
2024-03-17·21页·595.2 K






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3.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。

第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)


选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话


1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In the woman’s house. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant.

2. What will the man do on the weekend?

A. Attend an exhibition. B. Enter a contest. C. Visit China.

3. Who is the man probably talking to?

A. A shop assistant. B. His wife. C. His co-worker.

4. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. A scenic spot. B. The woman’s photo. C. A TV drama.

5. How did the man get there?

A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By subway.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)


项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完

后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6

和第7 两个小题。

6. Which year of college are the speakers in?

A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.

7. What did the woman do in public?

A. She had a dance. B. She did jumping jacks. C. She performed a song.

听下面一段对话,回答第8 和第9 两个小题。

8. What does the man expect to do on the 3rd?

A. Sign a contract. B. Go on a tour. C. Return to New York.

9. What does the man finally decide to do?

A. Cancel the reservation. B. Contact another airline. C. Advance the departure date.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。

10. What was George R. R. Martin like when he was young?

A. He was popular with his classmates.

B. He didn't have many friends.

C. He loved to play sports.

11. What did George R. R. Martin first write about?

A. Turtles. B. Dragons. C. Spiders.

12. Who was George R. R. Martin most inspired by?

A. A famous actor. B. A comic book writer. C. A sci-fi movie director.

听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

13. Why does the man meet the woman?

A. To look at an apartment. B. To have a meal together. C. To deliver some furniture.

14. What does the man like about the carpet?

A. Its quality. B. Its size. C. Its color.

15. What does the man think of the kitchen?

A. It's well-designed. B. It's well-equipped. C. It's well-painted.

16. What will the man probably do next?

A. Take a bus. B. Make a payment. C. Talk with his wife.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. What can Devil do?

A. Play music. B. Carry luggage. C. Remove blocks.

18. Which aspect of Devil is particularly mentioned for improvement?

A. Its steadiness. B. Its power. C. Its structure.

19. Why did Lin upload his video?

A. To kill time.

B. To record his life.

C. To influence more youngsters.

20. When did Lin realize his inventions could benefit others?

A. In 2018. B. In 2019. C. In 2021.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Foundation for Educational Progress is Seeking a New Chief Executive

The Foundation for Educational Progress is an independent charity established by a global news

organization in 2012. We support children from underserved backgrounds to have inspiring

discussions about the news, which teach them to creatively solve problems, listen with an open mind

and speak with confidence.

Our founding Chief Executive, Emily Evans, has decided to move on to tackle new challenges.

She will step down next summer, and we are seeking a new Chief Executive to lead the charity as it

begins a hugely exciting next stage of global growth. Our programme, Topical Talk, has expanded

from a UK pilot in 2013 to reaching over 200,000 children across the world today, and we have

ambitious plans for the next decade.

We have an extraordinary platform to support our growth ambitions: a talented, highly motivated

and supportive team; a collaborative (合作的), high-trust culture; and clear strategic focus. We

are looking for a leader who can build on this platform and realise our potential for scale at the same

time as deepening our impact, ensuring that we always stay focused on making a meaningful

difference in the lives of children who are most in need of extra support.

If you have experience of scaling an organisation while taking a collaborative, inclusive and

empowering approach to leadership, and you are passionate about our mission, we would love to hear

from you. The role is based in headquarters in London at least two days per week.

Find more information, including details of how to apply, here:


21. What do we know about the Foundation for Educational Progress?

A. It is a global news organization.

B. It runs many exchange programs.

C. It hopes to expand its global influence.

D. It provides financial help to needy children.

22. What must a qualified candidate be able to do?

A. Take on the role immediately.

B. Specialize in global news reporting.

C. Lead the team in an authoritative way.

D. Ensure a minimal weekly presence in London.

23. In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

A. News Updates. B. Career Opportunities.

C. Educational Resources. D. Volunteering Information.


If you wanted to make a Disney-style animation (动画) of, say, Reggie, a spirited rabbit,

planning to save his forest, you'd have a lead animator draw the extremes of the action: Reggie

looking intensely focused, and then proudly announcing, There's a new hero in the forest! Then

you'd bring in an in-betweener that is, the animator who draws all the comprehensive frames that

bridge the major actions.

In-betweeners don't get the glory, but without them cartoons would hop from one emotional

peak to another, missing connective grace. Burny Mattinson(1935-2023) started his career at the

Walt Disney Company in the mailroom, and, even though he had no formal training in animation, he

was given a swing at in-betweening just six months later.

His first big assignment was to in-between the wagging of a dog's tail. Disney animation was

famous for its silky elegance, owing in no small part to the skill of its in-betweeners, and, thanks to

Mattinson, the tail practically glided from side to side.

Mattinson had wanted to be an animator ever since his mother had taken him to see Pinocchio

at a theatre when he was six. In a bold move, Mattinson showed up at the Disney Studios gate with

his portfolio (作品) as soon as he finished high school. The magical part of this story is that,

instead of shooing him away, the security guard liked his drawings and called the head of personnel

to take a look.

Thus, Mattinson became a messenger at Disney, beginning a career that would eventually make

him the employee with the longest service at the company. He had joined the company at a golden

moment. Listing the films that he worked on is a little like listing the entire output of the Walt Disney

Company over the past six decades: Sleeping Beauty, The Lion King, and on and on.

Mattinson was, perhaps, one of the last of an almost extinct genotype-the happy company man,

the lifer. He never had an employer besides Disney. When asked what Mattinson enjoyed doing

outside of his life at Disney, his son said, He just loved his work.

24. What role do in-betweeners play in animation production?

A. Design the storyline. B. Draw the background.

C. Invent extreme actions. D. Generate smooth motion.

25. Which of the following can best describe Mattinson's path to Disney?

A. Unconventional. B. Typical. C. Illegal. D. Accidental.

26. What makes Mattinson exceptional in Disney's history?

A. His lifelong dedication to Disney.

B. His detailed work as an in-betweener.

C. His passion for animation beyond work.

D. His pioneering role in Disney animation.

27. What is the text?

A. A diary entry. B. A biographical sketch.

C. A news report. D. A critical review.


Humans are born and wired to compete with one another. People compare how many likes

they have on social media. Billionaires envy multibillionaires. The legendary NASCAR champion

Dale Earnhardt once stated, Second place is just the first loser.

Although the competitive spirit may be as natural as breathing air, it does not always lead to

human prosperity. On the contrary, left unmanaged, it can create misery for ourselves and others.

Fortunately, there is a formula to solve this problem without unrealistically suggesting that we

entirely dispense with our competitive urge: Instead of always going for gold, shoot for the bronze.

To expand on the wisdom of Earnhardt, although second place may be the first loser, third place

can be the real winner - at least when it comes to happiness and longevity (长寿). Recent research

suggested that the bronze winners appeared consistently happier on average than the silver medalists.

Regarding the life span of all three medalist categories, it was found that the athlete whose best

performance was silver lived to 72. Gold medalists beat this by a solid four years, living to 76. But

first prize in longevity went to the bronze medalists, who lived to 78.

The study had a handy explanation for this distinction: Dissatisfactory competition outcomes

may badly affect health. In other words, silver medalists see themselves as the first loser because

they only look up to the top step, whereas the bronze winners compare themselves favorably with all

the others who never made it onto the podium (领奖台) at all.

One of the problems with most competitions against others is that it tends to lower one's inner

motivation, and thus enjoyment. Decades ago, researchers showed this by asking people to solve

puzzles and then measuring the interest they reported: They found the puzzles less rewarding when

competing against others rather than against the clock. Simply having a time limit means competing

against themselves-which is often more fun. The principle at work here is that trying to improve your

own past performance provides a sense not of winning but of progress. And the only person to

whom you will have to compare yourself is you.

28. What does the underlined words dispense with in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Stick to. B. Get rid of. C. Depend on. D. Take charge of.

29. In which situation will people be most likely to feel good about themselves?

A. Treat competitions as all or nothing.

B. Aim to outperform others in competitions.

C. Check out others' victories on social media.

D. Compare themselves with those less fortunate.

30. According to the last paragraph, ______boosts enjoyment in tasks.

A. achieving personal bests B. making peer comparisons

C. gaining public recognition D. pursuing downward competition

31. What is the best title for the text?

A. Always Going for Gold B. The Victory of Coming in Third

C. Finding Satisfaction in Comparison D. Second Place is Just the First Loser


Over 2, 000 years ago, Baiae was the most magnificent resort town in Italy. Wealthy statesmen

including Cicero and Caesar were once drawn to its natural springs. But over the centuries, volcanic

activity submerged this playground of the Roman nobility -leaving half of it beneath the


Today, Baiae is one of the world's few underwater archaeological parks open to visitors wanting

to explore the remains of the ancient Roman city. A protected marine area, the site needs to be

monitored for damage caused by divers and environmental factors. However, explains Davidde,

Italy's national supervisor for underwater cultural heritage, communication underwater is


Cabled systems are the most reliable, but they are difficult to maintain and cover a limited

operational area. And wireless internet doesn't work well in water, because of the way water interacts

with electromagnetic waves.

So Davidde teamed up with a group of engineers led by Chiara Petrioli, a professor at Sapienza

University. Petrioli's team has developed a network of underwater wireless sensors capable of

gathering environmental data and transmitting it to land in real time. The system relies on AI

algorithms (算法) to constantly change the network protocol(网络协议). As the sea conditions

change, the algorithms adjust the information path, allowing the signal to travel up to two kilometers

and data to be sent between transmitters one kilometer apart.

At Baiae, underwater internet allows remote, continuous monitoring of environmental

conditions. Besides, it allows divers to communicate with one another and with colleagues above the

surface, who can also use the technology to locate them with a high degree of accuracy.

Davidde anticipates that the network will be available to tourists visiting the archaeological site

in the coming months. As they swim over the ruins, visitors will use waterproof smart tablets to

communicate and to view 3D reconstructions of the ruins.

Underwater internet has made monitoring of the archaeological site simpler and more

efficient, says Davidde. At the same time, we can offer the public a new, interactive way to explore

the underwater park.

32. What do we know about Baiae?

A. It was famous for natural springs.

B. It is a playground for sports lovers.

C. It was destroyed by human activity.

D. It is unattractive to adventurous visitors.

33. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. Applications of underwater internet.

B. Development of underwater network.

C. Challenges of underwater communication.

D. Conditions of the underwater environment.

34. What is the underwater network capable of doing?

A. Allowing divers to locate themselves.

B. Marking the information path to the surface.

C. Bringing new life into submerged Roman ruins.

D. Making it easier to monitor archaeological sites.

35. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To explain underwater communication.

B. To analyze the effect of climate change.

C. To introduce a new underwater network.

D. To promote a new way to explore Baiae.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Yes, You're Addicted to Your Phone

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you do is roll over and look at your phone, and

the last thing that happens before you go to sleep is that you drop it on your face as you look at

gardening YouTube videos until you collapse from exhaustion.

36 You take it with you to the bathroom and look at its screen for hours a day as life goes on

around you.

You dropped it in the toilet the other day as you scrolled through Instagram. You dived into the

bowl, rescuing it from certain disaster as it landed in a (mostly) dry situation. 37 What to do?

You know if you turn it on it might fry the whole thing. 38 You wish you could check the internet,

but your son is on the desktop playing some game with his friends and you don't want to admit that

you dropped it like this. You look up and wonder what to do.

The anxiety builds as you suddenly face the prospect of having to deal with your own thoughts

for the first time in months. You have... feelings. Boredom. Insecurity. Loneliness. Your heart rate is

up, and your thoughts begin racing. 39 You think you hear the ping that means you have a new

critical piece of information to consume, but it's just the microwave letting you know your son's

popcorn is done.

What can we do? First, respect the fact that a smartphone and its apps are dangerously addictive.

Moreover, delete social media apps such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook from your phone. You

can look at them on your computer on your own time. 40

A. But it's wet now.

B. In between, you are glued to it.

C. Having them so handy is dangerous.

D. Wasn't there something about rice you heard about?

E. Second, make plans to stay away from your computer.

F. You fantasize about all the critical stuff you are missing.

G. You make an awkward attempt at conversation with your partner.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


Eric loses his dog, Nova, on a walk. She has pulled the leash (绳子) from his hand in 41

of a rabbit. He puts up signs, 42 neighbors, and enlists friends to help search for Nova, but with

no 43 .

A week later, a beautiful woman named Vanessa shows up at Eric's front door. She has Nova.

After Nova and Eric reconnect in a chaotic, 44 display of affection, Eric thanks the woman. They

talk for a while and seem to 45 . Soon, Eric and Vanessa fall in love.

A couple of months go by. While driving on his way to pick up Vanessa, Eric is T-boned at full

speed by a distracted driver who 46 a red light. Eric is 47 unconscious. Later, he finds himself

in a hospital. A doctor 48 Eric of what has happened and explains that he has suffered a severe

head 49 and that they will need to run a brain scan to 50 if there's any chance of permanent

brain damage.

The next day, the doctor comes into Eric's room and tells him they have found a tumor (肿瘤

)in his brain. 51 , we only catch a tumor after someone realizes something's wrong when they

start to feel the 52 which is almost always too late, but this tumor is caught before it grows into

any other areas of your brain, which in almost all cases becomes 53 Eric, this car accident basically

saved your life.

This 54 of events led Eric to realize that sometimes a 55 could be a blessing in disguise.

41. A. pursuit B. memory C. defense D. control

42. A. brings B. notifies C. alerts D. encourages

43. A. answer B. luck C. wonder D. way

44. A. easy-going B. far-reaching C. heart-warming D. ever-lasting

45. A. check it out B. leave it behind C. pick it up D. hit it off

46. A. approached B. encountered C. ran D. spotted

47. A. knocked B. pushed C. beaten D. carried

48. A. accuses B. convinces C. informs D. relieves

49. A. tumor B. spin C. shot D. injury

50. A. determine B. react C. compare D. prevent

51. A. Unexpectedly B. Occasionally C. Fortunately D. Normally





