
2024-03-28·13页·1.7 M









第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有 2 分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对

话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例: How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.

答案是 C。

1.What is the woman likely to do first?

A.Eat something sweet. B.Attend a meeting. C.Check her blood sugar levels.

2.Where will the woman eat breakfast?

A.At the school cafe. B.At the library. C.At home.

3.What is the weather like now?

A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Windy.

4.What does the man think of the town?

A.Quiet. B.Inconvenient. C.Pleasant.

5.How much should the man pay for a dozen red roses now?

A.15 dollars. B.17 dollars. C.20 dollars.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6.What does the man dislike about the house?

A.Its garden. B.Its furniture. C.Its location.

7.What will the speakers do next?

A.Grow some flowers. B.Visit another house. C.Pick up the children.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8.Where are the speakers probably?

A.In a restaurant. B.In an office. C.At home.

9.What will the speakers do tomorrow?

A.Decorate a house. B.Go to a party. C.Make a vacation plan.

10.Who is the woman speaker going to call this evening?

A.Jane. B.Betty’s husband. C.Betty.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11.Which city will the man visit next week?

A.Cape Town. B.Pretoria. C.Bloemfontein.

12.What has the man always expected to do?

A.Climb Table Mountain. B.Watch African penguins. C.Cross the Atlantic Ocean.

13.How long will the man stay in South Africa?

A.Two days. B.Three days. C.Four days.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14.How does the woman sound at first?

A.Concerned. B.Unhappy. C.Amazed.

15.What does the woman suggest Bill do?

A.Apologize for his mistake.

B.Work in another industry.

C.Enrich his knowledge first.

16.What did the woman major in?

A.Education. B.Economics. C.Computer science.

17.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Professor and student. B.Doctor and patient. C.Friends.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。

18.How many kids were there in the research?

A.10. B.14. C.400.

19.How long do most kids spend on the screen every day in this study?

A.Less than 3 hours. B.About 5 hours. C.More than 6 hours.

20.What does the speaker suggest in the end?

A.Students should reduce their time on the screen.

B.Parents shouldn’t buy mobile phones for their children.

C.Parents should communicate with their children more frequently.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Writing Competitions for High School Students in2024

Ocean Awareness Writing Contest

Ocean Awareness Writing Contest provides a platform for young people to understand environmental issues

through artistic creation and creative thoughts, explore their relationship with the changing world, and become

advocates of positive change.

Competition time: The deadline for submission is June 10,2024.Students can upload their submissions starting

from December 24,2023.

Suitable for students: The contest is an international competition, which is open to any student aged 11—18 in

middle or high school.

Junior Division: 11—14 years old

Senior Division: 15—18 years old

Young Authors Writing Competition

Young Authors Writing Competition is sponsored by the English and Creative Writing Department at Columbia

College Chicago. The competition has grown into a yearly international con test of high school writers. You may enter

up to two works(in separate files)in either of the categories: Creative Nonfiction and Creative Fiction. In the Poetry

category, you may enter up to two files, but each can have 1—5 poems.

Competition time: The deadline is July 31,2024.

Suitable for students: Open to students in grades 9—12 worldwide

Leonard L. Milberg’ 53 High School Poetry Prize

Leonard L. Milberg’ 53 High School Poetry Prize recognizes outstanding works by student writers in the 11th

grade in the U. S. or abroad. Contest judges are poets on the Princeton University Creative Writing faculty.

Competition date: March 26,2024

Suitable for students: Students in the 11th grade in the U. S. or around the world

The New York Times Annual Student Review Contest

The New York Times invites students to play critics and write an original review for their New York Times

Student Review Contest. Students can review anything that fits into a category of creative expression that The New

York Times covers—from architecture to music.

Competition date: April 6,2024

Suitable for students: Students ages 11—19 anywhere in the world attending middle or high school can


21.How many categories are included in Young Authors Writing Competition?

A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.

22.In which competition are participants grouped by age?

A.Ocean Awareness Writing Contest.

B.Young Authors Writing Competition.

C.Leonard L. Milberg’ 53 High School Poetry Prize.

D.The New York Times Annual Student Review Contest.

23.What do the four writing competitions have in common?

A.They are international contests. B.They are organized by colleges.

C.They are intended for all students. D.They are open to different categories of works.


Omar Vazquez grew up in poverty on Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. He watched his single mother struggle to put

food on the table, and today the memory inspires him to help those in need. When an invasive(入侵的)seaweed

called sargassum showed up on Mexico’s Caribbean beaches, Omar looked past the matter of it all and saw an

opportunity to help others.

Sargassum is not dangerous, but it has an unpleasant smell and can become so thick that it keeps people from

entering the water. Mexico has experienced record-setting amounts of the seaweed in recent years, and it has made its

way to Florida’s beaches as well. Experts say there could be as much as 100 tons of sargassum blocking Mexican

shorelines in 2023.

With tourism dollars at risk, officials and locals alike were eager to remove the seaweed, but only Omar saw its

true potential. The professional gardener organized a beach cleanup that provided jobs for about 300 local families,

but he knew there was more to do. Since people’s attitude towards the seaweed reminded him of his own life

experiences, he decided to become an agent(推动者)for change.

When sargassum started arriving, everyone was complaining. “I wanted to make something good out of

something everyone saw as bad,” Omar explained.

In 2018, Omar found a way to turn sargassum into building blocks that he calls Sargablock. He creates these

blocks by mixing 40% sargassum with other materials like clay, then putting them in a block-forming machine and

baking them in the sun for days. The end result is an organic, sustainable, and ecologically friendly building material

that experts say could last for 120 years.

To date, Omar’s company, Bluegreen Mexico, has used 700 tons of sargassum to build low-income housing for

those in need. Omar said he would take on more projects, and donate more houses to single mothers like his own


24.What can be learned from paragraph 1?

A.Omar’s family often assisted people in need.

B.Sargassum originated on the Caribbean beaches.

C.Omar’s experience in childhood has influenced him much.

D.Omar has met a lot of generous people since he was young.

25.How did most people react to the increasing sargassum?

A.They didn’t take it seriously. B.They were anxious to clear it up.

C.They viewed it as new materials. D.They were excited to see a grand scene.

26.Which words can best describe Omar?

A.Honest and ambitious. B.Strong-willed and confident.

C.Quick-thinking and humorous. D.Sympathetic and innovative.

27.What does the author mainly want to tell us through Omar’s success?

A.It’s never too old to learn. B.Love shines every dark corner.

C.Solutions can be obtained from problems. D.Heroes arise from humble beginnings.


With artificial intelligence(AI)and robotic technology improving at impressive rates, there are some who

worry that there’s a risk of artistic and creative people being replaced. A new study by the Korean Institute of

Industrial Technology, however, is showing exactly why that can’t and shouldn’t happen. It all started when the South

Korean company posed this question: Can robots replace conductors?

Over a year ago, work to develop automaton(自动化)began. At first, it was designed like a machine, and

didn’t live up to expectations. Then the company sought ways to improve it. In the end, it was given two arms with

joints to copy wrists and elbows, allowing it to move a stick similarly to how a human conductor would move it. It

was named the EverR 6 robot, and stands at 1.8 meters. It was finally time to figure out how it could follow through

on its musical role.

“We got involved in this project to see how far robots can go in more creative fields like the arts, and what the

challenges are,” Dong-w o ok Lee, a senior researcher at the Korean Institute of Industrial Technology said.

In order to pull this off, Dong-wook Lee cooperated with the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra. The 12-minute

piece they planned to perform, “Feel” by Il-hoon Son, was created specifically for this event. It was created with the

strengths of both EverR 6 and the human conductor, Soo-yeol Choi, in mind.

To pull off this impressive performance, the robot was preprogrammed to conduct through 30 cycles of beat

patterns. Meanwhile, it was up to the human conductor to lead the orchestra in creating an improvisational(即兴

的)score, adding depth to the otherwise planned piece.

Together, they pulled off a masterful performance that the audience seemed more than happy to have had the

opportunity to witness it firsthand!

With the concert having gone so well, this is only the start of EverR 6.Still, no matter the improvements they’re

able to make to this Android robot, the human conductor isn’t concerned about being replaced.

“Let’s leave the accuracy to the robots,” Soo-yeol Choi said, “but the musical and artistic aspects to a human


28.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The function of the EverR 6 robot.

B.The development of the EverR 6 robot.

C.The EverR 6 robot’s role as a conductor.

D.The difficulty in designing the EverR 6 robot.

29.What can be learned about “Feel”?

A.It is a piece familiar to the audience.

B.It is a piece showing the human-robot cooperation.

C.It is the only piece that EverR 6 will perform.

D.It is a piece requiring great ability to conduct.

30.What role did Soo-yeol Choi play in the performance?

A.He corrected the robot’s mistakes.

B.He programmed the EverR 6 robot.

C.He led the improvisational section of the performance.

D.He was the main conductor of the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra.

31.What is Soo-yeol Choi’s attitude towards EverR 6?

A.Unclear. B.Uncaring. C.Supportive. D.Doubtful.


“What beautiful music!”I shout loudly as my 9-year-old son practices playing the violin. He’s used to this praise;

I give rewards like that most days. But every once in a while, I skip it, and when I do, I can see the disappointment on

his face when he’s finished.

Am I a bad mom? Conventional wisdom says that consistency is key to parenting since it enables your child to

predict how you’ll react, leading to good behavior. And it’s true that children need some level of predictability in their

lives, particularly when it comes to discipline.

But research suggests that inconsistent gifts and praise can have a greater effect on motivation. While we all like

to live in a predictable world, we often respond more strongly to unpredictable rewards.

In one experiment, my colleagues and I told participants they’d be paid if they could drink about one-and-a-half

quarts of water in two minutes or less. In one condition, we offered people a $2 fixed reward. In another, there was an

uncertain reward of either $2 or $1.The certain reward was a better deal, yet many more people successfully met the

challenge when assigned an uncertain reward. Resolving the uncertainty—whether they would win $1 or $2—was

significantly more motivating than winning $2 for sure.

Here is one of the reasons why uncertainty is motivating. What scientists call “intermittent(间歇性)

reinforcement” —rewarding behavior on some but not all occasions—makes it more arduous to know when rewards

will show up. If you very often, but don’t always, praise your child for completing their chores, they’ll keep up the

good behavior in the hope of receiving praise the next time.

So don’t assume that if kids are always praised for finishing their homework, they’ll be more likely to do it. Do

praise young people for a job well done, just not every time. And pick rewards out of a hat when they complete

chores—the surprise prize might keep everyone motivated to get things done.

32.Why does the author mention her kid’s story in the first paragraph?

A.To display the conclusion of her research.

B.To show that her kid is very smart.

C.To explain that she is a good mom.

D.To lead in the topic.

33.Why did more participants choose an uncertain reward in the experiment?

A.It was more inspiring. B.It was more demanding.

C.It was fair to all participants. D.It was easy to get more rewards.

34.What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 5 mean?

A.Convenient. B.Popular. C.Flexible. D.Difficult.

35.What is the best title for the text?

A.Why Consistency Is Critical to Parenting

B.Why Resolving Uncertainty Is Rewarding

C.How Inconsistent Praise Affects Motivation

D.How Parents’ Behaviors Affect Their Children

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Cheerfulness is a powerful way to deal with a world that will always be tough and unjust in one way or another.

It is a sign of strength in the face of difficulties. Different from fear, joy, or anger, cheerfulness isn’t something that

overcomes you. 36 As such, you can include it into your life once you make the right mental switch. Here are

four ways to do so.

Acknowledge the difficulties.

Cheerfulness is an honest emotion because you’re not hiding from reality. 37 Instead, it’s extremely

important to be honest with yourself about the problems you’re facing. Only by first acknowledging that things are

tough will you be able to find ways to cope.

Don’t focus on the negative.

Whether in your personal life or in society, it’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong. But whatever you focus on,

it grows. If you decide to focus on what’s going wrong, those problems will grow in your mind until they consume

you. 38

Be grateful for what you have.

39 Usually, they’re the things we take for granted until they’re no longer there, such as good health, a

loving family, or even something as simple as a beautiful sunrise. Being grateful will shift your perspective and make

it easier to see the silver linings of your problems.


No cheerfulness without laughter. So you can watch comedies, browse memes, or joke around with friends.

Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts your mood, makes you feel less pain, and protects you from stress.

Laughter is cathartic(精神宣泄的)and infectious. Laugh and brighten the room.

A.Find your sense of humor.

B.Deal with difficulties seriously.

C.Focus on the good things you have.

D.To a large degree, cheerfulness is a choice.

E.You’re not covering your eyes and looking away.

F.Acknowledge the problems, but don’t give them too much attention.

G.Being cheerful will make you see the world and your own life in a different way.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答


It was the end of the school day, and I was tired. I grabbed a pile of about 130 exam papers to 41 on the

train ride home. I’d bring them back the next morning.

My principal(校长)pushed her head into my classroom and said, “Friendly 42 !You need to make sure

your word wall is 43 by tomorrow morning.”She then moved on to the next classroom to 44 the

message. I sighed and thought, “Are you making a(n) 45 ? What a waste of my time!”

My principal was 46 about making our school beautiful, while my goal was to get my students to pass

the Algebra Regents Exam. She wanted every classroom to have a word wall, where student’s works on creative

projects would be 47 . She brought in beautiful planters(花盆)that 48 the hallways with greenery.

However, I assume that school and classroom 49 aren’t important when it comes to learning. To me,

spending time and money making our school and classrooms beautiful was just a distraction(使人分心的事).

Those things don’t 50 my students with math.

However, after three years of teaching, I went to graduate school in part to study how resources 51

teachers and students. What my research found 52 me: When teachers 53 their classroom

environment resources, their students did better on standardized tests. My principal was 54 . She was creating

more than just a beautiful 55 —she was building a welcoming and positive environment for students to learn

and teachers to work.

41.A.distribute B.preview C.grade D.write

42.A.reminder B.warning C.trick D.comment

43.A.advanced B.formal C.hidden D.available

44.A.copy B.explain C.repeat D.collect

45.A.excuse B.promise C.request D.joke

46.A.upset B.curious C.passionate D.uncertain

47.A.displayed B.assessed C.exchanged D.polished

48.A.connected B.blocked C.lined D.covered

49.A.locations B.activities C.rules D.appearances

50.A.impress B.assist C.confuse D.challenge

51.A.affected B.protected C.reflected D.united

52.A.annoyed B.surprised C.disappointed D.amused

53.A.made use of B.set aside C.looked down upon D.showed off

54.A.kind B.right C.patient D.humble

55.A.bond B.space C.sample D.future

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。

A woodblock print art exhibition kicked off in Guangzhou-based Ji’nan University in the provincial capital on

November 16, 56 (provide)young students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with an

opportunity to understand 57 great traditional Chinese art of woodblock watermarks.

More than 220 precious woodblock print artworks and dozens of historical 58 (document)from the

national intangible cultural heritage inheritance base of Shizhuzhai, Zhejiang Province, will be 59 display

during the one-year-long show titled“ Woodblock Print: The Scenery of Spring and Autumn, Watermark Heavenly

Fragrance”, demonstrating Chinese history and culture.

Shizhuzhai(Ten Bamboo Studio)is an art museum in the Zhejiang provincial capital of Hangzhou, which was

60 (honorable)added to the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China in 2014.

Watermark woodblock prints have a history of more than 1,200 years. Since their appearance, they 61

(regard)as outstanding Chinese artistic treasures 62 combine technology, art, painting and aesthetics,

representing the wisdom and 63 (creative)of the Chinese people.

Lin Rupeng, Party secretary of Ji’nan University, said the exhibition organized by the university aims 64

(carry)forward traditional Chinese culture, as well as demonstrate the university’s firm belief in enhancing Chinese

culture’s influence.

“Ji’nan University integrates much 65 (excellence)traditional Chinese culture into teaching while

sparing no effort to nurture(培养)high-level modern talents,” he said.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)




注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


A Visit to Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve



第二节(满分 25 分)


“No!” screamed Asha as she saw a huge pimple(粉刺)on her nose. She didn’t have time to cover the pimple

as she was running late to school. She ate her breakfast fast, grabbed her bag and caught her school bus just in time.

As soon as she got on the bus, kids started laughing. Nobody was willing to let her sit beside them. Even Anita, her

best friend, acted a bit differently, which made her more upset.

Asha was lost in thought. A new thought popped in her mind every second. Once she thought “Great! I have to

worry about my pimple as if homework and exams were not enough.” The next minute another thought popped in her

mind.“I am tired of using this face wash. I still wonder how I agreed to use that thing!” Then suddenly, Mr. Shetty, the

bus driver, said, “Asha, do you want to miss the class?” Asha was so lost in her thought that she did not even notice

that everybody had got off the bus except her.

She did not want to step into the school campus. She thought, “What will my teachers think? What will my

friends think?” After some time, she gathered courage and entered her class; expecting that she would be laughed at.

While entering the class, she heard students commenting on her pimple. A child laughed, “Look, someone’s cherry is

on her nose! Get it for me.”She heard some boys murmuring, “She would definitely be chosen as the joker in the


It was a very hard day at school for her. As soon as she got home, she hugged her mother tightly, with tears

welling up in her eyes.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


Asha told her mother what she had experienced in the day.____________________________________________


Asha opened the door and in came her friend Anita with a bunch of flowers.______________________________




Text 1

W: Daniel, I feel so dizzy.

M: Did you eat breakfast? Dizziness could be the body’s signal that levels of blood sugar are too low.

W: No. Maybe I should have a piece of candy before the staff meeting.

Text 2

M: I’m going to make breakfast for us. Do you want to eat a pancake or beef burger?

W: Thanks, Dad. But I’m in a hurry. I have to meet my friend at the library in an hour. I’ll get a quick breakfast at the

school cafe.

Text 3

M: Look outside. I’ve never seen such sunny weather for a long time.

W: I know. It rained for weeks after some windy days.

Text 4

W: How is it here? Is this a nice place to live?

M: Oh, I’m really glad that we moved to this town. The air is fresh and the people are very friendly. Also, it’s close to

the sea, so I can have a great view of nature.

Text 5

M: Oh, so many kinds of roses. How much are the red ones?

W: We always sell them at 20 dollars a dozen, but now I can give you a 15 percent discount.

Text 6

W: I think this house will meet all your needs, Mr. Johnson.

M: Wow, the size of the house is just what I want. And I really like the big sofa.

W: Great. The wooden floor is suitable for your children.

M: Yes. But the garden is too small. I want a big garden, where I can grow many flowers.

W: Alright, Mr. Johnson. This may not be the perfect house for you. But that’s okay. I’ve got more houses to show


M: That’s good to hear. Let’s go.

Text 7

W: Hello, Joe.

M: Hi, Diane. It’s rare to see you here.

W: I usually cook and bring my lunch to the office. I came here for a change today.

M: The environment here is good, right?





