湖南省邵阳市二中2024年高三(5 月)模拟考试-英语+答案

2024-05-27·16页·644.2 K

邵阳市二中2024高三(5 月)模拟考试


考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分


第一部分 听力(命题人:CXH)(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳

选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅


1. What does the woman want to do?

A. Take a bus to Jacksonville.

B. Put up a sign at the bus stop.

C. Go to the 11th Street.

2. What does the woman probably suggest the man buy?

A. A toy bear. B. A telescope. C. A book.

3. What does the woman do?

A. She is a librarian.

B. She is a saleswoman.

C. She is a photographer.

4. What is the weather probably like now?

A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.

5. Where is the conversation probably taking place?

A. In a library. B. In a gym. C. In a parking lot.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选

项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完

后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What did the man do a week ago?

A. He handed in his research.

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B. He went to a club meeting.

C. He began to write his essay.

7. Why does the man recommend Simone?

A. She is familiar with the art club.

B. She will study in a foreign school.

C. She may help the woman with her assignment.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. What did the woman think about the movie?

A. It was tense. B. It was confusing. C. It was disappointing.

9. How many books are there about the movie?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

10. Why wouldn’t the woman like to read the books?

A. They are about drama.

B. They don’t tell real stories.

C. They have too many pages.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. What does the man offer to do for the woman?

A. Help her improve her English.

B. Introduce her to his neighbors.

C. Show her around the neighborhood.

12. What’s the woman’s plan for Thursday?

A. Meeting a friend.

B. Looking for a flat.

C. Flying to another country.

13. What will the woman prepare for the gathering?

A. Some dessert. B. Some drinks. C. Some decorations.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. What color is the woman’s dress probably?

A. White. B. Cream. C. Silver and gold.

15. How many people will be present at the evening section?

A. 100. B. 200. C. 300.

16. What will the woman provide?

A. Drinks. B. Balloons. C. Chair covers.

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17. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A birthday party. B. A wedding ceremony. C. A funeral.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. What impact has the coronavirus had on public transport?

A. It has been shut.

B. It is being used less.

C. It is struggling with the number of passengers.

19. What was the increase of cycling in the UK in June 2020?

A. 25%. B. 39%. C. 300%.

20. What does the speaker mean in the end?

A. We should keep positive changes.

B. The world can adapt to any change.

C. It’s better to look to the past for answers.

第二部分 阅读(命题人:A、B-XJ C、D -LJ)(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Comparing college entrance exams, there are different needs for admission. The national college

entrance examination, or gaokao, is known as the most competitive test for Chinese students. Do

students in other countries also need to take a standardized test to get into university?

South Korea holds the College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) in November each year. The

CSAT plays an important role in the country’s education. On test day, bus and subway frequency

increases to make sure that students can get to the test sites in time.

Japan is trying to reform its standardized national college entrance exam. In January 2022,

Common Test for University Admissions took the place of the National Center Test for University

Admissions, which had been adopted since 1990. The new exam aims to put emphasis on the ability

of students to discover and solve problems by themselves.

The American College Test(ACT) and Scholastic Assessment Test(SAT) are the two main

college entrance exams taken by students in the US. While SAT tests a student’s ability to learn, the

ACT tests a student’s educational development. Both tests normally take place seven times

throughout the year. Students can retake the exams for a better score.

In the UK, there’s no standardized test for college admission. Instead, each college has their own

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admission criteria. These criteria often only include submission of transcripts( 成 绩 单 ) and

participation in an interview. Yet, there are subject-specific exams used by some colleges.

21. In which country do students can take repeated tests?

A. South Korea. B. Japan. C. America. D. The UK.

22. What can students in the UK do if they want a better university?

A. Take standardized entrance exams for college admission.

B. Prepare submission of transcripts and get well involved in an interview.

C. Meet each college’s admission standard.

D. Sit a lot of subject-specific exams.

23. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To inform. B. To advertise. C. To explain. D. To encourage.


Li Jing, 29, currently serves as the director assistant to the village secretary of Maotianping

Village Committee in Cuijiaba, a town in Hubei province. Li is a native of this village and was one

of the first from her community to achieve higher education. She studied hotel management and

tourism. After graduation, she started a career in the hotel industry in Wuhan. However, she made a

decision last year to return to her village. She wants to be an essential part of her hometown's

development, realizing her own personal value.

When Li returned to her hometown, she received unconditional support from her family, despite

some villagers’ questioning her decision. She resolved to prove herself through determination and


Her job involves extensive communication with the villagers, with over half of her workload

about promoting potato production, the main business of the village. Li and the villagers regularly

hold meetings in the village square, where they share insights on potato planting techniques, sales

channels, market trends, and more. These gatherings provide her with opportunities to equip the

villagers with planting tools and offer a window for them to voice their concerns and experiences.

In her spare time, Li remains closely connected with the villagers through regular conversations.

She admits that it demands a considerable investment of time and energy, but it’s all worthwhile.

Li has very fond memories of an incident from last year when one villager had a poor potato

crop. Although her potatoes were unimpressive in terms of size and quality, she held faith in Li and

worked tirelessly and enthusiastically. Li never forgets the smiles on the villagers’ faces at harvest

time, which is the ultimate reward for her.

In the near future, Li hopes to continue helping her fellow villagers raise their potato production

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and increase their income. Her long-term vision is to promote urban-rural integration(整合).

24. Why did Li Jing desire to start a career in her hometown?

A. She received higher education. B. What she has learned could help her.

C. She intended to live her dream. D. She failed to start her own business in Wuhan.

25. Which words can best describe Li Jing?

A. Passionate and hardworking. B. Strong-willed and competent .

C. Warm-hearted and easy-going. D. Selfless and thoughtful.

26. Why the incident is mentioned in paragraph 5?

A. To show Li Jing’s inability in potato planting.

B. To prove Li Jing’s success in gaining villagers trust .

C. To put emphasis on the hardship of potato planting.

D. To give evidence of Li Jing’s efforts .

27. Which of the following can be the best title?

A. No Pain, No Gain B. East or West, Home Is Best

C. Graduates, Welcome Home D. From the Village, for the Village


A new color-changing ink could aid in health and environment monitoring — for example,

allowing clothing that switches colors when exposed to sweat or a curtain that shifts colors if carbon

monoxide (一氧化碳) enters a room. The chemicals could be printed on anything from a T-shirt to a


Wearable sensing devices like smartwatches use electronics to monitor heart rate, blood glucose

(血糖), and more. Now researchers at Tufts University’s Silklab say their new silk-based inks can

respond to the presence of chemicals on or around the body.

The researchers had created an earlier version of the material that inkjet printers could spray on

fabric, turning small items, such as gloves, into sensors. For the recent study, published online in

May in Advanced Materials, they thickened the ink with certain chemicals and then added various

reactive substances. With the new ink, they can now “easily print a large number of reactive elements

onto large surfaces,” says Fiorenzo Omenetto, a biomedical engineer at Silklab.

“In the case of a T-shirt, the wearer ‘paints’ the shirt through exercise — with colors correlating

to the acidity distribution of their sweat,” Omenetto says. He envisions using the ink to help monitor

such activity. It could also be adapted to track environmental changes in a room, he says — or to

respond to bacteria and follow disease progression.

Mechanical engineer Tyler Ray of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, who was not involved

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with the study, notes that most of today’s wearable monitors are rigid, wired and relatively large and

heavy. The new ink technology has “the potential to transform consumer wearables from recreational

novelty devices into body-worn, clinical-grade physiological measurement tools that supply

physician-actionable information,” he says. But “one of the challenges with any colorimetric (比色

的) approach is the effect various environmental conditions have on accuracy, such as lighting or the

camera used.” Future studies would need to address these issues.

28. What makes the new ink different from the earlier version?

A. It can be printed on large items. B. It can be used to monitor heart rate.

C. It doesn’t need electronics to work. D. It can change objects into sensors.

29. What could be inferred from paragraph 4?

A. The wearer paints different colors on his T-shirt.

B. The ink could solve environmental problem one day.

C. The wearer’s T-shirt will get wet and dirty through exercise.

D. Researcher may use the ink to monitor environmental conditions.

30. What does Tyler Ray think about the new ink technology?

A. It can be used in recreational new devices.

B. It may provide useful information for doctors.

C. It can warn people of some disease.

D. It may transform consumers’ ideas about wearable monitors.

31. What will the future studies of the new ink technology focus on?

A. Its approach to environment monitoring.

B. Its effects on people’s health.

C. The environmental influence on accuracy.

D. The development of more accurate wearables


Nearly one-third of American adolescents and adults are affected by anxiety, according to the

National Institute of Mental Health. In fact, over the last decade, anxiety has surpassed depression as

the most common reason college students seek counseling ( 咨 询 ) services, the New York Times

reported. Sixty-two percent of undergraduates in survey reported “unbearable anxiety,” a significant

increase from 50 percent in 2011.

Anxiety, along with depression, cuts across all demographics (人口统计数据), including both

privileged and disadvantaged teenagers. But privileged teens are among the most emotionally upset

youth in America, Arizona State University psychology professor Suniya Luthar told the New York

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“These kids are incredibly anxious and perfectionistic,” Suniya Luthar said, “there’s always one

more activity, one more A.P. class, one more thing to do in order to get into a top college. Kids have

a sense that they’re not measuring up. The pressure is never-ending and getting worse.” But

helicopter parents aren’t always to blame. Many students internalize the anxiety and put the pressure

on themselves, Madeline Levine, co-founder of Challenge Success, a nonprofit aimed at improving

student well-being, told the Times.

Another expert, psychiatrist Stephanie Eken, said despite the cultural differences, there’s a lot of

overlap among teens regarding what makes them anxious. Eken mentions factors range from school,

family conflicts, what food to eat, diseases, how they’re perceived by friends and notably in the last

few years, Eken told the Times, to a rising fear about terrorism. “They wonder about whether it’s safe

to go to a movie theater,” she said.

A lack of close, meaningful relationships is also a major factor. Experts have long said mental

and physical changes associated with puberty (青春期) may leave teens at higher risk for anxiety.

And social media doesn’t help, Eken said, adding that teens are always comparing themselves with

their friends, which leaves them miserable.

When Times reporter Benoit Denizet-Lewis visited Mountain Valley, a nonprofit that offers

teens need-based assistance for $910 a day, a college student at the facility said, “I don’t think we

realize how much it’s affecting our moods and personalities. Social media is a tool, but it’s become

this thing that we can’t live without but that’s making us crazy.”

32. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. A big rise in anxiety among teens.

B. A report on mental health of adolescents.

C. Common mental health disorders in adults.

D. The reason for adults seeking counseling services.

33. What do we know about privileged teenagers according to Suniya Luthar?

A. Their parents pressure them too much.

B. They are less anxious than disadvantaged teenagers.

C. Their pressure often comes from themselves, not from others.

D. They suffer extreme anxiety under pressure of perfection.

34. Why did Eken mention the factors in paragraph 4?

A. To give general causes of stress and anxiety.

B. To show typical examples of cultural differences.

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C. To illustrate the importance of close relationships.

D. To state the impact of everyday things on mental health.

35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Is anxiety increasing in the United States?

B. Why are more US teens suffering from anxiety?

C. How is social media affecting teens with anxiety?

D. How do we help teenagers deal with mental illness?

第二节(命题人:HY) (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Admittedly, complex writing that uses rich vocabulary and vivid figurative language can wow

readers. But it isn’t the only mark of a good writer — another skill that’s of equal importance is the

ability to convey ideas in plain language. 36 To write in plain language, there are some general

guidelines for you to follow.

37 The only details they include are those necessary for the reader to understand the

sentences’ meaning. For example, the sign “Wait behind the yellow line.” at a train platform includes

“yellow” so travelers know where to stand.

Plain language avoids using vocabulary that requires specialized knowledge. If you work in IT,

you can comfortably use the word “latency” with your colleagues. 38 But when speaking

with someone without an IT background, you might instead use “slow” to ensure that they know

what you’re talking about.

Plain language is more than word choices, though. It also involves structuring writing to

prioritize clarity. 39 For example, use clear headers for each section and keep paragraphs

focused on one idea each. Make the relationships between ideas and sentences clear with transition

words.Write directly to your reader. Additionally, use the active voice whenever possible to enhance


It is important to note that not every guideline for plain writing will apply to every piece of

writing. The ultimate goal is to create contents that are accessible and easily understood. By using

plain language, you demonstrate respect for your readers’ time and intelligence. 40

A. That is because they know what it means.

B. Plain language reduces the risk of misunderstandings caused by confusing language choices.

C. Thus, it develops positive relationships with them.

D. It involves using direct and accessible language with a straightforward structure.

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E. This can be especially important for those who speak English as a second language.

F. One key aspect of plain writing is ensuring sentences are as short as possible.

G. This can be achieved in the following ways.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(命题人:YQ)(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

In 2019, Thierry Henry, a bus driver, found there was a rise in bike 41 in his city, Reykjavik.

Rather than 42 that the bike was gone forever, he decided to take matters into his own hands and

started to find the bikes and return them to their 43 owners.

The 44-year-old has helped return hundreds of stolen bikes in the past 4 years. His social media

account has over 14, 500 members and helps people 44 more than just lost bikes. His page 45

to people who have lost tools, cars and other items of high value. On top of his 46 act, Henry has

helped the bike thieves to reform in the process.

Initially , Henry would deal with the thieves with 47 . However, over time, he realized that

most of the thefts were driven out of poverty and other issues. He went from feeling 48 towards

the thieves, to developing 49 for their situations. It was very tough at first. But Henry decided to

try to 50 them and just talk to them.

From this moment onward, he reached out to the thieves, offering help and guidance. After the

51 in his approach, Henry found that the bike thieves began to often hand back the bikes to him.

Amazingly, some former thieves that Henry helped now 52 him in looking for the stolen bikes.

“It’s like a 53 that has got bigger and bigger,” says Henry. “It's not only me. Many times,

someone 54 a bike hidden in a bush and takes a picture. Then someone else 55 , ‘hey, that’s

my bike’.”

Thanks to Henry, everyone’s looking out.

41. A. routes B. rides C. thefts D. shops

42. A. claim B. expect C. accept D. realize

43. A. rightful B. careless C. honest D. new

44. A. track down B. hold down C. further down D. turn down

45. A. belongs B. returns C. refers D. extends

46. A. official B. public C. deliberate D. noble

47. A. anger B. pride C. equal D. enthusiasm

48. A. guiltily B. helplessly C. negatively D. regretfully

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49. A. opportunity B. respect C. plan D. empathy

50. A. side with B. apologize to C. level with D. reply to

51. A. result B. change C. work D. item

52. A.drag B. engage C. trust D. assist

53. A. snowball B. dream C. rainbow D. balloon

54. A. steals B.spots C. selects D. rents

55. A. clicks B. comments C. explains D. calls

第二节(命题人:LYP)(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)


Named after the ancient city of Chang’an in Shaanxi province, which 56 (serve) as the

capital of the Tang Dynasty for over 280 years, the epic film spans 168 minutes — the longest

runtime of any Chinese animated movie — and brings to life some of the most 57 (icon) figures

in Chinese literary history. 58 its release on July 8, the movie has earned a rating of 8. 2 out of

ten on Douban,solidifying its position as one of the most 59 (acclaim) animated blockbusters of

the summer season.

60 Li and Du being featured in many movies and TV shows, the movie employs an

unconventional perspective, starting with the memories of Gao Shi, 61 (relate) the ups and

downs of Li's life, one of the country's most beloved poet. 62 (interweave) the personal fates of

these figures, the film vividly presents the magnificent scenes of the Tang Dynasty. It showcases the

bustling streets of ancien Chang'an, the energetic and prosperous city of Yangzhou, as well as the

harsh and snowy borderlands in northwestern China.

The movie also 63 (beauty) captures the free-spirited nature of the Tang Dynasty. For

instance, in the national civil service examination, 64 highest achievers are granted the privilege

to ride magnificent horses 65 pick the most exquisite flower from any residence in the capital


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(命题人:DLP)(满分 15 分)

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2. 注意事项。

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