello, House of Dumplings.”以及“Yes, please. I want to order some dumplings.”可知,对话发生在饺子馆,此处是询问是否需要帮助。故填Can I help you/May I help you/ What can I do for you/…36.根据“I’d like some beef dumplings.”可知,此处是询问想要哪种饺子。故填What kind of dumplings would you like/…37.根据“Are there any vegetables in the beef dumplings?”以及“There are some tomatoes, potatoes and carrots.”可知,此处是作肯定回答。故填Yes/Yes, there are。38.根据“20 Bridge Street.”可知,此处是询问地址。故填What’s your address/…39.根据“See you then.”可知,此处是和对方说再见,结束对话。故填See you/See you then。(九)(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A: Hello! This is Sunny Store. ___40___? B: Hello! I’d like to buy a box of milk. ___41___? A: Let me have a look. Oh, it’s 45 yuan. B: OK, ___42___. Could you please deliver(递送)it to me now? A: Sorry, my dad isn’t here. But I can make it instead. And your address? B: Room 306, the 12th building. A:___43___? B: That’s all. It’s late. Please deliver it when your father comes back. A:___44___. Thank you. Bye! B: Bye!【答案】40.What can I do for you/Can I help you41.How much is it/What’s the price of it42.I’ll take it43.Anything else/What else44.No problem/Sure/ Of course/Certainly/OK【解析】【导语】本文是B去阳光商店购物和A的对话。40.根据“This is Sunny Store.”可知,此处是问有什么需要,是服务员的话。故填What can I do for you/Can I help you。41.根据“Oh, it’s 45 yuan.”可知,此处是问牛奶的价格是多少。故填How much is it/What’s the price of it。42.根据“OK”以及“Could you please deliver(递送)it to me now?”可知,对方买了这盒牛奶,应说“我买了”。故填I’ll take it。43.根据“That’s all”可知,此处是问对方还要些什么吗。故填Anything else/What else。44.根据“Please deliver it when your father comes back.”可知,此处是表示会在父亲回来的时候把牛奶送去。故填No problem/Sure/ Of course/Certainly/OK。(十)(2022吉林中考真题)根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确,每空词数不限。Mr. Wu: Hello, this is Jilin Care Volunteer (志愿者) Center. Can I help you?Li Hua: ____45____. This is a student from No.1 Middle School. I want to be a volunteer at your center.Mr. Wu: Welcome! ____46____?Li Hua: My name is Li Hua.Mr. Wu: What can you help with?Li Hua: Well, maybe I can help to ____47____ the city parks. I like working outside.Mr. Wu: OK. But we need to interview you first.Li Hua: When is the interview?Mr. Wu: On July 10th. If it’s OK, you can come to the center.Li Hua: ____48____?Mr. Wu: It’s in Hongxing Business Building.Li Hua: OK. I’ve got it, Thanks.Mr. Wu: ____49____.【答案】45.Sure46.What is your name47.clean up48.Where is the Jilin Care Volunteer Center49.You are welcome【解析】【导语】本文是李华打电话给吉林志愿者中心打电话,请求当一名打扫城市公园的志愿者的对话。45.根据“Can I help you”可知,此处应是肯定回答“Sure”,故填Sure。46.根据“My name is Li Hua”可知,此处应询问对方的名字,故填What is your name。47.根据“Well, maybe I can help to …the city parks”可知,此处指想帮助打扫城市公园,clean up“清理”,help to do sth“帮助做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填clean up。48.根据第一句“Hello, this is Jilin Care Volunteer (志愿者) Center.”及“It’s in Hongxing Business Building”可知,此处应询问吉林志愿者中心位置在哪里,故填Where is the Jilin Care Volunteer Center。49.根据“Thanks”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You are welcome。(十一)(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据对话内容,用适当的句子将对话补充完整。Tim: _______50_______, Bob.Bob: Good afternoon, Tim. I called you just now, but nobody answered. _______51_______?Tim: I went to the cinema. And I watched a movie named The Battle at Lake Changjin.Bob: Oh, great. It’s very famous nowadays. _______52_______?Tim: It’s so moving. I couldn’t help crying along with it. I’ve learned a lot from it. You know we will have a speech competition next week. _______53_______?Bob: Sorry, I don’t have any plans.Tim: I see. By the way, I’m going to the library. Would you like to go with me?Bob: _______54_______. Let’s go.【答案】50.Good afternoon51.Where did you go (just now)What did you do (just now)Where were you (just now)Where did you go and what did you do52.What do you think of/about it (the movie)How do you like it (the movie)How do you feel about it (the movie)What’s your feeling (about it/the movie)How is the movie53.Do you have any plans (for it/for the speech competition)What plans do you have (for it/for the speech competition)54.(Yes,) I’d love/like to/OK(It/That) sounds good/greatGood/Great ideal/It’s/That’s a good/great idea(It/That) sounds like a good/great idea【解析】【导语】本文是Tim和Bob两人谈论刚刚去做什么了,以及对下周的演讲比赛的准备情况。50.根据“Good afternoon, Tim”可知,这里应该是打招呼,表示“下午好”,故填Good afternoon。51.根据“I called you just now, but nobody answered.”以及空后的问号可知,这里应该是一个问句,结合“I went to the cinema.”可知,应该是问对方去哪里了,或者去做什么了,故填Where did you go (just now)。What did you do (just now)。Where were you (just now)。Where did you go and what did you do。52.根据“It’s so moving. I couldn’t help crying along with it.”可知,这里应该是问对方对这部电影的评价,或者感受,故填What do you think of/about it (the movie)。How do you like it (the movie)。How do you feel about it (the movie)。What’s your feeling (about it/the movie)。How is the movie。53.根据“Sorry, I don’t have any plans.”可知,这里应该是问对方关于演讲比赛有没有什么计划,故填Do you have any plans (for it/for the speech competition)。What plans do you have (for it/for the speech competition)。54.根据“Would you like to go with me?”及“Let’s go.”可知,这里应该是对这个提议做出评价,且是肯定的评价,故填(Yes,) I’d love/like to/OK。(It/That) sounds good/great。Good/Great ideal。/It’s/That’s a good/great idea。(It/That) sounds like a good/great idea。(十二)(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)A: Hi, Lisa. You don’t look well. __________55__________?B: I have a stomachache. A: __________56__________?B: I started to feel uncomfortable last night. A: Last night? __________57__________?B: I ate a hotpot(火锅) with my best friend. After that, we ate much delicious ice-cream. A: That’s probably why. You shouldn’t eat too much hot food or cold food. B: Yeah, you are right. Oh, I feel terrible now. __________58__________?A: I think you should go to a doctor at once. I can go with you. B: __________59__________. A: You’re welcome.【答案】55.What’s the matter with you56.When did you start to feel uncomfortable57.What did you eat yesterday58.What should I do59.Thank you very much/Thanks a lot【解析】【导语】本文是A询问Lisa身体不舒服的原因并给出了相应的建议。55.根据“You don’t look well”及“I have a stomachache”可知,关心对方怎么了,故填What’s the matter with you。56.根据“I started to feel uncomfortable last night”可知,询问什么时候开始感觉不舒服的,故填When did you start to feel uncomfortable。57.根据“I ate a hotpot(火锅) with my best friend. After that, we ate much delicious ice-cream”可知,询问做了些什么,故填What did you eat yesterday。58.根据“I think you should go to a doctor at once. I can go with you”可知,询问应该做些什么,故填What should I do。59.根据“You’re welcome”可知,此处应表示感谢,故填Thank you very much/Thanks a lot。(十三)(2022内蒙古赤峰中考真题)根据下面的对话情境,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。Tom: Hello, Ann! You don’t look well. ____60____Ann: I’m feeling terrible. I have a headache.Tom: ____61____ How long have you been like this?Ann: For two days.Tom: Did you see a doctor?Ann: ____62____ I’ve just come back from the hospital.Tom: What’s the doctor’s advice?Ann: ____63____Tom: Follow the doctor’s advice, and you’ll get better soon.Ann: OK, I will. Thank you.Tom: ____64____【答案】60.What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you?61.I’m sorry to hear that.62.Yes./Yes, I did.63.The doctor told me to drink more water and have more rest.64.You are welcome.【解析】【导语】本文是一篇对话,谈论关于Ann生病的事情,以及医生给出的建议。60.根据“You don’t look well”以及下文“I’m feeling terrible. I have a headache.”可知此处是询问对方怎么了。故填What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you?61.根据“I’m feeling terrible. I have a headache.”可知听到对方生病了,应该表示抱歉。故填I’m sorry to hear that.62.根据“Did you see a doctor?”以及下文“I’ve just come back from the hospital.”可知是肯定回答自己看医生了,故填Yes./Yes, I did.63.根据“What’s the doctor’s advice?”可知是介绍医生的建议,可以是:医生告诉我多喝水多休息。故填The doctor told me to drink more water and have more rest.64.根据“Thank you.”可知此处是回复别人的感谢,故填You are welcome.(十四)(2022黑龙江中考真题)Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.A: Hello! This is Lucy. ____65____?B: Yes, this is Li Lei speaking.A: ____66____?B: I am watching a live program on CCTV 1. It’s so exciting.A: ____67____?B: It’s about the experiments three astronauts are doing on the space station.A: That’s great. I’m interested in space, so I want to be an astronaut like them.B: ____68____?A: I’m going to study science harder and take more exercise to make me stronger.B: I hope your dream will come true.A: ____69____.【答案】65.Is that Li Lei (speaking)/May/Could/Can I speak to Li Lei66.What are you doing (now)67.What’s it/the program about68.How are you going to do that/What are you going to do to achieve it/How are you going to achieve /realize your dream69.Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot)【解析】【导语】本文主要是A和B在打电话讨论电视节目以及未来的梦想。65.根据“Yes, this is Li Lei speaking.”可知,此处是在打电话,询问对方是不是李雷。故填Is that Li Lei (speaking)/May/Could/Can I speak to Li Lei。66.根据“I am watching a live program on CCTV 1.”可知,此处是询问对方正在做什么。故填What are you doing (now)。67.根据“It’s about the experiments three astronauts are doing on the space station.”可知,此处是询问这个节目是关于什么的。故填What’s it/the program about。68.根据“I’m going to study science harder and take more exercise to make me stronger.”可知,此处是问你打算怎么做来实现(梦想)。故填How are you going to do that/What are you going to do to achieve it/How are you going to achieve /realize your dream。69.根据“I hope your dream will come true.”可知,此处应是表示感谢。故填Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot)。(十五)(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)结合本题所设置的情境,在每个空白处填入适当的内容完成下列对话。(A: Sun LanB: Li YueC: Waiter)A: Hi! This is Sun Lan. May I speak to Li Yue?B: Hi, Sun Lan! ________70________. Are you in Qiqihar now?A: Yes, I came back last night.B: That’s great. I miss you very much. _______71_______?A: Good idea! I’m available this evening and I can’t wait to see you.B: I heard a new restaurant just opened. The name is Homemade BBQ. Let’s meet there for dinner.A: Sounds like fun. But ________72________?B: It’s across from Fu-Mart. You can find it easily.A: Let’s make it six o’clock this evening.B: All right, see you later.(At 6:00 PM in the restaurant)C: _________73_________?B: Yes, I’d like some beef, vegetables and fish.C: Anything else?A: Oh, a bowl of Korean noodles.C: _________74_________ ?A: Large, please.C.Wait a minute. Your food will be ready soon.【答案】70.This is Li Yue speaking/This is Li Yue/Li Yue speaking/It’s Li Yue/It’s Li Yue speaking71.What about/How about meeting (this evening )/Why not/Why don’t we meet (this evening )/Shall we meet (this evening)/Let’s meet (this evening ), shall we72.where is the restaurant/where is it/can/could you tell me where it/the restaurant is73.May I take your order/Can I take your order/May I have your order/Can I have your order74.What size would you like/What size do you want【解析】【导语】对话是孙兰和李悦两人很久没见,相约今晚在Homemade BBQ饭店见面的情景。70.根据“May I speak to Li Yue?”以及“Hi, Sun Lan!”可知,李悦已经接通了电话,应该说“我是李悦”,电话用语中回答自己用this is...,故填This is Li Yue speaking/This is Li Yue/Li Yue speaking/It’s Li Yue/It’s Li Yue speaking。71.根据“Good idea! I’m available this evening and I can’t wait to see you.”可知,这里应该是提出建议今晚要与对方见面,故填What about/How about meeting (this evening )/Why not/Why don’t we meet (this evening )/Shall we meet (this evening)/Let’s meet (this evening ), shall we。72.根据“I heard a new restaurant just opened. The name is Homemade BBQ. Let’s meet there for dinner.”以及“It’s across from Fu-Mart. You can find it easily.”可知,这里应该是问饭店的地址,故填where is the restaurant/where is it/can/could you tell me where it/the restaurant is。73.根据“At 6:00 PM in the restaurant”以及“Yes, I’d like some beef, vegetables and fish.”可知,这里应该是饭店服务员问顾客是否可以点餐了,故填May I take your order/Can I take your order/May I have your order/Can I have your order。74.根据“a bowl of Korean noodles.”以及“Large, please.”可知,这里应是问面要多大碗的,故填What size would you like/What size do you want。(十六)(2022河南中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Alex. How are you doing today?B: As busy as a bee. ___75___.A: A project?B: Yes. It’s my English homework.A: Sounds interesting. ___76___?B: It is about my great hometown. We are going to make an introduction to Henan. We hope people will get to know more about my hometown.A: How special your homework is!B: But I don’t know how to make it more creative. ___77___?A: No problem. Please tell me what you are going to talk about in your project.B: Hmm, let me see ... ___78___.A: Great! Why not go to our school library to find more information?B: Good idea. ___79___?A: Sure, I’d love to. Let’s go.【答案】75.I’m busy with a/my project/I’m busy doing a/my project/I’m working on a/my project/I’m doing a/my project/I have a project to do/finish76.What’s it about/What’s it/What is the homework (about)77.Can/Could/Would/Will you (please) give me some advice/suggestions78.(I’m going to talk about) Henan history/food/culture/opera/Museum/Shaolin Temple/Hulatang79.Would/Will you like/love to go with me/join me/us【解析】【导语】本文是Alex和同学谈论他的英语作业的话题。75.根据“How are you doing today?”以及“A project”可知,此处应回答在忙碌一个项目。故填I’m busy with a/my project /I’m busy doing a/my project/I’m working on a/my project/I’m doing a/my project/I have a project to do/finish。76.根据“It is about my great hometown.”可知,是关于我伟大的家乡的。可见此处是在询问作业是关于什么的。故填What’s it about/What’s it/What is the homework (about)。77.根据“But I don’t know how to make it more creative”以及“No problem”可知,此处是在询问对方的建议。故填Can/Could/Would/Will you (please) give me some advice/suggestions。78.根据“Please tell me what you are going to talk about in your project.”可知,此处是在描述河南当地的特色。故填(I’m going to talk about) Henan history/food/culture/opera/Museum/Shaolin Temple/Hulatang。79.根据“Sure, I’d love to. Let’s go”可知,此处是在邀请对方一起去查找资料。故填Would/Will you like/love to go with me/join me/us。(十七)(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Hi, Mary. We’re going to have our graduation (毕业) party. ____80____ you decided what to do yet? B: No, but we need to record the happiest time.A: I agree. I’ll bring my camera here.B: Do you think writing some words to each other is a wonderful idea? A: Yes, I think ____81____.B: Why ____82____ invite our teachers to the party? A: Good idea. I can’t wait.B: Let’s get ready for it together.A: When and ____83____ shall we meet?B: Let’s meet in our classroom at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.A: All ____84____. See you!【答案】80.Have81.so82.not83.where84.right【解析】【导语】本文是A和B讨论毕业晚会的一段对话。80.句意:你决定做什么了吗?根据“yet”以及“you decided”可知,本句是现在完成时,且主语“you”是第二人称,助动词用have。故填Have。81.句意:是的,我想是的。根据“Yes”可知,此处是认同上文对方提出的建议。固定短语I think so.“我也那么认为”。故填so。82.句意:为什么不邀请我们的老师参加聚会?根据“Good idea.”可知,此处应是提出了一个建议。固定句型why not do sth.“为什么不做某事”。故填not。83.句意:我们什么时候在哪里见面?根据“Let’s meet in our classroom at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.”可知,此处是询问见面的时间和地点。故填where。84.句意:好的。再见!根据“See you!”可知,此处是表示同意对方说的话。All right意为“好的”。故填right。(十八)(2022新疆中考真题)根据对话内容,用恰当的单词、短语或句子补全对话。(Two friends are talking about one’s new job)A: Hey, Sam, you look so happy. Is there any good news?B: _____67_____, I have got a new job.A: A new job? It seems that you like it very much. _____68_____?B: A computer programmer. You know I am good at computer programming. A: Congratulations!B: _____69_____. I will have a celebration party in my house tomorrow. Would you join us?A: Yes, I’d love to. _____70_____?B: Let’s meet at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. A: OK, see you!B: _____71_____!【答案】67.Yes68.What’s your job/What is it69.Thanks70.When shall we meet71.See you【解析】【导语】本文主要围绕Sam找到了新工作而展开话题。67.根据“Is there any good news?”可知,用yes/no回答一般疑问句,结合“I have got a new job.”,是肯定回答,Yes符合句意;故填Yes。68.根据“A computer programmer.”可知,询问工作是什么,因此What’s your job/What is it符合句意;故填What’s your job/What is it。69.根据“Congratulations!”可知,对对方的祝福表示感谢,因此Thanks符合句意;故填Thanks。70.根据“Let’s meet at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.”可知,询问什么时候见面,因此When shall we meet符合句意;故填When shall we meet。71.根据“OK, see you!”可知,跟对方道别;故填See you。(十九)(2022湖南衡阳中考真题)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。(Kangkang met Michael at the airport.)K: Long time no see, Michael. Did you have a good time in your hometown?M: ____________51____________. I visited many good friends there. But I’m sorry I missed your birthday party on April 16th.K: ____________52____________. I had a meaningful birthday. Because on that day, Shenzhou -13 carrying three astronauts landed safely.M: Wow, how exciting! ____________53____________?K: They are Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu.M: ____________54____________? K: They have been in space for 183 days.M: ____________55____________? K: They did lots of research there. They also had space-based lectures. By the way, Shenzhou-14 was launched at 10:44 a.m. on June 5th.M: Amazing! They’re heroes!K: You’re right. We Chinese are so proud of them!【答案】51.Yes, I did52.Never mind/It doesn’t matter/Not at all/It’s nothing53.Who are they54.How long have they been in space55.What did they do there【解析】【导语】本文是凯西询问迈克尔在家乡过得如何,二人还讨论了神舟十三号的三位宇航员的情况。51.根据“Did you have a good time in your hometown?”和“I visited many good friends there.”可知,此处应进行肯定回答,故填Yes, I did。52.根据“But I’m sorry I missed your birthday party on April 16th.”可知,此处应对对方的道歉表示谅解,故填Never mind/It doesn’t matter/Not at all/It’s nothing。53.根据“They are Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu.”可知,此处应询问三位宇航员都是谁,故填Who are they。54.根据“They have been in space for 183 days.”可知,此处应询问三人在太空待了多久,故填How long have they been in space。55.根据“They did lots of research there. They also had space-based lectures.”可知,此处应询问三人在太空做了什么,故填What did they do there。(二十)(2022陕西中考真题)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。(Two students will go back to school after having classes online for a week. Li Xiaowen’s phone is ringing ...)A: Hello, Li Xiaowen speaking.B: Hi, Xiaowen. ________51________?A: I’m preparing all my school things for tomorrow. I’m really excited about going back to school.B: Me too! Thanks to the government, we can go back to school so soon.A: ________52________. The government has really done a lot to fight COVID-19.B: So it has. Now our life can go back to normal. ________53________?A: We will get to school at 7:50.B: How will you go to school?A: By bike. ________54________?B: I will walk to school. I can’t wait to see our classmates. See you tomorrow.A: ________55________.【答案】51.What are you doing now52.Yes/Yeah/I agree/You’re right/That’s right/I think so...53.What time/When will/shall we get/go to school tomorrow54.What/How about you/How will you go to school tomorrow55.See you (tomorrow/then)/Goodbye...【解析】【导语】本文是两个人在打电话,主要讨论了网课结束后明天要返回学校上课。51.根据“I’m preparing all my school things for tomorrow”可知上文询问对方现在正在做什么。故填What are you doing now。52.根据“Thanks to the government, we can go back to school so soon.”以及“The government has really done a lot to fight COVID-19.”可知此处是同意对方的看法。故填Yes/Yeah/I agree/You’re right/That’s right/I think so...53.根据“We will get to school at 7:50”可知上文询问明天什么时候到学校。故填What time/When will/shall we get/go to school tomorrow。54.根据“I will walk to school”可知此处询问对方如何去上学。故填What/How about you/How will you go to school tomorrow。55.根据“See you tomorrow.”可知此处表达再见。故填See you (tomorrow/then)/Goodbye...(二十一)(2022四川成都中考真题)Bob, an exchange student from the UK, is at Li Ming’s home in Chengdu. They are talking about the photos on the wall. B-BobL-Li MingB: What are you picking in the photo?L: Mulberries. Mulberries like these taste delicious. B: Oh, really? Are mulberries ___61___ fruit in Chengdu?L: Yes, there are a lot every May. You know Sichuan has a long history of silk culture. Silk from Chengdu became famous ___62___ as early as 2,000 years ago. I mean nearly all the people in the country knew it! And mulberry ___63___ are the main food for silkworms. B: I see. Where did you pick the mulberries? L: Inside an ecological(生态的)park in Chengdu. ___64___ like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms are hot in May. B: Wow! The ecological park ___65___ like a great place. What else can you do in the park? L: You can rent(租)a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables. Some experts will give you help if necessary. This way, you can learn more about ___66___.B: That’s a good way to ___67___ the life on the farm. It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel ___68___.L: That’s true. It has many ___69___. It also produces food for the city and makes the city greener. B: Could you ___70___ me there this weekend? I can’t wait to visit the ecological park. L: No problem.【答案】61.common##popular62.widely63.leaves64.Activities65.sounds/seems66.farming67.experienceenjoy68.relaxed69.advantages70.take【解析】【导语】本文是鲍勃李明在谈论墙上的照片。61.句意:桑葚在成都常见/受欢迎吗?根据“Yes, there are a lot every May.”可知,每年五月都有很多桑葚,所以桑葚在成都很常见/受欢迎,common“常见的”/popular“受欢迎的”,在句中作表语,故填common/popular。62.句意:早在2000年前,成都的丝绸就闻名遐迩。根据“Silk from Chengdu became famous...as early as 2,000 years ago.”可知,早在2000年前,成都的丝绸就闻名遐迩,widely“普遍地,广泛地”,在句中修饰动词,故填widely。63.句意:桑叶是蚕的主要食物。根据“And mulberry...are the main food for silkworms.”可知,桑叶是蚕的主要食物,leaves“叶子”,在句中作主语,故填leaves。64.句意:摘桑、养蚕等活动在五月很热门。根据“like picking mulberries and feeding silkworms”可知,这些都是活动,activities“活动”,在句中作主语,句首需大写首字母,故填Activities。65.句意:生态公园听起来/似乎是个不错的地方。根据“The ecological park...like a great place.”可知,生态公园听起来/似乎是个不错的地方,sounds“听起来”/seems“似乎”,在句中作谓语,故填sounds/seems。66.句意:通过这种方式,你可以学到更多关于农业的知识。根据“You can rent a piece of land and grow crops or vegetables.”可知,种庄稼或蔬菜帮助了解农业,farming“农业”,在句中作宾语,故填farming。67.句意:那是体验/享受农场生活的好方法。根据“That’s a good way to...the life on the farm.”可知,是体验/享受农场生活的好方法,experience“体验”/enjoy“享受”,用于不定式结构中,故填experience/enjoy。68.句意:它可以帮助你忘记生活中的压力,感到轻松。根据“It may help you forget the pressure in life and feel...”可知,农场生活帮助你放松,relaxed“放松的”,在句中作表语,故填relaxed。69.句意:它有很多优点。根据“It has many...”和上下文可知,有很多优点、好处,advantages“优点、好处”,在句中作宾语,故填advantages。70.句意:这个周末你能带我去吗?根据“Could you...me there this weekend?”可知,请对方带自己周末去公园,take“带”,情态动词后用动词原形,故填take。(二十二)(2022云南昆明中考真题)根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整。所写句子应与所给的标点符号一致。A: Welcome to House of Yunnan Rice Noodles. _____56_____?B: Yes. _____57_____?A: We have beef rice noodles, mutton rice noodles and chicken rice noodles.B: Are there any vegetables in the rice noodles?A: _____58_____. We have some tomatoes and lettuce.B: Sounds good. I’d like a bowl of beef rice noodles with tomatoes.A: _____59_____?B: Large, please.A: OK. Please wait a moment.B: Sure. _____60_____.A: It’s my pleasure.【答案】56.Can I help you57.What kind of rice noodles do you have58.Yes, there are59.What size would you like60.Thank you【解析】【导语】本文是有关去餐馆吃饭点餐的一则对话。56.根据“Welcome to House of Yunnan Rice Noodles.”以及“Yes”可知此处是服务人员询问有没有什么帮忙的,故填Can I help you。57.根据“We have beef rice noodles, mutton rice noodles and chicken rice noodles”可知上文询问有什么种类的米粉,故填What kind of rice noodles do you have。58.根据“Are there any vegetables in the rice noodles”以及“We have some tomatoes and lettuce”可知米粉里有蔬菜,此处作肯定回答。故填Yes, there are。59.根据“Large, please”可知此处询问要什么尺寸的,故填What size would you like。60.根据“ It’s my pleasure”可知上文表达感激,故填Thank you。(二十三)(2022四川泸州中考真题)根据对话内容,在每个空缺处填入一个适当的词,使整段对话意思完整。(每空限填一词)A: Hey, Jack, I plan to watch TV tonight. Do you want to join me? B: Sure. What do you want to ____66____? A: Well, what do you think of talk shows? B: I don’t mind ____67____, but sometimes they can be a bit boring. A: That’s true. Do you want to watch the news? B: Yes, I think ____68____. Maybe we can watch that new talent ____69____ after the news. I usually can’t stand talent shows, but that one is quite funny. A: OK, sure, but the soccer game starts ____70____ 5:00 pm. B: Oh, yeah, I want to watch that game, too.【答案】66.watch67.them68.so69.show70.at【解析】【导语】本文是A与Jack商量今天晚上要看什么电视节目的一则对话。66.句意:你想看什么?根据“I plan to watch TV tonight”可知,此处询问对方想看什么电视节目,watch“观看”,want to do sth“想要做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填watch。67.句意:我不介意它们,但是有时候它们会有点无聊。此空指代前文提到的“talk shows”,是复数形式,且此空位于动词mind后,应填人称代词宾格,故填them。68.句意:是的,我这么认为。根据“Yes, I think”可知,此处用“I think so”表示“我这么认为”,故填so。69.句意:也许我们可以在新闻之后看那个新的选秀节目。根据“I usually can’t stand talent shows, but that one is quite funny”可知,此处建议看那个新的选秀节目,talent show“选秀节目”,that修饰名词的单数形式,故填show。70.句意:但是足球比赛下午5点开始。“5:00 pm”是时间点,前用时间介词at修饰,故填at。





