
2024-02-02·14页·8.4 M



1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 150分,考试时间 120分钟。

2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。

3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.


1. What is the man probably?

A. A teacher. B. A repairman. C. A policeman.

2.How does the man feel?

A. Worried. B. Delighted. C. Disappointed.

3. What does the man mean?

A. He didn't like Natalie. B. He went to Natalie's party. C. Natalie has a bad memory.

4. What can we say about the new offce?

A. It is in the downtown. B. It is supported by most staff. C. It is near most employees' homes.

5. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Buy a new phone. B. Charge her phone. C. Make a call.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




6. What does the man want to do?

A. Have an interview. B. Invite the manager. C. Type documents.

7. When will the man probably meet the manager?

A. At 4:00 pm. B. At 4:30 pm. C.At 5:30 pm.


8. Where will the woman go today?

A. Buckingham Palace. B. Tower Bridge. C. The British Museum.



9. Why did the woman feel sorry for the soldiers?

A. They had to wear uniforms.

B. They couldn't be taken photos of.

C. They were forbidden from moving.


10. Which subject project has the man fnished?

A. Chemistry. B. Biology. C. History.

11. What docs the woman think of spreading out papers and projects?

A. It can relieve pressure. B. It makes people anxious. C. It is exciting.

12. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Co-workers. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.

听第9段材料,回答第13 至16题。

13. What happened to the woman?

A. She was robbed. B. She was attacked. C. She lost her phone.

14.Where will the man go?

A. Rome. B.Milan. C.Venice.

15. What is the man's suggestion for the woman in the future?

A. Staying close to her bag.

B. Keeping away from strangers.

C. Letting someone watch her bag.

16. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a train station. B. On a train. C. At a police station.


17. Why did the speaker practice at youth golf camps?

A. To join his school team. B. To please his father. C. To compete for his friends.

18. Where was the golf game thought to be invented?

A. In France. B. In the US. C. In Scotland.

19. How much did the speaker win in the US Open tournament?

A. $15 million. B. $50 million. C. $75 million.

20. What will the speaker probably do in the future?

A. Train other golf lovers. B. Hold competitions in poor cities. C. Provide golf camps for kids.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)



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21. What makes students recommend JMU to those interested in economics?

A. Its various related course schedule. B. Its free public service.

C.Its well-rounded business education. D. Its loose learning policy.

22. To be admitted into JMU, students must

A. achieve a grade point over 2.25 B.take the English language test of JMU

C. complete the International Year D. reach the required English ability

23. What do students applying to JMU need to do frst?

A. Finish an online application form. B. Pay enough deposits in advance.

C. Get in touch with the advisor. D. Write a letter to the university.


Spending roughly a decade preparing for her 2023 book Alive: Like Light and Salt,writer Liao Zhi has

taken a creative journey with her memories of surviving the disastrous Wenchuan earthquake. The then 23-year-old

dance teacher was rescued from a collapsed building, but suffered the loss of her legs and her child.

Selected from Liao's diary entries, the six-chapter book touches upon topics like fnding one's true self” and

“relationships”,revealing how the writer dealt with pain to set career goals and fnd the courage to become a

parent once again.

The writer said her desire for life seemed to have been strengthened by the near-death experience and that

may be why she took only less than a year to get back on track again. Swimming,running marathon and taking

part in charity dance performances were only a part of Liao's daily agenda that helped her see the light again.

Alive: Like Light and Salt is not all about dealing with diffculties. Liao has devoted several chapters to

topics like “becoming a communication expert in close relationships” and sharing her thoughts on love.

Liao met Charles Wang, a prosthesis(假肢)engineer, when she was getting her new artifcial legs. Although she

was hesitant about getting remarried, Wang assured her that she was the one, even telling his parents that “T'II

never again meet such a good girl.”

“Her life- loving nature, her healthy mind-set toward her disability and also her willingness to speak up for

people with the same experiences as herself, such things let me see a different side of life. I've been deeply

touched by her, said Liao's mother-in-law.

Liao set up the Home of Chenxing, a rehabilitation(康复)studio in Chongqing for disabled people in 2019,

and has now helped over 100 people walk again with artifcial limbs(肢).She's also a leader of a charity group

【高三1月质量检测 英语第3页(共8页)】


called Seeing and Change”. “Society needs to be educated to see this particular group of people. We represent a

part of society's value, Liao noted.

24. What do we know about the book Alive: Like Light and Salt?

A. It's mainly intended for carthquake survivors. B. It's inspired by her husband encouragement.

C.It's focused on ways to handle diffculties. D. It's based on the author's life experiences.

25. How did the busy life affect Liao Zhi after the earthquake?

A. It helped her sce the hope of life. B. It pushed her to start a studio.

C. It urged her to write many books. D. It enabled her to walk again.

26. Why are Liao's mother-in-law's words mentioned?

A. To introduce Liao's achievements. B. To confrm Liao's good qualities.

C. To think highly of Liao's marriage. D. To ask people to experience life.

27. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A. Charity should be made international.

B. The disabled create more social values.

C. Liao is devoted to helping the physically disabled.

D. Society owes an apology to the particuar group.


“Have a dream. Don't be afraid to want something. ” That's the advice from Florence Bergeron, associate

director of knowledge mobilization(动员)for the Students Commission of Canada. The group organized the

country's annual “Take Our Kids to Work Day initiative on November 1.

Across Canada, ninth-grade students had the chance to visit the workplace of a parent, relative or friend.

Bergeron said over 450,000 people participated this year.

The initiative began in 1994. “The principle was to bring their own children into the workplace so they could

see what their parents were doing and prepare for taking on that same role, Bergeron explained. The purpose of

the day has changed over the years, as many kids now follow careers different from their parents'.

According to Dorota Peacock,who is the district coordinator for career education in the Surrey School

District in British Columbia, the event is benefcial in various ways. It's valuable for exposing students to what

people do in the adult workforce that they normally wouldn't see, ” Peacock said. They get to ask questions and

decide what's interesting. ”

Peacock added that students also learned what they were loath to do, which was just as valuable. That was

the case for three ninth graders from Ecole Salish Secondary School in Surrey. Mia Kim, Rithi Murugaselvam,

and Eljie Salimbagat said that they enjoyed visiting their parents’ workplaces, but realized that they, themselves,

would likely follow different paths. Rithi, 14,who visited a daycare center where her mother worked, said that

“much patience is required for working with kids. ”

All three students agreed that learning to socialize is essential, no matter what career path you follow. “I

learned that for a lot of jobs, you needed to learn how to communicate with others to be successful, said Mia, 13.

Peacock hoped that the event inspired Canada's ninth graders to have a deeper appreciation for their parents.

“They are smart,productive people, and not just people who come home and help with homework and make

meals, Peacock said. “They're an actual person in the world doing really cool things.”

28. What was the purpose of the initiative?

A. To expose children to the busy life. B. To prepare students for their career options.

C. To improve parent-child relationships. D. To educate children on possible changes.

29. What does the underlined word loath” in paragraph 5 mean?

A. Unwiling. B.Nervous. C.Ready. D. Eager.

【高三1月质量检测 英语 第4页(共8页)】


30. Which of the following is a must in all careers according to the three students?

A. The ability to adapt. B. The adventurous spirit.

C. The sense of success. D. The communication skill.

31. What docs Peacock probably want to say in the last paragraph?

A. Family count above all else. B. Parents' work is much more meaningful.

C. Children should admire their parents. D. Children lack appreciation for housework.


Only around a couple dozen people have been to the deepest part of the ocean foor, a place known as Challenger

Dccp. One of them is marine geographer Dawn Wright, a chief scientist of the Environmental Systems Research

Institute. She's also part of a global race to map the entirety of the world's oceans by 2030.

Challenger Deep is about 11,000 meters below the surface of the Pacifc Ocean. In July 2022, Wright and

pilot and ocean explorer Victor Vescovo sank in a submersible(潜水器).Once the pair sank about 800 meters,

they lost sunlight and saw worms, jellyfsh and anglerfsh that could crcate their own light. Wright and Vescovo

were focused on testing a special mapping device, thus making a map.

Mapping the bottom of the occan is for many things. For instance, installing(安装)underwater cables stretching

between continents, which account for the vast majority of our Internet traffc, requires a map of the seafoor,

and offshore wind farm developers also need to know the composition of the seafoor to fx turbines(涡轮机).

Historically, satellite data has been critical to mapping the ocean, but Wright says these maps are too

unclear to see fne details. What is the solution? It's using sonar mapping, meaning an instrument sends pulses of

sound from the ocean surface down toward the seafoor and waits for it to come back up. Based on the amount of

time it takes for the sound to return and factors like temperature and salt content,scientists can get a specifc


Only about 25% of the world's seafoor is currently mapped in detail, but an initiative called Seabed 2030

aims to get to 100% in just over six years. To complete the picture, ocean mappers are expecting industries to fll

in some of the gaps. The hope is that we can very quickly get to 40% if we can get a lot of these companies to

release their data and to make it public, says Wright.

32. Why did Wright and Vescovogo to Challenger Deep?

A. To study ocean creatures. B. To map the seafoor.

C. To test the submersible. D. To enjoy themselves.

33. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. The benefts of mapping the seafoor.

B. The need to build offshore wind farms.

C. The way the Internet traffc works.

D. The similarities among continents.

34. What does Wright probably suggest companies do in the last paragraph?

A. Collect more information. B. Learn to use sonar mapping.

C. Map 40% of the world's seafoor. D. Share their data with ocean mappers.

35. What could be the best title for the text?

A. Seafoor Mapping Is Now a Hot Topic in Science

B. Scientists Cooperate to Map the Entire Seafoor

C. Mapping the Seafoor Is Challenging But Essential

D. The Entire Seafoor Will Be Mapped Successfully Soon

【高三1月质量检测 英语第5页(共8页)】




Friendship is one of the most important things in life and a universal value. Here are fve ways to be a better friend.

Plans are important in friendship. You should learn to make plans for better friendship. Instead of

just saying something like we should get together some time”, make specifc plans with a time, date and place.

In addition, stick to get-together plans, and let friends know that they arc valued.

Be an cmpathetic(有同理心的)listener. Attentive and cmpathetic listening is validating(认可的)to others.

37_. To develop them, listen to your friends without judgment or interruption, and try to see the world from

their perspective.

Be honest. People value honesty. . If a friend makes a decision that may lcad to negative consequences,

let them know how you fecl about it in a direct way.

Celebrate differences. Not being a yes-man means that fricnds don't have to agree on all interests. Friends

can have different hobbies and different things that they like and dislike. Take some time to explore your friends'

interests, but don't worry if they don't interest you as well. Different intcrests sometimes need celebrations. 39

Remember dates. When it comes to friendship, the details make the difference. Remembering friends'

birthdays or other important events in their lives shows friends that they are valued. 40 Then,when they

near, send a text or call to wish your friends congratulations or good luck.

Being a good friend requires effort and practicc, but it's worth it.

A. Get together with friends

B. Make plans and stick tothem

C. Good listeners are badly needed in the world

D. They are usually attracted to people who are genuine

E. Fortunately, empathetic listening skills can be available

F. Celebrating differences is an important component of friendship

G. Keep these dates in a calendar and even set an alarm as a reminder

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


Salvador Quijada is now an eighth-grade math teacher at Philip's Academy Charter School. When he 41

his own journey into maths, he gives credits to one high school math teacher who pushed him to take on AP

calculus(微积分).Quijada said his teacher's belief that he could succeed allowed him to challenge himself in ways

he might not have otherwise 42

Now,Quijada brings that into his lessons. Last year, seeing many students who did well in maths,

he thought they might need an push in terms of their maths. So he wanted to bring an accelerated version

of the eighth grade curriculum(课程)for them to 45 more easily. He brought up the 46 to Philip's

headmaster, Yasmeen Sampson,who encouraged him to move forward with it! Thanks to the right curriculum

he found, the students were 47 enjoying the class. They were cooperating, 48 and working hard during

the class. They're now making great 49

When asked what he has done as a teacher that he's especially - 50 _ of, “I create a classroom environment

that 51 respect and learning,” he replied. I always want my students to feel comfortable and even

when making mistakes. In my frst year as a teacher, I had a student who always 53 me and made it diffcult

【高三1月质量检测英语 第6页(共8页)】


to teach. I had to really lcarn how to work with him. Once I was able to build a with him,it became

much55 to teach him. Now, seven years later, I still kcep in touch with him.

41.A.comes up with B. looks forward to C.makes up for D. thinks back on

42.A.considered B.refused C.watched D.thrown

43. A.cnergy B.luck C.service D.positivity

44.A.equal B.additional C.obvious D.initial

45.A.succeed B.exist C.agrce D.work

46.A.mcthod B.rcport C.idea D.truth

47.A. unusually B.scemingly C.impatiently D.skillfully

48. A. fghting B.singing C.chcating D.discussing

49.A.pace B.sense C.progress D.room

50.A.aware B.proud C.careful

51.A.invents B.commands C.encouragcs

52.A. safe B.suitable C.awkward

53.A.followed B.challenged C. blamed

54.A.humor B.wonder C. theory D.bond

55.A.funnier B.harder C.easier D.duller



The illustrators(插图画家)of Chinese children's books remain among the most internationally 56(award)

artists thanks to their consistent use of unique and traditional styles of artistic expression, according to Zuzana

Jarosova, general commissioner of the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava(BIB).

Chinese illustrator Chen Xunru,— book Bull King Festival was very popular, received the Golden

Apple award at the 29th edition of the BIB in Slovakia, which started on Oct. 4 and ran until Dec. 3. Chen is the

seventh Chinese illustrator to have received such 58 award.

Jarosova says the jurors are always looking for artists who are authentic and original while

(评定人) 59 (keep)

their deep connection to culture, traditions and the mastery of old techniques.

“Tllustrations in children's books play a key role in their mental development, as a good illustrator can

nice improve the story and build additional foors of the architecture of

( ) 61 (imagie),thus kick-starting the

small readers' fantasy, Jarosova notes.

An international tour exhibition of picture books from China

(hold) as an accompanying event at this

year's BIB from Sept. 28 to Oct. 14. The exhibition was well received and for the frst time, people had the

Opportunity 63 (see) interesting illustrators from China 64- a great extent. I will do everything I can for

more cooperation to continue and improve 65 (far),” Jarosova says.



校英文报正在组织英语作文比赛,请你以“About Online News Media”题写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:


2. 网络新闻媒体的优缺点;


【高三1月质量检测英语 第7页(共8页)】



2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

About Online News Media



Igrew up in New York City. Over the years, my family have explored many notable landmarks, including

the Statue of Liberty and Times Square. However, the onc we never attended was the Christmas Spectacular at

Radio City. My father worked as a baker, so purchasing tickets for six of us was considered a too high expense.

How I wish I could see the show! I was always attracted by the long line of Rockettes that would dance across

our television screen, so I decided I'd sec the iconic show in person one day.

Then 1 found myself at the age of twenty-eight heading to Radio City to buy tickets to the show on

Christmas day. My husband Jay was driving the car. His sister and I were sitting in the back seat. I prayed to

God, just as l always did, that everything would go well.

Our plan was to park the car and head directly to the box offce. After parking our car, we enjoyed the walk

to Radio City. By the time we got there, there were long lines and people everywhere.

I went to wait in one of those long lines. I saw people walking away disappointed in front of me, but I told

myself that it was probably too expensive or the show was at the wrong time to ft in with their plans. Finally, I

reached the cashier.“Good morning, I greeted her cheerfully. “I'd like to buy three tickets for the next show.

“I don't even need to look. The last seven people asked me the same thing. They're sold out, ” she responded.

“OK, so how about tonight's show?” I said.

“Um...girl, they're sold out for this day, this week and this month. 1 might be able to get you in the

middle of January,” she replied.

I was shocked. It was worse than I could have imagined. I stood alone in the building,not knowing what to do. 1

even wanted to try from the scalpers(票贩子).


2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

At that moment, a man approached me, asking me, Are you looking for tickets?”

I looked down at the paper, wondering why he gave me the tickets for free.

【高三1月质量检测英语 第8页(共8页)】










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