
2024-04-20·20页·823.9 K





2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮


3.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. When did the woman move to the city?

A. A week ago. B. One year ago. C. Three years ago.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. At home. B. At a bus stop. C. At the airport.

3. What is the woman?

A. A manager. B. A receptionist. C. A customer.

4. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Form a new team.

B. Change her attitude.

C. Encourage her partners.

5. How does the woman sound?

A. Eager. B. Confused. C. Nervous.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作


听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第7 两个小题。

6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Moving into a new house.

B. Going out for sightseeing.

C. Having guests this weekend.

7. What will the man do tomorrow?

A. Clean his garden.

B. Have a barbecue.

C. Do some shopping.

听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第 10 三个小题。

8. What does the boy ask the woman to do?

A. Check his reader’s card.

B. Help find something to read.

C. Look for his student ID card.

9. On which floor can the boy find music books?

A. The 2nd one. B. The 3rd one. C. The 6th one.

10. How long can the boy keep magazines and newspapers at most?

A. For about two weeks.

B. For about two months.

C. For about one month.

听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。

11. What does the watch look like?

A. Its face is black. B. Its face is square. C. It has a leather white band.

12. Why is the watch special to Helen?

A. It tells the right time.

B. It is worth a lot of money.

C. It reminds her of her grandfather.

13. What will Helen do with the watch?

A. Sell it.

B. Continue to keep it.

C. Give it to her father.

听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 16 三个小题。

14. How does the man react to his daughter’s smoking?

A. He doesn’t know what to do.

B. He doesn’t care about it at all.

C. He does his best to stop her smoking.

15. Why does the man’s daughter smoke?

A. To achieve a slim figure.

B. To become a model or an actress.

C. To get more attention from her parents.

16. What is the woman’s opinion on teenagers’smoking?

A. Smoking advertisements should be banned.

B. Discipline related to smoking should be established.

C. Teenagers should refuse to see the movies about smoking.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. How many people died in a landslide in 2003?

A. About two hundred.

B. Over one thousand.

C. About two thousand.

18. What do we know about the recent landslide?

A. It happened near a pool.

B. It buried several villages.

C. Its cause is still under debate.

19. What has Philippines banned for several years?

A. Cutting down trees.

B. Using land for farming.

C. Commercial uses of forests.

20. What does the speaker advise to protect our environment?

A. Growing more forests.

B. Chopping down the old forests.

C. Getting busy in protecting our country.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


What is China? China is very diverse. It not only has skyscrapers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and

Shenzhen, but also has vast rural fields and the rural society. In September 2017, we started a social

enterprise, Beyond the City, which connects urban and rural areas: hoping to help urban children expand

their rural horizons and help rural children learn more about career possibilities.

We created the Rural Filed Study Project and brought 1000 children from more than 30 cities to the Tibetan

area of Ganzi plateau, the terraces of the Red River in Yunnan, as well as the ancient hunting tribe of Aoluguya.

Instead of traveling of teaching as volunteers, we lived in the locals’ homes and took courses in social research,

opera performances, architectural design, etc.

Also, we initiated the City Career Planning Project and brought more than 100 rural children from deep within

the mountains of Liangshan to Shanghai to study courses about career planning and development. so as to help

them to understand all walks of life and get to know a real city life. We try our best to help them avoid the fate of

dropping out when they still have the chance to choose.

Additionally, we established the Career Connection Workshop, attempting to bring quality education and

career courses in first-tier cities to children in towns and small cities, connecting textbook knowledge with future

careers and offline classes with online resources. Evolving from this platform, we are now embarking on the path to

launch the Digital Skills Exchange Workshops within the next two years.

Beyond the City is committed to build mutual trust and connection between urban and rural areas, addressing

inequalities and laying the foundations for a more equal world.

21. What did the city children do in the Rural Filed Study Project?

A. They learned hunting. B. They travelled in Yunnan.

C. They volunteered to teach. D. They took various courses.

22. Which of the following helps a rural child explore a real urban life?

A. The Rural Filed Study Project. B. The City Career Planning Project.

C. The Career Connection Workshop. D. The Digital Skills Exchange Workshops.

23. What is the primary goal of Beyond the City?

A. To observe inequalities in education. B. To offer children more job opportunities.

C. To expose children to their local cultures. D. To bridge the gap between cities and villages.


What’s the truth of joy? I was obsessed with this question when I was young. However,ever since I started

my own family, this quest has been buried under my workloads and daily chores.

In 2008, Memorial Day weekend promised to deliver beautiful weather—not always the case at that time of

year, so I decided to spend that Saturday shopping and do one big cleaning, starting with the garage. Our two-car

garage, as always, was full of stuff. Boxes piled one on top of another, bikes crossed together. A garden hose(软

水管)sat in a corner. We had to turn sideways when getting in and out. I planned to pull everything out on the

driveway, hose down the entire garage, and after it was dry, put everything back more organized.

With the morning moving along, the possibility to finish the cleaning within the day began to look less and

less likely. I recalled how I had been feeling discontented lately while taking care of our stuff. Here was yet another

time!Then my neighbor June, who was working in her yard, heard my sigh and said jokingly, “The joy of home

ownership, huh?That’s why my daughter keeps telling me I don’t need to own all this stuff. ”

I don’t need to own all this stuff.

As I turned to look at the fruits of my morning labor, I began to recognize the source of my feelings for the

first time. It was piled up in my driveway. As I surveyed the pile I made, the answer to the obsolete(被遗忘的)

question came to light:There is more joy to be found in possessing less than we can ever find possessing more.

I ran inside the house and found my wife upstairs cleaning the bathtub. Still trying to catch my breath, tI said,

“Kim, you’ll never guess what just happened. June said we don’t need to own all this stuff!”

And in that moment, a minimalist family was born.

24. Which of the following best describes the to-be-cleaned garage?

A. Spacious and well-lit. B. Neatly labeled and sorted.

C. Disordered and jam-packed. D. Narrow and weather-beaten.

25. What can we infer about the author’s recent experience with stuff cleaning?

A. He went through unaccountable frustration.

B. He figured out his disinterest in cleaning.

C. He initiated it and enjoyed the process.

D. He lost patience and rushed to the end.

26. What did June imply by saying “The joy of home ownership, huh”?

A. The pleasure of possessing a home. B. The significance of owning a family.

C. The convenience of having a garage. D. The demands of maintaining a house.

27. Why did the author start a minimalist family?

A. He favored living with a handful of people.

B. He wanted to quit being a slave of stuff.

C. He considered cleaning a waste of time.

D. He figured out the joy of ownership.


In 1835, William Talbot finally succeeded in producing a photograph of his country house. He declared that

his was the first house ever known to have drawn its own picture. The drawing was formed“by the action of light

upon sensitive paper. ” Photography offered nature a “pencil” to paint herself through optical (光学的) and

chemical means alone.

By the mid-nineteenth century, people no longer needed to hire a draftsman to draw detailed images because

the process could be completed instantly with a camera. Advocates for the technology stated that not only was it

more precise than the human hand-it was faster and cheaper.

The removal of human fallibility in the creating process was one of photography’s biggest selling points, but

this also started debates about the new medium’s implications for visual culture. Could images made largely by a

machine be considered art? If so,where did human creativity fit in this process?

As the twenty-first century becomes increasingly automated(自动化的),more and more people attempt to

identify where human agency exists in the technologically driven world. Images generated with artificial

intelligence by companies like OpenAI are stimulating questions like those that emerged with the coming of the

photograph. By typing a sentence, users can generate “new” images composed from images collected across the

internet. The result has been a flood of AI-generated images in places that are previously unique to human authors.

Painting competitions, commercial graphic design and the fashion of portraiture(肖像)have all since collided

with the technology in troubling ways.

The fine arts were thought to be a final hold-out of human creativity, but the surprisingly high quality of AI-

generated images is producing deeper questions about the nature of originality. If the history of photography tells us

anything, it’s that the debate won’t be settled quickly, straightforwardly or by the institutions we typically associate

with cultural gatekeeping.

28. Why did Talbot declare that his house had drawn its own picture?

A. To downplay human factors in the creation.

B. To investigate a supernatural phenomenon.

C. To show his advanced knowledge in science.

D. To demonstrate the beauty of his country house.

29. What does the word “it”underlined in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The photo of Talbot’s house. B. The image by a draftsman.

C. The technology of a camera. D. The paper sensitive to light.

30. What do OpenAI and cameras have in common?

A. They improve the taste of beauty. B. They advocate fashion designs.

C. They challenge human agency. D. They produce original images.

31. What did the author indicate by referring to the history of photography?

A. Cultural gatekeepers will solve the issue as they did.

B. AI-generated images will go through a similar debate.

C. The nature of originality will be held in human hands.

D. The fine arts will include photography and AI images.


In order to meet growing food production and energy needs in low-and middle-income countries, solar-

powered groundwater irrigation(灌溉)is rapidly gaining ground. More than 500,000 solar pumps(泵)have

been set up in south Asia over the last few years and a major expansion is planned across sub-Saharan Africa.

Dustin Garrick, professor in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, along with an

international team, examined the trend toward solar pumps as a clear opportunity for boosting agricultural yields

and reducing poverty, but the opportunity comes with risks.

While replacing electric or gas pumps with solar-powered irrigation holds the promise of reducing carbon

emissions(排放), it is not guaranteed. Farmers who have access to these pumps may expand production of crops

or diversify into other activities, which are not emissions neutral. Solar pumps will increase groundwater pumping

efficiency, which may be desirable in regions that support such increases, but this could worsen groundwater

lessening in regions that are already stressed. The cheap clean energy of solar pumps may lead to increased

groundwater development, without necessarily decreasing overall emissions.

Despite these challenges, the clean-energy boost can serve as a stimulus for positive change in water and

energy management but will require enhanced regulation and planning in both low-and high-income settings.

Garrick and his team advocate for improved data collection initiatives, with a shift from separated to integrated

approaches. They suggest using technology to measure water pumping and collecting remotely sensed data to

monitor land use changes. As well,regulatory improvements are crucial, with mounting limits for carbon

emissions and groundwater lessening established at various levels.

With groundwater management already a difficult challenge, we must act fast to understand the implications

of the clean energy boost and poverty reduction acts to avoid these gains being won away by wells running dry.

The rapid adoption of solar irrigation intensifies the urgency, demanding adaptation from governments and

institutions to sail through these complexities.

32. According to paragraph 3, there is a conflict between ______

A. poor farmers and solar-powered irrigation

B. human consumption and clean energy limits

C. crop diversity and crop production expansion

D. pumping efficiency and groundwater exhaustion

33. What did Garrick and his team suggest for a positive change?

A. Integrating data collection and regulation. B. Improving carbon emission monitoring.

C. Separating data for land use changes.D. Establishing groundwater levels.

34. What does the author propose the readers do?

A. Perform as the authorities suggest. B. Act based on further understanding.

C. Quicken the adoption of solar irrigation. D. Challenge the groundwater management.

35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. The Complexities of Adopting Solar Pumps

B. Solar-Powered Irrigation:Farmers’New Future

C. The Promise and Risks of Solar-Powered Irrigation

D. Balancing Clean Energy Boost and Poverty Reduction

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Self-discipline can be difficult to develop, but it is worth the effort. It makes life easier and more enjoyable by

helping you achieve your goals and manage stress. For enhanced self-discipline, try these tips.

Practice delayed satisfaction. Delayed satisfaction is the ability to choose to do something that will benefit you

in the long term, even if it means giving up something more immediate. This is a great way to improve your self-

discipline. 36 .

Focus on one thing at a time. When you have multiple things on your plate, it can be hard to stay focused. To

build up self-discipline, you must resist the urge to do everything at once. 37 . This will help you stay on

track and complete your tasks without feeling overpressured.

Repetition and consistency are key. 38 The more you use it, the more effective it becomes. When

you are trying to develop self-discipline in one area of your life, start slowly and gradually increase your efforts

over time.

Celebrate your successes. Every time you achieve a goal or make a change, celebrate the fact that you have

made progress. 39 , so don’t be too hard on yourself when it feels like nothing is happening. Rewarding

yourself for even small achievements can help you feel good about yourself and encourage you to keep going.

Surround yourself with supportive people. It’s easier to develop self-discipline if you are around people who

believe in your ability to succeed. Being around negative people can prevent you from seeing the value of

discipline and the possibility of success. 40 , which will encourage and motivate you to keep pushing

through tough times.

A. Self-discipline is like a muscle

B. It can teach you to focus on the bigger picture

C. The secret to mastery is the willingness to innovate

D. When you set a goal that is too high, it can be difficult to stick to it

E. That is why it’s crucial to put yourself in a growth-minded environment

F. Instead, prioritize your tasks and handle them based on their importance

G. Remember that self-discipline is not something that comes naturally to everyone

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

As my son entered adolescence, we spent most of our time in separate rooms. I know it’s 41 for

teenagers to shut themselves away, but sometimes I find myself trying to think up ways to 42 him out of

his bedroom.

43 by this desire, I booked two tickets to Beijing for the September school holidays. With hurriedly

packed luggage and a basic plan built around some last-minute Google searches, we 44 the airport. We

landed 45 and excited at 4: 30 am. There is something very freeing about arriving in a place where you

have no 46 . We just walked for hours every day, 47 when we were hungry, wandering back

streets, sharing more 48 than we’d shared since he was very little. Within a day he’d become the

49 , and I was the lost one. He taught me how to 50 shared electric bikes when we arrived at

Xiangshan. He showed me how to accelerate and led me speeding up and down hills.

I saw him 51 in China, not the child running late for school or forgetting to eat carrots and peas, but

as someone taller than me who understood when to 52 on a train so someone older could take his seat, and

how to 53 buying things with his own money.

Travelling meant we were more like 54 . And instead of complaining about the 55 version of

him, I saw the adult he was becoming.

41. A. interesting B. natural C. Strange D. legal

42. A. pick B. keep C. draw D. talk

43. A. Driven B. Burdened C. Touched D. Improved

44. A. dropped by B. got through C. looked up D. headed to

45. A. lucky B. tidy C. sleepy D. busy

46. A. friends B. plans C. mood D. chance

47. A. fighting B. stopping C. begging D. hunting

48. A. space B. news C. value D. money

49. A. assistant B. passenger C. resident D. guide

50. A. maintain B. fix C. observe D. hire

51. A. differently B. immediately C. accurately D. traditionally

52. A. stand B. gather C. freeze D. hold

53. A. impact B. strike C. negotiate D. progress

54. A. streams B. tourists C. actors D. equals

55. A. dream B. child C. male D. future

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

We’ve all heard the advice to“get out of your comfort zone”by taking on a new challenge. A recent study goes

a step further:Make discomfort a direct goal. That’s more likely to motivate you than if you focus on 56

you hope to learn.

In the first of five experiments, the researchers assigned several hundred students training at Second City

Chicago 57 (participate)in a small-group improvisation(即兴)exercise, and then instructed half of

the group that their goal during the session was“to feel awkward and 58 (comfortable). ” The rest,

those in the control group, 59 (tell)to “feel yourself developing new skills. ” Members of the first group

kept at the exercise longer than the others did and took 60 (great)risks. Experiments involving other

dimensions of personal 61 (grow)-engaging in expressive writing, learning about gun violence, and

hearing about opposing political beliefs- 62 (produce)similar results.

Reframing anxiety as excitement has been proven a way to improve singing in front of strangers, and 63

(think)of stress as a means to boost achievement a demonstrated stress-management technique.

“When people reinterpret negative experiences as functional, they are more willing to engage 64 tasks

that call forth those experiences, ” the researchers explain. “Instead of seeing discomfort as unrelated to the goal

65 a signal to stop, they will start perceiving it as a sign of progress toward their goal. ”

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

学校英文报正在开展以“Using Fitness Apps to Monitor Health”为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇







1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Using Fitness Apps to Monitor Health




第二节(满分 25 分)


An egg sandwich in hand, I quickly grabbed my bag and climbed into the honking car. I took out my physics

notes and started skimming through them once more.

Today was a very important exam-of physics. For me, it is a really hard subject and I had worked really

tough and intended to do my best in it.

I entered the queue outside the assigned classroom where the invigilator(监考老师)was checking our

pencil cases. All the seniors and juniors were mixed and we were sitting in an English letter order. Upon looking at

my name, I was surprised to see someone else sitting on my seat. She was a senior.

“Um... excuse me, I think you got the wrong seat..., ” my squeaky(细的)voice faltered(支吾).

She stared in front in a bored way. I had the feeling she was deliberately ignoring me. I had enough trouble

socializing with people, so I decided to leave the matter to the invigilator. The invigilator came soon enough.

“Katie, dear, you need to move one seat back for Aliya here, ” the invigilator explained.

The girl, Katie, shifted and I settled down. The girl in front of me turned around and rolled her eyes at me.

Now, I was puzzled. What was wrong? I had annoyed two people at the same time?

These thoughts drifted away as I started focusing on the paper. Minutes passed when out of the blue,there

was a tap on my shoulder.

The girl behind me, Katie, whispered, “Quick!Change places with me. ”

I froze. It took me a moment to process her words. Without even waiting for a response, she grabbed my arms,

pulled me up and made me sit on her seat, exchanging our papers too. Then she and the girl in front of her started to

exchange some notes. I didn’t know what to do. I fought hard to collect enough courage and raised my hand, but

the invigilator was busy with another candidate.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Suddenly the door opened with a bang and in came a teacher.





“As for you, Aliya, ” he turned to me, “complete your paper here. ” ________________________________








