
2023-12-10·39页·3.2 M

2023-2024 学年上学期期中考试


时间: 120 分钟 总分: 150 分







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅


1. What does the woman ask Andy to do?

A. Make his room neat.

B. Pick up the basket.

C. Wash the socks.

2. What is the man going to order?

A. Chicken sandwich.

B. Beef steak.

C. Cheese pizza.

3. Why does the man want to find a job?

A. To pay his tuition.

B. To please his father.

C. To have a backup plan.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. An air ticket booking service.

B. An air ticket discount.

C. A change in flight schedule.

5. How does the man feel about heights?

A. Excited. B. Frightened. C. Calm.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A. B. C 三个选项中


每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. Where will the concert be held?

A. At the stadium. B. At the city hall. C. At the opera house.

7. What will the speakers do before the concert?

A. Buy tickets. B. Eat dinner. C. Go to a club.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. Why does the man feel anxious about his birthday?

A. He hates being in the spotlight.

B. He doesn’t want to spend money.

C. He is afraid of aging.

9. What does the woman suggest the man do on his birthday?

A. Take photos with friends.

B. Do some volunteer work.

C. Buy a pet.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a gallery. B. At a charity party. C. At an award ceremony.

11. Why is the man able to have Danielle Gregory’s works here?

A. They were donated to him.

B. They were lent to him.

C. They were bought by him.

12. What does the man think of Danielle Gregory?

A. Difficult. B. Generous. C. Easygoing.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. When does the woman usually work?

A. At 8:30 a.m. B. At 9:00 a.m. C. At 9:30 a.m.

14. What does the woman say about her subway ride this morning?

A. It was crowded with people.

B. There was a delay.

C. She missed the train.

15. Why is the woman unable to drive to work?

A. She is afraid of driving.

B. She has no driver’s license.

C. She can’t afford a car now.

16. How will the woman probably get to work next time?

A. By taking a bus.

B. By sharing a taxi with others.

C. By going on foot.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What event will take place in Glasgow?

A. A sports competition.

B. A musical concert.

C. A pipe band contest.

18. How long will the event last?

A.7 hours. B.9 hours. C.10 hours.

19. When was the event held for the first time?

A. In 1947. B. In 1948. C. In 1986.

20. What does the city council say the event will do?

A. Contribute a lot to the local economy.

B. Enrich the local culture.

C. Improve the image of the city.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Chinatown, lying in Downtown L.A. near the city’s cultural center, is one of L.A.’s most popular tourist

destinations. What are you waiting for? Go to explore this amazing place right now!


In Chinatown, a mix of new and old restaurants meets everyone’s needs. Early birds should stop by Philippe

The Original, a local restaurant that’s beloved for French Dip sandwiches, but also serves a good classic American

breakfast. Night owls will want to head to Full House Seafood on Hill Street, which is open late into the night.


Food is far from the only reason to visit Chinatown. People interested in history will want to start their trip at

the Chinese American Museum (CAM), lying just outside of Chinatown at El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical

Monument. The museum is housed in the Garnier Building, the oldest surviving Chinese building in a major area of



A big statue of Bruce Lee has become a must-photograph site in Chinatown’s Central Plaza. The late martial

arts star once had a studio in Chinatown at 628 W. College St.

Nearby is Dragon Chasing Pearl, which was originally painted on the wall in 1941 by Tyrus Wong. The artist,

who passed away in December 2016 at age 106, was famous for his work in films, particularly as the lead artist on

Disney’s Bambi.


Chinatown hosts many party-style events throughout the year, like the music and food truck Chinatown

Summer Nights, the yearly Moon Festival and the biggest one, Chinese New Year! It’s really a good place to

experience L.A.’s cultural diversity.

1. Of the following places, which one may be popular for its breakfast?

A. Garnier Building. B. Philippe The Original.

C. Full House Seafood. D. Golden Lake Eatery.

2. Who might be attracted to the CAM most?

A. A chef. B. A doctor. C. A dancer. D. A historian.

3. What can you do in Chinatown?

A. Visit Bruce Lee in person. B. Taste different food for free.

C. Celebrate the Spring Festival. D. Protect the oldest Chinese building.


Known today as “Father of the Blood Bank”, Dr. Charles Drew was a key pioneer in developing ways to store

and transport blood.

In 1950, at age 45, Drew suffered serious injuries in a car crash in North Carolina. Surgeons at a nearby

hospital were unable to save him. His daughter, Charlene Jarvis, was just 8 years old when her father died.

Charlene, now 80, and her son Ernest Jarvis,59, remembered Drew’s legacy (遗产) and his lifelong “drive for

excellence” in a recent interview.

Ernest asked his mother how much she knew about the work her father was doing when she was growing up.

“I must say that I didn’t know a lot about what my father was doing until he died,” said Charlene. She was in

school on the day of her dad’s funeral. “My mother felt that it was better that we didn’t attend the funeral,” she

said. Yet Charlene bore witness to how much respect other people had for her father. “When the funeral procession

left, it went by my school,” she said. “I saw the cars going by and the cars went by, and they went by. And I was

simply astonished that there were so many people who respected him.”

Dr. Drew was appointed director of the American Red Cross’s first blood bank in 1941, which oversaw blood

for use by the US Army and Navy. He went on the following year to work at Freedmen’s Hospital in Washington,

D. C. -- now known as Howard University Hospital -- as chief of surgery and as a professor of medicine. Drew was

also a famous teaching surgeon who trained many surgeons in his time. “It’s a great thing to think that he has done

so much in such a little bit of time,” Charlene said. “I think I call him Dr. Drew because it is respectful. A man of

the ages is not someone who is called ‘Daddy’.”

Charlene, following in her father’s scientific footsteps, became a neuroscientist (神经学家). “Drew’s drive for

excellence was something that all of us felt,” she said. Ernest told his mum that he will pass on their conversations

about his grandfather’s legacy to his children so that they can tell their children. They will all know that Dr. Drew

blazed a path for them.

4. What can we learn from Charlene Jarvis’s description in paragraph 3?

A. The traffic conditions were terrible then.

B. Her father was deeply loved by people.

C. She hoped young people could learn from her father.

D. She regretted about missing her father’s funeral.

5. What does the underlined word “blazed” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Developed. B. Followed. C. Left. D. Took.

6. What do we know about Dr. Charles Drew?

A. He wasn’t widely recognized until recently.

B. He was killed because of serious bleeding.

C. His family were greatly influenced by him.

D. His son was brought up by Charlene Jarvis.

7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The Brief History of Blood Banking

B. The Grand Funeral of Charles Drew

C. The Family Ties and Work of Charles Drew

D. The Deeds and Influences of Charles Drew


Facing the growing digital economy and new positions incubated (孵化) in the sector such as deliverymen and

live-streaming hosts, young people, especially those born after 2000, are expressing a stronger willingness for

flexible work relations with companies, and also wish to become “digital workers” with flexible work locations and


A report from Peking University’s National School of Development released on Wednesday said that nearly

66 percent of surveyed employees born after 2000 prefer to work from home. The number is higher than surveyed

people born after 1970, with about 54. 4 percent of them preferring the new way.

“The Internet can do anything for me. I check emails from my clients and submit my proposals through

WeChat, then we discuss plans via teleconference. I love working from home actually,” said Mi Lu, a 28-year-old

new media operator in Beijing. “It’s a much more convenient and cooler thing. We work everywhere, perhaps in a

cafe, or on a bullet train or even on the table of a restaurant.”

Hu Jiayin, an associate professor in Peking University’s National School of Development, concluded that their

survey shows that young people desire freedom in their jobs, but also wish for stability in their careers because of

uncertainties brought by the fast-changing digital economy.

“But the development of the digital economy also brings great uncertainties and a sense of insecurity to the

working population, so we’ve found some interesting things during our surveys that over 30 percent of job seekers

we’ve surveyed wish to have a stable job at state-owned companies,” she added.

Li Qiang, vice-president of Zhaopin, said that the greatest risk to those seeking flexible work is whether the

company pays the salary fully and on time. “It’s necessary for job seekers to set up a long-term development plan,

rather than be shortsighted.” He added that companies may bear risks that flexible employees can’t deliver high-

quality work in a limited time period, which requires the companies to establish a sound work delivery standard to

help evaluate employee performance.

8. What attracts the young people to become “digital workers”?

A. The increasing network security. B. The convenient transportation.

C. The flexible working style. D. The bright prospects.

9. What do we know about Hu Jiayin’s conclusion?

A. Digital economy is interesting and promising.

B. Young people pay little attention to instability in working.

C. 30% of surveyed job seekers desire to work in government agencies.

D. The development of digital economy is a double-edged sword for job seekers.

10. What does Li Qiang mean in the last paragraph?

A. Job seekers lack ambitions. B. Employers are shortsighted.

C. Some companies require working overtime. D. Flexible work conditions needs improving.

11. What is the author’s attitude to the topic of the text?

A. Favorable. B. Objective. C. Ambiguous. D. Disapproving.


Housing ranks high among the numerous challenges that still need to be overcome before humans can

colonize(征服) Mars. The brave pioneers that make the six-month voyage to the Red Planet will need a place to

live in as soon as they land. While the best solution would be to have the structures ready before they get there, it

has so far been a challenge given that most construction robots have never made it out of the laboratory. Now, there

may be a bit of hope thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s newly revealed Digital Construction

Platform (DCP).

The DCP comprises a double arm system that is fitted on a tracked vehicle. As the larger arm moves, the

smaller, precision motor robotic arm builds the structure by shooting out the necessary construction material,

ranging from insulation foam(绝缘泡沫) to concrete. The team of researchers led by Ph. D. Steven Keating say that

unlike other 3-D printers that are limited to building objects that fit within their overall enclosure, DCP’s free

moving systems can be used to construct structures of any size.

The team recently demonstrated the DCP’s building skills on an empty field in Mountain View, CA. The robot

began by creating a mold with expanding foam that hardens when dry. It then constructed the building, layer by

layer, using sensors to raise itself higher as it progressed. The final product was a sturdy “home” that had 50-foot

diameter walls and a 12-foot high roof with room for essentials like electricity wires and water pipes to be inserted

inside. Even more impressive? It took a mere 14 hours to “print”!

The researchers’ next plan is to make the DCP smart enough to analyze the environment where the structure is

going to be built and determine the material densities best suited for the area. However, that’s not even the best

part. Future DCP models are going to be solar-powered, autonomous, and, most importantly, capable of sourcing

construction components from its surroundings. This means the robot can be sent to remote, disaster-stricken areas,

and perhaps even to Mars, to build shelters using whatever material is available.

12. What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Housing pioneers on Mars is a reality.

B. Colonizing Mars is out of the question.

C. Building structures on Mars is in the testing phases.

D. Finding a liveable place on Mars is a top priority.

13. How does the DCP differ from other 3-D printers?

A. It consumes less time.

B. It comes in more different sizes.

C. It is more environmentally friendly.

D. It can build more diverse structures.

14. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. The successful case of the DCP. B. The working principle of the DCP.

C. The instructions of using the DCP. D. The limitation of the DCP’s function.

15. What might be the biggest highlight of future DCP ?

A. Being powered by solar.

B. Building shelters anywhere.

C. Collecting building materials on site.

D. Analyzing building material densities.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Ways to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint, which drives more global warming, is associated with everything from powering our

homes to getting around, producing our food and making all the stuff we buy. There are dozens of things we can do

to cut our carbon footprint.

Reduce food waste. About one-third of all food gets wasted each year. Producing food that won’t be eaten wastes

valuable resources, including energy. It also creates a lot of greenhouse gases. Someone could cut their food carbon

footprint by 12 percent by not wasting purchased food.____16____

____17____Most U. S. electricity comes from a mix of sources, including fossil fuels. Unless a home is fully

powered by renewable sources, such as wind and solar, people will need to use less electricity to cut their energy

carbon footprint.

Jacket your home with insulation(隔热材料). When it’s chilly out, a thick jacket holds in our body heat to keep

us warm.____18____Thick insulation in the walls, roofs and floors keeps heat inside in winter and outdoors in

summer. Roughly four in every five U. S. homes would save energy costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions if they

added more insulation.

____19____ People who use traditional vehicles can make up the largest part of the carbon footprint. That’s

why people should walk more, ride bikes or take mass transportation. If you need to use a car, consider an electric

vehicle (EV). Once they hit the roads, EVs don’t emit planet-warming gases.

Buy less new stuff. Everything we buy also contributes to our carbon footprints. So a key way to shrink those

footprints is to buy fewer new things. Shopping for the secondhand goods cuts much pollution,____20____ And

recycle wherever you can.

A. Use less energy.

B. Green your travel.

C. Eat more plant-based foods.

D. So avoid types designed to be used just once.

E. Next best is to extend the life of your products.

F. Insulating our homes does much the same thing.

G. One tip: Buy only as much food as you plan to use.

第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

As a businesswoman, I care deeply about my customers. But like anyone for whom you feel affection,

____21____ can also drive you mad. They’ll come rushing in, ____22____ their handbag’s been stolen. They’ll

____23____ that they left it in the changing room, create chaos (混乱)and then ____24____ it had been in their

car all the time. I do know how upset the shop staff can get, but I try to persuade them to keep ____25____.

I remember the first really ____26____ customer we had at Covent Garden. She was ____27____ absolutely

everything, nothing was right and I was rather surprised that she became a “regular”. After a while, she ____28____

for the way she behaved at the beginning. She had split up with her husband the week before, was living in a flat by

herself, and since she’d found it too much to cope with(应对), she’d taken it out on other people.

That taught me a valuable ____29____ and I pass it on to the people who ______30______ in the market. Don’t

take it ______31______. If a customer is rude or difficult, just think Maybe she’s had a row with her husband.

Maybe her child’s not _____32_____.” Always water it down and don’t let your ego( 自 我 ) get

______33______. If you do, you won’ be able to _____34_____ it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant

scene and that ______35______everyone’s day.

21. A. shopkeepers B. customers C. salespersons D. receptionists

22. A. saying B. pretending C. guessing D. replying

23. A. agree B. promise C. imagine D. swear

24. A. forget B. decide C. discover D. assume

25. A. fighting B. smiling C. waiting D. changing

26. A. generous B. polite C. careless D. difficult

27. A. curious about B. displeased with C. patient with D. uncertain about

28. A. searched B. argued C. prayed D. apologized

29. A. lesson B. trick C. skill D. trade

30. A. work B. shop C. meet D. quarrel

31. A. kindly B. secretly C. personally D. casually

32. A. ready B. away C. up D. well

33. A. out of sight B. in the way C. behind the scene D. above the law

34. A. stress B. expect C. handle D. blame

35. A. ruins B. makes C. starts D. saves

第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)

在空白处填入 1 个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

36. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse ________ (appoint) to guard her.


37. Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public________( spend) more

on gifts for their loved ones. (所给词的适当形式填空)

38. Over 3,000 lives ________ (claim) in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that occurred

after it. (所给词的适当形式填空)

39. It was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was ________(happy)than I was. (所给词的适当形


40. They ________ (seek) for a place to shelter from the rain yesterday, but in vain. (所给词的 适当形式填空)





