
2024-01-24·18页·1.1 M


英 语

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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 分)


做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。 录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案


第一节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

听下面5 段对话 每段1.对5 话后有一7个. 5小题 从题中所给的 三个选项中选出最佳

选项 听完每5 段对话。后 你都有 秒钟的时间来, 回答有关小题A和、B阅、读C 下一小题 每段对话

仅读。一遍 , 10 。

1. Wh at is the chair made of?

A. W ood. B . M eta l. C. Plastic.

2. Wh at does the man think of the fo od in the restaurant?

A. Bor ing. B. Special. C. Great.

3. Wh ere d oes the man come from?

A. N ew Yo rk. B. Washington. C. Los Angeles.

4. Wh at is the next TV program?

A. The new s. B. A quiz show. C. A documentary about animals.

5. Wh ere a re the speakers?

A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. At a coffee shop.

第二节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

听下面15 段对话或独白1. 5每段对话或22独. 5白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 三个选

项中选出最佳5 选项 听每段。对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各, 个小题 每小题A、B秒、C钟 听完

后 各小题将给出 。秒钟的作答时间 每段,对话或独白读两遍 , 5 ;

听第, 段材料 回答5 题 。 。

6 , 6、7 。

6. Wh at are the speakers doing?

A. C ookin g. B. Working. C. Eating.

7. Wh at was put on the mans finger?

听第A. C段re材am料. 回答 至 题 B. Bandage. C. Ice.

7 , 8 10 。

8. Wh o does the book belong to?

A. David. B. Mary. C. Nancy.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 1 8


9. Wh at can b e kn own about the book?

A. It sell s ve ry wel l.

B. It ca n be fou nd in a f ew bookstores.

C . The boo k is aimed at students.

10. Wh at wil l th e wo man do n ext?

A. Look for th e book in a bookstore.

B. Give Mary a ca ll.

听第C. 段Br材ing料th回e b答oo第k righ至t now.题

8 , 11 14 。

11. Wh at do es th e w oma n say about t he s ki pl ace?

A. Th e s now is not good. B . It s very crowded. C. Shes been to the place twice.

12. Wh at d id th e stupid s kie r do to th e w oman ?

A. H e to ok a pictur e of her. B. He stol e her new gloves. C. He drove her into a tree.

13. How ca n t he woman recognize the stu pid skier?

A. B y h is c lothi ng . B. By his crazy laugh. C. By his hair and eyes.

14. Wh at is the end of the stor y?

A. The spea kers fin d the y bo th like jazz.

B. The man seem s to b e th e stupi d s kier.

听第C. 段Th材e 料man回w答ill第teach至the wo题man to ski.

9 , 15 17 。

15. Wh ere a re the two speakers?

A. In a c ar. B. In a train. C. In a bus.

16. Wh at are th e s pe aker s talking abo ut ?

A. A travel to a n ew city. B. A light rail train. C. A traffic accident.

17. Wh o op erates the train?

听第A. T段he材m料an.回答第 至 题B. The train itself. C. Operators.

10 , 18 20 。

18. How o ld is t he speaker now?

A. 12 ye ars ol d. B. 15 yea rs ol d. C. 17 years old.

19. Wh at di d Li sa say when she was invited to a movie?

A. She had to study .

B. She had wa tche d the m ovie.

C. Sh e h ad to see anoth er f riend.

20. Wh at do we kno w a bout t he woman and Lisa now?

A. They hardly see ea ch ot her.

B. They rema in to b e good friends.

C. They have fe wer friends.

第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分 分)


第一节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

阅读下1列5 短文 从每题所2.给5 的 37. 5四个选项中选出最佳选项

, A、B、C、D A 。

W elcome to A meri can U nited Trave l Comp any . Well help you spend a p erfect ho lida y. For

over 6 years , w e ha ve be en organ izing valu e for mo ney su mmer ho lida ys , whethe r its a la te

holiday deal or your m a in su mm er ho lid ay. W heth er yo ur e lo oking for a rom antic get awa y, a

luxu ry 5-s tar h oliday , or y ou just wan t to relax a nd s oak up th e s un, w eve got acc ess to th e very

best f light and hotel deals t hrou ghou t the worl d. W e a re proud t o offer you various services unlike

other tour companies where we offer one-stop shop for complete tourism.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 2 8


Our Services Include

Tours. Meet & Assi st Servic es. Airpo rt Tr ansfer. MIC E (Meet ing , Incen tiv e, Conferences,

Exhibitions )private Jets. Ground handling (24 hours) VIP services on arrival & departure.

AdveMntueraenTs ooufr.Transportation Reservations

W e oper ate for al l means of transportation available in the country, starting with buses for

groupGs utoidcaanrcreental to individuals.

We have the mo st qu alified guides who s pe ak F ren ch, English, G erm an, It alian, and

SpaniFsha.ncWy eDbinanekrosn their communication skills as well as their knowledge in various fields.

We prep are outdo or din ners in parti cular pla ces such a s c astle s, beac hes, old and traditional

houseLs,ugegtca.geUCsuoanllcyie,rtgheese dinners are arranged according to the clients choices.

Don t w orry ab out l ugga ge s ize and we igh t wh en trav elling. Give your ba gs to Luggage

Concierge in adv anc e and they w ill be waiting for you at your destin at ion wh en y ou arrive .

Call one of our experienced travel consultants on 18884700610 to secure one of these fantastic

deal s.

21. Wh at is specia l about U nited Tra vel company?

A. It provid es one-s top complete tourism. B. It s upplies the b est fligh t and hotels.

C. It offe rs tra nsf er se rvice . D. Its guides speak various languages.

22. Wh at can y ou do w ith your lug gage before travelli ng?

A. Send it to your des tination directly. B. Carry it by yourself .

C. Kee p it as light as pos sible. D. Hand it to Luggage Concierge.

23. Wh ats the purp ose of the text?

A. To diversify the economy. B. To attract to urists.

C. To conserve the environment. B D. To entertain readers.

Ev er won der what h appens to spacecraft after t hey get l aunc hed to s pac e? Well, t hat is where

my job as an instrument operation e ngineer com es i n. My jo b c onsists o f planni ng, generatin g,

and ope ratin g scien tific ins trum ents in -flight. I am grateful for having worked on missions at

Saturn, the M oon , and our own p la net E arth.

Whe n I was a h igh-sch ooler, I w as unsure of wh at college I wante d to attend, or what ma jor

I wanted to choose. A fter rece ivin g an e ma il from a c ollege ca lled M assac husetts I nstitut e of

Technology (M IT ), I decid ed to apply to a s umm er program they were offe ring with the

encourage men t of m y m om. After participat ing i n that prog ram, I knew that MIT w a s the ri ght

university fo r m e. T he pass ion ate st uden ts and bo und less opportunities developed a feeling of

belonging in m e that le d m e to apply and e ventua lly get accep te d.

The m ost exciting and fu lfilling part o f b eing an en gineer is t hat I am able to work on projec ts

that bene fit huma nity. When peo ple think of th e sp ace i ndustr y, they pictur e the ou ter re ache s of

our solar syste m . W hat they ma y not im agine is th e grea t bo dy of work being don e to study our own

home—E arth. I am t hank ful to have a car eer that all ows me t o c omm it myse lf to that re sponsibility.

T he highligh t of my ca reer has been w itness in g the en d of the Cass in i mis sion to S atur n. A nd

whe n the Cas sini spa cecr aft ha d run out o f fuel, I quickly l earne d that it wa s not ju st t he end of

the m iss ion, but th e end of a team . Th e night we w atc hed with bitter sweet longi ng as it s sig nal

faded to noth ing is somethin g that I will alw ays k ee p in my memor ies . A nd whil e Cas sin i will be

remembered for its historic contributions, what I will remember it for is the team it brought


年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 3 8


My f riend s often ask why a gi rl cou ld achi ev e all thes e. I alway s grew up a b ig fan of fic tion.

I rea lized that a co mmo n the me of he ro s tories i s th at th e her o mu st always mak e a choice to start

their adventu re. If you don t pi ck up t he swor d in your own story because you are afraid of what

may hap pen nex t, you risk no t h aving a story at all.

24. Wh y did th e au thor app ly to MIT?

A. She set this go al as a high-sc hooler. B. A su mmer p rogram ma de he r l ove MIT.

C. Th e ma jors in MIT inter est ed h er. D. Her mother urged her to go to MIT.

25. Wh at do es the au th or thi nk of her o ccupation?

A. She is proud to wo rk for human well-being. B. Its hard for a girl to hav e su ch a career.

C. Sh e is anno yed by being m isund ers tood . D. Its easy to predict what she does.

26. Wh at does the a uthor tre as ure most in the Cassini miss ion?

A. Bre athtakin g images of the planet. B. The oppor tu nity to o perate the cameras.

C. Its his tori c contrib ution s. D. The team it brought together.

27. Wh at can w e includ e from the story?

A. Pra ctice m akes perfec t. B. Well begu n is ha lf d one.

C. No way is impossible to courage. D. Time lost cannot be won again.



L isten ing to an audio bo ok before bed affects a persons brain activity after they nod

off as well as the content of th eir dre ams.

Bet ter underst anding this effect co uld help tr eat certai n mental health condition s by targeti ng

, (自发地) “ ”,

memory pr ocessing dur ing sleep. When we slee p o ur brain sp ontaneous ly replays or

reactivates pat terns of el ectrical activity that are relate d to learn ing t o transf er im portant new

information t o lo ng-term mem o ry storage. It has been suggested that dreams may reflect this


reactiva tion but exa ctly ho w is unc lea r.

, , ,

T o i nvestiga te Den iz Kumral a t the Unive rsity of Fr eibur g G erm any and h er colleag ues


asked 2 0 p eop le to listen to d ifferent audiobo oks j ust before th ey went t o sleep. These included

Mystery of the Blue Train Inkheart

by Agat ha Christie a nd by Co rnelia Funke .


Amon g the par ticipan ts wh o rem embered the ir dre ams the resear cher s could iden tify wh ich


audiobook e ach had h ear d from their descript ions of the d reams. Wh ile the p art icipant s slep t the

( 脑电图)

researchers also use d an EE G c ap that det ects e lectr ical activity to re cor d their brain


waves. This showe d tha t the wave pa tterns du ring the r apid eye m ove ment phase of sl eep when


drea ms o ccurre d were more s imilar betw een thos e who had heard the same a udio book than those


who had hea rd differe nt one s sugge sting that the listening experi ence shaped the brain ac tivity .

Further analy sis of th e patterns revea led that high-freq uency be ta w aves between 18 and 30

he rtz were most stro ngly asso ciated w ith t he par ticip ants recalling the audiob ook-rel ated con tent

of their dreams. The findings su gge st t hat daily life exp erience s can sha pe d ream c on tent via


memory re activatio n accordin g to th e re sea rc hers. But w hil e dream ing may serve a distinct


purpose in mem ory formatio n it coul d also be a by-product of mem ory process ing.

“ ,

D ay time expe riences are rare ly replay ed as experien ced but ar e almost alway s modified or

,” “

surface in differe nt con texts s ays K umral. Individua ls wi th certain psychol ogical cond itio ns or

mental pr ob lems migh t benefi t from tailored str ategies that enh ance mem ory proc essin g or treat


disorders of dreaming during sleep potentially contributing to improved mental and emotional


28. Wh at did th e res earcher s ask t he participants to do ?

A. Record th eir dreams ever y night . B. Listen to audio book s durin g th e day.

C. Listen to audiobooks just before sleep. D. Wear an EEG cap during the day.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 4 8


29. Wh y d id Den iz K umral a nd her colleagues do the research?

A. To know ho w p eople pro ce ss inform ation.

B. To find ou t th e cont ent s of people s dream s.

C. To reveal the secre t of imp roving peoples me mory.

D. To inve stig ate how dre ams r eplay pattern s of el ectri cal activity .

30. Wh at does the underlined word “modified” in the last paragraph probabl y mean?

A. ch an ged . B . s tored C. strengthened. D. forgotten.

31. Wh at is the b est title of t he text?

A. Listening ex periences in fluenci ng b rain acti vity.

B. Liste ning to aud iob ooks be for e bed sh aping ones dream.

C. The import anc e of d reams in me mor y formation.

D. Integration of daily experiences into dreaDms.


S ome people w orry tha t the res to o m uch tech nology i n o ur liv es. And they ma y hav e a point

given ho w countless peop le n ow carry the internet ar ound i n their pock et and use it as a prim ary

form of communicati(o微n. 芯It片s )practically diffic,ult to shu,n technology in, our world. Th!ere are

computer m?icrochips in our watches our cars light switches even our pets Where

will it end, ,

Well(植if入c)ertain people have their way it ll go even further. Well have microchips

implanted into our brains that can int,eract with the compu,ters by thought alone. It may

sound like something from the science fiction but in many ways things ,look quite promising.

Thanks to the a bility to se nd an d re ceive information remotely via computers microchips and other

related devices ha,ve long been put into brains.

For example electrodes have been implanted in the brains of e,pilepsy patients to bette,r

record and even predict the abnormal neurological activity. Sim,ilarly deep-brain stimulation

through implanted devices that,cause activity in key brain regions is an established treatment for

things like Pa,rkinsons disease and is even being looked into for illnesses like depression.

How,ever its another thing to place such devices in healthy individuals. There are the practical

concerns not least of which is what these chips will be made of. The inside of the(b静ra止in 的is )a mass of

highly reactive chemicals and electrical activity. Imp,lants would need to be inert enough

to not upset the delicate processes by their presence but also sensitive enough to ,read and process

the activity around them. Current t,echnology has made impressive progress with this but if it were to

be rolled out to millions of people wed need to be 100 per cent certain that its safe. ?

How many people will actually want to have technology lite,rally put into their brain A

surprising 60 per cen,t of Americans say theyd be okay with it but thats when its purely

theoretical. ,In reality the possibility of having strangers stick chips in your brain is likely to prove

(un疫at苗tra)ct,ive especially for a population where millions get mad at fictional microchips in vaccines

and e,ven more are frightened of dentists. ( 接 口)

Ultimately the technology of computer-brain interface implants is still far away

from us.

32. Wh at s the func tio n of the first paragraph?

A. A s ummary o f t he a rticle. B. An introducti on to the main topic.

C. A n ove rvie w of the who le artic le. D. An arg ument ove r the main topic.

33. Wh at do es the a uth or want to tell us by the examples in paragraph 3?

A. The process of human- com puter inte raction.

B. The possib le treatment fo r pa rticular diseases.

C. The future o f microchips an d devices alike.

D. The existing application of microchip implants.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

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34. How may mos t Ame ricans react to implanting chip s in t he b rain in reality?

A. They may reject it. B. They may expe ct it.

C. The y ma y ad just t o it. D . They may fee l curious about it.

35. Wh ich word can best desc ribe the technology of c omputer-brain interface implants ?

第二A节. (I共magin小ar题y. ;每小题B. P分rac,t满ica分l. 分)C. Unfulfilled. D. Impossible.

阅读下5面短文 从短文2后. 5的选项中选12出. 5可以填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该

项涂黑 选项中有,两项为多余选项 ,

。 。

Road systems are necessary for public transport. Street network is indeed convenient fo,r

humans. But roads and highways have done mor(e碰h撞arm) than good to animals. Every w,eek

millions of wild an ima ls die from vehi cle col lisi ons . De spite the n umero us ro ad signs the

increasing n,umber of animal roadkills keeps on increasing each year. Ever since road systems were

constructed animals have been exposed to dange,r from moving from one place to another. 36

Wildlife cro,ssings are in the form of bridges overpasses and underpass tunnels. 37 With

thes e safe routes wi ld animal s won t have to a cc ess th e b usy road s and highways anymore. They

can safely cross over or under these structures to move on to their path. ,

Th e first wildli fe crossi ng ever made wa s i n the for m of bridges f or an imals. In the 1 950 s

France constructed several animal b,ridges to protect both animals and humans from vehicle

(co生lli态sio通ns道. )38 Apa,rt from,France the Netherlands also featu,res 600 overpasses and ecoducts

for d eer bo ars and ba dger s. As a mat ter of fact the Neth erlands takes prid e in

having the longe,st wildlife overpass in the world. The Natuurbrug Zanderij Crailoo stretches 800

meters in len gth o verpas sin g the massive N52 5 roadway an d n ear by rail l ines.

39 There could be a few unintended conseque(n入ces侵o的f th)e wildlife,crossings based on their

(de捕sig食n.) The bridges can increase the spread of invasive species f(or捕e获xam物p)le. Predation

rates could increase as the predators can easily hunt down the prey through the

bridges. ,

Ho,wever the importance of ecological crossings cannot be denied. Regardless of the negative

imp acts they play a v ital role in the pre se rvation and restoration of habitat and species. 40

A. Dise ases ma y also u se th e cro ssings to spread .

B. The wil dlife b ridges can hav e n egativ e r esults as well.

C. Europ e surely le ads the w ay in terms of w ildlife br idg es.

D. These crossings are used by a n increasing nu mber of mammals.

E. These structure s provi de safe p as sageway s f or pa ssing anim als .

F. Mor e ec oducts s hould b e built to p rovide a safe space for the sp ecies .

G. For this reason, wildlife bridges are built to allow wild animals to cross man-made roads safely.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 分)


第一节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

阅读下1面5 短文 从每题所1 给的 15 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

, A、B、C、D (。驱

赶),Chris Smith looked like any other young boy in his class except for the constant evictions

and eventually being hom(e鲁les莽s. 的)

Chris father was reckless with finances and, 41 in business. His mother,tried

her be st to run th e hom e until Chris little brother drowned then his father went to prison and

finall“y the family 42 . ,”

My mom shut down 43 . Everything got worse Chris remembers. T,hen she was gone

and ran away from home wi“thout telling Chris. He did the, 44 he could sleeping on his

newly married sisters,sofa. They didnt have much money and I know it was a ”45 to take

me in at 17 years old I was going to 46 from school and make it on my own.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 6 8



But Chris“history teacher had different ideas. ,W” hen Chris ,4“7 began to go dow,n she

48 him. You”re the smartest kid in the class she told him If you dont graduate youre

going“to 49 it. ”

School was my safe place. Chr,is says. School also 50 him heat and food. It became

the closes t thing to home he could find 51 to his fathers old truck that became his bed and

his study space. ,

When 52 came Chris earned a full scholarship to(c住oll院eg医e a生nd)g,raduated in the top 10 of

his cla ss. When i ts t ime to appl y for me dica l resid enc ies Chri s s et his 53

high. :He applied for residencies around the 54 and included the No. 1 program in the

nation“ Johns Hopkins. And then the letter came. Chris was in.

I didnt really think I had a chance. B,ut I had learned to 55 everything my best shot”.

Life i s never fair. But if you dont give up you will give yourself a better chance to make it.

Chri s sa ys.

41. A. dishon est B. res pectable C. wor thy D. hon est

42. A. pulled apart B. set apart C. fell apart D. fell behind

43. A. cautiously B. emotionally C. physically D. happily

44. A. least B. most C. worst D. best

45. A. pro fit B. burd en C. wealt h D. treas ure

46. A. cut out B. pick out C. drop out D. drop off

47. A. spirit B. health C. emotion D. study

48. A. blamed B. cornered C. stopped D. praised

49. A. regret B. appreciate C. protest D. complain

50. A. provided B. offered C. awarded D. helped

51. A. committed B. related C. compared D. devoted

52. A. competition B. celeb ration C. compl etion D. gradua tion

53. A. scenes B. spots C. views D. sights

54. A. country B. city C. world D. college

5第5.二A节. (g共ive 小题;每小题B. tar分get,满分 分) C. achieve D. obtain

阅读下1面0 短文 在空白处1.填5 入 个适1当5 的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

, Heatable Br1ick Beds Warm NE China Homes 。

In n orthea st C hina s chil ly wi nter, gettin g in to a warm be d is m ade possible b y an a ncient

heata ble bric k bed that coul d dat e bac k more t ha n two thousand y ear s 56. is still widely

us ed today. These beds not only bring warmth to local residents, but also continue the folk culture

of northe ast C hi na.

Th e bed is made of bri cks or o ther forms o f fired clay w ith 5 7. w idth of ab ou t1. 7 m

to 2. 3 m and a length that ca n be d etermin ed according to the length of the bedro om . It uses a

duct ed h ea ting system sim ilar t o the Roman h ypocau st, 58. ( comp ose) of a stove, a

bed and a chimney. The stove 59 . (use) to burn fir ewoo d. Smo ke and hea t ge nerated

by bur nin g firewood pass throu gh an in ternal ho llow and curv ed fl ue s ystem t o hea t the bed above.

Smoke i s event ually discharged outward t hrough the ch imney. T he bed retain s h eat well, 60.

enables p eople 61. ( h ave ) a comforta ble sl eepin g e nv ironment in the col d win ter. In

additi on, 62. (sleep) on th e heatable bri ck b ed for a p rolon ged pe riod i s good fo r the

blo od 63. (cir cula te) an d metabolism of the body, and can relieve some diseases such

as arthrit is and wa ist an d leg p ain .

The he atable bric k be d is n ot onl y use d as a bed, bu t also a living are a for the fa mily. People

64. ( routine) h ave the ir m eals and fa mily 65. ( gath ering) on the bed in col d winters.

The bed is a symbol of home that embodies the emotion and love they feel towards their families.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

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第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 分)


第一节(满分 分)

假定你是1李5 华 得知当地民俗博物馆正在招聘英文志愿者 你很感兴趣 请写一封申

请信 , , 。

内。 容包括

写信目的: 个人优势 表达期待

1注. 意: ; 2. ; 3. 。

写作词数应为 左右 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答

1. 80 ; 2. 。

Dear sir or Madam,

Yo urs sincerely,

第二节(满分 分) Li Hua

阅读下面2材5 料 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段 使之构成一篇完整的短文

, , 。

I was a n extre me ly shy g irl in primary s choo l and co uldnt m ak e frien ds ea sily . My teach er,

Mr. D oocy, call ed m y m other an d ex plained that I hadn t sp oken a sin gl e wor d in clas s. And w e

were mo re th an h alf w ay thr ough the sc hoo l ye ar. Even a s a l ittle girl, I knew this was unusual. I

watched th e fre e a nd happ y i nteraction of my classm ates w ith en vy.

Mom tried to excu se m y b ehavior as so m eth ing that I woul d o utgrow . Bu t Mr. Do ocy was s till

quite concerne d about me. He asked Mom if I had so m ething a t h om e that I like d. H e sai d he

would arr ange a s how- and-te ll ac tiv ity for t he cl ass i f I bro ught it to s chool. M y mo m tol d him

about my c at who had given birth to several baby cats about three weeks earlier. I was crazy about

those baby cats.

Then Mr. D oo cy sugge sted I brin g the b aby c ats to school the ne xt day a nd intr oduce the m to

my cla ssm ates. It s eemed that Mom didnt th ink th is sho w-and -te ll act ivity would he lp me and

hop ed to disc oura ge Mr. D oocy. She expl ained t hat I w ould have to br ing th e mother cat a long with

the six baby cats b eca use they w ere too yo ung to be sepa rated fro m th eir mother. She probably

though t this wo uld put an end to the plan . But M r. Do ocy sai d tha t was fin e.

I norm ally w alked to sc ho ol, bu t my m other drove me the n ext m orning along wi th a big br own

cardbo ar d box . I s truggle d to walk tow ar d th e classroom with t he h eav y lo ad . In no time, the

group o f bab y c ats caug ht the atte ntio n of m y cla ssmates . Their eye s lit u p in won der whe n they

caug ht sigh t of m y ti ny treasures. M y he art bea t qu ickly a ga inst my chest as pride swelled within

me. I had neve r felt so im por tan t i n m y e ntire nine yea rs o f life!

Mr. Do ocy instructed me to si t on t he step s o utsid e the classr oom so ever yone could g et a go od

look insid e the co ntainer. “C an I h old on e?” a li ttle girl aske d alou d wit h excitement. Then all

the ot注he意r c:hildren chimed in like a choir, begging to hold one of the baby cats.

续写词数应为 左右; 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

1 . 15 0 2.

I nodded and said, “Yes. ”

With everyone sitting in the classroom, Mr. Doocy invited me to say something about my cats.

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题卷(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 8 8


2024 年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题参考答案、评分标准和录音材料

英 语

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 分)


1-5 CABCA 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCCAB

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 分)


A :21-23 ADB

【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。 主题语境是人与社会。 文章主要介绍了美国旅行公司提供


细节理解题 根据第一段内容

21. A 。 “w e are pro ud to offe r you var ious services unlike other

可知 与其他旅行公司

tour co mpanies where we offer one-stop shop for complete tourism. ” ,

不同 美国旅行公司提供一站式完整的旅游服务 故选

, 。 A。

细 节 理 解 题 根 据 文 章 中 的 内 容

22. D 。 Lu gga ge Con cier ge “ Give y our b ags to Luggage

Con cierge in adv ance and they will be waiting for you at y our destination when you arrive. ”

知 在旅游前 你可以把行李提前给行李部 故选

, , 。 D。

推理判断题 文章主要介绍了美国旅行公司提供的旅游一站式服务内容 故这篇文

23. B 。 。

章的目的是在为美国旅游公司做广告宣传 旅游广告的目的是吸引游客 故选

, 。 B。

B :24-27 BADC

【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。 主题语境是人与自我。 文章主要讲述了作者是一名工程师,

工作包括规划、制作和操作飞行中的科学仪器。 作者认为自己从事有益于人类的项目,感到


细节理解题 根据第二段

24. B 。 “ After rec eiv ing a n e m ail from a colleg e cal led M assachu setts

Inst itute of Technol og y (M IT), I deci ded to apply to a sum mer progr am they were offer ing w ith

the e ncouragem ent of my mom. After participating in that program, I knew that MIT was the

在收到一封来自麻省理工学院的电子邮件后 在我妈妈的鼓励

right university for me. ( ,

下 我决定申请他们提供的暑期项目 在参加了这个项目之后 我知道 是适合我的

, 。 , MIT

大学 可知 作者申请麻省理工学院是因为一个暑期项目使她爱上了麻省理工学院 故

)” , 。


推理判断题 根据第三段

25. A 。 “ T he most ex citing and fulfilling part of being an engineer is

作为一名工程师 最令人兴奋和满

that I am able to work on projects that benefit humanity. ( ,

足的部分是我能够从事有益于人类的项目 以及

)” “Wh at the y may no t i magin e is the g reat

body o f wo rk being d one to st udy our own home-Earth. I am thankful to have a career that

他们可能无法想象的是 研究我们自己的

allows me to commit myself to that responsibility. ( ,

家园地球的大量工作正在进行 我很感激有这样一份工作 能让我承担起这样的责任

。 , )”

可知 作者因自己为人类福祉而工作而自豪 故选

, 。 A。

细节理解题 根据倒数第二段

26. D 。 “ A nd wh ile Ca ss ini will be remembered for its historic


contributions, what I will remember it for is the team it brought together. (

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题参考答案、评分标准和录音材料(英语) 第 页(共 页)

2024 1 10


其历史性贡献而被铭记 但我将铭记的是它所凝聚的团队 可知 在卡西尼号任务中 作

, )” , ,

者最看重的是它所凝聚的团队 故选

。 D。

推理判断题 根据最后一段

27. C 。 “ I re alized that a com m on th eme of he ro stor ies is t ha t the

hero must always m ake a c hoice to s tart t heir a dventur e. If y ou d ont pick up the s word in your

own story because you are afraid of what may happen next, you risk not having a story at all.

我意识到英雄故事的一个共同主题是 英雄必须总是做出选择 开始他们的冒险 如果

( , , 。

你在自己的故事中因为害怕接下来可能发生的事情而不拿起剑 你就有可能根本没有故


事 可知 我们能从这个故事中学到 勇者无惧 的道理 故选

)” , “ ” 。 C。

C :28-31. CDAB

【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。 主题语境是人与社会。 文章主要讲:睡前听有声书会影响


细节理解题 根据第三段

28. C 。 To inv estigate , Deniz Ku mral at the Univers ity o f Freib urg,

Germ an y, and her colleagues asked 20 people to listen to different audiobooks just before they

可知答案 故选

went to sleep. 。 C。

推理判断题 根据第二段 (自发地)

29. D 。 Whe n we sle ep, our brain sp ont aneously “ replays”,

or re activates, p att erns of ele ctrical a ctivity th at are relate d to learni ng t o transfe r im portant

new information t o lo ng-term mem or y storage . It has been suggested tha t drea ms may ref lect


this reactiv at ion, but ex actly how is un clea r. To i nve stigate, De niz Ku mr al at the

University o f Fr eiburg, Ger many , and he r colleagues asked 20 people to listen to different

可知研究的目的是 研究梦是如何重现脑电波活

audiobooks just be fore they went to sleep. :

动模式的 故选

。 D。

词义猜测题 根据上文 的提示

30. A 。 Daytime experiences are rarely replayed as experienced

可知 这句话的意思是 白天的经历很少在梦境中被回放 但几乎总是在不同的环境中

, : ,

被修改或浮出水面 故此处 的含义是 修改 故选

。 “modified ” : 。 A。

主旨大意题 根据文章主要内容可知答案选

31. B 。 B。

D :32-35. BDAC

【语篇导读】这是一篇议论文。 主题语境是人与社会。 文章探讨了将微芯片植入人类大脑的


推理判断题 第一段 微芯片

32. B 。 “ T here are computer microchips( ) in our watches, our

我们的手表 汽车 电灯开关 甚至我们的宠物里都有

cars, light switches, even our pets! ( , , ,

电脑芯片 说明电脑芯片在人们日常生活中已经是普遍存在 事实引发思考

!)” 。 :“Where

从而引出本文的话题 将微芯片植入人类大脑的可能性 故选 项

will it end?” : 。 B 。

推理判断题 根据第二段中

33. D 。 “ T hank s to the ability to se nd an d rec eive info rmation

remotely via computers microchips and other related devices have long been put into brains.

由于能够通过计算机远程发送和接收信息 微芯片和其他相关设备早已被植入大

( ,

脑 和第 三 段

。)” “ For exam ple, electrod es have been implanted in the b rains of ep ilepsy

patien ts to better r ecord an d even pre dict the abno rmal n eurologic al activ ity. S imilarly, de ep-

brain stimu lation, thr oug h impla nted devices tha t cause a ctivit y in key brain region s, is an

establish ed tr eatment for things like Parkinsons disease, and is even being looked into for

例如 电极已经植入癫痫患者的大脑 以便更好地记录甚至预

illnesses like depression. ( , ,

年邵阳市高三第一次联考试题参考答案、评分标准和录音材料(英语) 第 页(共 页)

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