
2024-01-07·13页·703.8 K


江苏省2023—2024 学年高三上学期期末迎考



1. 本试卷共8页,共四部分,满分 150分,考试时间 120 分钟。

2. 答题前,考生务必将班级、姓名、学号写在密封线内。

第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的

相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

()1. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Change the title. B. Take readers advice.C. Write another article.

()2. How did the man get there?

A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By subway.

()3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Wildlife. B. A project. C. Task time.

()4. What does the man think of the movie?

A. Funny. B. Serious. C. Awful.

()5. What is probably the relationship between the speakers?

A. Doctor and patient. B. Host and guest. C. Salesperson and customer.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

()6. Who is the display mainly intended for?

A. Current English majors.

B. Potential university applicants.

C. Students from various departments.

()7. What will the woman do next?

A. Read. B. Design. C. Study.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

()8. How was the weather early in the morning?

A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.

()9. What is the womans attitude towards weather forecasters?

A. Disappointed.B. Ambiguous. C. Understanding.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

()10. What is this competition about?

A. Saving energy at home. B. Reducing noise pollution. C. Using technology creatively.

()11. What is the stone used for?

A. Starting the machine. B. Increasing air pressure. C. Producing carbon dioxide.

()12. Why does the woman come to the man?

A. To discuss the way of writing a paper.

B. To find the right material for a model.

C. To study the approach to detailed drawings.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

()13. What does the woman intend to do?

A. Develop some photos. B. Get photos digitized. C. Beautify the photos.

()14. How much does the woman need to pay?

A. $300. B. $240.C. $150.

()15. Why is a cardboard box recommended?

A. It is stronger. B. It is cheaper. C. It is lighter.

()16. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a photo studio. B. In a post office. C. In an advertising company.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

()17. What can Devil do?

A. Play music. B. Carry luggage. C. Remove blocks.

()18. Which aspect of Devil is particularly mentioned for improvement?

A. Its steadiness.B. Its power. C. Its structure.

()19. Why did Lin upload his video?

A. To kill time. B. To record his life. C. To influence more youth.

()20. When did Lin realize his inventions could benefit others?

A. In 2018. B. In 2019. C. In 2021.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Some foreigners who love Chinese culture try to explain China to the world. Some of them write books, while others

have become vloggers. They provide a different perspective to understand Chinese people and culture.

Fuchsia Dunlop

Fuchsia Dunlop is an English writer and cook. She is the author of the book A Sweet-Sour Memoir of Eating in

China. She writes about her fascinating journey as she explores China through first-hand experiences. From Sichuan and

Gansu, to Fujian and Jiangsu, Dunlop shows the diverse food culture in China in a humorous way.

Peter Hessler

American writer Peter Hessler came to China in 1996 and travelled the country for over 10 years. He published a

series of non-fiction works about China, including River Town, Oracle Bones and Country Driving. These works are

mainly about modern life in China and include his own experiences and interviews in China.

Jerry Kowal

Jerry Kowal is an American YouTube vlogger. He became popular in China for his videos on cultural differences

between China and the US. For example, he made a series of videos showing and explaining the COVID-19 pandemic in

both China and the US.

Takeuchi Ryo

Takeuchi Ryo is a Japanese director. His documentary Long Time No See, Wuhan was brought into the spotlight in

2020. It presents the real lives of 10 ordinary families in Wuhan after the city lifted the lockdown. He has lived in

Nanjing, Jiangsu, for seven years. He said that he wanted to promote understanding among people in the two nations.

“Thats the key reason why I live in China,” he said.

()21.From which book can the readers learn about Chinese food culture?

A. A Sweet-Sour Memoir of Eating in China. B. River Town.

C. Oracle Bones. D. Country Driving.

()22. What do Peter Hesslers works mainly focus on?

A. Fictional account. B. Food culture.

C. Contemporary life. D. Current affairs.

()23. What do Jerry Kowal and Takeuchi Ryo have in common?

A. They are vloggers from English speaking countries.

B. They came to live in China for the same reason.

C. Their works mainly explain cultural differences.

D. They both try to promote mutual understanding between people in two countries.


Over the past 50 years, robots have become a normal part of our everyday lives. They build cars in factories, clean

up dirt in the house and dismantle(拆卸) bombs in war zones. However, some inventors are creating a future where

robots not only do boring and dangerous jobs but also become a part of our families.

In 2019, Japanese robotics company Groove X introduced LOVOT, a robot that weighs as much as a baby and looks

like a mix between a penguin and a bear. Although LOVOT cant build a car, it can build a relationship with its owner

and provide love, companionship and happiness. In fact, LOVOT is just one of the latest robots meant to help people who

are suffering from issues such as loneliness and dementia.

LOVOT has a system of sensors that allows it to move freely around a room and respond to things. For example,

people can rub its belly to lull it to sleep when holding LOVOT. Also, when LOVOT needs a hug, it will find its owner in

the house and wait until it is picked up. People quickly develop an emotional bond with LOVOT due to its cute design

and lifelike traits.

All over the world, robots like LOVOT are being used for “robot-assisted therapy”. For example, when a robot baby

seal named PARO was given to an elderly Australian patient with dementia, the patient spoke for the first time since

arriving at the nursing facility. In New Zealand, when dementia patients were given the chance to play with PARO or a

real dog, they chose to play with PARO.

Robots like LOVOT and PARO are being developed at the perfect time. Many countries have “aging societies”,

meaning the populations of old people outweigh young people, resulting in more people who not only need assistance

with things like getting dressed and cooking meals but also friendship and love. Additionally, according to a national

research institute in Japan, 40% of all people in that country will be living alone by 2040, meaning loneliness among

younger populations may also increase significantly. Nevertheless, if LOVOT and PARO can give us all the love and

affection we get from the pets without any of the mess or regular care, we might not be so lonely after all.

()24. What can the robot LOVOT do?

A. It can move around anywhere as a penguin does.

B. It can perform tasks like making cars in the factory.

C. It can be used to cure elderly patients of dementia.

D. It can keep people suffering from loneliness company.

()25. What enables LOVOT to respond properly?

A. Its built-in sensors. B. Its moderate size.

C. Its lifelike feature. D. Its cool appearance.

()26. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. PAROs appealing to the users.

B. The reason for LOVOTs popularity.

C. The practical application cases of robot pets.

D. Dementia patients preference for PARO.

()27. What is the advantage of robots like LOVOT and PARO over pets?

A. They can help people with their housework.

B. They need less care from the owners.

C. They can comfort people feeling lonely.

D. They can build a stronger bond with people.


It might be strange to wear clothes made out of plastic bottles. But in fact some clothing companies are already

making such clothes.

Fashion brand JUMA recently showed its newest collection at a workshop in Shanghai. Eighteen clothing items

from the collection, including jump-suits, jackets, shirts and dresses, were made from recycled plastic bottles. “We

realized that billions of water bottles were being thrown into landfills and oceans every year and that these bottles take

hundreds of years to decompose(分解). We thought we should use them to create our clothes and help the environment,”

said Alia Juma, the companys design director.

Many other fashion companies are finding similar ways to save our planet these days. The process is rather simple.

First, the plastic bottles are washed and cut into small pieces. Then they are melted and shaped into small balls. The balls

are melted again to form thread. People can then use the thread to make different kinds of clothes.

According to Juma, it takes 67,000 bottles to create 1 ton of thread. This reduces carbon emissions by 4.2 tons and

water use by 6.2 tons compared with the normal way of making thread. “4 bottles can make a pillowcase. 5 can make a

shirt, 10 a dress and 20 a short coat,” Juma said.

Some people might have doubts about wearing something made out of plastic bottles. But according to Causeartist, a

website that focuses on innovation, clothes made from plastic could be even better than nylon and polyester. Plastic

thread can be made into different textures, such as cotton, silk or even wool. “The more we learn about recycled fabrics,

the more we realize that they work just like other fabrics. You can get a heavier cotton feeling or a silky feeling by

weaving the yarns into different textures and using different washing methods. There is actually a lot you can do with this

fabric,” Juma said.

The price for the clothes in the new collection ranges from 500 to 3,000 yuan. However, Juma is optimistic that

prices will fall when more companies follow the sustainability path taken by her business.

()28. Why is fashion brand JUMA now making clothes from plastic bottles?

A. Because too many bottles are being thrown away.

B. Because the company has advanced technology.

C. Because people are fond of wearing such clothes.

D. Because recycling the bottles is good for the Earth.

()29. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A. Creating 1 ton of thread in the normal way brings about 4.2 tons of carbon emissions.

B. Making clothes from plastic bottles reduces carbon footprint and is worth the effort.

C. A fashion company can make as many as 300 short coats using only 1 ton of thread.

D. The new way of making thread from plastic bottles is not harmful to the environment.

()30. What is the authors attitude towards clothes made from plastic bottles?

A. Doubtful. B. Critical. C. Supportive. D. Disapproving.

()31. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To advertise fashion brand JUMA. B. To introduce a new type of clothes.

C. To praise fashion companies creativity. D. To express concern about the Earth.


During my youth in Americas Appalachian mountains, I learned that farmers preferred sons over daughters,

largely because boys were better at heavy farm labour. With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has

replaced brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break. But history warns repeatedly of

the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker sex.

About 150 years ago, a village church vicar in Yorkshire, England, had three lovely, intelligent daughters but his

hopes depended entirely on the sole male heir(继承人), Branwell, a youth with remarkable talent in both art and literature.

Branwells father and sisters saved their pennies to pack him off to Londons Royal Academy of Arts, but within

weeks he returned home, a penniless failure. Hopes still high, the family landed Branwell a job as a private tutor, hoping

this would free him to develop his literary skills and achieve the success and fame that he deserved. Failure again.

For years the selfless sisters squelched(制止) their own goals, farming themselves out as teachers and governesses in

support of their increasingly indebted brother, convinced the world must eventually recognize his genius. As failures

multiplied, Branwell turned to alcohol, then opium, and eventually died as he had lived: a failure. So died hope in the one

male—but what of her three selfless sisters?

During Branwells last years, the girls published a book of poetry at their own expense. Even Branwell might have

snickered(窃笑): they sold only 2 copies. However, they continued in their spare time, late at night by candlelight, to pour

out their pent-up emotion, writing of what they knew best, of women in conflict with their natural desires and social

condition—in reality, less fiction than autobiography! And 19th-century literature was transformed by Annes Agnes

Grey, Emilys Wuthering Heights, and Charlottes Jane Eyre. But years of sacrifice for Banwell had caused great

suffering. Emily was taken ill at her brothers funeral and died within 3 months, aged 29; Anne died 5 months later, aged

30; Charlotte lived only to age 39. If only they had been nurtured instead of sacrificed.

No one remembers Branwells name, much less his art or literature, but the Bronte sisters tragically short lives

teach us even more of life than of literature. Their sacrificed genius cries out to us that in modern society we must value

children not by their physical strength or sexual gender, but by their integrity, strength, commitment, courage—spiritual

qualities abundant in both boys and girls.

()32. What does the underlined word “brawn” mean in Paragraph 1?

A. Human intelligence. B. Tiring labour. C. Physical strength. D. Personal preference.

()33. Why did the father only pay attention to Branwells education?

A. Because Branwell was the only son of the family.

B. Because Branwell had a gift for literature and art.

C. Because his daughters were not as talented.

D. Because his daughters were self-disciplined.

()34. What was Branwells reaction to his repeated failures?

A. Stopping working hard. B. Feeling extremely ashamed.

C. Sliding into bad habits. D. Losing heart completely.

()35. Which might be the best title of the passage?

A. The Bronte Sisters Selfless Sacrifice B. Branwell—A Shame of the Bronte Family

C. The Bronte Sisters Great Achievement D. The Bronte Familys Regrettable Tragedy

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)


Anybody may experience natural and economic disasters. Your life, family, business and possessions are all under

an unpredictable threat that may strike without any considerable warning. 36 Read on this guide to save yourself

from any disaster, natural or financial.

Financial Disasters—When the economy is facing a great recession(衰退), many people will lose their jobs. 37

Simply plan in advance. Save as much as you can. This is not a time to buy the latest products but to save some money

for your future.

Natural Disasters—Always have a basement built in your house where you can hide in case there is a tornado(龙卷

风). This basement will protect your family if there occurs any natural disaster. Make sure that this basement gets enough

air and has a good exit system as well. 38 You will need them when such a disaster occurs.

Floods or Hurricanes—Evacuate(疏散) as soon as possible and move to a secure place. 39 Switch off the main

power switch of your house. Electricity can be disastrous when it touches water. In case it is a hurricane, go to the

basement again and make sure that no amount of water can flood your basement. In that case, you are moving towards

greater danger. Dont come out for as long as possible and also keep a first aid kit(急救箱) ready with you. Food and

water supplies are also essential. Dont forget a few blankets can help you keep warm during this time.

40 You can save water, food or money. These things must come in handy to keep you alive for as long as


A. There is no need to live above your means.

B. This is not a time to hold on to belongings.

C. Clearly, no employment would mean no money.

D. In the situations mentioned above, are you prepared enough?

E. If the economy collapses, people will run mad for food and money.

F. The best advice is to save as much as possible for any unforeseen crisis.

G. Not only this, this basement must also have a good supply of food and water.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Most of us need to heal once in a while. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Sometimes its all the above. For some

of us, the 41 part of healing is simply to believe that its possible.

Years ago, I was watching my oldest son 42 free throws. He made a dozen 43 through the net without a


“How do you do that?” I said.

“Before I release the ball,” he said, “I see it in my mind going 44 the net. I see it in my mind to make it


I loved these words. It struck me that they might also 45 healing. We need to believe healing can happen and

picture it in our minds to see it in 46. 47 doesnt assure us of the outcome we hope for. But it sets us in motion

to move toward desired 48.

Last year I had surgery for a broken 49 and spent eight weeks in a wheelchair. At the end of those eight weeks,

I 50 to start walking again. 51, that didnt happen. I then started going to physical 52 . I believed it could

help, so I kept at it just when it seemed Id never 53 again as I did before.

When hope grows dim(暗淡的), belief 54 the way and makes all things possible. We need to believe 55 is

possible. If we can see it in our minds, we can let go of the past, accept the present and move toward a better future.

()41. A. simple B. emotional C. hardest D. reasonable

()42. A. practice B. display C. release D. enjoy

()43. A. attempts B. shots C. choices D. adjustments

()44. A. against B. with C. for D. through

()45. A. rely on B. apply to C. arise from D. respond to

()46. A. reality B. detailC. turn D. person

()47. A. ImaginationB. Desire C. Belief D. Dreaming

()48. A. outcome B. prize C. career D. option

()49. A. hand B. ankleC. wrist D. arm

()50. A. promised B. planned C. longed D. expected

()51. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Additionally D. However

()52. A. strength B. beauty C. therapy D. examination

()53. A. walk B. live C. wish D. recover

()54. A. feels B. lightsC. forces D. clears

()55. A. success B. improvement C. healing D. breakthrough

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Grand Canal, spanning thousands of kilometres, 56(form) a vast inland waterway system and is the longest

of its kind in the world, 57(run) from Beijing in the north to Zhejiang Province in the south.

In 2014, the canal 58(list) as a UNESCO world heritage site. 59 the Grand Canals influence as a major

shipping route is decreasing, the central government still treats it as a treasure and has released a policy 60(preserve)

and protect the cultural heritage related to the canal. The regions along the canal are promoting the construction of the

Grand Canal cultural belt.

The Grand Canal represents the 61(great) masterpiece of hydraulic(水利的) engineering in the history of

mankind, because of its very ancient origins and its vast scale, along with its continuous 62(develop) and its

adaptation to circumstances down through the ages.

The Grand Canal is a benchmark(参照点) in terms of dealing with difficult natural conditions, as is reflected in the

constructions 63 are fully adapted to the diversity and complexity of circumstances. It fully demonstrates the

technical capacities of Eastern civilizations. The Grand Canal includes important and 64(particular) early examples

of hydraulic techniques. It also bears witness 65specific know-how in the construction of dykes(堤), weirs and

bridges, and the original and sophisticated(精密的) use of materials, such as stone and rammed-earth, and the use of

mixed materials.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)




注意:词数应为 80 左右。

第二节(满分 25分)

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为 150 左右。

When my son was seven years old, he wanted nothing more than to have a friend. Although he tried to make friends,

the fact that he was autistic(患自闭症的) and largely non-verbal made other children his age uncomfortable. Almost

never had another child accept an invitation for a play date.

My son handled the rejection much better than I did. He told me that he had been praying that he would get a best

friend and he knew that his prayers were going to be answered because of what a man told him in a dream.

When the “nice man” in his dream asked him what he wanted in a best friend, my son said that he wanted someone

who would always play with him, and who would like to run around a lot but also be calm at times. This best friend

would be there and help him feel better when he was sad, would stick by him when he was sick, and would never want to

get away from him. When he told the man this, the man smiled and told my son that he had picked out the perfect best

friend for him.

The next night he had the dream again. In his dream, the nice man told my son he had picked out a puppy to be his

best friend. This puppy would love to play, and would love to run around, but would also want to be calm and just cuddle.

When my son was sick, the puppy would stay by him, protecting him. When he was sad, the puppy would lick him, and

make him feel better. This puppy would love my son more than anyone or anything else in the world, and would be the

very best friend that a boy could have.

When my son told me all of this, I was shocked. My son, who rarely spoke more than a few words at a time, was

calmly explaining paragraphs worth of information to me. Despite this, what my son said next shocked me even more.

“Mummy, he also told me that I am getting my puppy today. She is a girl puppy, with black on her back, and brown

on her belly. She is not very big, and will run up to me when I see her, jump up on me, and lick my face while she wags

her tail. Her name is going to be Zorro, and I love her already. We need to go to the building and get her. She is waiting

for me. The man told me.”

Paragraph 1:

Immediately after telling me this, my son yelled and pointed at a building on the side of the road.

Paragraph 2:

Ten years have passed, and Zorro and my son are still best friends.

江苏省 2023—2024 学年高三上学期期末迎考卷


第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每

段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

Text 1

M: I have read your article. Its pretty good. But I think a better title will attract readers attention.

W: Thanks. What do you think will be better?

M: How about How to Stay Healthy Without Pills?

Text 2

W: What a surprise! How did you get here so fast?

M: I flew! I just parked my airplane across the street.

W: No, seriously. You rarely arrive on time.

M: Today I took the subway instead of the bus. Its really convenient.

Text 3

M: I like our project about birds and I am really interested in wildlife.

W: So am I. The task is so absorbing that I think we can finish it ahead of time.

Text 4

W: What a movie! I couldnt stop laughing the entire time.

M: I know. But I cant believe that it got such terrible reviews. There are people who like serious films, though.

Text 5

M: I need some help. My friends arms became red and swollen after having the dinner I prepared.

W: He might be allergic. Our store has a skin cream. It can temporarily reduce the pain.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独

白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

W: I have to plan a display on British life and literature in the 19th century.

M: Is the display for the people studying English or students from other departments?

W: Neither. It is aimed at those whore considering applying to study here next year. Who do you think is suitable for the theme?

M: I suggest using Charles Dickens. Most people have probably read some of his novels.

W: It sounds like a good lead-in to life in his time. I think I can start it right now.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

M: Why dont we go to the beach this afternoon?

W: It looks like its going to start pouring any minute. Maybe we have to wait until tomorrow.

M: I cant believe it! When I woke up early this morning, there wasnt a cloud in the sky. And last night, weather forecasters predicted that

today would be a beautiful day.

W: Weather is unpredictable sometimes. Even the best weatherman will make mistakes.

M: I know, but it seems like they never get it right.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

W: Hello, Professor. Could you help me with my entry for the Design Competition?

M: OK. Are there any requirements? For example, saving energy or producing no noise?

W: Actually that was the focus in former competitions. We have to adopt a creative approach to existing technology this year.

M: I see. What is your design?

W: A dishwasher. Here is my drawing.

M: Theres a stone at the bottom. Is that for decoration?

W: No. Instead of pushing a button to start, you turn the stone.

M: Good, but what makes your design creative?

W: My idea is to give pressure to the carbon dioxide so that it becomes a liquid. The liquid is used to clean the dishes.

M: A brilliant idea!

W: Thank you. I have to give a presentation about the design. Ive got detailed drawings and a 500-word paper on it, but I am not sure what

material is suitable for a model of the machine.

M: I see.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

M: Welcome to Picture See. How can I help you?

W: I saw your advertisement about copying pictures to disk. Can I get my family photos changed to digital format here?

M: Sure, we can do that.

W: Fine. Can I send the photos to you?

M: Of course.

W: How do you charge then?

M: We charge $1 for each photo, and a 20% discount for more than 100 photos, and half the price for more than 200 photos.

W: OK. Ive got about 300 photos, I think. Ill get the photos packed up in a box and post them to you.

M: Right. If youve got a good cardboard box, thats best. Plastic ones sometimes break in the post.

W: OK. Thanks for your help. Bye.

M: Bye.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

When Bilibili uploader Lin Xiao had too many bags to carry, he built a robot to address the problem. The robots name? Devil!

The name comes from the background music Devils Swing. It looks like a suitcase, which can follow Lin everywhere and avoid

blocks in its path. Besides carrying bags, it can be used for transport and even charge phones.

The robot has a steel structure and a 3D-printed plastic shell. The brain of the robot is powered by an electronics platform. Although it

took eight months to make, Lin admits Devil is not good enough, particularly in its physical stability. Lin presented it in the video just to

inspire more young people with the imagination and passion to create.

Lins passion for robotics began in his first year at high school in 2018, when a teacher discovered his talent for computers and

advanced his skills. One year later, he developed a smart home system, which made him understand how his products could help others. As a

university freshman now, Lin believes he and his products will make a difference in the future.


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