
2024-01-28·15页·6.5 M

岳阳市2024 届高三教学质量监测(一)


1-5 CBCBA 6-10 BAABA 11-15 BCCBB 16-20 CABAA

21-23 CBA 24-27 DACB 28-31CABD 32-35 DCDA

36-40 FCEGA 41-45 CABDC 46-50 ADCBD 51-55 BADCA

A 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了三种不同的毕业庆祝形式。

21. 细节理解题。选 C, 根据第二段 “That day, we wore something a bit different from our usual suits and

uniform…” 可知 A. Hanfu (汉服)、B. Costume(戏服)D. Unusual clothes 都属于可能穿着的衣服, 只有 C.

Uniform 是最不可能(least possible)穿的衣服。

22. 细节理解题。选 B, 根据第三段 “One or two days later, the graduating students went to the after-party

event , involving fresh air, camping and having cozy chats in front of a fire. There is a tendency not to spend

money on after-parties. Instead, many choose to give it to charities. ” 可知, B 正确。

23. 细节理解题。选 A, 根据第二段 “Two weeks later, we attended our school prom…” , 第三段 “One or two

days later, the graduating students went to the after-party event…” 及第四段 “There was usually an after-party

at some-one's house. ” 可知。

B 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了大学生 Wiebe 学习艺术的故事。

24. 细节理解题。选 D, 从第二段的 “…shows their love for art and also benefits the environment. ” 可知。

25. 细节理解题。选 A, 从第三段 “Inspired by a group of old ladies in Canada who plant sustainable art

materials and post their videos on social platform YouTube, Wiebe learned about how to plant, harvest and

separate fibers. 受到加拿大一群种植可持续艺术材料并将视频发布在社交平台 YouTube 上的老太太们的启

发, Wiebez 最终学习了如何种植、收获和分离纤维。C 选项 “学习传统种植植物的方式” 与文中的 She

planted different fruits and vegetables traditionally used to dye (给……染色) fabrics. “她种植了传统上用于染

色织物的不同水果和蔬菜。” 不符。

26. 推理判断题。选 C, 根据段落中的 “plan to” , “a bigger version of what we're already doing” 等可以判断

出是 “展示 Wiebe 对未来的展望” 。

27. 推理判断题。选 B, 文章多处都表现出 Wiebe 的 creativity, 比如 “She has applied those techniques to her

recent works, displayed as part of the annual Senior Exhibition at her school. ” 等。

C 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇新闻。文章介绍了苏州的家具展——东方智慧:榫卯结构。

28. 推理判断题。选 C, 从第一段的 “The secret of its graceful form is less visible and lies in its complicated

sunmao system, ” 以及第二段的 “Examples of the Suzhou-style furniture are currently on display as part of

Oriental Wisdom in Sun Mao, a group exhibition at the Prince Kung's Palace Museum in Beijing. ” 以及第三段

的 “…to give museumgoers a clear view of the inner structure of classical furniture. ” 可知展览会上能了解榫


29. 词义猜测题。选 A。根据下划线词所处句子的句意 “展出的还有不同种类的模型, 以及两把椅子的部

件, 这些椅子经过拆卸和布置, 使博物馆游客能够清晰地看到古典家具的内部结构。” 可知此处应该是

taken apart(拆开), 其余选选项:broken up(使……破碎)、torn down(拆除)、given away(赠送)语义都不合适。

30. 推理判断题。选 B。从第四段的第一句 “flowered during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and once

dominated the market in Jiangnan” 以及下文的 “integrated” 和 “presents” 等动词, 可以看出本段主要是告


31. 推理判断题。选 D。从第五段对于广州和北京家具风格的描述, 以及第六段Ultimately, people live with

their furniture, so the principle of quality furniture is that it should be appropriate to the space. 可以得出, 作者

提及这两个城市的目的是为了更好的说明 “人们生活在家具中, 所以优质家具的原则是与空间相适应。”

的观点, 是为了更好的 “阐述家具设计的理念” 。

D 篇【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。向我们介绍了人类感知咸味的秘密。






