福建省莆田市五校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试 英语

2023-11-30·6页·290.3 K

2023 年秋季五校联盟期中考试卷 8 What does the woman probably want the man to do?

A.Do some cleaning. B.Be careful in his job. C.Take out the trash in turn.

高三年级 英语 科 9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Manager and new worker.

(总分:150 分,考试时间:120 分钟)

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 10.How does Jane probably feel?

第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) A.Bored. B.Curious. C.Unhappy.

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 11.How much time did Jane have to finish the test?

中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 A.30 minutes. B.60 minutes. C.90 minutes.

下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 12.What will Jane do next?

1.How many languages are there in Google Translate? A.Check her watch. B.Talk to her mother. C.Finish her math homework.

A.133. B.157. C.300. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

2.Where does the conversation take place? 13.What does the woman think of the candidate?

A.In a hotel. B.In a bank. C.In a supermarket. A.Interesting. B.Satisfactory. C.Disappointed.

3.Who has gone back to New York? 14.Where is the man working now?

A.Sandy. B.Sally. C.Stephen. A.In a supermarket. B.In a small financial company.

4.How does the woman eat for lunch at work now? C.In a large international company.

A.By ordering a takeout. B.By bringing food herself. 15.What is the man’s advantage for this candidate position?

C.By going to the restaurant. A.His personality. B.His related experience. C.His customer resources.

5.What’s the homework for history class? 16.When is the interview likely to take place?

A.Read chapters 4 and 5 B.Read chapters 5 and 6 A.On Monday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Friday.

C.Write a five-page essay 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 17.How many presidents are there before Lincoln?

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话或独白后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 A.15. B.16. C.17.

个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒 18.What do you think of Lincoln’s family when he was young?

钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 A.Rich. B.Poor. C.Large.

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 19.What led to the American Civil War?

6.How does the woman feel about the dance competition? A.Lincoln was elected to the president of the U.S.

A.Excited. B.Nervous. C.Confident. B.Some southern states wanted to break off.

7.What is the woman looking forward to most? C.Some slaves began to fight for their rights.

A.Dancing in front of many people. 20.What did Lincoln contribute most to his country?

B.Watching good dancers on stage. A.He was one of the greatest lawyers in the U.S.

C.Making some good new friends. B.He gave one of the most famous speeches.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 C.He managed to keep his country together.

高三年级 英语科 试卷第 1页,共 12页 第 2页,共 12页


第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分) application.

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分) Focus: Marine Science, Coastal Ecotourism, Island Ecology, Climate Change,

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Diving, and Sea Kayaking.

A Certifications you’ll receive: PADI Open Water Diver, PADI Advanced Open

Forfar Marine (海洋的) Science Program Water Diver PADI Rescue Diver, etc. (PADI is the world’s leading scuba diver training

Live on beachfront property, study on the clear Caribbean waters, and earn your organization.)

certifications during a marine science program through the nonprofit International Field 21.When may you submit an application if you are interested in Fall Group?

Studies (IFS). Forfar Field Station, located on Andros, Bahamas, has been home to A.On September 15th, 2022. B.On September 30th, 2022.

unique field study experiences for students since 1970 and IFS is happy to use the past C.On October 1st, 2022. D.On October 10th, 2022.

50 years of experience to support our program designed to give young adults a 22.How will the program benefit students?

professional and academic experience of a lifetime. Students will join in lecture-based A.They may become a member of staff at PADI.

activities and journeys throughout the island as they explore the wonders of Andros. B.They may go on a free tour on the Bahamas.

Program Overview C.They will get diving-related certificates.

Our program will allow students to conduct real-life marine-based field studies D.They will be paid very well.

with an introduction to ecotourism and the Bahamian culture. We will also explore how 23.What can be learned about the program?

climate change is specifically affecting the ecosystem on the island. Students will take A.It lasts for six weeks in each season.

classes from our qualified staff of Environmental Educators and Certified Instructors B.It takes place on Andros, Bahamas.

while enjoying hands-on labs and exploring the ocean, blue holes, and unique island C.It is open to primary school students.

ecology of Andros. As a recent college graduate or post-high school student taking a D.It features marine and food science.

gap year, this experience is sure to help you stand out as you start your career path. B

Program Details Coming into the town of Santa Catarina Palop, in the highlands of Lake Atitln in

Ages: 18 — 24 years old Guatemala, the first thing you notice is the bright colors. Most of the buildings along

Length: about 6 weeks the main street are eye-catching, in deep, varied hues of blues and greens; interspersed

Fall Group: October 27 — December 5, 2022 with red and yellow to form complex patterns and designs.

Application Deadline Extended: September 27th Santa Catarina Palop was once a sleepy town of 5,000 people, most of them

Winter Group: January 17 — February 25, 2023 indigenous(土著的)and dependent on agricultural work. As agriculture began to dry

Application Deadline Extended: October 31st up here, decline for the town and poverty for many of its families came. To deal with

Summer Group (shortened program): May 30 — July 1, 2023 poverty and stimulate economic growth through tourism, a small but mighty group of

Application Deadline Extended: February 20th laborers, artisans, domestic workers and stay-at-home moms created the Pintando Santa

Pricing: Catarina Palop project.

Fall/Winter Groups: $5,500 The project was initially to paint all 850 homes and buildings in bright colors, in an

Summer Group: $4,700 effort to change the hillside town into a work of art. “We wanted to paint the houses

Discounted rates for Bahamian residents available. Please note interest on your with colors and figures that represent the community,” says the project’s executive

高三年级 英语科 试卷第 3页,共 12页 第 4页,共 12页


director Stephany Blanco. “A range of designs were created so that families can it has developed resistance to pesticides(杀虫剂), leaving farmers helpless to stop the

choose designs for their house that are representative of the family.” damage. A new study from the University of Portsmouth has shown that the answer

One of the most representative characteristics of the region is the blue huipil, a may lie in the tropical tent web spider.

traditional blouse which has been worn prominently by local women since the 16th Scientists carried out laboratory tests and found that the spiders banded together to

century. That deep sky blue was chosen as the primary color for the Pintando project, form webs that easily caught the flying insects, which they then ate. Dr Lena Grinsted,

with secondary colors found in the sunsets and the nearby lake to make the design more the lead author of the study, said, “The tropical tent web spiders operate in large

attractive. As for the designs that would be used, they would also find inspiration in groups and can create giant joined-up webs capable of catching insects in the air. This

local culture, symbols such as volcanoes, flowers, Mayan-styled butterflies and the could potentially lead to a reduction of reliance on chemical pesticides, resulting in less

national bird of Guatemala. pollution in soils, waterways and food chains in the future.”

Each week, local artists, community members and tourists pick up paintbrushes to Crop damage is also caused by the larvae(幼虫), which directly attack the tomato

make buildings colorful. “At first, the idea of the project left many unsure about fruit, making the crop ugly and thus unmarketable. Larvae live inside the leaf until they

participating, but now you can see a considerable difference in the town,” Melissa begin the process of turning into a moth, making them difficult to control. However,

Whitbeck said. “The color of the buildings is believed to improve the quality of life of scientists expect that targeting the adult moth population will reduce the number of

the people. It uplifts the people’s mood and encourages them to be proud of where they eggs being laid. In addition, the spiders build the biggest webs during the summer,

come from.” which can benefit the tomato planting and growing season in May and June.

24. What problem did Santa Catarina Palop face? The researchers said the study would “open doors for the use of group-living

A. A labor shortage. B. Poor economic conditions. spiders to control agricultural pests” but warned that more work was needed to check

C. A rapid increase in population. D. Outdated agricultural technology. the spiders did not change the ecology of regions. Dr Grinsted added, “Future studies

25. What is the project about? are needed to investigate whether the spiders may negatively impact crop pollination

A. Building art galleries in Guatemala. (授粉) by also catching bees and other key pollinators.”

B. Creating job opportunities for local artisans. 28. Why is it difficult to get rid of the moth according to paragraph 1?

C. Developing local tourism by selling artworks. A. It is large in size. B. It is drug-resistant.

D. Transforming the town into a cultural destination. C. It spreads too quickly. D. It threatens food supplies.

26. What is the inspiration of the primary color for the project? 29. What made using the spiders to control pests possible?

A. The nearby lake. B. Mayan-styled butterflies. A. Their ability to weave huge webs.

C. A type of traditional clothing. D. The national bird of Guatemala. B. Their importance in the food chain.

27. What is Melissa’s attitude towards the project? C. The effect of chemical pesticides on soil.

A. Positive. B. Uncaring. C. Ambiguous. D. Disapproving. D. The cost reduction of building waterways.

C 30. How do scientists plan to deal with the larvae?

The tomato leafminer moth(飞蛾)originates from Peru and is common A. By stopping them from hatching.

throughout South America. However, it has spread through Europe since 2007 and has B. By controlling their sources.

become one of the largest pests in Mediterranean regions, threatening food supplies. C. By reducing their food supplies.

Experts around the world are currently struggling with new ways to battle the moth, but D. By destroying the eggs of adult moths.

高三年级 英语科 试卷第 5页,共 12页 第 6页,共 12页


31. What is a suitable title for the text? amounts of PFAS, while not harmful in themselves, can add to the chemical load

A. Moths: The Biggest Threat to Crops already present in the body,” Dr. Groffen concludes.

B. Spiders: The Insect-Catching Lovers 32. What does the underlined word “discredited” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

C. Moths: A Headache for Modern Agriculture A. Plain. B. Relevant. C. Doubtful. D. Forceful.

D. Spiders: An Eco-friendly Alternative to Drugs 33. Why are PFAS chemicals known as “forever chemicals”?

D A. They are resistant to water and heat.

Does using an eco-friendly paper straw(吸管)give you a good feeling because B. They may cause various common diseases.

you’re doing something for the environment? “Straws made from plant-based C. They exist widely in daily necessities.

materials, such as paper and bamboo, are often advertised as being more sustainable D. They take a long time to break down.

and eco-friendly than those made from plastic,” says researcher Dr. Thimo Groffen, an 34. What can we know from the test for PFAS?

environmental scientist at the University of Antwerp. “However, the presence of PFAS A. PFAS was found in all five types of straws.

in these straws means that could be discredited.” B. Paper straws were most likely to contain PFAS.

PFAS chemicals, infamous for their longevity and potential harm, can adversely C. Stainless steel straws are harmless to human health.

affect humans, wildlife and the environment. They biodegrade(生物降解)very slowly D. Glass straws were the most environmentally friendly straws.

over time and can persist over thousands of years in the environment, a property that 35. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?

has led to them being known as “forever chemicals”. They are linked to various health A. To stress the potential risks of PFAS.

issues, including thyroid disease, liver damage, kidney cancer and so on. Furthermore, B. To present the advantages of stainless steel straws.

these chemicals are used in everyday items, such as outdoor clothing and non-stick C. To show approaches to using straws safely.

pans, to make them water and heat-resistant. D. To appeal to consumers to avoid using straws in daily life.

For a more in-depth analysis, the research team purchased 39 different brands of 第二节:阅读七选五(共 5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

drinking straws made from five materials — paper, bamboo, glass, stainless steel and 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项

plastic, and then conducted two rounds of testing for PFAS. They found that most 为多余选项。

brands (69%) contained PFAS, with 18 different PFAS detected in total. In paper straws, Disasters: How to Help

PFAS was detected in 90% of the brands tested. PFAS was also detected in 80% of Disasters can happen close to home or far away. But when we hear the news, it

brands of bamboo straws, 75% of plastic straw brands and 40% of glass straw brands. affects us. It has a deeper impact if you know people who are affected.___36___It’s

They were not detected in any of the five types of steel straws tested. good to find a way to help. When we turn our empathy into action, we can do

“The presence of PFAS in paper and bamboo straws shows they are not something that matters. There are things that everyone can do to help those who need it.

necessarily biodegradable,” says Dr. Groffen. “We did not detect any PFAS in ___37____Check the website of a group like the Red Cross. Or reach out to a

stainless steel straws, so I would advise consumers to use this type of straw — or just local community center, places of worship, or other organizations that are setup to help.

avoid using straws.” They know what people need most and the best ways to help. You can pitch into

The PFAS concentrations(浓度)were low and, considering that most people only support their efforts.

use straws occasionally, pose a limited risk to human health. However, PFAS can Get others lo join you. Working with others for a good cause is away to bond. And

remain in the body for many years and concentrations can build up over time. “Small more people-power means more help for those who need it. You could decide to do

高三年级 英语科 试卷第 7页,共 12页 第 8页,共 12页


something as a family.____38____ whole____50____was super rewarding for me.”

Get together to talk about the plan. Talk through the details. Figure out who will By mid-June, the wig finally arrived, Melanie — wearing her son’s long blonde

do what. If you want to do something at school, you might need to ask a teacher to be hair — said she felt ____51____that she could feel like herself again. “The coloring

part of it. is a remarkable ____52____to my complexion (面色), as you can imagine, as we are

Plan what you’ll do, and make it happen.____39____After you find out what’s family and ____53____the same coloring! Two years was a long time for him to have

needed, you’ll want to post a list of what to bring and when and where to drop it off. longhair. Matt ____54____so much to give such a thoughtful gift. I am able to have a

You might need a drop-off box and a place to store the items. more normal ____55____with it,” Melanie said.

____40____Giving is a way to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Even 41. A. settling B. battling C. preventing D. complaining

small acts of kindness and giving have an effect. It reminds others that they are not 42. A. tests B. examinations C. registrations D. surgeries

alone and that there are people who are willing to help. 43. A. received B. recommended C. revealed D. rejected

A. Your actions help others. 44. A. permanently B. merely C. previously D. formally

B. Let’s say you plan to collect supplies. 45. A. standout B. push forward C. break down D. jump up

C. Find out what kind of help people need. 46. A. stressful B. regretful C. determined D. touched

D. Maybe you found a new passion for helping or service. 47. A. occasion B. failure C. situation D. mission

E. Did you use strengths like creativity, planning, tech skills, or teamwork? 48. A. reminder B. offer C. duty D. comment

F. Or you could do something at school, or with people in a community you belong to. 49. A. styled B. spread C. mixed D. observed

G. It can be more stressful if a disaster happens close to home or affects people you 50. A. process B. exchange C. trick D. collection

know. 51. A. interested B. confused C. relieved D. ashamed

完形填空(每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 52. A. measure B. Inspiration C. promise D. match

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B.C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空 53. A. access B. share C. manage D. dominate

白处的最佳选项。 54. A. competed B. sacrificed C. praised D. forgave

Matt Shaha, 27, grew out his hair for two years to make it into a wig (假发) for his 55. A. schedule B. design C. path D. appearance

mom, Melanie Shaha, who has been ____41____with a benign tumor (良性肿瘤) since 语法填空(每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

2003. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Melanie underwent two ___42___to remove the tumor between 2003 and 2006, In recent months, the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, set 56

but it returned in 2017 and doctors ___43___radiation treatments. Three months later (present) the history and culture of the Grand Canal, has attracted a great number of

after radiation, she lost all her hair ___44___. “When you wear a hat everywhere, it visitors. 57 the museum providing 15, 000 tickets each day, visitors can book

makes you ___45___from the crowd,” she said. “I don’t mind being sick, but I do in advance. They usually sell out on weekends, making the museum 58

mind looking sick.” popular landmark in East China. It takes only 20 minutes to get to the museum by taxi

Matt was ____46____to make his mom look like herself again when he saw his from the Yangzhoudong Railway Station. “My passion 59 (arouse) by those

mother’s ____47____. Although his mother initially didn’t want to accept his passengers, so I took my children to the museum too. I never knew why it had such

____48____, he persisted and grew 12 inches of hair by March 2022. And Matt had it great charm 60 I got there.” said one passager.

cut and ____49____with a hairdresser to create a wig that month, Matt said, “The The museum, 61 appearance resembles a giant ship, covers 80,000 square

高三年级 英语科 试卷第 9页,共 12页 第 10页,共 12页


meters and houses 14 exhibition halls. While telling its story, the museum puts an old apartment. The patterns are called rangoli, a traditional Indian decoration, and they

62 (emphasize) on improving visitors’experience. Young people can take part in a look like stars and roses. Lisa’s mother said the drawings were to welcome guests to

live-action role-play game designed by the museum, transporting them back to the their home. Lisa missed the times.

Ming Dynasty, and 63 (immerse) them in an amazing world. “It is 64 Lisa walked to the basketball court and sat on the sidelines. She took the chalk out

(true) a very meaningful experience,” said a visitor surnamed Chen, “This is not the and began to draw her favorite rangoli pattern with huge petals and stars with eight

first time that I 65 (attract).” points. “That’s pretty,” a voice said. She turned around and saw that Eric, a boy in her

书面表达(满分 15 分) class, was watching her. “It’s called rangoli,” she said. “The floor of my grandmother’s

假设你是校英文报编辑李华,为迎接即将到来的杭州亚运会,你报将开设相关专 house has patterns like that,” Erie said.

栏,向全校同学征稿。请你用英语写一则征稿启事。 “What do you mean?” Lisa asked. “Hand me a piece of chalk,” Eric said. Eric sat


down and began to draw. He drew flowers that were more detailed than Lisa’s, but still

1. 栏目名称;

had huge petals. Then he drew circles inside circles, and surrounded them with small

2. 征文要求(内容、词数);

3. 投稿邮箱:asiangames@123.com diamonds. Lisa kept drawing too.

注意: “What are you guys doing?” a voice asked. Lisa and Eric had been so absorbed in

1. 词数为 100 左右; drawing that the hadn’t noticed their classmate Emma had been watching them. “Hey,’

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Emma said, sitting down beside them, “that looks like the rugs in my house. Except on

Contributions Wanted the rugs, the shapes are bigger and flatter.”

______________________________________________________________________ 注意:


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;


2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The English Newspaper “Show us,” said Eric, handing Emma a piece of chalk.

第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分) ______________________________________________________________________

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 ______________________________________________________________________

短文。 ______________________________________________________________________

A Painting Just Like Home ______________________________________________________________________

Lisa wasn’t so happy when the bell went for break. At her old school, she used to ______________________________________________________________________

play with her friends. Now she sat alone in the corner of the field and watched the other Hearing the teacher’s praise, many students gathered around.

kids play. The only thing Lisa liked about her new school was art. She hadn’t had art ______________________________________________________________________

classes at her old school, but here they lasted a whole hour. During the art classes, Lisa ______________________________________________________________________

forgot that she didn’t have friends here. ______________________________________________________________________


When clearing her table, Lisa noticed a box of chalk by the window. She put it in


her pocket. Then she took her usual place at the end of the line. As she and her

classmates walked down the hall and out into the playground, Lisa remembered how

she and her mother used to draw chalk designs on the long drive way leading to their

高三年级 英语科 试卷第 11页,共 12页 第 12页,共 12页






