
2024-05-01·17页·6.7 M



第一部分 听力

1—5BAACC 6—10ABBCA 11—15CCBCB 16—20CAABB


Text 1

W: Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?

M: That sounds great! But I’m afraid I can’t. I have to attend a family gathering before a business trip.

W: That’s okay. Maybe we can do it some other time.

Text 2

M: I really want to learn how to play the guitar.

W: That’s a great idea! You can start by taking some basic lessons.

M: Do you know any good guitar teachers?

W: Maybe you can check online for recommendations.

Text 3

W: Hurry up, John! The movie is going to start in 10 minutes.

M: I know, I know. But I can’t find my ticket.

W: Have you looked in your pockets or bag?

M: Yes, I have. I think I might have left it at home.

Text 4

W: I’m planning a trip to Europe next month. We could visit Paris, London, or Rome.

M: I’ve been to Paris before. How about Amsterdam?

W: Amsterdam is a nice city. You can visit the museums and take a canal cruise.

Text 5

W: My computer is running really slow. What should I do?

M: Have you tried deleting some unnecessary files or running a virus scan?

W: No, I haven’t. I’ll try that. Thanks for the advice.

Text 6

W: Make sure to remember that we are invited to Emma’s birthday celebration tonight!

M: Yes, I will not forget. At what time should we set out?

W: Exactly at 7 pm. We’d better leave by 6 pm to avoid the traffic jam.

M: Is it a costume party?

W: No, it’s a relaxed event. You can wear your favorite sweatshirt.

英语参考答案(新高考卷)第 1 页(共 9 页)

M: Great. I have to rush. I will try my best to come back early.

W: That sounds good. See you soon!

Text 7

M: Hi, Lisa! It’s been a while. How long have you been shopping?

W: About an hour. My son Tom’s birthday is coming soon. I’m looking for a special gift for him, but I’m stuck. He

seems to have everything he needs.

M: I know exactly how you feel. My son Jack is just the same. We have a bunch of toys in his room that he doesn’t

touch anymore. This year, we didn’t get him any material gifts. Instead, we gave him a learning experience.

W: What kind of learning experience is that?

M: It’s an online coding course . He can learn how to code and create his own games and apps.

W: That sounds really interesting. How much does it cost?

M: Its $50 per month for a whole year. I signed up for six months for the whole family.

W: So, you can learn a new skill every month. That’s a great idea!

Text 8

M: Hello, Lily. You look confused. What’s bothering you?

W: Hi. I’m in a dilemma. I have been offered a well-paying job as a salesgirl.

M: That’s awesome! But will you have to give up your studies?

W: That’s the hardest part. On the one hand , I think I can always continue my studies later. I can’t miss this chance to

earn a high salary!

M: It sounds reasonable!

W: But on the other hand, My tutor said I’ve been striving hard to get into college to expand my horizons. I’ve made

many sacrifices for this. What if I regret it later?

M: I can understand your dilemma. With your hard work, you could potentially earn a decent income right away. But

consider the long-term benefits of having a college degree, it could offer more opportunities for you in the future.

W: You’re right. I need to carefully consider the pros and cons. This decision will have a significant impact on my future.

Text 9

W: Hello, dear audience! Today, we are honored to have Prof. White here to discuss the importance of environmental

protection. Welcome to our program, Prof. White.

M: Thank you. I’m glad to be here. I’d like to start by sharing a personal experience. A few years ago, I noticed that the

river near my home had become severely polluted. The sight of dirty water and the loss of wildlife was truly

heartbreaking. This made me realize that our actions have a direct impact on the environment.

W: That’s a very powerful story. What are your thoughts on the current state of environmental protection?

M: Many efforts have been made in recent years to address environmental issues, such as promoting sustainable

practices and increasing recycling. However, there is still a long way to go. We need to continue to raise awareness

and take practical steps to protect our planet.

W: Absolutely. What specific actions can individuals take to make a difference?

M: Firstly, reducing our carbon footprint by conserving energy, using public transportation, and recycle as much as

英语参考答案(新高考卷)第 2 页(共 9 页)





