
2024-02-18·10页·647.4 K

济宁一中高三 2月份定时检测

英语试题 2024.02

命题人:曹慧 李沛然 审题人:刘颖 强丽丽


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第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Famous for its sunny beaches and natural wonders, Miyako Island welcomes many visitors during


Unique beaches

Yonaha Maehama Beach is the most famous beach in Miyakojima, where white sand stretches for

seven kilometers. Sunayama Beach, known for its arch-shaped rock, is tucked away in a small cove,

and is accessed by walking through a narrow tunnel of trees.

Diverse and colorful fish

Snorkeling is a must-try in Miyakojima. Dense coral reefs, schools of tropical fish, sea turtles and

plenty of space to free dive to depths of 8 to 15 meters close to the shore are standout features. For

some green hands, Aragusuku and Shigira are a good choice but advanced snorkelers may see Waiwal

Beach and Shimojishima as their ultimate spots.

Scuba diving

Miyako Island is a diving mecca, with a wealth of dive sites to explore, including many

underwater caves and caverns. Even those without a diving license need not be held hack. Dive shops

and tour operators also offer tours for beginners to explore Miyako Island’s abundant underwater


Fresh island food

Delight your senses with juicy, melt-in-your-mouth Miyako beef, delicious Miyako soba (noodles

served in broth), or fresh fruit. Okinawa prefecture boasts the highest mango yield in Japan, and

Miyako Island’s warm subtropical climate is optimal for growing fresh, juicy mangoes.

高一英语试题 第 1页(共 8 页)


1. What is a suitable spot to snorkel for beginners?

A. Miyako Island. B. Waiwai Beach.

C. Shigira. D. Sunayama Beach.

2. What contributes to the delicious taste of mangoes grown in Miyako Island?

A. White sand. B. Blue ocean.

C. Enough rainwater. D. Fairly high temperature.

3. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A travel report. B. A travel guide.

C. A diary. D. A text book.


Frederick Phiri, at just 22, started to earn an international reputation for being able to make

complex and elegant sculptures from scrap metal(金属废料)found in his community.

Phiri’s father died when he was starting primary school. Then his mother abandoned him and he

had to stay with his grandfather. His grandfather paid for his schooling through primary school but

when he entered secondary school, he had to get various jobs to pay for his fees. Yet even in school, he

was always drawing and making things in class.

After graduating, he did what he could to support himself by making animal sculptures from wires

and sold them to tourists. His work was so popular that it caught the eye of Karen Beattie, director of

Project Luangwa, a nonprofit dedicated to education and economic development in central Africa.

“I introduced him to a local welder (焊工),” Beattie told Newsweek.

In 2017, Phiri worked with welder Moses Mbewe during the rainy season, helping to make a

complex set of doors for Project Luangwa. The piece sparked an idea in Beattie’s mind “handed him a

bunch of scrap metal and said, ‘Make something with this.’ And he did. It was wonderful.”

Today, Phiri continues his art, using pieces of junk people bring him—keys, broken bike chains,

old metal plugs and whatever scrap metal is lying around. He then turns the junk into abstract animals

— elephants, cranes, giraffes, chameleons — and sells them at Project Luangwa headquarters. The

community has recognized his talents.

“My dream is to earn enough to study art at the Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka and be able to

make a living from it,” Phiri said, “And then to make very large sculptures.”

4. What is Phiri known for?

A. Serving his community. B. Collecting works of art.

B. Being the king of Zambia. D. Turning trash into treasure.

5. What can we learn about Phiri from paragraph 2?

A. He had an unhappy childhood. B. He paid for his primary school.

C. He had to support his grandfather. D. He missed school to do part-time jobs.

高一英语试题 第 2页(共 8 页)


6. How does Phiri feel about his future?

A. Uncertain. B. Confident. C. Depressed. D. Satisfied.

7. What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A. A Rough Road to Success B. The Junk Art King of Zambia

C. A Young Man’s Wildest Dream D. The Modern Junk Works of Art


Most people know social media isn’t free — it’s paid for with the collection of its users’

sometimes-sensitive information. Your GPS system keeps track of your movements, and your smart TV

can watch you. Almost all the information these devices collect can be sold to companies or used by

authorities to keep tabs or gather evidence. Meanwhile, we use technology so frequently because of its

efficiency and convenience. Is the trade-off worth it, or are we selling our souls to the devil?

SafeHome. org Team surveyed 1,019 people aged 18 and older about their opinions on security

and electronic devices and whether they felt the risk to privacy was worth the security and convenience

benefits. As it turns out, some feel technology is far too convenient to give up despite its flaws, while

others would trash their devices if they found out it was spying on them.

Interestingly, three major factors appear to have an impact on which aspect of privacy violation

they find most shocking—age, gender and occupation.

Different generations have different relationships with technology and, as such, have different

concerns about privacy. Those 65 and older appeared to be very distrustful of technology, recording

higher levels of concern than younger generations in almost every field. Those aged 4564 all found

location tracking, home security, and smart device privacy issues to be the most threatening. From age

18 to 44, the data trends looked rather similar. A distrust of social media existed, but they regarded

fitness trackers and public surveillance (监视) as less of an issue than older generations.

While men and women seemed to have the same concerns about privacy in the digital age, a few

interesting aspects existed. Women were more concerned overall with identity and location tracking.

Men had concerns with these issues as well but perhaps didn’t feel as physically threatened by them.

The place where men took more issues than women was the selling of personal data to advertisers and

monitoring of conversations and activities.

8. What does the author intend to convey about social media in paragraph 1?

A. It comes at a price. B. It is of great value.

C. It has developed greatly. D. It brings convenience to life.

9. What did the survey of SafeHome. org Team focus on?

A. People’s attitudes towards privacy risks.

B. People’s opinions on technology benefits.

C. People’s responses to electric device flaws.

D. People’s thoughts on employment security.

高一英语试题 第 3页(共 8 页)


10. What does the result of the survey imply?

A.Women worry about personal data most.

B. Men tend to sell personal data to advertisers.

C. Young people don’t see social media as a threat.

D. Older people are more doubtful about technology.

11. What will be discussed further in the coming paragraph?

A. Prevention of the privacy violation.

B. Significance of the SafeHome. org Team.

C. Privacy concerns from different occupations.

D. Methods of guaranteeing privacy in the digital age.


Re-purposing diapers(尿布) to make building materials would reduce the amount of garbage that

goes to a landfill. It could also make homes more affordable. Maybe giving used diapers a new use

could help tackle both problems.

Building material—especially those that are used for strengthening structures—are often expensive.

They’re often the biggest hurdle to making homes affordable. So researchers have previously

investigated unusual materials that could save costs. These materials included many that would

otherwise pile up as waste, such as fly ash.

“There is a big need in developing countries such as the Southeast Asian nation, Indonesia. There,

demand for low-cost housing outstrips(超过) what’s available. The number of people in Indonesia’s

cities has climbed by about 4 percent per year in the last 30 years. By 2025, more than two-thirds of

Indonesians are expected to live in urban areas. Indonesia’s population boom is intensifying the

demand for housing,” says Siswanti Zuraida, an environmental engineer in Indonesia.

“Despite the need for more affordable housing, there are significant problems that stand in the way

of adopting diapers,” Zuraida says. Used diapers contain wood pulp, cotton and plastic, which are

potentially useful building materials. Diapers plastic components would have to be separated from the

organic fibers, a complicated recycling process currently available only in developed nations. And

Indonesia’s building regulations restrict together-materials to bricks, wood, steel and concrete (which is

used to hold bricks together)—materials that also bear a high cost in terms of carbon emissions.

But reusing diapers might not be that environmentally friendly, especially on a large scale. “It’s

tricky to separate dirty diapers from waste and disinfect them. So it would take a lot of energy to

recycle diapers. It’s maybe worthwhile to start thinking about ways to replace single-use diapers with

something less frequently thrown away,” says Christof Schrofl, a chemist who works at Technische

Universitt Dresden in Germany.

高一英语试题 第 4页(共 8 页)


12. Which statement describes the idea of re-purposing diapers best?

A. No pains, no gains. B. Waste not, want not.

C. Kill two birds with one stone. D. Great minds think alike.

13. What is the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 2?

A. Phase B. Barrier. C. Goal. D. Advantage.

14. What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?

A. It is illegal to use diapers as building material in Indonesia.

B. Making building materials has little effect on climate warming.

C. The plastic components in diapers can make buildings stronger.

D. Developed countries have difficulty separating organic fibers on diapers.

15. What is Schrofl’s attitude towards reusing diapers?

A. Indifferent B. Supportive. C. Admiring. D. Objective.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Whether it is the flu or any of the other cold-like viruses rising in winter, it seems that stuffy noses

and sore throats are common symptoms. You may have noticed, however, that your cold seems to get

better or worse depending on the time of day. 16 Then, they partially clear up throughout the

day, only to get worse once more as you get to bed. Why does this happen?

Currently, the leading idea is that symptom severity is linked to our circadian rhythm (昼夜节律).

The circadian rhythm is very important for daily cellular processes and can be affected by the amount

of sleep and light we get each day. 17

While resting, the body uses the downtime to recover. 18 This also applies when you are

ill — The body floods the blood with white blood cells called leukocytes, resulting in an immune

response against diseases and the immune system fighting infection.

This, therefore, explains why our cold symptoms get worse as we settle down for a night’s sleep.

Cells infected by viruses are attracted to the local area and killed, causing soreness in the affected

tissues, and mucus (鼻涕) floods the nose to join the fight. 19 You wake up feeling like death

due to the battle happening within.

20 The first is simply gravity. When you lie down, your mucus builds up in the nose,

causing pressure and headaches. As you stand up, you start to feel better. Another factor is about

hormones. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by lack of sleep at night and could influence immune

function, leading to a cycle of sleepless nights and then feeling worse.

高一英语试题 第 5页(共 8 页)


A. Others are reporting the same thing.

B. It’s a good thing, but it really doesn’t feel like it.

C. Gravity helps out a lot more when you are upright.

D. Most commonly, you wake up with worse symptoms.

E. There are other reasons why you might feel worse at night.

F. This is why sleep is so important after you’ve been to the gym.

G. It also plays a critical role in controlling the heart and the immune system.

第二部分 语言运用(共三节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Finally, the farm where I’d grown up with my parents came into my sight. I picked up my 21

and almost ran. There was a feel of “home”, a 22 I really needed right then.

Suddenly a(n) 23 sweet smell of lilacs (丁香) in bloom made me slow down. I 24 pulled

a bunch to my face and enjoyed the sweetness, as I had always done in my childhood. Warm

memories 25 my mind until I got home. There, Mum and Dad 26 me with a tight hug.

I delightedly 27 , “It’s spring! The lilacs are in bloom!”

“Lilacs in blossom or not, it isn’t spring until winter is gone,” Dad 28 . “We’ll still get a bit of

cold weather.”

But I still 29 that pleasure the lilacs had brought to me. Immediately, I recalled the card

from Mum—one that had 30 me through my dark days. Printed on the card were a flower coming

from the crack of rock and the 31 words, “In the middle of winter, I found in heart an everlasting

32 .”At the bottom of the card, Mum added, “Spring is your favorite time of year. As always, it’s

33 .”

These are words Mum, who always sees the 34 side of our life, lives by. Even during winter,

she finds spring. I love her sense of joy and her willingness to 35 it.

21. A. luggage B. memory C. pace D. phone

22. A. concept B. comfort C. image D. shelter

23. A. unexpected B. strange C. special D. ordinary

24. A. nervously B. casually C. patiently D. eagerly

25. A. enriched B. slipped C. changed D. crossed

26. A. cheered B. greeted C. surrounded D. encouraged

27. A. claimed B. insisted C. pronounced D. anticipated

28. A. responded B. declared C. added D. argued

29. A. let go B. make out C. bring back D. held on to

30. A. accepted B. amused C. inspired D. reminded

31. A. uplifting B. enthusiastic C. challenging D. subjective

32. A. memory B. spring C. home D. smell

33. A. outside B. there C. within D. outdoors

34. A. bright B. typical C. opposite D. distinctive

35. A. predict B. share C. notice D. apply

高一英语试题 第 6页(共 8 页)


第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Lately China’s leading liquor producer, Kweichow Moutai, and domestic coffee chain, Luckin

Coffee, 36 (generate) significant buzz with their new baijiu-flavored latte, which quickly sold

out in Beijing. The latte, 37 (feature) the iconic Moutai label, contains less than 0.5 percent

alcohol by volume and is infused with 53-degree Moutai. This unique 38 (combine) triggered the

curiosity of Chinese social media users, who were eager to taste the Luckin coffee fusion of traditional

Chinese liquor and coffee.

In Beijing, the Moutai-flavored latte experienced soaring demand, 39 several Luckin Coffee

branches selling out before midday. The barista, Zhang, mentioned that the number of orders was

40 high that they had to temporarily suspend the online ordering system at around 1:30 pm.

Customers who tried the latte shared their experiences on social media. The consensus was that

the baijiu aroma was 41 (remarkable) strong. Some individuals even reported 42 (feel)

dizzy due to the alcohol content. Concerns were raised about the latte’s impact 43 driving. In

response, Luckin Coffee advised against ordering the drink for underage individuals, pregnant women,

drivers, and those allergic to alcohol.

In recent years, Moutai has been looking for ways to be more 44 (access) and pull in a new

generation of users, said Zhu Danpeng, 45 food and drink analyst.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


Leave-No-Trace Camping 为题目写一封倡议书,号召大家在休闲娱乐的同时爱护环境。





1.词数 80 左右;


Leave-No-Trace Camping

Dear all,

Li Hua

February 2, 2024

高一英语试题 第 7页(共 8 页)


第二节(满分 25 分)


Julia always enjoyed running through The Dark Walk towards the light at the end of it. It was a

dark, damp tunnel (隧道) made of smooth branches. This year she had the extra joy of showing it to her

small brother, Stephen, and terrifying him as well as herself.

One day they found a hole on one side of the walk. Inside there was water, in which they

perceived a panting trout (喘息的鳟鱼). They were both so excited that they were no longer afraid of

the darkness as they bent down and peered at the fish panting in his tiny prison, his silver stomach

going up and down like an engine; otherwise he was motionless. Julia wondered what he ate and

thought of his hunger. She found him a worm. He ignored the food, and just went on panting. Bending

over him, she thought how he had been in there. All the winter, in the dark tunnel, all day, all night,

floating around alone.

Nobody knew how the fish got there. Her mother suggested that a bird had carried the egg. Her

father thought that in the winter a small stream might have carried it down there as a baby, and it has

been safe until summer came and the water began to dry up. Before they went to bed, Stephen asked his

mummy the whole story of the trout, not really interested in the actual trout, but in the story which his

mum began to make up for him, and Julia, in her bed, presented her back to them and read her book.

But she kept one ear cocked. “And so, in the end, this naughty fish got bigger and bigger, and the water

got smaller and smaller...” Passionately, she turned around and cried, “Mummy, don’t make it a horrible

old moral story.” Her mom even brought in a fairy (仙子), who had made it rain and filled the hole, so

that the trout could float away down to the river below. Staring at the moon she knew there was no such

thing as a fairy and that trout, down in the tunnel, was panting for his life.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

She sat up in the silent night and Stephen was sound asleep.

Julia poured the trout out of the pot into the river.

高一英语试题 第 8页(共 8 页)


济宁一中高三 2月份定时检测

英语试题 答案


第一节:1-3 CDB 4-7 DABB 8-11 AADC 12-15 CBAD

第二节:16-20 DGFBE


第一节:21-25 CBADD 26-30 BCDDC 31-35 ABCAB

第二节:36. have generated 37. featuring 38. combination 39. with 40. so

41. to feel 42. remarkably 43. on 44. accessible 45. a

第三部分 写作

第一节 应用文

Leave-No-Trace Camping

Dear all,

In recent years, camping has become increasingly popular as a recreational activity. However,

it has brought about various environmental and safety issues.

Improper disposal of trash pollutes the environment and harms wildlife. Additionally,

campfires that are not properly extinguished can lead to wildfires and devastate ecosystems.

To address these problems and promote environmental conservation, I propose the following

initiatives. Firstly, let’s make a conscious effort to pack out everything we bring in and properly

dispose of garbage in waste bins. Secondly, to be cautious, ensuring campfires completely

extinguished before leaving the site. In addition, you’re merciful to avoid disturbing animals’

habitats, and stay on appointed trails to minimize any potential damage to fragile vegetation.

Let us join hands in preserving environment while enjoying ourselves outdoors.

Li Hua

Februray 2, 2024


She sat up in the silent night and Stephan was sound asleep. She tiptoed out, quietly lifted a

large pot of water and ran to the opening of the tunnel. Inside was complete darkness! Scared but

determined, she raced in, knelt down by the hole, and put her hand into it. The trout lashed and

they were both mad with fright. Still she managed to shove him into the pot and raced out of the

tunnel and down the steep paths. All the way his tail was lashing against the pot. Finally, she

reached the riverbank. (85 words)

Julia poured the trout out of the pot into the river. For the first seconds the somewhat dizzy

creature was still visible in the water. Then all she saw was the faint light of the moon in the

silent-flowing river. In relief, she trotted back home, dropped down the pot, and flew through the

air like a bird into bed. Soon she fell asleep, satisfied and peaceful. The next morning Stephen

rushed to her, shouting that “he” was gone and asking “where” and “how”. Lifting her nose in the

air, she proudly laughed, “A fairy, I suppose?” (87 words)







