
2024-03-09·15页·5.5 M






考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)

第一部分 听力(满分 30 分)

1-5 CACBC 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CBACA

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

21-23 BAC

24-27 CBAC



24.细节理解题。根据第一段“While technology has developed over thousands of years, the last century has seen

an explosion in technology that has influenced fundamental changes in how humans see the world and interact with

others. Specifically, the Internet and mobile devices have completely changed the way people interact with each



基本上受到移动设备的影响。故选 C。

25.推理判断题。根据第二段“Undoubtedly, technology is helping people build newer and necessary

communication skills. In business, office employees and managers use technology to send emails to one another,

which is considered a communication skill. On social media, just share a few of your images and people start

communicating on and about your images according to their viewpoint. With the outbreak of COVID-19, in order

to work on the projects, the students use their phones to reach their teachers and classmates.(毫无疑问,科技正在




案例来支持观点。故选 B。

26.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Lucas Lengacher, an undergraduate from Huntington University , claims in his

article that at least 42.91% people respond to messages immediately yet only 2.83% people don’t check their

phones in the morning. In his research he found that “almost 60 percent of people felt disconnected from others

around when they were on their phones”.(亨廷顿大学的本科生 Lucas Lengacher 在他的文章中称,至少有

42.91%的人会立即回复信息,但只有 2.83%的人不会在早上查看手机。在他的研究中,他发现“近 60%的人


第 1 页(共 11 页) 1

故选 A。

27.推理判断题。根据第二段“Undoubtedly, technology is helping people build newer and necessary

communication skills.(毫无疑问,科技正在帮助人们建立更新和必要的沟通技巧)”以及第三段“However,

technology is sometimes considered to disconnect people from others around them.(然而,科技有时被认为使人们

与周围的人脱节)”可推知,作者说明了科技的好处和缺点,即作者对科技的态度是客观的。故选 C。

28-31 DACB



28. D 【解 析】词 义 猜 测。根 据 画 线 词后 文“teebudieshawlt, keebudieshawlt and peebudieshawlt”

和“Using such meaningless words...”可推知,画线词 gibberish 的意思是“无意义的话”,与 nonsense 的意思

最为接近。故选 D 项。

29. A

30. C 【解析】作 出 判 断 推理。根 据第 五 段“But moms’ voices still have special power, especially

in times of stress, one 2011 study with girls involved showed. Levels of stress dropped when these stressed-out

girls heard their moms’ voices on the phone.(但 2011 年一项针对女孩的研究表明,妈妈的声音仍然有特殊


降了)”可推断,对于青少年来说,妈妈的声音依然让青少年感到安慰。故选 C 项。

31. B

32-35 CDBB



32. C【解析】理解具体信息。根据第二段“On Feb. 14, 57 journalists from 36 Chinese and foreign media groups

were invited by the 2022 Beijing Media Center to visit the city's rail transit command center to explore the

‘secret’of Beijing’s high-quality development in the field. (2月 14 日,来自 36 家中外媒体集团的 57 名记者

应 2022 北京媒体中心的邀请,来到北京市轨道交通指挥中心,探索北京在该领域高质量发展的‘秘密’)”

可知,记者参观北京轨道交通指挥中心的原因是探索北京高速铁路的快速发展。故选C 项。

33. D【解析】作出判断推理。根据第四段第一句“Compared with car travel, each subway passengercan reduce

77 percent of their carbon emissions,

2which means the total reduced carbon emissions can reach 7.38 million metric tons a year.(与汽车出行相比,每

个地铁乘客可以减少 77%的碳排放,这意味着减少的碳排放总量可以达到每年 738 万吨)”可知,乘坐地

铁有益于城市环境。故选 D 项。

34. B 【解 析】理 解 具 体 信 息。根 据 最 后 一 段“‘China’s high-speed trains run across rivers andmountains

to reach all directions, from forests and snowy fields in the north to wetlands south of the Yangtze River, and from

the desert in the west to the East China Sea,’ said Zou Wu, a senior engineer at the China State Railway Group.

‘The country's high-speed railway network covers 92 percent of the cities each with a population of more than

500, 000 people.’(‘中国的高铁穿越河流和高山,到达四面八方,从北方的森林和雪原到长江以南的湿地,

第 2 页(共 11 页) 2

从西部的沙漠到东海。’邹武说,中国国家铁路集团公司高级工程师。‘全国高铁网络覆盖了 92%的城市超

过 50 万的人口。’)”可知,中国的高铁应用广泛。故选 B 项。

35. B【解析】理解主旨要义。根据第一段“During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, foreign journalists not only

enjoyed the Chinese athletes’ excellent performance, but experienced ‘the speed of China’ in the development of

high-speed rail. (在北京 2022 年冬奥会期间,外国记者不仅欣赏了中国运动员出色表现,还体验了高铁发


下了深刻印象”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选 B 项。

36-40 GFBCE

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

41-45 DBACB 46-50 ABCAB 51-55 ADCBA

【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了在 Isabella 生活彻底陷入困境时,她经常将自己拍下的昆虫的

照片发布在 Facebook 上,一位在当地自然历史博物馆研究昆虫的女士 Madeline 看到了她的照片,建议她来




满意。A. mighty 强大的;B. nervous 紧张的;C. dynamic 充满活力的;D. unhappy 不高兴的,不满意的。根

据倒数第二段中“Soon, Isabella ________ her job and started working in science media.”可知,Isabella 最终辞去

了这个工作,换了自己喜欢的工作,这说明她对自己的这个工作不满意,故选 D。

42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了分散自己的注意力,Isabella 喜欢寻找虫子并拍照。A. samples 样品;

B. pictures 图片,照片;C. notes 笔记;D. screenshots 屏幕截图。由下文“After seeing Isabella’s pictures”可知,

此处 pictures 是同词复现,即 Isabella 拍下虫子的照片,故选 B。

43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时,如果她发现一只她特别喜欢的甲虫或蜜蜂,她会把它发布到 Facebook

上。A. post 发布;B. sustain 维持;C. deliver 递送;D. resolve 解决。由下文“it on Facebook”可知,将照片发

布在 Facebook,故选 A。

44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些帖子引起了一位名叫 Madeline 的女士的注意,她在当地自然历史博物

馆研究昆虫。A. birds 鸟;B. plants 植物;C. insects 昆虫;D. humans 人类。由上文“if she found a beetle or a bee

that she particularly liked”,“Those posts attracted the attention of a woman named Madeline”和下文“at the local

natural history museum”可知,甲虫、蜜蜂这些都属于昆虫,所以说 Isabella 发布的甲虫、蜜蜂等这些昆虫照

片引起了 Madeline 的注意,故选 C。

45.考查动词短语辨析。句意:看完 Isabella 的照片后,Madeline 联系她是否想来博物馆的昆虫馆。A. checked

out 结账;B. reached out 伸手;C. allow for 考虑到;D. called off 取消。reach out to 固定搭配,意为“联系”,

第 3 页(共 11 页) 3

由下文“see if she wanted a tour of the museum’s insectary.”可知,Madeline 联系 Isabella,问她是否愿意想来博

物馆的昆虫馆。故选 B。

46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当 Isabella 到达博物馆时,Madeline 向她打招呼,并递给她一件实验室外套。

A. greeted 打招呼;B. served 服务;C. facilitated 促进;D. navigated 导航。由上文“When Isabella arrived at the

museum”可知,Isabella 到了博物馆后,Madeline 应该是和她打招呼,欢迎她的到来。故选 A。

47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我只记得她对一切都感到多么兴奋。A. confident 自信的;B. excited 兴奋

的;C. astonished 惊讶的;D. upset 心烦意乱的。上文“Isabella liked to find and take ________of bugs.”可知,

Isabella 喜欢拍虫子的照片,说明她喜欢看这些虫子,所以当她在博物馆看到各种虫子展品时,应该是兴奋

的,下文“For the first time in ages, Isabella felt herself light up.”也是提示,故选 B。

48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Madeline 注意到了她的热情,并建议 Isabella 每周在博物馆做几个小时的志

愿者。A. anxiety 焦虑;B. patience 耐心;C. enthusiasm 激情,热情;D. disappointment 失望。根据上文“For

the first time in ages, Isabella felt herself light up.”可知,Isabella 在博物馆看到各种虫子展品时很兴奋,由此可

知,当时 Isabella 的热情高涨,故选 C。

49.考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管心存疑虑,Isabella 还是决定报名。A. sign up 报名;B. set out 出发;

C. settle in 安顿下来;D. take over 接管。下文“Every Wednesday, she’d arrive at the museum.”指出 Isabella 每

周三都去博物馆当志愿者,这说明她同意在博物馆做志愿者,即报名了这个职位,故选 A。

50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着每一次志愿者的评估,她都感觉好一点了。A. report 报告;B. evaluation

评估;C. shift 转移;D. recruitment 招聘。由上文“Every Wednesday, she’d arrive at the museum.”和下文“It gave

me this sense of purpose. It helped me reconnect with my love of ________and nature that I’d always had,”可知,

Isabella 在博物馆做志愿者,所以会有对志愿者的评估,对志愿者的评估给了她这种使命感。故选 B。

51.考查名词词词义辨析。句意:“它帮助我重新找回了我一直以来对科学和自然的热爱,”Isabella 说。A.

science 科学;B. philosophy 哲学;C. history 历史;D. photography 摄影。下文“Soon, Isabella ________her job

and started working in science media.”指出 Isabella 随后开始找了关于科学媒体的工作,这说明她热爱科学,

故选 A。

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,Isabella 辞去了工作,开始在科学媒体工作。A. kept 保持;B. lost 丢

失;C. found 找到;D. quit 放弃,辞职。由下文“started working in science media”可知,她换了工作,即在科

学媒体工作,这说明她辞去了原来的工作,故选 D。

53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Isabella 邀请 Madeline 作为她的第一位嘉宾出现在节目中。A. writer 作者;

B. director 导演;C. guest 客人;D. listener 听者。上文“She now is the creator and host of a podcast called

第 4 页(共 11 页) 4

Ologies”可知,她现在是一个名为 Ologies 的播客的创始人和主持人,所以应该是邀请 Madeline 作为她的嘉宾

出现在节目中。故选 C。

54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时我想知道如果我不接受她的提议会发生什么。A. promise 承诺;B. offer

提供,报价,提议;C. challenge 挑战;D. decision 决定。由上文“Madeline noticed her________and suggested

Isabella volunteer at the museum for a few hours every week.”可知,此处指当初 Madeline 建议 Isabella 在博物

馆当志愿者的这个提议,故选 B。

55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你知道,Madeline 在一瞬间改变了我的一生。”Isabella 说道。A. changed

改变;B. ruined 毁坏;C. expanded 扩大;D. defined 下定义。由上文“What would my life have been like? It’s not

a nice thought. Who would I be? ”和全文可知,在 Isabella 生活彻底陷入困境时,Madeline 建议她来博物馆当


生,故选 A。

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56.originally 57.where 58.began 59.to pick 60.and

61.leaving 62.is called 63.of 64.length 65.better



销售的小镇。修饰动词 produce 应用副词 originally,故填 originally。


工和销售的小镇。定语从句修饰先行词 town,在从句作地点状语,应用 where。故填 where。

58.考查时态。句意:早在唐代,普洱与其他地区的茶叶贸易就已经开始了。根据上文 Early in the Tang Dynasty

描述过去发生的事情用一般过去时。故填 began。

59.考查非谓语动词。句意:每年,当地人都去茶园采摘茶叶。分析句子结构可知 pick 在句中作目的状语,

应用不定式。故填 to pick。

60.考查连词。句意:通常从 2 月到 12 月,早上 9 点开始,下午 3 点结束。结合前后文语境可知为并列关

系,应用连词 and。故填 and。


可知 leave 与逻辑主语 soup 构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填 leaving。


构成被动关系,根据上文 has 可知为一般现在时的被动语态,主语为 it,谓语用单数。故填 is called。

第 5 页(共 11 页) 5

63.考查介词。句意:茶的味道随存放时间的长短而变化;储存的时间越长,味道越好。此处 taste 与 tea

构成所属关系,表示“茶的口味”,应用介词 of。故填 of。

64.考查名词。句意:茶的味道随存放时间的长短而变化;储存的时间越长,味道越好。短语 the length of

表示“……的长度”。故填 length。

65.考查比较级。句意:茶的味道随存放时间的长短而变化;储存的时间越长,味道越好。此处为 the+比

较级,the+比较级,表示“越……越……”,应用比较级。故填 better。

第四部分 写作(两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

Dear Susan,

It’s understandable to be anxious and nervous about attending an international speech contest. I’d like to offer

you some practical suggestions.

Firstly, learning Chinese thought and culture is a must. The more you learn, the less anxious you’ll be. It is

also essential to get organized. Information planned out carefully and logically attracts the attention of audience.

Furthermore, practice makes perfect. I strongly suggest that you practice with peers and get more tips.

Believe in yourself, and you’ll make it. Hope my advice can be of some help.

Best wishes,

Li Hua

【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给美国好友 Susan 回封邮件,对她要参加国际中华思想文化演




首先:firstlyfirst and foremost





原句:It is also essential to get organized.

拓展句:It is also essential that you should get organized.

【点睛】[高分句型 1] I strongly suggest that you practice with peers and get more tips. (运用了 that 引导的宾语

第 6 页(共 11 页) 6





