
2023-11-23·15页·2.2 M




本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦


3. 考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡交回。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What is the man going to do?

A. Have a picnic. B. Go fishing. C. Take a drive.

2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The weather. B. Indoor activities. C. The woman’s illness.

3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At a bus station. B. At a train station. C. At an airport.

4. What will the man do next?

A. Put a job advertisement. B. Conduct an interview. C. Surf the Internet.

5. Why does the man talk to the woman?

A.To book a room. B. To confirm his flight. C. To rearrange the meeting.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. Which place will be cleaned today?

A. The hallways. B. The front office. C. The cafeteria.

7. What will the woman do next week?

A. Give a workshop. B. Design a schedule. C. Host a dinner.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. What did the speakers just do?

A. They practiced dancing together. B. They performed in a musical. C. They watched a show.

9. What was the woman?

A. A dancer. B. An actress. C. A musician.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. What do we know about the jacket?

A. It was unsuitable for the man.

B. It was small for the man’s son.

C. It was bought at a high price.

11. What does the woman ask the man for?

A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.

12. What will the man do next week?

A. Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. D. Visit the store again.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. What did Paul do after he left school?

A. He opened a shop.

B. He did several different jobs.

C. He got a job as a chef in a restaurant.

14. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like?

A. Difficult but beneficial. B. Boring but well-paid. C. Enjoyable but demanding.

15. What does Paul’s current job involve?

A. Managing the whole kitchen. B. Cooking every day. C. Assisting chefs.

16. What does Paul think makes a restaurant successful?

A. Inventing new dishes.

B. Using quality ingredients.

C. Creating less stressful environment.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What is the speakers job related to?

A. Medicine. B. Wild animals. C. Artificial intelligence.

18. What was the main goal of Project Skylark?

A. To create a system for healthcare.

B. To open up possibilities of finance.

C. To teach a machine to identify different birds.

19. What is the program MediScan used for?

A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.

20. What is the speakers attitude towards AI in general?

A. Worried. B. Positive. C. Casual.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Taste of Jamaica vegetarian

Hot, Healthy and Spicy!

Experience the Island’s Rich Cooking Traditions!

25 Vegetarian Dishes from the Land of Reggae!

5.95 $

Introduction: Welcome to the world of Jamaican vegetarian cuisine! This cookbook is a celebration of the vibrant and

flavorful dishes that have made Jamaican food famous around the world. From hearty stews to spicy curries, this

cookbook offers a range of delicious vegetarian recipes that show the island’s diverse cooking traditions.

Jamaican cuisine is known for its bold flavors and vibrant spices, and this cookbook is no exception. Whether

you’re a lifelong vegetarian or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, this cookbook is

sure to delight your taste buds and introduce you to new and exciting flavors.

Inside these pages, you’ll find recipes for classic Jamaican dishes like ackee and saltfish, plantain chips, and jerk

tofu. You’ll also discover lesser-known gems (佳肴) like callaloo soup, pumpkin curry, and mango chow. Each recipe

is accompanied by amazing full-color photographs that will make your mouth water and inspire you to get cooking.

So grab your apron and get ready to embark on a cooking journey to Jamaica. Whether you’re cooking for family

and friends or simply looking to explore new flavors, this Jamaican vegetarian cookbook is sure to become a staple in

your kitchen. All recipes are for 4 persons.

21. What kind of recipes can readers find in the cookbook?

A. International cuisine. B. Traditional Jamaican desserts.

C. Vegetable dishes with spicy flavors. D. Popular Jamaican meat dishes.

22. What can we know about the recipes presented in the cookbook?

A. They are organized by difficulty levels. B. They are illustrated by colorized photos.

C. They are categorized by cooking methods. D. They are planned to serve 2 persons each.

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advocate vegetarianism.

B. To show Jamaican cooking traditions.

C. To introduce the Jamaican vegetarian cuisine.

D. To advertise the Jamaican vegetarian cookbook.


I am an anxious traveller. I arrive at airports and train stations extra early. I double-check all of my documents,

feeling a tightness in my jaw and a slight clench in my stomach until I’ve arrived where I’m going. I used to feel bad

about it, seeing it as absurd and weak. However, I’ve learned to respect my tendency to be cautious.

Recently, I was driving along a rural road at the start of a long trip that would mainly be on a large motorway. I

began feeling that something could go wrong. What if I run out of petrol? I worried, even though I still had plenty. So

when I spied a petrol station just before the road I was going to take onto the motorway, I decided to fill up. Just in case.

And that’s when I discovered that one of my front tyres was flat. If I’d overpowered my unease, talked down my anxiety,

the tyre would have blown at speed on the motorway. My urge to plan ahead even though it wasn’t strictly necessary

saved me from a potentially catastrophic scenario.

A growing number of psychologists and neuroscientists agree anxiety and other negative feelings have a role to

play in our lives. Tracy Dennis Tiwary, who recently published Future Tense: Why Anxiety Is Good for You, thinks our

culture goes overboard in demonising (妖魔化) difficult emotions. She knows what it’s like to get overwhelmed by

anxiety. “I remember a period at work when there was a lot going on. Worries kept waking me up at 4 am. It was like a

yucky cloud of free-floating anxiety,” she says.

Instead of trying to repress this uneasy feeling, however, Dennis Tiwary leaned into it. She recognized the niggling

thing, gave it space and learned from it. Finally she wrote down two or three things she could do to address it. The next

morning, she felt calmer.

24. What can we learn about the author from paragraph 1?

A. He carries the wrong documents carelessly.

B. He is anxious about missing his flights or trains.

C. He feels ashamed about his tendency to be too careful now.

D. He enjoys spending extra time at airports and train stations.

25. What did the author find when he decided to fill up?

A. The gas was used up. B. His unease disappeared.

C. He was caught in a crash. D. Something was wrong with his car.

26. What is Dennis Tiwary’s opinion about difficult emotions?

A. They should be ignored. B. They are crucial to success.

C. They can be beneficial to our lives. D. They are disturbing and evil.

27. How did Dennis Tiwary deal with her anxiety?

A. She sought professional help and solved her anxiety.

B. She rejected being anxious and focused on her work.

C. She embraced her anxiety and tried her best to face it.

D. She was immersed in pain and resigned to calm down.


Uncertainty pops up frequently in conversations. The pandemic, and the growing climate disasters heighten our

awareness of our inability to control many current challenges. No wonder we’re invaded by anxiety and isolation. We

know there are stress-reduction techniques like yoga and exercise. Another much-overlooked one that restores sense of

well-being is poetry.

Poetry reconnects us with the beauty of the world, while also naming its difficulties. Rather than dismissing

hardships, poetry reminds us that others have also lost a loved one, experienced disappointments—have suffered as we

now suffer. Poetry allows us to identify our personal confusions, breaks our feeling of isolation, and confirms our sense

of belonging. Poetry leads us toward wisdom and acceptance.

Science agrees. The Arts & Mind Lab at Johns Hopkins University offers convincing evidence that poetry is good

for our health. A study from 2013 in Philippines showed that guided poetry writing sessions significantly lessened

depression in a group of abused adolescents. Written eight hundred years ago, the poem “The Guest House” invites us

to view life’s experiences and the feelings that arise from them as temporary visitors in the “guest house” of self. With

patience and compassion, the author Jalal al-Din Rumi advises us to recognize that even negative moods are precious

teachers for our growth.

Think of poetry as an entrance to a timeless place where we find comfort, companionship, connection, wisdom,

and healing. Poetry names the disconnects as well, where we have gone blind to threats and personal sorrows that

threaten to overwhelm us. With its precision of language, and its naming of experience, poetry, in a small space, usually

one page, packs a wallop. Entering a poem, readers can sense painful experiences are re-framed and can be given a new

understanding by a poem. That’s because poetry reflects a rich mix of the sweetness and bitterness in life. It refreshes

our minds and offers invented landscapes of imagery. For your own peace of mind, I encourage you to take up a

friendship with poetry.

28. What does the first paragraph mainly focus on?

A. The much-ignored healing power of poetry. B. The inability to overcome difficulties in life.

C. The pressure reduced by yoga and exercise. D. The urgent situation of people’s mental state.

29. What is the function of poetry according to paragraph 2?

A. Poetry dismisses hardships.

B. Poetry promotes peopled intelligence.

C. Poetry overlooks sufferings of the world.

D. Poetry enables us to connect emotionally with others.

30. What does Rumi suggest readers do in The Guest House?

A. Embrace downsides with optimistic attitudes. B. Take the initiative to experience hardships.

C. Take youth into consideration seriously. D. View ourselves as temporary guests.

31. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Poems force readers to feel sweet or bitter.

B. Poems turn a blind eye to threats and sorrows.

C. Poems possess overwhelming power despite limited lines.

D. Poems reshape painful experiences and restrict our minds.


Seaweed farming, which has a long history in Asia, is spreading around the globe. Over the past 30 years, according

to the Food and Agriculture Organization, world production of seaweed has boomed more than six times to over 35

million tonnes, with emerging markets in the Americas, Europe and Africa. The most recent numbers, from 2019, show

that North America produces some 23,000 tonnes of wet seaweed per year.

Cascadia, which was founded in 2019, claims to be the largest cultivator in North America, with a harvest of 200

wet tonnes so far this year. Farms, small and large, are popping up fast. Many see this expansion as a good news story.

The Global Seaweed Coalition (GSC)—a research and industry group—says humanity could, and should, be harvesting

15 times more seaweed by 2050. Coalition member Vincent Doumeizel is a senior adviser on oceans to a United Nations

program working toward corporate sustainability. He talks about a “seaweed revolution” to feed the growing global

population—a transformation as dramatic as the ancient shift to land-based agriculture. “In the ocean, we are still hunter-

gatherers,” he says.

The Global Seaweed Coalition estimates that seaweed (high in protein and other nutrients) could add 10 percent to

the world’s food supply using just 0.03 percent of the ocean surface. One recent study concluded that substituting 10

percent of human food with seaweed by 2050 could spare 110 million hectares of land for purposes other than agriculture.

That’s about two percent of all farmland today.

Advocates like Doumeizel cast seaweed as the solution to many social and environmental problems: The industry

requires no fresh water, pesticides or fertilizers; it doesn’t take up any land; it can overlap (重叠) with other uses of the

ocean like offshore wind farms; it can help to decrease poverty in the developing world; and some companies, including

Cascadia, are collaborating with local communities.

Seaweed creates a rich habitat for sea life, soaks up carbon dioxide, counter-acts acid and absorbs run-off nutrients,

although evidence quantifying how farms, specifically, help with such things remains scarce.

32. What can we learn from paragraph 1?

A. New seaweed farming markets increase in Africa.

B. Seaweed fanning in Europe is earlier than in Asia.

C. Seaweed production is over 35 million in North America annually.

D. Seaweed production of Asia was about 6 million tonnes 30 years ago.

33. According to the GSC, what is the potential of seaweed as a food source?

A. Saving two percent of agricultural land for other applications.

B. Adding 15 percent to the world’s food supply by 2050.

C. Bringing more nutritious food and greater profits to GSC.

D. Providing human beings with more high-fat food.

34. What is an advantage of seaweed farming mentioned in the text?

A. It helps increase the diversity of sea plants.

B. It solves the pollution problems of the ocean.

C. It prevents ocean plant species from dying out.

D. It can be combined with other uses of the ocean.

35. What does the underlined word “scarce” mean in the last paragraph?

A. Obvious. B. Insufficient. C. Ambiguous. D. Invalid.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

根据短文内容.,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。

Freudenfreude closely resembles positive empathy (共情)—the ability to experience someone else’s positive —

emotions. 36 It can also help people co-operate during a conflict and improve life satisfaction. If you’re

interested in enjoying more freudenfreude, try the tips below.

Show active interest in someone else’s happiness.

One way to send good feelings for others is to ask questions. This practice is called shoy, or sharing joy. To start,

invite the bearer of good news to discuss the experience. When listening, be sure to maintain eye contact and listen

attentively, which can motivate you to keep going. 37

View individual success as a communal effort.

“No one gets to the top alone, and when we elevate others, we’re often earned up with them,” Anhalt says. Jean

Grae, an artist and self-identified “multipotentialist” supports friends and colleagues by adopting this mindset. When

someone gels a new opportunity or reaches a milestone, she makes sure to celebrate. 38 “It’s truly inspirational,”

she says, “because it lifts us all up and makes us shine.”


Because emotions are infectious, showing appreciation can increase freudenfreude for the gratitude giver and the

receiver. In this way, you can think of freudenfreude as something you can spread when you're experiencing personal


Turn into a joy spectator.

“Too often, we think of joy passively, Franco says.” We see it as something that comes to us, instead of something

we can generate.” But you don’t need to wail for someone else’s good news to exercise freudenfreude. 40 You

might ask: “What was the bright spot of your day?” or “what’s the best thing that happened to you this week?”. Asking

about other people’s wins turns you into a joy spectator, giving you a chance to witness them at their best.

A. Become a popular organizer.

B. Show credit for your successes with others.

C. Empathy isn’t always an automatic reaction.

D. It motivates kind acts, such as helping others.

E. It even makes you feel as if your efforts will pay off.

F. Cultivate joy by inviting others to share their victories.

G. She says she’s especially moved when anyone considered “other” succeeds.

第三部分 语言运用(共二节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上


Dominik, a 34-year-old Polish entrepreneur, attributes the realization of his dreams to the Belt and Road Initiative.

He jokingly 41 that President Xi Jinping arranged his job in China, where he 42 his international

logistics (物流) company, Hao Duo Huo, in Wuhan, Hubei province.

Dominik’s 43 with China began when he chose to study international 44 at Central China Normal

University in 2009. After completing his undergraduate studies, he took a business 45 to Shenzhen, where he

first encountered the field of logistics. Poland is an important transit country for the China-Europe Railway Express,

and 46 the Belt and Road Initiative, Poland’s logistics has been 47 ,” said Dominik as he mentioned

the reasons behind his strong desire to start his own business.

Carrying this 48 forward, Dominik returned to his alma mater (母校) in 2015 to 49 a master’s

degree. In April 2021, he 50 founded Hao Duo Huo in Wuhan, taking advantage of the city’s strategic location

as a starting point for the China-Europe Railway Express and its 51 to high-quality talent from local universities.

For Dominik, working in the logistics industry is something that brings him a great sense of accomplishment. The

logistics industry is deeply 52 . Looking ahead, Dominik is 53 in his future plans. With his trading

company established, he envisions creating an online 54 similar to Amazon, enabling him to control the entire

supply chain from purchase to delivery, facilitating the 55 distribution of Chinese-made products.

41. A. argues B. promises C. claims D. agrees

42. A. joined B. acquired C. supported D. established

43. A. partnership B. connection C. agreement D. comparison

44. A. trade B. law C. politics D. relationship

45. A. vacation B. adventure C. measure D. flight

46. A. regardless of B. in addition to C. instead of D. thanks to

47. A. sustainable B. common C. booming D. special

48. A. dream B. strategy C. project D. experience

49. A. evaluate B. check C. hold D. pursue

50. A. formally B. randomly C. jointly D. respectively

51. A. entry B. admission C. access D. path

52. A. annoying B. satisfying C. surprising D. demanding

53. A. interested B. engaged C. indifferent D. confident

54. A. section B. platform C. area D. field

55. A. regional B. national C. global D. local

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The term Xuan paper first appeared in On Famous Paintings through the Ages, a book 56 (write) by Tang

Dynasty (618-907) scholar Zhang Yanyuan, 57 he described Xuan paper as an ideal carrier for calligraphy and

painting. Handmade Xuan paper from Jingxian county, East China’s Anhui province, 58 (list) as a tribute (贡

品) to the imperial court for its supreme quality during the period.

The traditional craft of making Xuan paper is 59 (extreme) demanding. Sandalwood bark, a plant native

60 southern China, goes through 108 procedures together with rice straw over the course of three years before it

can transform fine Xuan paper. The entire procedure is so complex that even the most skilled craftsman can only master

61 (limit) number of steps.

The flow of ink, both guided and resisted by water, determines 62 output of Chinese art, and Xuan paper

outshines others with its excellent ability 63 (give) full play to ink. Xuan paper 64 (accompany) the

passionate brushstrokes (笔画) of the Chinese literati (文人) for thousands of years. Unlike other forms of paper, it is

very resistant to damage brought by time. It is this durability that has made the 65 (preserve) of many valuable

works from ancient China possible.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

近日,讲述国宝回家的短剧《逃出大英博物馆》(Escape from the British Museum)引发关于文物保护的热

议。假如你是李华,请以“Preserve Chinese Relics”为题,给你校英语报写一篇投稿,内容包括:

1. 文物保护的意义和措施;

2. 呼吁大家保护文物。


1. 写作词数应为 80 词左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Preserve Chinese Relics

第二节(满分 25 分)


I was invited to give a speech as a graduate representative at the graduating ceremony. Standing on the stage,

overwhelmed by the thunderous applause, I couldn’t help but reflect on my life journey. I own great thanks for success

to my beloved teacher and every person who had shown me kindness.

I grew up in a financially disadvantaged family with five children. The burden of poverty, compounded by the

responsibility of looking after my younger brothers and sisters, made it hard to pursue my studies further. Just when we

believed things couldn’t get any worse, my father suddenly fell gravely ill. His illness progressed swiftly, and we were

heartbroken when he passed away. With my fathers untimely death, my mother found herself struggling with the

enormous task of single-handedly raising a large family. Our situation became even worse, and I couldn’t bear to

increase her burdens. It was then that I made the difficult decision to forego my education in order to support my family.

But little did I know that my life was about to take a turn that would change everything. One rainy day, my teacher

Mr. Scott decided to brave the storm to find my humble home tucked away in the mountains. His determination to reach

me despite the harsh weather painted a vivid image of his commitment and care. As the rain poured relentlessly, my

teacher navigated the paths full of twists and turns, determined to understand the true reason behind my decision to drop

out of school. Upon reaching my doorstep, he was greeted by a shabby house that reflected the hardships my family

faced daily.

Sitting in my modest living room, Mr. Scott patiently listened to the challenges that burdened my family and me.

The weight had become too much for me to bear, making the pursuit of education seem like an unattainable dream.

Deeply touched by my story, Mr. Scott’s eyes brimmed with empathy and understanding. He recognized the potential

that lay within me and refused to let my circumstances define my future.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

At that moment, he made a decision that changed my life.

When the college entrance examination finally arrived, I faced it confidently.




第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1—5BACACC 6—10 AACAB 11—15 BCBAA 16—20 BCCBB

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

21—23 CBD 24—27 BDCC 28—31 ADAC 32—35 AADB 36—40 DEGBF

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41—45 CDBAB 46—50 DCADA 51—55 CBDBC

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56.written 57.where 58.was listed 59.extremely 60.to

61.limited 62.the 63.to give 64.has accompanied 65.preservation

第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

Preserve Chinese Relics

Recently,a video series named Escape from the British Museum went viral,which sparked heated discussions and

raised our awareness of protecting traditional Chinese relics.

Faced with the challenge of being destroyed,missing or even being stolen,traditional Chinese relics are urgent to

be protected.Not only are they the tangible reminder of the past,but they enable us to experience our cultural confidence

as well.

The joint efforts from both government and citizens are needed.The government should spread the knowledge of

Chinese relics preservation.And much can also be dune by citizens to protect Chinese relics,such as raising fund and

participating voluntary activities Personally,it is high time that we spared nu effort to preserve' traditional cultural relics.

第二节(满分 25 分)

One possible version:

At that moment,he made a decision that changed my life.He convinced me to continue my education and launched

a heartfelt fundraising campaign in our community,sharing my story far and wide.The whole community responded

with overwhelming generosity,offering not only financial assistance but also words of encouragement and belief in my

abilities.These acts of kindness gave me an opportunity to embrace my studies once again.However,I knew there were

still numerous challenges ahead,with the college examination the biggest one.I had to work harder than ever before.Late

nights witnessed me pouring over textbooks,devouring knowledge like a parched traveler stumbling upon an oasis.

When the college entrance examination finally arrived,I faced it confidently.Every question became a battleground

where I fought tooth and nail to prove that my circumstances did not define my abilities.The results were unveiled,and

it turned out just as I had expected.I got a high score and was admitted to my dream university.It was not only a testament

to my unwavering dedication but also the firm support from my teacher.As I embarked on my university journey,my

heart was filled with gratitude.This gratitude endures to this day.Without the teacher who braved the storms to find





