重庆市拔尖强基联盟(西南大学附中 重庆育才中学)高三上学期12月月考-英语试题+答案

2023-12-12·13页·1.2 M

高 2024 届拔尖强基联盟高三十二月联合考试

英 语 试 题

(满分: 150 分; 考试时间: 120 分钟)


1. 答题前, 考生先将自己的姓名、班级、 考场/座位号、 准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 答选择题时,必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;答非选择题时,必须使用 0.5 毫米的黑色签字笔书写;

必须在题号对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写无效; 保持答卷清洁、 完整。

3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回(试题卷学生保存,以备评讲)。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听

完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Where did the woman probably go on vacation?

A. In a town. B. In the mountains. C. On some beaches.

2. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Put on safety equipment. B. Ride her bike more slowly.C. Drive to another park.

3. What will the speakers probably do next?

A. Visit the woman's mother. B. Learn to cook noodles. C. Go to a restaurant.

4. Why does the woman apologize to the man?

A. She lost his bags. B. She ran into him. C. She forgot his name.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. How to treat others. B. How to support a family. C. How to find a great job.

第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. How does the woman suggest the man travel?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.

7. Why will the man go to the city center?

A. To find a job. B. To take a class. C. To meet his friend.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 1 页(共 12 页)

听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. Where are the speakers?

A. In the man's house. B. In a clothing store. C. In a design company.

9. What does the woman say about her business?

A. It focuses on personal needs.

B. It only provides formal clothing.

C. It attracts mainly young customers.

10. When will the wedding take place?

A. In one week. B. In four weeks. C. In one year.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Wait for a moment. B. Call Ms. Thompson. C. Introduce his job experience.

12. Who is the man?

A. A manager. B. A secretary. C. An interviewee.

13. Which line of business is the company in?

A. Clothing. B. Education. C. Electronics.

听第 9 段材料, 回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. How does the woman feel at first?

A. Confident. B. Anxious. C. Surprised.

15. What does the man offer to do for the woman first?

A. Introduce her to others. B. Prepare some food for her. C. Show her around the room.

16. What does the man like most about the party?

A. The food. B. The music. C. The people.

17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.

听第 10 段材料, 回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. When is the speech probably being given?

A. During a summer holiday. B. Before a Christmas break. C. After Chinese New Year.

19. What will the listeners receive today?

A. More vacation days. B. Three new products. C. An extra payment.

20. What is the speaker most proud of?

A. The teamwork of the office.

B. The products of the company.

C. The communication with customers.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 2 页(共 12 页)

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。


This list of free movie apps will put thousands of free streaming movies at your fingertips.

Install them on your smartphone or tablet, and you'll be ready to watch the film of your choice

wherever you go. I've used all these apps myself, all of them being practical life experience.

01 Tubi One reason I've ranked Tubi as the best app

What We Like for free movies is because of its awesome

Movies are in their own list, separate from collections like Only Free on Tubi. An added bonus

shows. is that you can start watching immediately without

High quality films. needing a user account. Every movie cover is large

Includes a kids category. enough to see without having to tap on

What We Don't Like them.“Like”or“dislike”a movie to teach the app

O Can't sort the genre lists. what it should recommend to you in the future.

02 Prime Video There are the typical categories for helping

What We Like you find popular, plus genre-specific lists for

Properly separates movies from TV shows. comedies, dramas, etc. On the free page are also

Every category list can be filtered for unique collections like Movies of the month, Black

relevant browsing. voices, and Hispanic heritage.

Includes trailers. The links below are for the Prime Video app,but

App-wide search includes free filter toggle. there's also a dedicated app, which is good if you

What We Don't Like

don't want to see“Rent/Buy”options.

——Must have an Amazon account.

YouTube has an awesome collection of totally

03 YouTube

free movies. The company actually puts together

What We Like

their own list, so you don't have to go searching

YouTube-provided list of free movies. through random people's profiles to find full-

Lets you get alerts when new movies are added.

length films. But if it's struggling, there are

What We Don't Like

some other channels dedicated to free movies,

Can't sort the free movies by popularity,year,

likeMaverick Movies and Timeless Classi c Movies.

or date added.

Smaller selection than similar apps.

Zero unique genres.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 3 页(共 12 页)

04 Filmzie

I like Filmzie because it's built for

What We Like

independent filmmakers and small studios. It's also

Adds new movies regularly.

my go-to for something totally unique. I love the

Interesting genres to pick from. unique waysFilmzie organizes its films. Some

No user account necessary. examples includeTop Rated on IMDb, Cuddle-Up

Comedies, Directed by Women, Independent Cinema, and

UndiscoveredGems. The app has a really smooth

interface, and you don't even need to make a user

account to start streaming.

Includes movie trailers.

Th e ads support the filmmakers.

What We Don't Like

O Can't sort any genre list.

21. Which of the apps can you access without creating an account?

A. YouTube and Tubi. B. Filmzie and Pri me Video.

C. Tubi and Filmzie. D. Prime Video and YouTube.

22. Who is most likely to prefer YouTube according to the passage?

A. A Spanish-speaking movie lover. B. A woman film producer.

C. A movie fan with poor vision. D. An enthusiast about movie updates.

23. Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A. A personal blog. B. A life magazine.

C. A film studio webpage. D. A cinema brochure.


Chika's father is alive. We were always told he was dead. Now differently!

We drove to where Chika was born. Stepping out in front of me was her father. I asked aboutChika’s

infancy. He answered every inquiry with very few words. I didn’t ask why he didn’t want Chika back.

I reminded myself he had lost his partner in that earthquake, the mother of his children.

I explained the reason why I came—Chika’s medical condition—the brain tumor(肿瘤). Iexplained

that her life could be in the balance. I said I had a hard question. If Chika should not survive,is it

important to him that she be buried here in Haiti?

“It doesn't matter,”he said.“Whatever you think.”

I eventually came to my utmost mission. I wanted him to see his daughter—and her to see him—

perhaps because, deep down, I doubted about another chance. Yet as we drove back together, there was

part of me feeling as if I had been nudged(轻推) to the side of the picture. Although Janine and I have

done with Chika, this man has a certain claim that we never will.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 4 页(共 12 页)

Yours, not yours! The paperwork at the orphanage(孤儿院) was signed by me. It obligates us to nurture,

feed, educate, and protect you. But in the end, it is a document, not parenthood. Yours, not yours!We

wrestled with this question many times, Chika. Remember what you once asked? How did you find me?I promised

myself you would never feel lost again.

After two hours, the father walked over, shook my hand, and left. That night, Chika rested her head

upon my shoulder and after a few seconds mumbled,“Mister Mitch? What will you do while I sleep?”

“I'll read,”I said.“And think about how much I love you.”

She nodded, her eyes glowed.“That's what I'll do too.”

At that moment,I didn't care who belonged to whom. I was hers, even if she were not mine.

24. Why did my wife and I call on Chika’s father?

A. To accuse him of his fake death. B. To ask him about Chika's condition.

C. To persuade him of our legal parenthood. D. To invite him to see Chika one last time.

25. What does the underlined phrase“in the balance”in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Evaluated. B. Undetermined. C. Lengthened. D. Unexplained.

26. How did I feel as I drove Chika’s father back?

A. Unclear and thrilled. B. Eager and relieved.

C. Uneasy and troubled. D. Embarrassed and bored.

27. What's the best title of the passage?

A. My Love, Not Mine! B. Who Is“Legal”Father?

C. Your Father, Not Yours! D. Who Belongs to Whom?


It comes in waves. These are not calming waves, with their consisten t slapping of the shore, and

seafoam coasting over the rocks and sand. These are whipping waves, ones that crush sandcastles and soak

the beach in its toxic waters.

It's that feeling of embarrassment, sitting in class and tunneling down through everything you've ever

done wrong before—on your anxious bench—wondering when someone will make a time machine. Maybe those

thoughts consist of something embarrassing you said as a kid. Or that one time someone caught you dancing

in a public bathroom. But what about the other way around? Do you look back and laugh at them and their

actions? Do you even remember that or is it just a side detail in your mind?

All of these things re late to“respectable manners”, disciplining your actions, and dulling

happiness.It doesn't focus or highlight growth. Instead, it tears down joy allowing for self-ridicule. If

you allow growth and happiness for those other people, why don't you deserve it for yourself?

Embarrassment is a lighter shade of shame—a shame formed from the perception of others and what

opinions they might have. It all comes down to society:the boiling po t of expectations placed upon us. The

高三 十二月联合考试 第 5 页(共 12 页)

perfection—an expectation that seems to grow with each year that passes—riddles its waters. But does

it matter that much? Should we dull happiness when it's a mo ment of minor importance? Then we're left

to question what we should be embarrassed about, what embarrassment is, and why it happens.

Embarrassment and happiness don't work together;they are the opposites of each other.

Unfortunately,we can't choose our emotions, but we can choose how we live and how we think of others.

Thinking back on embarrassing memories, how many of them are of other people? Probably few to none.

It's the same way for everyone else. We are all living our own little lives. No one else can remember

that embarrassing moment you dwell on every night, so why should you?

28. What's the function of paragraph 1?

A. To describe a natural phenomenon.

B. To picture embarrassment in waves.

C. To introduce the topic with a vivid figure of speech.

D. To launch a debate against the feeling of embarrassment.

29. Which of the following is basically to blame for people's constant embarrassment?

A. Unrealistic time machine. B. Demanding social expectations.

C. A face-saving sense of self-discipline. D. Top priority on growth and happiness.

30. What can be learned from the passage about embarrassment?

A. It is opposed to happiness. B. It can be controlled out of question.

C. It is seen as slightly shameful. D. It must be remembered by other people.

31. Which of the following sentences agrees with the author's opinion?

A. Awkwardness is a stepping stone.

B. Joy flowers when embarrassment fades.

C. Embrace embarrassment, and enhance growth.

D. In the dance of life, awkward moments make the music.


When caught in the rain, we have all run for cover—often to a nearby tree. On the way, we step

over short-lived puddles and hastily formed streams, marveling at how quickly the soil changes from

supportive and predictable to untrustworthy:slippery, soft, and spongy. At first chance we tend to

flee,skipping further observation.

Given that direct observations are often impracticable, remote observation systems are crucial

for capturing phenomena that are frequent and unpredictable. However, the Bimbache community of ElHierro

observed water running down tree bar k during fog events and captured it for life and agriculture in

1764. If more contemporary hydrologists(水文学家) had watched fog by trees, forest managers may not

have logged the Bull Run Watershed, which reduced local rainfall by 30% in 1982.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 6 页(共 12 页)

Water science faces criticism because of a“techno optimism that tries to solve all problems”. In

fact, this issue extends beyond water science. An interdisciplinary research team led by John T. VanStan

from Cleveland State University argues that scientists should go beyond the laboratory to directly observe

weather phenomena. The researchers insist that hands-on observation of storm events is crucial for

comprehending the complexities of wet weather.

“Natural scientists seem increasingly content to stay dry and rely on remote sensors and

samplers,models, and virtual experiments to understand natural systems. Consequently, we can miss important

stormy phenomena, imaginative inspirations, and opportunities to build intuition—all of which are critical

to scientific progress,”said Van Stan's team.

This type of“umbrella science”, they warn, can miss important localized events. For instance, in

describin g rainwater’s flow from the forest treetops to the soils, the authors note that“if several

branches efficiently capture and carry stormwaters to the stem, rainwater inputs to near-stem soils can be

more than100 times greater.”Likewise, water vapor(水蒸气) clouds trapped beneath forest treetop covers may

escape remote detection, yet be sensitive to scientists on the ground. At the broader scale, these oversights

can affect Ground Earth systems models, which often underestimate forest treetop water storage.

Direct observation, however, has gone beyond making up for the shortcomings of“umbrella science.”Van

Stan and colleagues see core value in firsthand storm experiences—not only for natural scientists, but

also students studying climate change impacts on ecosystems.

32. How do people tend to react to rain?

A. In a defensive manner. B. In a scientific manner.

C. With a wait-and-see attitude. D. With an observation-oriented attitude.

33. Why are the examples in paragraph 2 used?

A. To argue that direct observations are unachievable.

B. To prove that distance observation systems make sense.

C. To justify direct observation that is assumed unworkable.

D. To joke about techno optimism that fails to solve all problem.

34. What does Van Stan's research team argue in terms of hands-on observation?

A. It is effortless and precise. B. It is virtual and accepted.

C. It is complex yet time-saving. D. It is crucial yet overlooked

35. What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. The grounds of starting the research.

B. The scientific values of conducting the research.

C. The strengths of the research for eco-major learners.

D. The expert evaluations of the research across disciplines.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 7 页(共 12 页)

第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)


Wisdom is a remarkable accumulation of experience, knowledge, and sound judgement. It is not

merely a desirable quality but an absolute necessity in a world filled with challenges,

controversy, and polarization. 36 It shines our way ahead towards the best decisions.

Growing up with fairy tales and fantasy movies, I always associated wisdom with Gandalf,

Yoda,and Albus Dumbledore. The truth is that there is more to wisdom than this, although these

characters have given every one of us many important lessons. 37 And how?

Variety is more than the spice of life. Embarking on new experiences is also an avenue for

acquiring wisdom. You will never grow from being in your comfort zone which is why you need to

get out of it. Do change your routine and experience as much as what life takes you to! In fact,

there're always several sides to a life story. To identify the truth, you need to be receptive to

different views.Never base your perspective on the most popular opinions. 38 Instead, train

your mind to be a judgment-free space for ideas. Open-mindedness opens new pathways to profound


What if you are desperate for personal growth and improvement? A shortcut to do that is to

have wise people as your tutors, with whom the more time you spend, the more transfer of knowledge

there will be. Your tutors can be whoever is wiser than you. 39

40 Remember developing wisdom is beyond a destination. It is important to acknowledge

that it takes a span of your life and continuous effort to mature in wisdom as you navigate life's


A. Nor is it emotion-based.

B. Rome wasn't built in a day.

C. It isn't something you are born with.

D. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.

E. Indeed, individuals need to possess bits of wisdom itself.

F. In order to navigate in it, wisdom becomes our guiding light.

G. Yet prior to that, engage in dialogue with them to find out why.

高三 十二月联合考试 第 8 页(共 12 页)

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Cristina has been diving with sharks for the last twenty-five years. She ducks below

the surface of the water where she’s truly at peace despite being 41 by dozens of


As a diving professional in the Bahamas, she uses a variety of 42 in her daily

dives. But the one that leaves people 43 is to remove hooks from sharks' mouths.

Sharks follow fishing boats and often 44 hooks caught in their mouths, which

leads to discomfort, difficulty eating and infection. 45 the hooks can be a long

and dangerous process.The benefits 46 the risks for her.“I'm never scared,”Zenato

says.“I've built a 47 with them based on repetition and conditioning, and they know

that I'm safe.”

Hook removal is just one aspect of Zenato’s shark conservation efforts. 48 her

knowledge—with the public, several Bahamian organizations and others—is an ongoing

task. She 49 the Bahamas to make their waters a shark shelter and has helps promote

shark tourism by training local divers.“I hope that by 50 people to come close to

sharks with a new understanding of them, they can share their 51 experiences with

others,”Zenato says.

Cristina is a(n) 52 conservationist with a passion driven by her love of the

sharks. The love leads her to great 53 in what other might consider dangerous

marine environments.“All species of sharks are part of a complex food chain, each part

54 another,”Zenato says,“we can overcome 55 to better connect to our oceans

and our environment and strive to live in a(n)mutual benefit.”

41. A. attacked B. led C. circled D. found

42. A. techniques B. ideas C. policies D. steps

43. A. confused B. satisfied C. disappointed D. amazed

44. A. put up with B. end up with C. break away from D. set apart from

45. A. Rescuing B. Removing C. Recovering D. Recycling

46. A. overcharge B. outgrow C. outweigh D. overlook

47. A. habitat B. network C. defence D. connection

48. A. Increasing B. Lacking C. Sharing D. Deepening

49. A. convinces B. commands C. disciplines D. assigns

50. A. allowing B. begging C. reminding D. informing

51. A. bitter B. positive C. dull D. amusing

52. A. sympathetic B. cautious C. committed D. competitive

53. A. expectation B. comfort C. entertainment D. leisure

54. A. separated from B. composed of C. changing into D. depending on

55. A. fear B. prejudice C. temptation D. anxiety

高三 十二月联合考试 第 9 页(共 12 页)

第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

As you stroll through the Hangzhou Asian Games Village, one of the first things

56 catches your eyes is the neat street surface, which would swiftly become dry,

almost 57 (magic), if a bottle of water were poured on. In reality, 58

phenomenon results from the well thought out urban planning and construction management

employed in the“sp onge city”development of the village.

Sponge cities are a concept that aim to make cities more adaptable to environmental

changes and better 59 (equip) to handle natural disasters. The city architects

60 (lay) out ecological sponge subunits based on rainwater collection zones for various

uses like watering green areas and cleaning surfaces. This created an integrated system

for organic rainwater circulation 61 (support) the green Asian Games. Additionally,

they combined landscape design with low-impact development techniques to make the sponge

city practical and visually 62 (appeal). For instance, the roads may look like

rubber tracks, 63 are actually made of special concrete that lets water seep

through(渗透), showing how they've made both function and beauty a 64

(combine).“This minimizes harm 65 the natural environment caused by urban

development,”explained GengLei, a staff member at the Asian Games Village.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)


国朋友 Andrew 写一封邮件, 寻求他的帮助。 要点包括:

1. 告知困难;

2. 寻求求助。


1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

Dear Andrew,


Li Hua

高三 十二月联合考试 第 10 页(共 12 页)





