
2023-12-15·18页·309.9 K


高三英语 笔试


用时100分钟。第卷 1 至 12 页,第卷 13 至 14 页。




第 卷


1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,


2. 本卷共 55 小题,共 95 分。

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)


例: Stand over there ________ you’ll be able to see it better.

A. or B. and C. but D. while

答案是 B。

1. ---You’ve been watching TV too long. Have a rest.

---_______. But there is nothing like the 2022 World Cup.

A. Why bother? B. What for?

C. You got me there. D. You said it.

2. November 11, a day represented by four digits of 1, _______ by young single

Chinese in the early 1990s as a day for unmarried males.

A. established B. has established

C. was established D. has been established

3. The collection, sorting and _______ of historical materials and cultural relics of

the May Fourth Movement should be strengthened, President Xi said.

A. consumption B. conservation C. constitution D. construction

高三英语 第 1 页 共 17 页


4. I am wondering how it _______ that you did so much work within such a short


A. held up B. came about C. gave away D. called for

5. Perhaps contrary to _______ we used to think of the US high school students,

they value their academic performance very much.

A. what B. which C. that D. how

6. Written Chinese has also become an important means _______ China’s present is

connected with its past.

A. for which B. on which C. by which D. from which

7. In the process of taking exercise, _______ the latest equipment, such as smart

earphones, allows people to get the best out of their training.

A. to use B. used C. having used D. using

8. He called on his close relatives and friends _______ his departure for overseas


A. prior to B. up to C. owing to D. due to

9. He was so absorbed in his work that he _______ music for two hours before he

knew it.

A. was composing B. has composed

C. had been composing D. would compose

10. _______ difficulties we may come across in carrying out this plan, we’ll work

together to overcome them.

A. However B. Wherever C. Whatever D. Whichever

11. When you hand in your application form, don’t forget to _______ a recent

photograph to it.

A. attach B. attack C. assign D. advertise

12. It’s nearly six o’clock. I must start preparing dinner. The guests _______ be here

at any moment.

A. could B. should C. must D. would

高三英语 第 2 页 共 17 页


13. According to the results, voters’ opinions differ on a variety of _______ issues,

such as gun control, illegal immigration and so on.

A. potential B. controversial C. financial D. official

14. The research mainly deals with the difficulty the students have _______ their

attention on their study all the time.

A. to focus B. to be focused C. focusing D. focused

15. ---I have been considering canceling the project because it seems hard to go


---But it’s too early to _______ now. There’s still much hope.

A. pave the way B. throw in the towel

C. have second thoughts D. test the waters

第二节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个


It was a normal morning in March. Sondra Artis had just 16 the last

student on her route.

As heading towards the school, Sondra noticed a burning smell. She 17

the bus window to see if it was fogging up from condensation(凝结) or if it was

18 . When a student asked her what was 19 , she did her best to hide her

growing 20 .

Sondra pulled into a parking lot and turned to face the 20 students on 21 .

She reminded them of the evacuation(疏散) 22 they once performed and

directed them to leave through the doors.

“I told the kids that, ‘You know, we 23 at the beginning of the year, but

this is going to be 24 , so I need you to be calm,’” said Sondra.

The students hurried to the 25 as smoke began to fill the bus. They

were 26 , but Sondra remained calm. When they were out, she went back

高三英语 第 3 页 共 17 页


onto the bus to make sure everyone left 27 .

Seconds after they all 28 , the bus caught fire. Another bus came to the

29 to take the children away, and Sondra was left 30 that everything

worked out okay.

The bus can be 31 , but human life cannot. The parents were incredibly

32 for her grace under fire. She’s being considered as a 33 , and

many of her students would like to see her 34 for her heroism.

“Sondra is a very good bus driver,” said a student. “She 35 a reward.”

16. A. sent away B. turned down C. seen off D. picked up

17. A. repaired B. wiped C. tapped D. opened

18. A. steam B. smoke C. fog D. dust

19. A. wrong B. lucky C. necessary D. urgent

20. A. anger B. curiosity C. embarrassment D. worry

21. A. duty B. guard C. board D. vacation

22. A. advantages B. drills C. signals D. secrets

23. A. met B. separated C. promised D. practiced

24. A. early B. amazing C. real D. new

25. A. exits B. teacher C. windows D. lifesaver

26. A. excited B. tired C. scared D. optimistic

27. A. hurriedly B. safely C. firstly D. actively

28. A. hid B. landed C. sat D. escaped

29. A. scene B. school C. park D. destination

30. A. searching B. studying C. thanking D. counting

31. A. replaced B. exchanged C. burnt D. controlled

32. A. eager B. famous C. grateful D. qualified

33. A. student B. leader C. driver D. hero

34. A. rewarded B. excused C. apologized D. forgiven

35. A. offers B. deserves C. demands D. establishes

高三英语 第 4 页 共 17 页


第二部分: 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。


University Shotokan Karate Club

Learn Karate—self-defense and fitness

The University Karate Club was founded in 1962. All grades from beginners to

advanced are welcome. The classes are suitable for both men and women and

several women have obtained their black belt.


6:00-8:00 p. m.



Hardly any of us have experienced real violence, but, over the last few years,

attacks on innocent people have increased. Each of us has some ability to defend

ourselves, and by learning a form of self-defence, we are not only increasing that

ability, but also doing something to build our own sense of respect. Karate will show

you a lot of simple and effective techniques to protect yourself, giving you increase


Far too many people think martial arts(武术) are about violence. Martial arts

training is based on a lot of respect, self-discipline, self-control and non-violence.

We learn basic etiquette(礼节), courtesy(礼貌) and tolerance. Good manners and

consideration for others are expected at all times.

Karate is the practice of blocking and striking techniques for the purpose of

self-defence, health and self-development. Karate exercises the entire body.

Techniques are practised on both sides of the body, therefore muscle imbalances do

not occur and the strength, coordination, flexibility and agility of both sides of the

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body are improved. Regular training in Karate improves the body’s physical

endurance and flexibility. It also helps concentration and produces the mental calm

and assurance that come from knowing we can defend ourselves.

Karate has many benefits but they do not come easily or overnight. Training

requires ongoing commitment and hard work. Some of you will give up, but a few

of you will get your black belt.

36. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To tell readers the benefits of Karate.

B. To attract readers to join the club.

C. To encourage people to get their black belt.

D. To correct people’s misunderstanding of Karate.

37. When can students learn Karate?

A. 7:00 pm on Thursday B. 10:30 am on Wednesday

C. 4:00 pm on Tuesday D. 2:00 am on Thursday

38. What can be learned about University Shotokan Karate Club?

A. More men than women have been its members.

B. It tests members to see what level they are at.

C. Members don’t need to pay for the lessons.

D. Members can learn how to defend themselves.

39. What do we know about Karate?

A. It cultivates people’s respect for themselves as well as for others.

B. It involves people’s arm muscles more than body muscles.

C. It makes people healthy physically instead of mentally.

D. It focuses as much on self-defence as on attack.

40. Karate can improve the following qualities except _________.

A. coordination B. agility C. flexibility D. muscle imbalances

高三英语 第 6 页 共 17 页



Once, during my summer holidays, my father was sick, but he worked in the

rice field just the same, because there was so much to do. As I looked at his thin

figure, crawling(缓慢移动) ahead of me, I thought of my own depressing future. I

was tied to the land by job after backbreaking job, unlike other boys who had

freedom to pursue happiness. Why were there people in the world who would never

know what it was like to toil(苦干), and others, like me, who had been toiling ever

since they were small boys, season after season, year after year? Why were some

people sitting before electric fans or in air-conditioned rooms, while I was out of

breath and sweating under the blazing sun? Why was there mud and more mud in

front of me?

Only we farmers were willing to crawl, to assume the lowliest of positions in

order to have a better harvest. Even a horse, when working for man, stands tall. I

was suddenly consumed with great pity and great respect for poor farmers, and the

focus of my attention began to extend beyond myself and my family. This was an

important turning point in my life.

While resting beside a field one day, my brothers and I resolved to pursue useful

knowledge and technology to help ourselves and other farmers improve our

circumstances, and lighten our burden of labour. This resolve gave me strength so

that when I went to university, and later to the US on a scholarship, my spirit rose

above personal hardships. Crawling in the mud had taught me to take bleeding and

sweating as part of my life, and not to be afraid in the face of difficulties. But what

was more important was that I had learned the meaning of “You reap what you


Mother used to say, “Judge a man not by his face, but by his fields.” I appreciate

more and more the meaning of these words. The land is dependable, as long as you

are willing to toil on it. When the wind blew and the green rice plants moved like

高三英语 第 7 页 共 17 页


waves in a sea, stunningly beautiful, a deep sense of satisfaction swelled up(充满)

in me.

I laboured hard in the simple, isolated countryside of my home, and I am proud

of this. Although later I went into academic research, I shall always remember what

working in the rice fields taught me: plant your feet firmly on the ground, work hard

and you will be rewarded.

41. What did the author think of his job as a farmer in Paragraph 1?

A. Unhappy but promising. B. Free and meaningful.

C. Busy but rewarding. D. Exhausting and hopeless.

42. What motivated the author to change his present life?

A. The concern for his father’s sickness.

B. His pity and respect for poor farmers.

C. His eagerness for knowledge and technology.

D. His wish to have a better harvest.

43. How does the author understand his mother’s words in Paragraph 4?

A. A man should be judged by his academic background.

B. A man’s sense of satisfaction comes from the land.

C. A man willing to toil in his field is bound to reap a harvest.

D. A man shouldn’t be judged by his appearance.

44. According to the last paragraph, it can be inferred that the author________.

A. achieves great success in his academic career

B. benefits a lot from his previous experience

C. lives in the isolated countryside

D. takes pride in his hometown

45. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. Crawling in the Rice Fields B. Sticking to Your Dreams

C. Lightening the Burden of Labour D. Sparing No Effort to Work

高三英语 第 8 页 共 17 页



A food-tech startup in New York has developed technology to preserve food for

months without a fridge and artificial preservatives(人工 防腐 剂 ). To cut down

millions of tons of food waste worldwide, it also may transform agriculture in

developing countries where refrigerated shipping containers and trains are rare or


Have you ever wondered why we don’t devote more farmland to growing fruits

and vegetables since they’re much more nutritious? The reason is food’s spoilage

(变质). Farther Farms’ unique CO2 pasteurization(巴氏杀菌法) technology is a

simple fix that can spin out packaged foods’ shelf life at room temperature. Their

first choice was French fries which would normally need to be frozen to survive

trips between production facilities and supermarkets. They can’t be pasteurized like

other goods. Instead, Farther Farms puts them into special packaging and fills it with

specially made CO2, preventing damage from bacteria.

Growing up in India in a farming family, co-founder Vipul Saran developed

Farther Farms as a student at Cornell University. His familiarity with the costs and

the trouble of moving agricultural products from farms into towns and cities before

they spoiled influenced his development of the technology.

“The whole goal is, basically, how we can look into new food processing

technologies that can allow us to create value-added food products from these easily

spoilt food products, which avoids the need and the dependency on freezing as much

as possible,” Saran said.

Rather than packaging apples or potatoes in a plastic bag, the Farther Farms

tech is ideal for value-added food products, not only because they require packaging

of some kind, but also because they earn farmers more money. Rather than needing

to transport them by refrigerated boxcar or shipping container, Farther Farms would

高三英语 第 9 页 共 17 页


ship them at any temperature, thus allowing food producers of all kinds to reach the

maximal number of markets.

46. What can be learned about the new technology?

A. It improves food safety standards.

B. It’s used for reducing food waste.

C. It strengthens the cold chain in India.

D. It simplifies the food production process.

47. What does the underlined phrase “spin out” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Check. B. Limit. C. Lengthen. D. Damage.

48. How does the new technology work?

A. By filling food packaging with special CO2.

B. By recycling special packaging materials.

C. By freezing the food as early as possible.

D. By heating the food before packaging.

49. What inspired Saran to develop the technology?

A. Food shortages in his hometown.

B. The poor living conditions in India.

C. His family’s struggling farming experiences.

D. His observation of the difficulty of food transportation.

50. What’s the impact of this new technology on farmers?

A. It reduces the storm damage to their crops.

B. It expands the market and increases their income.

C. It offers them more farmland available for food production.

D. It makes them gain more professional agricultural knowledge.

高三英语 第 10 页 共 17 页






