
2024-03-03·13页·527.8 K


英 语 2024.02.27

注 意 事 项


1.本试卷共 10 页,满分 150 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。考试结束后,请将答题卷交回。

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第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面的5段对话。每段对话后都有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出

最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段


1.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Tell Amy to give up skydiving.

B. Ask Amy's friends for help.

C. Try skydiving with Amy.

2. What will the speakers do this weekend?

A. Have a barbecue. B. Go to the zoo. C. Take a trip.

3. When did the man see the film?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. on Sunday.

4.What kind of coffee will the woman have?

A. Plain coffee. B. Coffee with sugar. C. Coffee with milk.

5. Why does the man decide to leave his job?

A. To work flexibly.

B. To get more time to relax.

C. To avoid face-to-face communication.

第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个


个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A new kind of desks.

B.A new class assignment.

C. A new gym equipment.

7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Family members.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8. Who is a music lover?

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A. The man. B. The man’s wife. C. The man's son.

9.What is Donna's attitude toward going to the museum?

A. Favorable. B. Disapproving. C. Hesitant.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10. Why does the woman come to the shop?

A. To buy a skirt. B. To mend a skirt. C. To return a skirt.

11. What color skirt does the woman want?

A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue.

12. What was the normal price of the skirt?

A. $80. B. $100. C. $160.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13. What is the woman doing?

A. Sharing a painting.

B. Chairing a meeting.

C. Hosting a program.

14. How did the man learn to paint as a little kid?

A. By teaching himself.

B. By learning from his mother.

C. By studying together with his friends.

15.What does the man think of his work?

A. Enjoyable. B. Tiring. C. Challenging.

16. What is the man going to do in the future?

A. Publish a comic book.

B. Hold an exhibition.

C. Build a graffiti town.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. What does Li Ruxue usually do in his spare time?

A. Do some research in a forest.

B. Volunteer in a zoo with his classmates.

C. Conduct experiments in the school laboratory.

18.How does Li Ruxue feel about his job?

A. He’s quite tired. B. He’s very satisfied. C. He’s rather regretful.

19. Who had an influence on Chu Wenwen’s decision?

A. Li Ruxue. B. Her father. C. Her teachers.

20. Why does the speaker give the talk?

A. To introduce environmental organizations.

B. To show the urgency of protecting animals.

C. To encourage people to get involved in animal protection.

第二部分: 阅读 (共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


From: Bridget Pecolini

To: Anson Wong

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Re: Questions about online math contest

Date: February 18,2024

Dear Mr. Wong,

Thank you for your email. We're so glad your child is signed up to participate in our math

contest. I hope it will be a rewarding and enriching experience for him.

You can access the training session and practice tests by logging into our website at

www.mathcontest.com. Once you’re signed in, you will see several tabs on the left-hand side.

One of them will say “Enrolled.” If you click on the drop-down menu there, you’ll find the

name of the child you registered. If you click on the name, you'll be given the option of joining a

training session or doing practice tests. Of course, you can choose neither.

I hope that answers your question!

Please let me know if you need any further help.


Bridget Pecolini




We’re glad you’ve decided to participate in this year’s math contest. This is our 38th year

running this contest, and our 3rd with an online option. We hope to be able to offer in-person

contests next year!



3rd Grade

Access to the contest Sample test 2024&Practice tests (2019-2023)

(available April 14 at 11 am) (available April 7-12)

21.Wha’s Bridge’s purpose of contacting Anson Wong?

A. To check in on him. B. To urge Gary to join a course.

C. To reply to his email. D. To remind him to pay the expense.

22. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Contestants will have the in-person contest at a specific spot this year.

B. It is a must for contestants to join a training session before the contest.

C. Doing enough practice tests is a guarantee for a contestant to get a reward.

D. If a student wants to participate in the contest, he should sign up online first.

23. When will the official contest be held?

A. On April 7. B. On April 14.

C. On April 12. D. On February 18.


Working at a bank in New York City in the mid-2010s. Anna Sacks was not living the life she

wanted. Sure, she was happy. But she wanted to do something that felt important.

Some people seeking meaning might read a self-help book or perhaps volunteer a few hours a

week. Sacks packed up her life and moved to Connecticut to participate in Adamah a farming

program that focuses on sustainable living and growing sustainable food. When she returned to New

York, her life was with a new purpose and many new skills to make her dreams a reality.

“One of the things that really stuck with me from Adamah was how little waste they produced

and how they handled the waste they did have, primarily through composting(堆肥)” she says. The

Adamah program opened Sacks’ eves to the damage consumer culture is doing on a local, national,

and global level, and the need to find solutions. So in 2017 she began what she calls “trash walking”.

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During tours around her community, Sacks picks through garbage to look for reusable items.

Soon, her “trash walking” expanded to include corporate trash along with residential trash.

Surprisingly, she discovered a wide range of really great stuff—like clothing, decorations, and

food—all of which she documents on TikTok.

Under the name The Trash Walker, Sacks quickly gained popularity for her videos that

highlight the problems with consumerism. “The root issue is overproduction, which leads to

overconsumption, which leads to a large amount of waste,” she says.

The fact is, companies often choose to trash items rather than give them away to people who

might need them. A big reason for this waste is the way our current tax laws are structured, Sacks

says. Sellers who destroy goods can claim the cost as a loss on their taxes and be refunded. If they

give away goods, they can claim only a small amount as a charitable reduction on their taxes.

Sacks’ main focus is simply getting people to pay attention to how many unnecessary things they

buy and then throw away. “Once you become aware of the way you consume, you can see ways you

improve,” she says.

24. Why did Anna Sacks leave New York?

A. To learn how to grow food. B. To pursue a more meaningful life.

C. To realize her dream as a volunteer. D. To accept the invitation from a program.

25. What impressed Anna Sacks most about the Adamah program?

A. The significance of trash walking.

B. The hard truth of consumer culture.

C. The sustainable food people produced.

D. The way people there dealt with the waste.

26. What makes companies prefer to throw out goods as trash?

A. The tax refund. B. The tax reduction.

C. The overproduction. D. The poor quality of goods.

27. What can we learn from Anna Sacks’ story?

A. Consumer culture accounts for wasting.

B. Corporate trash outweighs residential trash.

C. Turning to farming leads to sustainable living.

D. Trash walking is the key to becoming wealthy.


In parts of Africa, people communicate with a wild bird-the greater honeyguide—to locate bee

habitats and harvest honey. It's a rare example of cooperation between humans and wild animals,

and a potential instance of cultural co-evolution. Brian Wood and Claire Spottiswoode were lead

authors on a study showing how this valuable partnership is maintained and varies across cultures.

“Our study demonstrates the bird's ability to learn distinct voiced signals, expanding

possibilities for mutually beneficial cooperation with people,” Wood said. “Honeyguides seemingly

know the landscape well, gathering knowledge about the location of bee nests and sharing with

people who are eager for the bird's help,” Spottiswoode said. The honeyguides also benefit from

locating the colonies: They eat the leftover honeycomb.

Their study was done in cooperation with the Hadza in Tanzania and the Yao community of

Mozambique. The prior work in both communities documented differences in how each culture

attracts honeyguides. Among the Hadza, a honey-hunter announces a desire to partner with the bird

by whistling. In Mozambique, Yao honey-hunters do so with a “Brr!” followed by a “hmm!”

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Using mathematical models and audio playback experiments, the team studied these signals,

their usefulness to people and their impacts on birds. They experimentally exposed honeyguides to

the same prerecorded sounds, hoping to test whether honeyguides had learned to recognize and

prefer the specialized signals local honey-hunters used or were naturally attracted to all such signals.

The honeyguides in Tanzania were over three times more likely to cooperate when hearing the calls

of local Hadza people than the calls of “foreign” Yao. Those in Mozambique were almost twice

more likely to cooperate when hearing the local Yao call than the “foreign Hadza whistles.

The study proposes that differences in honeyguide-attracting signals are not random, but make

practical sense. While honey-hunting, both the Hadza and Yao come across mammals, but only the

Hadza hunt them, using bows and arrows. The Hadza’s hunting might explain the less notable

whistles they use. Filmed interviews show Hadza hunters explaining they can escape being detected

by their prey because their whistles “sound like birds.” Contrarily, the signal the Yao use to

communicate with the honeyguide can help scare off animals they find dangerous.

28.By cooperating with honey-hunting communities, honeyguides can ______.

A. have access to more food B. nest near human culture

C. locate bee habitats easier D. become familiar with the landscape

29. Why did the researchers use the same prerecorded signals?

A. To study their mathematical models.

B. To check if they are a natural preference.

C. To investigate their usefulness to humans.

D. To see if they increase birds' ability to find honey.

30. What can we learn from Spottiswoode and Wood's study?

A. The human-bird relationship can change with new signals.

B. The Yao community hunts animals while looking for bee nests.

C. The honeyguides are more responsive to calls from the local people.

D. The honeyguides are more responsive to calls from local people.

31. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. How mammals react to different signals.

B. How hunting techniques are applied to prey.

C. How whistles enable honeyguides to find targets.

D. How signals are associated with hunting practice.


The Age of Information is bulging: if you try to download all the data available today, you’d

need more than 180 million years to do so. But you are wrong to assume that all information would

stimulate a boost of innovation to match the output of data Indeed. the last time we found ourselves

in a period of significant innovation was over 120 years ago, called the Age of Insight.

Innovations, big or small start with a new idea. Often. these ideas occur as a moment of

insight—the result of a novel connection in our brains made between existing and new information.

Studies show insights involve quiet signals deep in the brain. Anything that helps us notice quiet

signals can increase the chance of insights. However it’s becoming more challenging to find those

signals today, every moment filled with an endless supply of content.

Besides, we also want to increase the quality of them to sort through big new ideas and find

the really valuable ones that can be hard to measure. Launched in 2015, the Eureka Scale (尤里卡

量 表 )allows us to assess the strength of our insight experiences on a five-point scale, namely,

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intense emotions, motivation, memory advantage, aftershocks, and following ideas. The Scale

combines these five variables into a single value to define the importance of a new idea and has

broad applications for measuring and improving individual and organizational performance. Even

it can be used to measure the impact of different kinds of work environments and learning

approaches on participants’ growth. The level-5 insight, involving the richest emotion, motivation,

and lasting impact, holds the greatest significance.

In order for organizations to benefit from another age of insight, it’s not enough to try to access

more data or increase the number of insights we generate. Instead, it’s about making space for the

biggest ideas to emerge from all the information. Using the Scale as a way to measure how important

ideas are will enable better decision-making toward practical and competitive outcomes. If we’re to

enter a new age of insight, we must make timely and necessary changes to design our environments

for the best insight possible to surface.

32.What does the underlined word “bulging” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Approaching. B. Exploding. C. Shifting. D. Updating.

33.According to the passage, which of the following cases can increase the chance of insights?

A. By engaging in ongoing social media interactions.

B. By relying on technology to receive regular notices

C. By stepping away from computers between meetings.

D. By participating in additional training and coaching sessions.

34. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The Eureka Scale controls the influence of our insights.

B. One with a level-5 insight has minimal emotional responses.

C. Both the quantity and quality of insights are essential to innovation.

D.A breakthrough has been made in innovation due to a wealth of information.

35. What is the author’s attitude towards the current environment for innovations?

A. Uncertain. B. Optimistic. C. Unconcerned. D. Dissatisfied.

第二节(共5 小题: 每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



There are many reasons why some cats are bad-tempered. It’s commonly believed that their

temperament can be influenced by the way they are born or raised. 36 According to veterinarian

Dr Katrina Warren, the problem can generally be solved, but you’ll need to look for underlying


Changes in a cat's behaviour can often be explained by a health problem. Pain can cause cats

to behave differently. It’s easy to mistake a problem as be havioural, which in fact is medical. Should

you observe a significant change in your cat’s behaviour, then a visit to the vet is the best place to

start. 37 Also hiding and avoiding being touched. Be sure to report all changes to your vet.

There are many health problems that can be readily treated to ease symptoms and pain for your cat.

It pays to remember that cats don’t like to share or queue. Sharing of ‘resources’ such as litter

trays and food bowls can cause stress and anxiety for many cats. It's always a good idea to provide

each cat with their own litter box, food, water bowls and bed. A lack of space to hide from or avoid

other cats, competition for territory and lack of individual attention can also add to household

friction. 38

Moving to a new house, the arrival of a new baby, new pets and other types of change can

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seriously impact cat behaviour. Cats are creatures of habit and tend to be territorial. 39 Try to

keep your cat’s environment as calm as possible and ensure there are places where they feel safe.

40 These are often cats that received limited socialisation with humans when they were

kittens. These cats do best in a quiet household without children and need understanding and

patience to help build their confidence.

A. Some cats simply do not like being touched and handled.

B. Watch out for changes in eating, drinking or litter-box habits.

C. When your cat seems lonely, you can hold it gently in your arms.

D. If so, offering the cat a high place to sit, such as a climbing tree, can be helpful.

E. So a change in routine may cause them to react, including withdrawal or aggression.

F. Don’t forget their incredible sense of smell, which is a useful tool of communication.

G. In fact, even the sweetest cats can suddenly become bad-tempered and behave out of


第三部分: 语言运用 (共两节, 满分 30分)

第一节 (共 15 小题: 每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


Gardening changed how I see myself as a disabled woman. When I started gardening in 2018,

I didn’t know anything about plants, let alone how to grow things we can, 41 . I thought gardening

required a lot of 42 tasks. As I have a genetic condition that causes my bones to 43 easily,

I didn’t believe I could complete them. The thought of taking care of plants in a wheelchair every

day made me feel 44 . But just like how I gradually learnt everything else as a disabled person,

I had to 45 how to garden my way.

That first season, I visited mv garden ag much as I could Noticing mv interest in gardening,

my neighbors in the community 46 offered me advice and support. Under their careful 47 ,

I managed to pull up the weeds and watered my plants on mv own, Finally. I was so 48 to eat

the tomatoes I grew and even shared some more produces with neighbors.

Gardening has 49 how I see other parts of my life. As a disabled woman, I fear being seen

as a 50 and struggle to ask for the things I need. Gardening helped me 51 the fact that I

have needs. I don’t think my plant is a heavy load because it needs more nutrition. I don’t 52 it

for getting insects and not being able to fight against them. Gardening also helped me 53 my

social circle and grow closer to people in our community.

Over the years, gardening has made me feel more 54 in every aspect of my life. I’m

planting what I want to grow, and I have gained a lot of 55 from that.

41.A. enjoy B. deliver C. eat D. donate

42.A. simple B. physical C. pleasant D. urgent

43.A. change B. rest C. break D. move

44. A. anxious B. expectant C. motivated D. bored

45.A. look over B. show off C. bring back D. figure out

46.A. suddenly B. readily C. hesitantly D. casually

47.A. observation B. check C. discussion D. guidance

48.A. willing B. well-meaning C. proud D. unexpected

49.A. impacted B. ruined C. controlled D. recorded

50.A. failure B. focus C. burden D. threat

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51.A. normalize B. challenge C. tune D. entitle

52.A. appreciate B. fault C. challenge D. forgive

53.A. establish B. expand C. highlight D. expose

54.A. flexible B. responsible C. potential D. confident

55.A. justice B. access C. weight D. power

第二节 (共 10 小题: 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical practice, has been the remedy for 56 (count)

patients for thousands of years. There is evidence that acupuncture 57 (date) back to the Stone

Age, when stone tools were used to press areas of the body 58 (relieve) pain. Over time, this

primitive practice gradually evolved into a comprehensive and profound medical system and shaped

the root of acupuncture.

59 acupuncture actually functions is not clearly understood. But people have come to 60

universal agreement that acupuncture is a treatment that aims to promote the body’s self-regulating

functions Its therapeutic principles are in line with the philosophical concepts of traditional Chinese

medicine, 61 emphasize all-inclusive treatment, meridian (经络) adjustment, balance of bodily

functions and overall physiological well-being.

62 the uncertainty about its medical basis. acupuncture has become a global therapy. Over

the years, acupuncture 63 (see) many advancements in scientific research and modern medicine.

It is now a mainstream alternative and complementary treatment for 64 (vary) of weaknesses.

According to a WHO report, acupuncture 65 (include)in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural

Heritage List in 2010 is now used in 113 of its 120 member countries illustrating its widespread

recognition and application.

As an ancient Chinese medical practice with a rich history and deep cultural significance,

acupuncture is an embodiment of profound cultural heritage and a holistic path to healing.

第四部分: 写作(共两节, 满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

66.假如你是李华,你校英文报正在征稿。请你结合下面的名人名言(famous quote): “I

don’t know what ‘home’ is, but unhappiness and worries melt away once there.” (From Bing Xin),

写一篇题为 “My Understanding of Home”的征文。





1.词数 80 左右;

2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

My Understanding of Home

Bing Xin once said, “I don’t know what ‘home’ is, but unhappiness and worries melt away

once there.”

第二节 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

How far would you go to help a friend? Jeremy Savage, aged 17, and Ian Marshall, aged 16,

both from Canada, had their friendship tested to the limit on a recent trip to the Rocky Mountains

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with their parents.

On Saturday morning, the two boys decided to climb Cathedral Mountain by themselves while

their parents relaxed at the campsite. After three hours, they reached the top and enjoyed the

beautiful view from the mountaintop.

However, trouble began when they started the climb down. On one very dangerous part of the

mountain, Ian fell three meters off the side of the path. Jeremy climbed down to where Ian was and

found him badly injured and not able to move then. Jeremy had to decide what to do. He needed

help but he did not want to leave his friend. He cleaned the dirt and blood from Ian’s face and hands,

and then tried to help him to stand up, but Ian’s right leg was hurting too much. With incredible

calmness sand his former experience in the mountain, Jeremy then gave Ian his food and water and

let him lie on his jacket. They had to wait and hoe that help would come. While they waited for

help, Jeremy used his jacket and an extra shirt to keep Ian warm and they rested together. Sensing

his friend’s pain and anxiety, Jermy greatly comforted him and gave him constant encouragement

in a determined tone.

Meanwhile. as darkness started to fall, their parents back at the campsite became very worried

that the boys had not returned. Despite tears welling up in the eyes, the mothers frantically prayed

to God for their sons’ safety. They got in touch with park workers and began searching for the boys.

Soon more than 20 people were looking for them on Cathedral Mountain.

注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


As the evening grew darker and the temperature dropped, Ian told Jeremy to leave him

and go back to their parents.

Finally, after four long and tiring hours’ climbing down, they came across their parents.

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20232024 学年第二学期初学业质量监测答案



1-5 ABBCA 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 CABBC

21-23 CDB 24-27 BDAA 28-31 ABCD 32-35 BCCD 36-40 GBDEA

41-45 CBCAD 46-50 BDCAC 51-55 ABBDD

56. countless 57. dates 58. to relieve 59. How 60. a

61. which 62. Despite 63. has seen 64. varieties 65. included


My Understanding of Home

Bing Xin once said, “I don’t know what ‘home’ is, but unhappiness and worries melt away

once there.” For me, home is not just a physical space, but an emotional shelter. It is a place

where we feel safe and loved, where our troubles seem to fade away.

An example that illustrates this is when I recently faced a challenging situation at school.

Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, I returned home. The familiar sights instantly calmed me

down. My parents helped me analyze the trouble rationally, even offering several proper solutions.

Their loving words and hugs allowed me to gain clarity and perspective. I renewed confidence.

In conclusion, home is not just a building or a place; it is a feeling of warmth, safety, and

belonging. It is where we can be our true selves and find comfort in the company of our loved



As the evening grew darker and the temperature dropped, Ian told Jeremy to leave him and go

back to their parents. But Jeremy still did not leave. He thought it was too dangerous for Ian to be

alone on such a cold, windy night. However, with the surroundings from chilly to freezing, Jeremy

decided that the only way to help his friend was to carry him down the mountain. So, they started

the long climb back to the campsite. Sometimes Jeremy carried Ian on his back. Sometimes he

carried him in his arms.

Finally, after four long and tiring hours’ climbing down, they came across their parents. Upon

seeing the two boys, their parents dashed to wrap them in their arms. All the fear, cold and even

pain were seemingly driven away by the reunion with their parents. Jeremy and Ian burst into

tears, sobbing out what had happened in this adventure. On the way to the hospital, Ian held on

tight to Jeremy’s hand, saying, “I’ll always remember what you did for me. You saved my life.”

Jeremy winked at him with a smiling face, “That’s the greatest thing that a person can do for his



Text 1

M: My daughter Amy is going to try skydiving with friends this weekend. It really annoys me. It’s

very dangerous, you know.

W: If I were you, I would have a talk with her and persuade her to dismiss the idea from her mind.

Text 2

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