
2024-02-22·17页·781.6 K

重庆市高 2024 届高三第六次质量检测






部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。共 150 分,共 12 页。

2.全部答案在答题卡上相应区域内完成,在本试卷上作答无效。选择题请使用 2B

铅笔填涂,非选择题请使用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。




第一部分 听力(共两节;满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答


1.Why does the woman like to go to the theater?

A.It's convenient to go there.

B.The atmosphere is wonderful.

C.There are more people seeing together.

2.When is the speakers' first class?

A.At 6:00 a.m.

B.At 7:00 a.m.

C.At 8:00 a.m

3.Where will the speakers probably meet next?

A.At school.

B.At their home.

C.At a soccer field.

4.What did the man return?

A.A dog

B.A cat.

C.A mouse.

5.Who will make the decision?

A.The journalist.

B.The lawyer.

C.The judge.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C


秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.What is wrong with the woman's sauce?

A.It is not thick.

B.It tastes very salty

C.It takes too long to cook.

7.What will the woman do next?

A.Set the table.

B.Finish cooking.

C.Buy some plates.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8.How did the man damage his ankle?

A.When he played sports.

B.When he climbed the stairs at home.

C.When he jumped over a small narrow river.

9.What will the man do on the day of the last game?

A.Rest at home.

B.Meet the coaches.

C.Meet a star player.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10.What are the speakers celebrating?

A.A concert for the man and his friend.

B.The first showing of the man's movie.

C.A film award show and red-carpet event.

11.What is probably the woman's job?

A.A news reporter.

B.An amateur musician.

C.A music industry producer.

12.How does the woman probably feel?




听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13.What is the woman planning to do right after school?

A.Go to university.

B.Go traveling.

C.Go get a job.

14.Which country are the speakers in?




15.What does the man love doing?

A.Repairing cars.

B.Studying philosophy.

C.Learning another language.

16.What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.When the speakers will start the trip.

B.Where the speakers will study after graduation.

C.What the speakers will do once they leave school.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.Who is the speaker?

A.A ski school instructor.

B.A student at a ski school.

C.A parent of a student at a ski school.

18.Why is it important for one to learn how to fall?

A.To have fun.

B.To stop safely.

C.To turn easily.

19.What will the students learn first?

A.How to fall.

B.How to stop

C.How to turn.

20.What will happen if the fronts of the skis are pointing toward each other?

A.You will speed up.

B.You will slow down.

C.You can turn right away.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)



Chocolate is delicious,we all know that.But it isn't just for eating,as these chocolate

works of art clearly show.

Chocolate couch

In 2009,chocolate company Galaxy used 250kg of their

own chocolate to make a chocolate couch.The couch was part of

their“Irresistible Reads”campaign,which was designed to arouse

interest in books.It was put on display in Victoria Embankment

Gardens in London.Photos were taken of British TV actress

Emilia Fox sitting on the couch reading a book.

Chocolate mailbox

In 2011,seven artists from New York built a chocolate mailbox

decorated with white truffle hearts to celebrate Valentine's Day.

The mailbox was on display on Fifth Avenue.People could post

their love letters there,and the post office would stamp and mail

them for free during the three weeks leading up to February 14.

Chocolate shoes

One of London's greatest chocolates,Phil Neal once created a

collection of high-heeled shoes made of chocolate.Neal used

top-quality Venezuelan chocolate,filled the shoes with gauche

and strawberries,and decorated them with 22-caratgold.The

shoes were on sale at London's luxury chocolate shop

Theobroma Cacao.

Chocolate wall

A wall of chocolate at a railway station in Utrecht, the

Netherlands became many food lovers' new place to mark in

2019.The whole wall was made of chocolate,making it very fun,

good-looking,and of course,delicious.Viewers were encouraged

to touch,smell and taste it,interpreting the artwork in their own


21.Why was the chocolate couch made?

A.To promote reading.

B.To display a product.

C.To celebrate an occasion.

D.To recommend gardening.

22.On which day could a letter be posted free via the chocolate mailbox?

A.January 5.

B.January 29.

C.February 18.

D.February 25.

23.Which of the following was for sale?

A.The chocolate couch.

B.The chocolate mailbox.

C.The chocolate shoes.

D.The chocolate wall.


Dear Mr. Bran-son,

I truly love Virgin Atlantic,which is why I continue to choose your flights despite a

series of unfortunate incidents over the last few years.This latest incident takes the

biscuit,though. Mr.Bran-son,look at the mustard(芥末).It was intended to accompany mashed

potato. However,here was more mustard than any person could handle in a mouthful.The

potato masher had obviously broken,so it was decided the next best thing to do was pass the

potatoes through the digestive system of a bird and blend it with“a bit”of mustard.Of course,

Mr.Bran-son,everybody likes“a bit”of mustard.

By then,I felt a little sick,and I needed a sugar hit.Luckily,a small cookie was

provided,but it appeared to be some sort of backstreet underground cookie.Imagine biting into

a piece of metal,Mr.Bran-son.That would be softer on the teeth than this one.

Exhausted and starving,I decided to resort to your world-famous onboard entertainment,

so I switched on the screen.Guess what?It was incredibly hard to capture Boris Johnson's face

through the flickering white lines running up and down the screen.I'd had enough,but my only

option was to simply stare at the seat and wait for either food or sleep.Neither came for an

incredibly long time.

So that was that.As I said at the start,I love your brand.It's just a shame that such a

simple thing could bring it crashing to its knees and begging for food.

Best regards,

Oliver Beale

24.What feeling does the underlined phrasetakes the biscuitin paragraph 1 imply?

A.An air of indifference.

B.A sense of frustration.

C.A hint of anxiety.

D.A burst of pain.

25.What did the author think of the mashed potato?

A.It looked like metal.

B.It tasted like bird food.

C.It contained too much mustard.

D.It was cooked in a special way.

26.Why did the author turn on the screen?

A.To distract himself from feeling unwell.

B.To find out information about the flight.

C.To appreciate a famous actor's performance.

D.To test the quality of onboard entertainment.

27.What's the purpose of the letter?

A.To offer constructive suggestions.

B.To warn against an airline company.

C.To inquire about solutions to a problem.

D.To complain about unsatisfactory service.


William Vickrey was the pioneer to propose congestion pricing in 1952 for NYC's (New

York City)subways and later for roads.It has been rejected for decades,but the idea finally has

the green light in NYC officially.Earlier this month the Metropolitan Transportation

Authority (MTA),the agency tasked with enforcing congestion pricing,gave the policy the

go-ahead.From May,decades after London made the identical move,drivers of cars into

NYC's central business districts will have to pay.

The hope is that the fees will ease the traffic burden.Commercial zones where cars crawl

are listed to be charging zones.The MTA expects much fewer vehicles on the city's streets,

which should decrease air pollution and promote the economy.But what made the plan

successful was what it should bring in—$1bn annually—needed for MTA capital projects,

which should improve reliability as well as access to the transport system.

Nevertheless,the plan has not been met with universal delight.Take New Jersey,some of

whose regions are within NYC,as an example.Since New Jersey drivers have paid to cross

into the city before,the state has filed suit(上诉).Phil Murphy,New Jersey's governor, who

supports pricing in principle,but not seemingly in actuality,has said that“We can't fix a broken

MTA in NYC on the back of New Jersey commuters(通勤者).”Fort Lee,a town on the New

Jersey side of the Washington Bridge,has raised air-quality concerns.It expects increased

traffic as lorry drivers try to avoid paying fees.

“Past years have witnessed the decline of fuel taxes as a revenue source in transport

while congestion pricing could be the possible alternative.If NYC is really committed to

doing it,they will come to some kind of settlement.”says Nicole Celina of the Manhattan


28.What can we learn about congestion pricing?

A.It applies to American drivers.

B.It was designed for roads initially.

C.It gained approval in London before.

D.It is rejected by the American authorities.

29.What is the main reason for the MTA's support for congestion pricing?

A.To develop the economy.

B.To relieve the traffic load.

D.To improve the environment.

C.To obtain financial benefits.

30.What is New Jersey's attitude to congestion pricing?





31.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Fewer Vehicles Are Expected in NYC

B.NYC Charges Drivers to Boost Economy

C.NYC' s Congestion Fee Faces Controversy

D.Congestion Pricing Dissatisfies New Jersey


Native wild horses in North America went extinct 10,000 years ago.In the 16th century,

European settlers brought domesticated(驯化了的 )horses to this continent,and their

population multiplied.Some people consider them as a reintroduced native species,while

others see them as invasive pests that damage ecosystems.Today there are more wild horses in

the American West than the land can support,and the government has to control their numbers

through birth-control vaccines and occasional but controversial killings.

However,Erick Lundgren,a postdoc at Aarhus University,notes that large plant-eaters

play a crucial role in the ecosystem,where grass and shrubs are either consumed by animals or

burned. Therefore,reintroducing extinct plant-eating mammals,like wild horses in this case,

could potentially reduce the occurrence of fires.He advocates taking them off the

rang-elands(牧场 ),where they're hated for competing with cattle for food,and strategically

placing them where they can do what they do best and benefit the environment.

Although conservationists generally prefer native organisms to restore ecosystems,

non-native species can fill in the ecological gaps left by extinct animals.A lot of research still

looks at how bad invasive species are for the environment,but that's not the only possibility.

For example,Australian saltwater crocodiles that were nearly extinct in the 1970s are now a

species of“least concern”,thanks to the invasive pigs they've come to feast on.

“People will protest that a species doesn't belong here.But the word ‘belong'isn't

science;it's nativism.”Lundgren said.Many of the areas we consider“wilderness”today were

ecologic created by native people who pruned(修剪 )plants and watched over controlled

burns.“We're changing the planet quickly yet refusing to let the living beings on it change

with it.”he said.If we take away the issue of belonging and consciously assign the non-native

species a role to play,what we're left with is a wilder and more diverse world.

32.What do we know about wild horses in North America today?

A.Their population grows rapidly.

B.They are native to the continent.

C.Their living spaces are narrowing.

D.They are protected from being killed.

33.How could we use wild horses to control wildfires?

A.Leave them undisturbed.

B.Remove them from rang-elands.

C.Promote their reproductive rate.

D.Utilize their grass-eating nature.

34.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The value of non-native animals.

B.The efforts in ecosystem restoration.

C.The need for protecting native species.

D.The importance of preserving biodiversity.

35.What does the last paragraph suggest doing?

A.Reducing human impact on nature.

B.Forbidding invasion of new species.

C.Staying open to non-native animals.

D.Returning animals to native habitats.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)



The next time you're at an airport or hotel,you might notice a traveling group that

consists of young kids,parents,and grandparents vacationing together.__36__But more and

more, families tend to bring multiple generations with them.

__37__In larger groups,for example,child-care responsibilities can be shared across

family members,allowing parents to take a break.But the real value of these trips might be

how they give relatives an opportunity to freshen their perception of the people they've known

for perhaps their entire life.Travel can take us out of our familiar contexts and offer people a

chance to see one another differently.

The shift toward multi generational travel has a few explanations.For one,grandparents

today stay healthy later in life,allowing them more energy for travel.__38__Plus,the average

U.S.household has become more multi generational.Americans are not just traveling with

grandparents in order to spend time with them,they are traveling with them because they are

more likely to live with them in the first place.__39__Americans are taking fewer vacation

days than they did in the 1970s.They might want to make the most of that time by including

as many people as possible.

Whatever the reason for its popularity,a multi generational trip can be a rare time when

younger and older generations can glimpse the complex people they have each become. Away

from the family home,older generations get to see their adult children as responsible parents.

Kids get to see their grandparents encounter a new environment.__40__

A.Another explanation is time pressure.

B.The benefits of multi generational trips are numerous.

C.Decades ago,only wealthy families vacationed together.

D.A scene like this would have been rare a few decades ago.

E.Multi generational family travel tops the list of travel trends.

F.Everyone gets to break out of their family roles and figure out how to be together.

G.Also,big-group accommodation has become more affordable through online platforms.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节;满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)



I was thirty-four the first time I saw the real Santa.

My husband had lost his job earlier,and we__41__expenses everywhere we could.He'd

been hunting for jobs and__42__often,but the process was slow.

One afternoon,we were feeling particularly 43 ,so we decided to treat ourselves to a meal

outside.It was a(n)__44__for us to get out of the house,too.Plus,the pizzas45our names. Were

__45__our names.

When we got to the window to pay,the employee said our meal had been covered by the

truck ahead.While people did this sometimes,and it was always a lovely__46__,this time we

really didn't want to just take the gift and leave.Instead,we attempted to keep the__47__going

by offering to pay for the order for the car behind us.

“No need,that man just paid for everyone in line.”We had no choice but to get__48__

with the fact that a stranger had just done something kind for us,and there was no way to

__49__ the kindness.

Looking toward the truck,I thought I could see the man's__50__in the driver's side

mirror. He stuck his hand out the window and gave a__51__wave,which__52__reminded me

of the illustration at the end of the Twas the Night Before Christmas poem where Santa was

flying away into the night,gloved hand__53__in a goodbye wave.

My husband found a wonderful job shortly afterwards.We've gone on to do__54__acts

of kindness for others,remembering the effect this__55__meal had on us when Santa drove a

truck with a big grin and a little wave.

41.A.cut back on B.got down to C.caught up with D.broke away from

42.A.fleeing B.resigning C.researching D.interviewing

43.A.annoyed B.low C.confused D.scared

44.A.pity B.excuse C.ability D.choice

45.A.showing B.mentioning C.calling D.inviting

46.A.suggestion B.approach C.introduction D.gesture

47.A.mission B.responsibility C.chain D.reaction

48.A.impressed B.patient C.comfortable D.familiar

49.A.pay forward B.pass through C.light up D.bring out

50.A.frown B.grin C.enthusiasm D.confusion

51.A.funny B.cheerful C.continuous D.fearless

52.A.gradually B.possibly C.carefully D.instantly

53.A.raised B.tied C.seized D.covered

54.A.formal B.precious C.admirable D.random

55.A.delicate B.fancy C.free D.costly

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Tai Hang,a modern-looking neighborhood in Hong Kong,is home to the Tai Hang Fire

Dragon Dance,a folk art form that__56__(perform)during the Mid-Autumn Festival for over

100 years.__57__started as a way to rid this fishing village of bad luck has become a cultural


The dragon is about 70 meters long and weighs more than 200 pounds,with its body

__58__ (wrap) with pearl grass.More than 70,000 incense sticks(香柱)are lit and strung along

the dragon's back and head to make the“fire”of the fire dragon.At the festival,hundreds of

people work__59__turn to parade the burning dragon through the streets of Tai Hang.The

__60__(strong)man among the group has__61__honor of supporting the 30-kilogram head.

Dozens of performers__62__(move)the dragon smoothly up and down through the air a tract

rounds of cheers and__63__(applaud)from surrounding crowds.

The inheritors of the dragon dance have set up workshops to demonstrate various aspects

of the traditional art from the making techniques to__64__(base)dance skills.In June, 2022,the

Hong Kong Tai Hang Fire Dragon Museum was opened__65__(inspire)more people to learn

more about this traditional dance culture.

第四部分 写作(共两节;满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

假定你是李华,你因故取消了本周末和留学生 James 看电影的约定,现在想改约他

下周末坐火车去仙女山(the Fairy Mountain)旅游,请写一封电子邮件,内容包括:





1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


第二节(满分 25分)


It was time for the ice cream event that my small youth group had waited for many

months.The group consisted of five boys;one of them was Scott.

Scott always had a positive attitude.He looked on the bright side of things and never

criticized anyone.But Scott was different from the rest of us because he was disabled,

suffering from a disease which caused hands shaking constantly.Therefore,he was unable to

participate in activities in most cases.No one ever made fun of him to his face,but at

times,people would laugh or stare in his presence.But Scott never worried;he just kept his

head up high and ignored them.

Finally,the night of the ice cream event descended.My friends and I rushed to the church

basement and waited with scoops(冰淇淋勺)in hand for the guests to arrive.One by

one,people filed in,all hoping to get a creamy and tasty scoop of ice cream.But what they

ended up getting was a hard and frozen mass.We waited for a while for the ice cream to

melt,and eventually it did.

Once the ice cream melted,we had another problem.It had turned into three pools of

coconut,chocolate,and strawberry.But we persisted in serving it.We had our chance to serve,

except for Scott.So,being as kind as possible,I gave Scott a chance to scoop and serve.As soon

as Scott gripped the scoop,our ice cream troubles grew beyond control.Milky ice cream was

flung in every direction and made a mess on people,but there was no sign for him to come to

a stop on account of his terrible control of trembling hands.At that moment,a stir of unrest and

dissatisfaction rippled through the crowd.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;






