
2024-03-30·10页·1.5 M

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英语试题 2024.03



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第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分50分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Hillier Gardens School Holiday Program

The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens are open year-round offering opportunities to view

interesting plants and flowers and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.Throughout the

Easter school holidays,we have various events for children,which are fun and educational

and give them interesting ways to interact with nature.

Self-Guided Easter Trail

The Gardens feature a regular trail throughout the year.For the Easter school

holidays children will pick up their maps and follow clues left by the Easter Bunny.The

family trails are a great way to explore the gardens with a little bit of guidance.Children

who finish the trail will also be able to collect a small prize at the end.Trail maps can be

picked up from the ticket desk.

Cost:E1.50 per child

All ages

Pond Dipping

The Education Garden ponds at Hillier Gardens are filled with all sorts of interesting

creatures you might never think to look at.Keep an eye out for beetles,skimmers and

more creatures living in the ponds.All materials are provided and bookings are not

required.All children must be accompanied by an adult.

学校 姓名 准考证号

Cost:2 per child

All ages

Outdoor Adventure Holiday Club

The Outdoor Learning Company will be running their popular Outdoor Adventure

Holiday Club for four days throughout the Easter break.Children will experience a range

of different outdoor skills and activities,including campfire cooking, bushcraft tools,and den

building.There's also plenty of time to just enjoy the outdoors running around,tree climbing and

exploring.Bookings are essential and can be made on the Outdoor Learning Company website.


Ages 5-11

Family Bushcraft Cooking

One of the last activities of the holiday period is a campfire cooking session.You'll make

warm fruit puddings and cook other things on the campfire,while also learning essential

bushcraft skills for cooking and safe fire handling.The price is for one adult and one child.Tickets

can be booked online or by calling 01794369318.


Ages 4-12

1.What good will the holiday events do to children?

A.Enjoying the festive leisure. B.Improving self-care abilities.

C.Bringing them close to nature. D.Strengthening the family ties. 2.Which

event might be more attractive to the children fond of insects?

A.Pond Dipping. B.Self-Guided Easter Trail.

C.Family Bushcraft Cooking. D.Outdoor Adventure Holiday Club. 3.What can

children do in the Outdoor Adventure Holiday Club?

A.Have a self-guided walk. B.Learn outdoor survival skills.

C.Enjoy a family picnic. D.Take care of small animals.


On August 15,a team of researchers and conservationists set off on a two-year voyage

from Plymouth,England,on board the Dutch tall ship Oosterschelde.They will sail more than

46,000 miles(74,000 kilometers)and drop anchor in 32 different ports across four

continents,before ending their journey in Falmouth,U.K.

The expedition,named Darwin200,comes more than 190 years after Charles Darwin sailed the

globe collecting specimens and shaping ideas of his theory of evolution.The team will closely

follow Darwin's original voyage aboard the HMS Beagle,which set off on Dec.27,1831,and

returned to England on Oct.2,1836.

Darwin was 22 years old when he joined the expedition with the intention of seeing the world

before joining the church.But during the trip,Darwin became fascinated by the wide range of

different species he encountered,which eventually led to him creating his theory of evolution by

natural selection.Darwin's account of the journey,published after his return,also helped him

establish his reputation as one of Victorian Britain's academic


The main aim of the new expedition is to train and inspire 200 young

environmentalists,between 18 and 25 years old,who will each spend a week on board the

Oosterschelde studying threatened species that Darwin encountered on his voyage.

“We wanted to create a similarly transformative experience(for the young

naturalists),”Stewart MePherson, mission director of Darwin200,said in a statement. They

have“the potential to be the STEM(science,technology,engineering,and

mathematics)and conservation leaders of tomorrow,”he added.

Every week,the team will broadcast interactive“nature hour”sessions live from the ship

for people across the world.They will also collect important data on ocean plastics

and coral reef health,as well as survey seabirds,whales and dolphins.

4.What can we learn about Darwin200 from the first two paragraphs?

A.It takes along 200 naturalists. .B.It takes a shortcut for the journey.

C.It is to mark Darwin's Beagle voyage. D.It lasts longer than Darwin's voyage.

5.How did Darwin's voyage affect him?

A.It established his writing style. B.He gained a sense of adventure.

C.He earned great fame and fortune D.It changed the direction of his life.

6.What is Stewart McPherson's wish for the young naturalists?

A.To be more creative. B.To keep an open mind.

C.To develop scientific skills. D.To challenge Darwin's theory.

7.What does the team's research work focus on?

A.Ocean conservation. B.The exploration of ocean.

C.The art of navigation. D.Scientific education.


During my final year of college,I made two signs that read,“Feeling stressed about

exams?Have a free hug!”Then I found a friend and we stood in the campus,held up the

signs,and waited.Passersby either quickly looked down at their phones and awkwardly

walked by,or their faces lit up as they embraced us.Most people were enthusiastic.Some

exclaimed,“You made my day!”or“Thank you.I needed this.”

A study published earlier suggests that,in addition to making us feel connected with

others,all those hugs may have prevented us from getting sick.At first,this finding seems

incredible,because hugging hundreds of strangers would increase your exposure to germs and

therefore the likelihood of falling ill.But the new research adds to evidence for the positive

influence of social support on health.

The researchers conducted an interview to find out how often participants experienced

conflict with others and how often they received hugs.Then they infected the participants with

a common cold virus and,later the researchers found that,regardless of how much conflict

they endured,participants with a strong sense of social support developed less severe cold

symptoms.Likewise,the more often people hugged,the less likely they were to get sick,even

among individuals who frequently had tense interactions.In other words,both social support

and hugging prevented against illness.

But their impact is more than a runny nose.On the extreme end,social

connectedness seems to play a role in preventing against death.According to a research that

examined over 300,000 people around the world,low levels of social support can

increase the risk for premature death more than commonly known factors like smoking or

alcohol consumption.No surprise that the World Health Organization identifies social

networks as a primary determinant of health.

Evidently,just as we prioritize exercise and nutrition,we ought to prioritize quality

time with loved ones;just as we avoid unhealthy habits like smoking,we should make

effort to avoid isolation and social exclusion.And even if you don't want to hug hundreds of

strangers,don't underestimate the healing power of touch.

8.What is the function of Paragraph 1?

A.To introduce the topic. B.To amuse the readers.

C.To explain a viewpoint. D.To quote an instance.

9.What is a common misunderstanding of hugging strangers?

A.It helps to relieve social stress. B.It increases the risk of getting ill.

C.It prevents against social exclusion. D.It promotes the feeling of closeness.

10.What does the underlined phrase “a runny nose”refer to in paragraph 4?

A.Death. B.A virus. C.A hug. D.A cold.

11.What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A.Getting socialized. B.Doing more exercise.

C.Giving up smoking. D.Valuing your time.


Even if you haven't held a conversation with Siri or Alexa,you've likely encountered

a chatbot online.They often appear in a chat window that pops up with a friendly

greeting:Thank you for visiting our site.How can I help you today?Depending on the

site,the chatbot is programmed to respond accordingly and even ask follow-up questions.

Chatbots are a form of conversational AI designed to simplify human interaction with

computers.They are programmed to simulate human conversation and exhibit intelligent

behavior that is equivalent to that of a human.

Chatbots communicate through speech or text.Both rely on artificial intelligence

technologies like machine learning and natural language processing(NLP),which is a

branch of artificial intelligence that teaches machines to read,analyze and interpret human

language.This technology gives chatbots a baseline for understanding language structure and

meaning.NLP,in essence,allows the computer to understand what you are asking

and how to appropriately respond.

With developments in deep learning and reinforcement learning,chatbots can

interpret more complexities in language and improve the dynamic nature of conversation

between human and machine.Essentially,a chatbot tries to match what you've asked to

an intent that it understands.The more a chatbot communicates with you,the more it

understands and the more it learns to communicate like you and others with similar

questions.Your positive responses reinforce its answers,and then it uses those answers again.

From customer service chatbots online to personal assistants in our homes,chatbots have

started to enter our lives.In almost every industry,companies are using chatbots to help

customers easily navigate their websites,answer simple questions and direct people to the

relevant points of contact.Personal assistants like Siri and Alexa are designed to respond to a

wide range of scenarios and queries,from current weather and news updates to personal

calendars,music selections and random questions.

12.Why does the author mention Siri and Alexa in Paragraph 1?

A.To explain how a chatbot works. B.To show where to find a chatbot.

C.To give examples of chatbots. D.To compare different chatbots.

13.What is the basis of chatbots?

A.Language study. B.Data transmission.

C.Social interaction. D.Natural language processing. 14.What

does the underlined wordreinforcein paragraph 4 mean?

A.Inspire. B.Strengthen. C.Organize. D.Match.

15.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The future trend of chatbots. B.The author's predictions.

C.The effects of chatbots. D.The applications of chatbots.




It's been estimated that people touch their cell phones hundreds of times every day.

That means plenty of opportunities for germs to move from our fingers to our phones.

16 But a recent study found more than 17,000 bacterial gene copies on the phones of high

school students.

One of the worst places to use cell phones is in the bathroom. 17 Studies have found

that our mobile phones are much dirtier than toilet seats.Just as an expert puts it, taking a

phone into the bathroom and then leaving with it is kind of like going in,not washing your

hands and then coming back out.

While many of us wash our hands regularly after going to the bathroom,we seldom

consider washing our hands after touching our phones. 18

You can use alcohol-based wipes or sprays to clean your phone regularly.They need to

contain at least 70%alcohol to disinfect phone casings and touch screens. 19 Remember

to sanitize(消毒)your phone charger occasionally when you are cleaning your phone.And wash

your hands thoroughly after you've finished cleaning.

20 Get in the habit of putting your phone away when it's not in use,then

cleaning your hands.When not at home,keep your phone in your pocket or bag.Use a disposable

paper list of to-do items,rather than constantly consulting your phone.

Do not share your phone with others if you have not first sanitized it.If

children are allowed to play with your phone,sanitize it as soon as

possible afterward.

A.Do it every day if possible.

B.How you handle your phone will also be critical.

C.So it's clear that you keep away from your phone.9125

D.When toilets flush,they spread germs everywhere.

E.The more germs they collect,the more germs you touch.

F.Research has varied on how many germs are on an average phone.

G.Fortunately,there are easy ways to avoid your phone collecting

germs. 第二部分 语官运用(共两节;满分30分)


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One day,I

had a serious quarrel with my father.I felt he was always trying to 21 me and I wanted

to break free.After we exploded in 22 ,I stormed out of the

house and went back to school.

All that day,my mind was racing with 23 thoughts.After all,he hadn't even finished

high school,but here I was a mighty college student!How dare he try to 24

me on my life and plans?

Suddenly,I realized that I didn't do the assignment that was 25 :a thought card. Dr.Simon

always us to think deeply by raising all kinds of questions about social issues,political

issues,personal issues etc. 27 .for something to write,I could only

think of the 28 I'd just had with my dad.

“I am the son of an idiot!”I wrote and then

The next day,Dr.Simon gave back our cards.He put mine on the desk face down.I

picked it up,almost unable to turn it 30 .On the card,he wrote,“What does‘the

son of an idiot' 31 with the rest of his life?”

I felt like someone had 32 .me in the face.Again and again,my parents didn't

33 me and I blamed them for this or that,but how long could I get away with blaming

them for my life?

Slowly,my thinking 34 and my relationship with my father improved.Instead of

controlling,now I saw him as concerned and caring.And it all started with an innocent-

seeming 35

21.A.prevent B.trouble C.criticize D.control

22.A.details B.shouts C.tears D.flames

23.A.deep B.stupid C.angry D.strange

24.A.lecture B.overcome C.suspect D.compete

25.A.near B.prior C.close D.due

26.A.forced B.challenged C.confused D.appealed

27.A.Empty B.Desperate C.Absent D.Curious

28.A.fight B.matter C.lesson D.fact

D.handed in

29.A.put away B.calmed down C.signed up

30.A.down B.up C.over D.around

31.A.do B.agree C.deal D.leave

32.A.joked B.struck C.looked D.ignored

33.A.please B.educate C.praise D.pardon

34.A.cleared B.struggled C.shifted D.abandoned

35.A.quarrel B.teacher C.reply D.question



Between 2016 and 2019,the 58-year-old Swiss artist Catherine Gfeller embarked on a journey

to 36 number of Chinese cities,focusing her lens on women.This led to a solo exhibition

in Beijing,which displays some of the 30 results, 37 (include)

photographs,texts,and videos.Through her lens, Gfeller 38 (skillful)establishes a dialogue

and builds a bridge between the narratives of the women and the vibrancy(活力) of the cities in

which they live.

Gfeller's focus is on the intersection between Chinese women and the big cities they

inhabit.In each city,she 39 (meet)around 10 women of various professional

backgrounds to talk 40 depth before taking photos and filming them.Each took her to

places where they have childhood memories,or 41 their present life takes them every

day.This personal link created a special atmosphere.With her camera,she tried to

capture 42 (they)thoughts,feelings,memories,desires,living presences and


In her photos and videos,viewers often encounter women gazing thoughtfully at the city,

43 (shoot)from behind.“I want their stories 44 (interpret)in a poetic, sensory manner

in a play of fixed images and images in movement,urban noise,natural sounds,voices and the

combination of words and silence.I'm trying to find beauty and transform anonymity and

loneliness into something 45 (joy),”she says.

第三部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)


假定你是李华。你校英文报《新校园》(New Campus)计划增加新栏目,向学生征集建





1. 词数80左右;


Dear Editor,

I'm Li Hua from Senior 3

Yours sincerely

Li Hua




1. 续写的词数应为150左右;


Several years ago,I worked as a writing teacher in a rural middle school.I knew all my

students.They trusted me with their stories and so I was given the privilege of having

a secret bond with each one of them.

I taught my students about the power of words,and tried to let them find expression through

writing.We learned to trust each other,because we learned how hard it was to write openly and

honestly,and we learned sharing your words took courage.I was always amazed at the words that

came from my students' hearts.

Later,we had a new student to the school,Al.Al was small and looked younger than

other students in my class.He was with us for only a short while and still trying to fit in.So I was

a little surprised when he volunteered to read.I smiled and nodded for him to do,while in my mind

I was afraid that the others would make fun of the new kid after he read.The room fell silent,and

Al began to read.

“If I had one wish,it would be to meet my dad...”He started out loud and clear.

He had held the attention of my usually restless students for what seemed like 15

minutes.He told of how he had never known his father,who had left the family when he was a

baby.He shared the intimate details of his struggles to be the only man in the house at such a

young age,of having to mow the lawn and fix broken pipes.He revealed to us the thoughts that

went through his mind constantly about where his father might be and why he might have left.

I looked around the classroom,finding no snickers(窃笑).

When Al finished the last sentence,all the class stood up and applauded.







