
2024-03-07·30页·422 K

山东省实验中学2024 届高三调研考试


(本试卷共 10页,共三部分:全卷满分 120分,考试用时 100分钟)


1. 答卷前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题纸上。

2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需


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第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2. 5分,满分 37. 5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Choosing Subjects

When making course option decisions at our school, we recommend the following things be taken into


Why students should NOT choose a

Why students should choose a subject


The student has a natural talent for a particular subject The student thinks that it will be an easy


area. option.

The student enjoys studying the subject, which will help The student’s friends are doing it so they


keep them motivated when things get tough. think it will be fun.

It relates to the student’s career plan and will help them The student did not have time to research


develop relevant skills for their future. their options properly.

The student has discussed their options with their teachers The student is only doing the subject


and parents and they have agreed it is a good idea. because someone else told them to do it.

University entrance requirements are set by the British university admissions and will differ depending on the

university and courses selected. It is important to thoroughly research courses before choosing A-Level subjects and

staff are available to guide students and parents in this area.

Careers and future options

Students are given an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the nature and demands of

a variety of careers. They will receive career talks and presentations from a variety of employers and have the

opportunity to visit universities.

Further research

As part of the option process. students are encouraged to carry out additional research to help them with their


1. What should a student consider for choosing a subject?

A. Friends’ preferences. B. Difficulty of subjects.

C. Teachers’ expectations. D. Relation to occupations.

2. What is included in the subject-selecting process?

A. Engaging students in college tours.

B. Offering lectures on A-Level subjects.

C. Guaranteeing a suitable future job.

D. Conducting various scientific research.

3. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. An exam paper. B. A teaching plan.

C. A school brochure. D. An academic article.


Do you know how much India struggles to gather the waste plastic water bottles? According to a Central

Pollution Control Board (CPCB) report from 2012, India generates 15, 000 tonnes of plastics a day, of which the

gathered ones only achieve 60%. The trashed-but-not-gathered plastic waste leads to land and water pollution.

posing serious threat to the environment.

After seeing that, Ankur Chawla, a drink expert, undertook research to find a solution, after which he realised

the biggest problem the country faced was disposing of plastic waste. To address it, he wanted to come up with a

solution where they do not add to the problem of waste. Fortunately, Ankur was not alone. He met Bhrigu Seth who

was into green farming. Both of them found that they shared a common goal and it didn’t take long for them to

draft a plan of action. It is estimated that over 90 percent of aluminium(铝) drink cans in India are recycled.

Instead, 70 percent of the cans are manufactured through recycled waste. After going through challenges at hand,

the pair made up their minds.

Before taking the next step. both co-founders visited five-star hotels and took samples of water in aluminium

cans, asking them whether they would give it a shot if something like that comes in the market. The pair received

an overwhelmingly positive response. They then determined to launch Responsible Whatr, natural spring water

drink packed in an aluminium can to solve the problem of waste plastic water bottles.

As one of India’s first natural spring water drink, Responsible Whatr offered an environmentally friendly and

endlessly recyclable aluminium can. It’s a non-alcoholic drink that was launched with a vision for an eco-friendly

future and an agenda to reduce single-use plastic pollution.

Going forward, Ankur and Bhrigu aim to cooperate with airports and ecommerce gates which would help

them in directly reaching the homes of high networth individuals (HNIs). They also plan to tie up with corporate

firms and cinema halls and join hands with NGOs that are fighting for the conservation of beaches and oceans.

4. What inspired Ankur to conduct his research?

A. Plastics remained the major bottle material.

B. Uncollected plastics caused severe pollution.

C. Plastics accounted for most of the daily waste.

D. The amount of plastic waste was beyond control.

5. What was Ankur and Bhrigu’s solution to the problem?

A. Creating a new packaging design. B. Developing an alternative to plastics.

C. Launching a rubbish sorting program. D. Increasing the recycling of plastic cans.

6. What was Responsible Whatr aimed at?

A. Removing plastic pollution. B. Promoting aluminium cans.

C. Advertising non-alcoholic drinks. D. Advocating a sustainable approach.

7. How do Ankur and Bhrigu plan to expand their market?

A. By cooperating with NHIs. B. By introducing new products.

C. By targeting profitable NGOs. D. By establishing diverse channels.


A new finding from Cambridge scientists has shown that an artificial intelligent (AI) system can acquire features

of the brains of humans in order to solve tasks.

“Not only is the brain great at solving complex problems, but it does so while using very little energy. In our

new work we show that considering the brains’ problem-solving abilities alongside its goal of spending as few

resources as possible can help us understand why brains look like they do, ” said Jascha Achterberg, a scholar at the

University of Cambridge.

In a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, Achterberg and his colleagues created an artificial system

intended to model a simplified version of the brain. Instead of real neurons (神经元) in brains, the system used

computational nodes(节点).

The researchers gave the system a simple task to complete, where it had to combine multiple pieces of

information to decide upon the shortest route to get to the destination. One of the reasons the team chose this particular

task is that to complete it, the system needs to maintain a number of elements-start location, end location and

intermediate steps-and once it has learned to do the task reliably, it is possible to observe, at different moments in a

trial, which nodes are important.

Initially, the system does not know how to complete the task and makes mistakes. But when it is given feedback

it gradually learns to get better at the task. The system then repeats the task until eventually it learns to perform it


Co-author Professor Duncan Astle said, “This simple task forces artificial systems to produce some quite

complicated characteristics. Interestingly, they are characteristics shared by biological systems. I think that tells us

something fundamental about why our brains are organised the way they are.” The team also believes their findings

are likely to be of interest to the AI community, too, where they could allow for the development of more efficient


8. Which best describes the brains of humans according to the text?

A. Intelligent. B. Efficient. C. Adaptive. D. Imaginative.

9. Why did researchers assign the route-finding task?

A. To require decision-making process. B. To complete it without any effort.

C. To result in various node sizes. D. To involve specific procedures.

10. What can we infer about the system from the last two paragraphs?

A. It shows limits of artificial intelligence.

B. It needs human instructions to progress.

C. It performs complicated tasks by learning.

D. It has much in common with human brains.

11. What is the research team’s attitude toward the finding?

A. Cautious. B. Enthusiastic. C. Hopeful. D. Skeptical.


Most people would be terrified of entering waters with crocodiles (鳄鱼) but not Sao Chan. Like others living


in a jungle village, the 73-year-old farmer says the Siamese crocodiles found in the waterways may look ferocious,

but they should not be treated with prejudice. “If we come close to them, they just run away,” Chan says.

He’s right. There have been extremely few reported attacks by Siamese crocodiles on humans in the world, and

reportedly none anywhere in Cambodia. Instead, it’s the crocodiles that have every reason to fear people. Once

common throughout Southeast Asia, the particularly shy Siamese crocodile, which can grow up to 10 feet long, was

for decades hunted for its skin and meat to such an extent that, in the early 1990s, the species was thought to be

extinct in the wild.

Some of them survived in the Cardamoms, however, where populations of the reptiles, likely numbering fewer

than 200 individuals in total, were rediscovered in 2000. Since then, local people have conducted regular patrols (巡

逻) to protect them from threats. While the patrols and other conservation efforts have helped prevent the extinction

of the Siamese crocodiles, concerns about the species’ long-term survival have remained because population numbers

have stayed largely flat since their rediscovery.

In 2022, conservationists have introduced more Siamese crocodiles into the wild than ever before, not just in

the Cardamoms but for the first time into a wildlife reserve in the northern part of the country, where the crocodiles

historically were found. Advances in genetic testing have identified crocodiles suitable for release, and satellite

tracking of reintroduced crocodiles has improved protection efforts.

“We have a long way to go, but the potential comeback of the Siamese crocodile could be Cambodia’s most

successful conservation story,” says Pablo Sinovas, who leads a nonprofit reintroducing the animals. “Its survival

isn’t just an ecological necessity, but a symbolic matter of urgency if we have any hope of preserving nature on


12. What does the underlined word “ferocious” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Violent. B. Friendly. C. Ugly. D. Abnormal.

13. What put Siamese crocodiles on the edge of extinction?

A. Habitat loss. B. Water pollution.

C. Human activities. D. Poor adaptability.

14. Why are protectors worried about Siamese crocodiles?

A. They are regularly disturbed by tourists

B. Their quantity isn’t increased as expected.

C. The locals lack awareness of protecting them

D. They fail to adjust to unfamiliar surroundings

15. What plays a great role in crocodiles’ reintroduction?

A. Frequent patrols. B. Modern technology.

C. Economic advances. D. Genetic transformation.

第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)


The Spring Festival has come and gone, leaving many young adults with a significant inflow of pocket money

from their family and loved ones. When it comes to managing the substantial amount of pocket money you may

have received, it’s crucial to approach this new-found wealth with wisdom and foresight.

___16___Take the time to assess the total amount of money you have received and allocate it wisely. By

creating a budget you can prioritize your spending. distinguish between needs and wants, and make informed

decisions about where your money should go.

Also, it’s essential to cultivate the habit of saving. ___17___instead, set aside a portion of your pocket money

for savings. Whether it’s for future goals, emergencies, or long-term financial security. consistent saving can have a

profound impact on your financial well-being.

Before your buying anything, think twice. ___18___Ask yourself if it agrees with your values and long-term

goals. By practicing restraint and making intentional decisions, you can avoid unnecessary regrets and ensure that

your pocket money is put to good use.

___19___While it’s important to fully enjoy the pleasures that come with having extra pocket money, don’t

lose sight of the bigger picture. Use this financial windfall as an opportunity to establish healthy financial habits

and lay the groundwork for your long-term financial success.

Lastly, seek guidance from trusted adults or financial mentors. ___20___Don’t hesitate to ask for help when it

comes to managing your new-found wealth responsibly.

A. Pause and reflect on each purchase.

B. First, open a saving account in the bank.

C. Setting a budget is of crucial importance.

D. Resist the temptation to spend your entire windfall in one go.

E. They can provide valuable insights and offer personalized advice.

F. Strike a balance between enjoying the present and preparing for the future.

G. Maximize the benefits of your pocket money by making wise financial choices.

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Star Wars Episode I was out! Five of us guys decided to drive an hour to Champaign to see the movie. The

Lorraine Theatres had a widespread ___21___ as having the best sound system.

In two cars, we ___22___ to a 4:30 p. m. showing. It was a great day in May. The theatre was found on a small-

town main street. Arriving at 4: 20 p. m., we ___23___ in the parking lot. But there weren’t other parked cars. We

thought maybe the daytime ___24___ was slowing down since the movie had been out for a couple weeks.

Approaching the theatre, we found the doors locked. Just as we finished ___25___ the doors, out came the owner.

He told us the theatre had ___26___ the 4:30 showing three days before, apologizing that he hadn’t had a chance to

___27___ the webpage yet because his laptop was in for repair.

He asked us where we had come from, and we told him. After minutes of small talk, I said ___28___, “So you

are to show it anyway?” He looked at his watch, thought a bit and then ___29___! We paid him the ____30____

price, and he even let us buy snacks. It was lucky that we had correct ____31____ for everything because he couldn’t

get into the cash register.

It struck me that it would have been ____32____ for him to say “Tough luck” and sent us back. Instead, he

chose to start up his ____33____. I’ve no idea of the ____34____ costs, but I’d wonder if the profit of five tickets

and a few snacks would be enough to ____35____ them. We were all grateful that we were treated so kindly by a

total stranger.

21. A. confidence B. commitment C. reputation D. resource

22. A. headed B. appealed C. submitted D. led

23. A. broke up B. speeded up C. pulled up D. showed up

24. A. schedule B. budget C. duration D. business

25. A. opening B. trying C. unlocking D. answering

26. A. called B. stopped C. returned D. stored

27. A. update B. overcome C. transform D. design

28. A. secretly B. anxiously C. desperately D. jokingly

29. A. rejected B. agreed C. hesitated D. departed

30. A. affordable B. temporary C. regular D. common

31. A. change B. credit C. ticket D. choice

32. A. reasonable B. sensitive C. cruel D. sympathetic

33. A. performance B. patience C. solution D. equipment

34. A. generating B. operating C. describing D. purchasing

35. A. pay B. charge C. cover D. reward

第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,

The site of Changgan ancient city, unearthed in Xijie site of east China’s Nanjing City, has been confirmed to

date back to 3, 100 years ago, ___36___(extend) Nanjing’s history by more than 600 years, Nanjing institute of

archaeology said.

The site of the ancient city, named “Changgan”, the ___37___(early) known name of the city of Nanjing,

features relics of a platform, ring ditches, walls, doorways and sacrificial pits.

During the excavations that began in 2017, archaeologists ___38___(unearth) four ring ditches from the Shang

and Zhou dynasties (1600 BC-256 BC), containing collapsed rammed-earth walls, said Chen Dahai, ___39___

archaeologist with the institute, who was responsible for the excavation.

“We also found more evidence supporting our ___40___(conclude), including a well on the side of the ditch

___41___ was originally constructed during the late Shang Dynasty and the unearthed pottery ___42___(decorate)

with triangular and ladder patterns, ”Chen added.

According to carbon-14 dating data, it is identified that the various artifacts date back to the period ranging from

the late Shang Dynasty ___43___ the early Zhou Dynasty.

Up to now, the excavation area at the Xijie site has reached ___44___(approximate) 12, 000 square meters, with

more than 500 relics of various types ____45____ over 10, 000 specimens (样本) of archaeological importance


第三部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

46. 假定你是李华,想邀请你的英国朋友 Mike 在元宵节一起去哈尔滨旅游,请用英文给他写一封邮件。内





1.词数 80 左右;


Dear Mike,







Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)

47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As I stepped out of the cat and onto the unfamiliar driveway of my father’s home in Ontario, Canada. I couldn’t

help but feel upset. My mother had just passed away in a car accident and now I was being forced to live with a father

I barely knew.

My father was a metal sculpture artist, and I was not sure if I would ever fit into his world. Soon, I found comfort

in exploring the nearby wilderness. Yet I couldn’t ignore the sadness and anger that welled up inside me when I saw

a construction crew destroying a small wilderness area nearby. That’s when I came across a nest of geese eggs,

abandoned and fragile.

Without hesitation, I brought them home. When the first crack appeared and a tiny head poked through, my

heart swelled with purpose and affection. As they grew, the baby geese followed me everywhere. Father smiled and

remarked that they surely thought me their mother.

My geese grew steadily but time was not. Father realized without a real mother’s guidance, the geese would

never learn how to migrate south for the winter and winter’s arrival could be tough. That’s when my father came up

with a daring plan. He was an amateur pilot, and he would teach me how to fly an aircraft. Together, we would lead

the geese on their migratory journey. It was a risky plan, but I was willing to do anything to help my feathered friends.

Each day of flight training with Father, I felt myself gaining confidence m the skies. Yet with the journey

approaching, more and more fear filled me. Crossing the border into the US and flying hundreds of miles to the

reservation in North Carolina seemed a mission impossible.

Father gave me a supportive smile, his face reflecting a mix of determination and concern. “We’ve trained for

this, and we’re a team. Just like you and your geese,” he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Flying south, we started the migration, followed by my geese.






I said goodbye to Father in the hospital and continued the flight.










