
2024-01-08·20页·1.9 M



英 语



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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)





例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What does the woman want to do?

A. Work overtime. B. Have a walk. C. Take a ride.

2. Why does the man call the woman?

A. To make an appointment. B. To attain some information. C. To put off his weekend trip.

3. How many dresses has the woman bought?

A. One. B. Two. C. Four.

4. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Waiter and customer. B. Friends. C. Coworkers.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Their physics classes. B. Their textbooks. C. Their teachers.






6. What is the man doing?

A. Running. B. Going shopping. C. Buying medicine.

7. Why did the man put off the trip?

A. His wife was ill. B. They wanted to ski. C. The weather was bad.


8. What does the man want to do?

A. Quit his job. B. Give Tina a raise. C. Buy a car.

9. What is Rex?

A. A dog. B. A hotel. C. A car.

10. What does the man promise the woman to do?

A. Lend her money. B. Go to Whistler. C. Call her sometime.


11. Where was Matt when he received Jane’s call?

A. In the living room. B. In the bedroom. C. In the kitchen.

12. What does Matt find on the table?

A. A newspaper. B. Jane’s purse. C. Some plates.

13. How does Jane sound in the end?

A. Angry. B. Relaxed. C. Surprised.


14. How does Betty find her classmates?

A. Hard-working. B. Caring. C. Humorous.

15. Which does Betty like best?

A. Mapo Tofu. B. Kung Pao Chicken. C. Fried eggs with tomatoes.

16. Which restaurant do Betty’s roommates often go on Saturday?

A. The Chinese restaurant. B. The Indian restaurant. C. The Italian restaurant.

17. What day is it today?

A. Monday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.


18. Where are the listeners most likely to be?

A. At a hotel. B. On a bus. C. At a tourist spot.

19. When will the tourists arrive at the Grand Teton National Park tomorrow?

A. 11:00 am. B. 12:30 pm. C. 1:00 pm.

20. What’s the most popular activity for tourists in the Grand Teton National Park?

A. Backcountry camping. B. Mountaineering. C. Fishing.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Here’re some of the excellent inventions in 2023. Which one do you like most?

Whiter Paint

The paint on a white building reflects 80 to 90% of the sunlight that strikes it. The rest of the light warms the

surrounding area, raising air-conditioning bills. But the Whiter Paint is made of chemicals that better reflect UV rays.

It reflects up to 98% of the sunlight, which could reduce AC use by 40%. “The heat is reflected into deep space,” says

Xiulin Ruan, who led the Purdue University team that created the paint.

Duolingo app

Now you can take music lessons on a smartphone, using this app, which uses an on-screen piano to teach basics

such as harmony and beat. You learn by interacting with more than 200 popular pieces of music. Just match sounds to

notes and play along. “You don’t need natural talent to learn music,” says Karen Chow, who’s a learning scientist at


Model A

Model A, developed by Alef Aeronautics, is a two-seat all-electric vehicle with a flight range of 110 miles. And

it looks as if it were made to be parked in a garage. In July, 2023, the Federal Aviation Administration gave Alef

permission to take the vehicle on test flights. The company hopes to deliver the first Model A by 2026.


They’re actually battery-powered shoes with wheels. They let you walk normally—just faster and more easily.

Moonwalkers, made by Shift Robotics, use AI to sense when you’re speeding up or slowing down, and adjust

themselves accordingly. With it, you can walk at speeds up to seven miles per hour.

21. What is special about Whiter Paint?

A. It warms our buildings. B. It powers air conditioners.

C. It makes us feel cooler. D. It absorbs more sunlight.

22. Which one is being tested?

A. Whiter Paint. B. Duolingo app.

C. Moonwalkers. D. Model A.

23. What do the listed inventions have in common?

A. They are supported by AI technology. B. They can help us live an easier life.

C. They were created by college teams. D. They are favored by the disabled.


Geoffrey Holt was a “nobody” in the public eye. He worked in his eighties as a caretaker at a mobile home park

in Hinsdale, New Hampshire.

Holt collected hundreds of model cars and train sets that filled his rooms. He also collected books about history,

with Henry Ford and World War II among his favorite topics. Holt had an extensive record collection too, including

Handel and Mozart. Very often, he’d find a quiet place and study financial publications.

After retiring, Holt did various jobs for others. Despite having taught driver’s education course to high schoolers,

he’d given up driving a car. He opted for a bicycle instead and finally the mower (除草机). His mobile home in the

park was mostly empty of furniture—no TV and no computer, either. The legs of the bed went through the floor.

But Holt did have two things. He had a big secret and an even bigger heart. He passed away in early 2023. In a

move that surprised the tiny town of 4,200 people, he left all his worldly goods to the people of Hinsdale.

With his casual lifestyle, no one would have guessed that Holt had a wealth worth up to $3.8 million! Holt, who

earlier in life had worked as a production manager at a grain factory that closed down in nearby Brattleboro, Vermont,

spent his money on communications, hoping to earn more out of it. In the end, it was doing better than he’d ever


Holt grew up in Springfield, Massachusetts. His father, Lee Holt, was a professor who taught English and world

literature in a college. His mother, Margaret Holt, was an artist. Holt went to boarding schools and attended the former

Marlboro College in Vermont, where students had self-designed degree plans. He graduated in 1963 and earned a

master’s degree from the college where his father taught in 1968.

Undoubtedly, Holt will be remembered forever.

24. What can we learn about Holt?

A. He had a wide range of interests. B. He had always longed to be a driver.

C. He possessed a mobile home park. D. He was often out of job while young.

25. How did Holt accumulate his wealth?

A. By gaining his parents’ help. B. By doing business in a field.

C. By setting up a grain factory. D. By working hard after retiring.

26. What does the last but one paragraph focus on about Holt?

A. His father’s education concept. B. His educational experiences.

C. His parents’ love for him. D. His early work dreams.

27. Which best describes Holt?

A. Simple but other-centered. B. Serious but straightforward.

C. Daring and demanding. D. Easygoing and ambitious.


For the second year in a row, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has started the program

AdoptAxolotl to boost conservation efforts for axolotls, an endangered Mexican salamander (蝾螈).

Most salamanders go through a big change which allows them to live on land instead of in water. But axolotls

never do. They live their whole lives in the water. Axolotls are famous for their ability to cure themselves. If an

axolotl loses a leg, or even part of its heart, brain, or lungs, it can re-grow them. Scientists have long been interested in

how the axolotl does this, thinking the information could help solve some human medical problems.

There’re several different kinds of axolotls in Mexico, all of whom are seriously endangered. The Mexican

axolotl, which is the best-known, is only found naturally in Lake Xochimilco near Mexico City. This is not a big, open

lake, but a collection of canals and smaller bodies of water.

Sadly, the number of axolotls in Xochimilco has dropped 99.5% in less than 20 years. People don’t hunt them,

then, how does this happen? One is that the water in the canals has become more and more polluted. Another is that

there’re a number of fish from other places in the lake which are eating the axolotl’s food, and even their babies.

Last year, the UNAM scientists started AdoptAxolotl, asking people to donate to save the axolotl. They raised

over $26,000, which is being used to help clean up some of Xochimilco’s canals and for a program to raise axolotls in

a safe environment.

This year, the scientists are trying AdoptAxolotl again. The money raised will be used to support the scientists’

work, and help restore the axolotl’s natural home in the canals of Xochimilco. The scientists hope to raise enough

money to do a careful count of how many axolotls are left in the wild, which will help them figure out the best ways

of protecting these amazing creatures.

28. What is the potential advantage of axolotls?

A. Becoming healthy naturally again. B. Offering humans some medical tips.

C. Adapting themselves to living on land. D. Living a normal life though disabled.

29. What is a cause of the axolotl population decline in Xochimilco?

A. Lack of land where they find food. B. Popularity of people hunting them.

C. Loss of the waters where they live. D. Presence of many non-native fish.

30. What are the scientists trying to do about axolotls?

A. Count their numbers and classify them.

B. Build more lakes and canals for them.

C. Remove them out of Lake Xochimilco.

D. Improve their living environment.

31. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. Protecting Axolotls Is in Progress

B. Axolotls’Homes Are Polluted

C. AdoptAxolotl Campaign Is Beneficial

D. Scientists Are Worrying Axolotls


New research concludes people may struggle to differentiate between medical advice given by chatbots (聊天机

器人) and human health care providers. Findings indicate chatbots, like ChatGPT, could be valuable tools in assisting

healthcare providers in communicating with patients.

ChatGPT is trained to predict the most probable next word in a conversation using vast amounts of Internet data.

It responds to user enquiries, learning from human feedback. However, it’s not without limitations. ChatGPT, like

other large language models (LLMs), can sometimes produce biased information and lacks the ability to perform true


The research had 392 participants aged 18 and above who were presented with ten patient questions. Half of the

responses to these questions were given by humans, while the other half came from ChatGPT. Participants then had to

identify the origin of each response and rate their trust in the chatbot’s answers from “completely untrustworthy” to

“completely trustworthy”. Participants could only correctly identify chatbot-given responses 65.5% of the time.

Participants displayed the most trust in chatbots when handling the matters, such as scheduling appointments or

addressing insurance enquiries, with an average trust score of 3.94. Preventative care questions, like cancer

screenings, came next at 3.52. However, trust decreased for diagnostic (诊断) and treatment advice, registering scores

of 2.90 and 2.89 respectively.

The study’s results indicate the potential chatbots possess in aiding patient-provider communications, especially

in areas like administrative tasks. But scientists have something to say regarding chatbots assuming more clinical

roles. “Providers should exercise picky judgment when it comes to chatbot-given advice due to the limitations of AI

models,” researchers said in a statement.

The use of Al into healthcare is no longer a distant possibility but a rapidly evolving reality. This study offers a

glimpse (瞥 见 ) into the ways we can expect to see AI platforms team with medical clinics. It also shows us

improvements that are needed so that new technologies become effective aids and tools for both doctors and patients.

These include the following.

32. Which is closest in meaning to “biased” in paragraph 2?

A. Inaccurate. B. Indirect. C. Unnecessary. D. Unusual.

33. What affected the participants’ level of trust in chatbot responses?

A. Their answers to chatbots’ questions. B. Their then physical conditions.

C. The origin of each response. D. The nature of the enquiry.

34. What’s the scientists’ attitude to chatbots taking on clinical medical tasks?

A. Disapproving. B. Unclear. C. Conservative. D. Positive.

35. What might the author continue talking about regarding the study?

A. Possible reasons for its findings. B. Its major limitations in reality.

C. Its influences on healthcare. D. Explanations of its methods.



When people in your organization come to you to discuss a problem, you give them your best answer and

probably assume you’ve helped them.

36 You’re not being much help if you’re not really listening to them. We’re not talking about the mere

act of listening, but the art of listening, known as active listening. How can you become a more effective listener?

Here are some tips:

Be present. 37 . There’re so many things that make you lose focus in the office—many of them tech-

related, like instant messaging and email—that you almost can’t help but half listen to anyone who speaks to you,

whether it’s in person or by phone. What you need to do is purposefully practice active listening by bringing yourself

fully into the conversation. 38 .

Give the other person your undivided attention. It shows respect and can have a positive impact on your entire

exchange. It also means you’re less likely to misunderstand, or simply miss, what the person is saying to you. 39

when a customer or coworker is telling you about a problem you already know how to solve before they’ve finished

speaking. But part of active listening means you need to let them complete their full “download” to you before you


Understand nonverbal (非语言) changes. 40 , but good listeners will also sense what is not being said, as

well as what is verbalized. Learning how to read physical cues, such as facial expressions, takes practice. Improving

these active listening skills will help you get the message and resolve problems faster.

A. Well, it may not be that simple

B. Listening naturally means hearing

C. Of course, it’s easy to become impatient

D. Wait for an appropriate moment to politely ask a question

E. Be mindful and concentrate on the message, word for word

F. Truly hearing what the speaker has to say requires your full attention

G. Good active listening skills apply when you’re communicating with others

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



I was once a painfully insecure teenage girl. I felt 41 all day, and rejected by my classmates. My 42

comfort was to be the stage assistant at our school’s theater.

One day, to my 43 , actors from the great Oregon Shakespeare Festival came to perform for the school.

One of them was Barry Kraft, who was a 44 leading actor. As I ran around backstage 45 him, he

treated me with the casual 46 that he would show for friends in his living room. I 47 thought he was

just making small talk to 48 the time before the performance.

That summer, I traveled to 49 Kraft’s performance at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. During one

performance, I gathered my 50 and dropped him a note at intermission (中场休息), saying that if he 51

he could see me in the 15th row. Almost immediately I 52 sending the note, thinking he was too busy to see


After the 53 , surprisingly, he was waiting for me! He smiled broadly, saying, “Would you like to visit

backstage?” And off we went. Every time we 54 someone, he introduced me and said, “She helped me a lot.”

I found him 55 sincere with people. It was then that I 56 I’d been wrong about him that day.

My 57 just increased 800%. After all, a well-known man like Kraft was willing to take the 58 to

communicate with me, which 59 I mustn’t be so bad. From then on, I felt like a different person. 60 , I

successfully entered my dream university.

41. A. responsible B. prepared C. hopeless D. confused

42. A. only B. new C. extra D. secret

43. A. surprise B. delight C. curiosity D. disappointment

44. A. reliable B. lucky C. famous D. generous

45. A. interviewing B. following C. watching D. assisting

46. A. friendliness B. eagerness C. forgiveness D. skillfulness

47. A. temporarily B. originally C. probably D. finally

48. A. share B. save C. kill D. find

49. A. assess B. see C. advocate D. polish

50. A. memories B. materials C. strength D. courage

51. A. looked down B. backed off C. set out D. stepped forward

52. A. suggested B. stopped C. regretted D. finished

53. A. discussion B. show C. travel D. introduction

54. A. asked B. reminded C. informed D. met

55. A. gradually B. normally C. merely D. really

56. A. agreed B. predicted C. forgotten D. realized

57. A. contribution B. confidence C. competence D. experience

58. A. risk B. chance C. time D. measure

59. A. indicated B. witnessed C. expected D. repeated

60. A. As a result B. In that case C. As usual D. in contrast



The Huangmei Opera piece On Sun Mountain was presented by the Anqing Huangmei Opera Art Theater at the

China Grand Theater of Pingju Opera in Beijing on Dec 4, 2023.

The story takes place on Sun Mountain, 61 the story of Li Anben, a telegraph operator in a small town at

the foot of the mountain, unfolds. Initially 62 (describe) as greedy and lazy, as the plot 63 (progress),

Li undergoes a remarkable transformation. Moved by the selflessness of the New Fourth Army soldiers, who sacrifice

their lives 64 (save) his mother from Japanese invaders (侵略者), Li evolves. In the end, he joins the New

Fourth Army 65 becomes a courageous soldier.

This Huangmei Opera adaptation 66 (skillful) introduces audiences to the beautiful tunes, elegant dance

movements, and singing style that characterize the 67 (tradition) art form. The performance brings a fresh

perspective (视 角 ) to the stage, bringing viewers into a heartwarming tale of 68 (brave) and sacrifice,

winning waves of applause. With this production, the Anqing Huangmei Opera Art Theater continues to ensure the

vitality (生命力) of the treasured cultural heritage.

It is one of Anhui’s finest 69 (play). Now, Anhui Province is organizing a tour of the excellent programs

in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and some other cities, which runs 70 November, 2023 to January,


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

What would life like without music? I wonder how music started and when we first become interested in music.

Music is a essential part of my day. It changes my feeling and put me in a good mood. There’s nothing good to do on

a train or bus than put on my headphones to listen to my favorite music. I like all type of music, from classical music

and opera for jazz and rock. I’m always looking for something that sounds amazed. Sometimes I hear a song or piece

of music on the radio or on TV I enjoy it very much. I always use my pocket money to pay online to download and

saving the music.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是校英语报通讯员。你班刚举办了以“感知中国(Reading China)”为主题的读书汇报活动。请就


1. 目的;

2. 形式;

3. 反响。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。






第一部分 听力

1—5 BBCBA 6—10 BACAC 11—15 ACBBC 16—20 CABAC

第二部分 阅读理解


21—23CDB 24—27 ABBA 28—31 BDDA 32—35 ADCC


36—40 AFECB

第三部分 语言知识运用

第一节 完形填空

41—45 CABCD 46—50 ABCBD 51—55 ACBDD 56—60 DBCAA

第二节 语法填空

61. where 62. described 63. progresses 64. to save 65. and

66. skillfully 67. traditional 68. bravery 69. plays 70. from

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

What would life like without music? I wonder how music started and when we first become interested in

be became

music. Music is a essential part of my day. It changes my feeling and put me in a good mood. There’s nothing good to

an puts better

do on a train or bus than put on my headphones to listen to my favorite music. I like all type of music, from classical


music and opera for jazz and rock. I’m always looking for something that sounds amazed. Sometimes I hear a song or

to amazing

piece of music on the radio or on TV I enjoy it very much. I always use my pocket money to pay online to download


and saving the music.


第二节 书面表达

One Possible Version:

Last Friday afternoon, our class successfully held a reading presentation event with the theme of “Reading


The purpose of this event was to encourage students to have a deeper understanding of Chinese history and

spread Chinese culture, as well as help them develop the habit of reading. During the activity, the students carried out

various forms of reports about their reading achievements. Some students shared their experiences in reading classic

Chinese books such as Shiji, some students showed their reading notes, and others talked about their reading methods.

Through this amazing event, every student feels they have gained a lot about Chinese culture, hoping that such





