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哈九中 2024 届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷

考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分

第一部分:听力测试(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话

后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

( ) 1.Why was the man late for work?

A.He was stuck in traffic. B.He had a traffic accident. C.His car broke down on the road.

( ) 2.What does the man like about the new shop?

A.The location. B.The assistants. C.The clothes.

( ) 3.What is the man doing?

A.Placing an order. B.Asking about an item. C.Requesting a delivery service.

( ) 4.Who might Lily be?

A.The woman’s babysitter. B.The woman’s boss. C.The woman’s child.

( ) 5.What does the woman agree to do?

A.Change seats. B.Call off her trip. C.Travel on a different day.

第二节(共 15 小题;小题 1.5 分,满分 25.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第6 段材料,回答第6 至 7 题。

( ) 6.How does the woman describe the furniture store?

A.They sell goods online as well.

B.There are good bargains on sale.

C.There are goods of high quality.

( ) 7.What will the man do first?

A.Surf the Internet. B.Go to the store. C.Compare prices.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至 9 题。

( ) 8.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon.

( ) 9.Why doesn’t the man go to the conference room now?

A.He needs to meet the clients. B.He is working on another task. C.He has checked the heater before.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

( ) 10.What are the speakers discussing?

A.A local band. B.Their weekend plans. C.The woman’s cousin.

( ) 11.Who is the woman scheduled to meet?

A.A relative. B.A band member. C.A concert organizer.

( ) 12.What does the man offer to do?

A.Convince Jane. B.Pay for the tickets. C.Find out the availability of tickets.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

( ) 13.What happened to the woman at the beginning?

A.She lost her phone. B.She couldn’t find the way. C.She was trapped in heavy snow.

( ) 14.How did the woman keep warm?

A.By drinking hot tea. B.By using the car heater. C.By having more clothes on.

( ) 15.Why did the woman turn off the engine?

A.It broke down. B.She stopped to answer a call. C.The car was running out of gas.

( ) 16.What did the emergency services do?

A.They called an ambulance.

B.They led the woman to her home.

C.They helped the woman go to the main road.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

( ) 17.What kind of place is Oldsville?

A.An oil field. B.A tourist area. C.A deserted train station.

( ) 18.What can tourists see right beside the track?

A.Trees. B.Animals. C.Desert plants.

( ) 19.What do we know about the bridge?

A.It is dangerous. B.It is made of wood. C.It is over a deep river.

( ) 20.Where can tourists get drinks?

A.From a store. B.From the speaker. C.From a machine

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每题 25 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和 D )中,选出最佳选项。


East Grampians Health Service

New job, new adventure!


East Grampians Health Service (EGHS) is seeking applications from new graduate Dentists to join the Oral

Health Department in our new Community Health Centre on a full-time limited tenure (任期) basis from January

2023 to late December 2023.

EGHS is located in Ararat, Western Victoria, an active and friendly community just two hours from Melbourne.

Close to the Grampians National Park, it provides an excellent living and recreational environment. Our Oral Health

team consists of a group of professional Dentists, Dental Technicians and Dental Assistants, supported by excellent

facilities and equipment.

The position offers mentoring (指导) support and accommodation. This is an excellent opportunity for a

recent or new graduate to experience a broad base for early career development.

Key responsibilities:

—Work as a member of the dental team.

—Independently undertake clinical duties.

—Work closely with the Senior Dentist in the planning and operation of dental health services.

—Accurately document patient care in accordance with health service guidelines.

Position requirements:

Applicants for the position must:

—have a Bachelor of Dental Science degree or equivalent qualification;

—hold a current AHPRA registration to practice as a dentist in the state of Victoria.

—complete the Fit 2 Work Police Check and Working with Children Check.

To apply for the position please submit an application including:

—a cover letter and resume (简历);

—a document detailing responses to the Key Selection Criteria as set out in the Position Description available

from: eghs.net.au /employment.

Closing date for application: 11th November 2022

Contact details: Dental Coordinator Kaylen e Jackson

P: 03 53529327

E: kaylene.jackson@eghs.net.au

For more information visit eghs.net.au.

( ) 21.What can we learn about EGHS?

A.It is located in Melbourne. B.It is seeking Senior Dentists.

C.It offers good dental health services. D.It focuses on training Dental Technicians.

( ) 22.What is required of the applicants?

A.Be qualified to do the Working with Children Check.

B.Be qualified to practice dentistry in Victoria.

C.Have a Master of Dental Science degree.

D.Have at least one year’s work experience.

( ) 23.What should the applicants pay attention to?

A.Emailing Kaylen e Jackson to get the Position Description.

B.Visiting eghs.net.au to download a standard resume.

C.Completing their Fit 2 Work Police Check before December 2023.

D.Submitting their application before 11th November 2022.


When I was little, my dad would let me sit beside him on the porch while he painted. He would tell me how the

cow by itself is just a cow, and the meadow by itself is just grass and flowers, and the sun peeking through the trees is

just a beam of light, but put them all together and you’ve got magic.

I understood what he was saying, but I’ve never felt what he was saying until one day when I was up in the

sycamore (梧桐) tree to rescue a kite stuck in the branches. It was a long way up, but I thought I’d give it a shot. I

started climbing. Then I looked down. And suddenly I got dizzy and weak. I was miles off the ground! But the kite

was still beyond my reach. I caught my breath and forced myself to concentrate on the kite as I climbed up.

When I had the kite free, I needed a minute to rest. That’s when the fear of being up so high began to lift, and in

its place came the most amazing feeling that I was flying. Just soaring above the earth, sailing among the clouds.

Then I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled. It seemed like sunshine and wild grass and rain! I

couldn’t stop breathing it in, filling my lungs again and again with the sweetest smell I’d ever known.

I never got over the view. I kept thinking of what it felt like to be up so high in that tree. I wanted to see it, to feel

it, again.

It wasn’t long before I wasn’t afraid of being up so high. I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.

Sunsets were amazing. Some days they’d be purple and pink, some days they’d be a blazing orange, setting fire to

clouds across the horizon.

It was on a day like that when my father’s notion (观念) moved from my head to my heart. The view from

my sycamore was more than rooftops and clouds and wind and colors combined.

And I started marveling (惊奇) at how I was feeling both humble and majestic (壮丽的) How was that

possible? How could I be so full of peace and full of wonder?

It was magic.

( ) 24.Why did the author climb up the sycamore tree?

A.To play in the tree. B.To get a trapped kite.

C.To prove her courage. D.To practice climbing skills.

( ) 25.The author’s climbing experience was ______.

A.unusual but painful B.adventurous but rewarding

C.competitive and imaginative D.well-planned and interesting

( ) 26.Why did the author like being up high in the tree?

A.Because the tree had the sweetest smell. B.Because it could help her to concentrate.

C.Because her father encouraged her to do so. D.Because she could enjoy more than good views.

( ) 27.What message does the author want to convey?

A.Practice makes perfect. B.Positive action leads to happiness.

C.Beautiful things don’t ask for attention. D.The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Have you ever heard someone say, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, or give you advice about

why it’s vital to start the day with a health y breakfast? It seems that this meal, for many of us, is necessary for our

day to start well, but is it really that important?

The word ‘breakfast’ comes from ‘breaking the fast’— the idea of ending the period in which we didn’t eat

during the night. The regeneration process that takes place while we sleep consumes some of our natural food reserves

to heal our bodies. Breakfast gives us an opportunity to replenish those depleted (耗尽的) stores of things like

protein and calcium. So, in that way, a healthy breakfast makes sense.

There are also many often-quoted studies which seem to correlate (相关) a state of being overweight with

skipping breakfast. In fact, it leads many health experts to advise a healthy breakfast to not only regulate but also lose

weight. In a US study, 50, 000 people were monitored over seven years, and those who ate a health y breakfast were

found to have a lower BMI (体重指数), which seems to suggest that breakfast may indeed help people maintain a

healthy weight.

But it might not be as simple as that. Some experts, like Alexandra Johnstone, professor of appetite research at

the University of Aberdeen, suggest those who skip breakfast might be less aware of healthy diets and nutrition, and

people who eat breakfast might have a healthier lifestyle overall—exercising and not smoking, for example. And she

also points out that with the rise in popularity of intermittent (间歇性的) fasting to lose weight, there may also be

some benefits of not eating breakfast, like improving blood sugar control and lowering blood pressure.

So, while breakfast has its benefits, it might not be the most important meal. It seems that a healthy lifestyle with

a balanced diet might be more important for many of us than just one single meal.

( ) 28.What does the first paragraph serve as?

A.An introduction. B.A background. C.An explanation. D.A comment.

( ) 29.What does the underlined word “replenish” mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Set aside. B.Deal with. C.Make up for. D.Run out of.

( ) 30.What conclusion can we draw from Johnstone’s research?

A.Skipping breakfast may do good to our health.

B.Those who eat breakfast can keep a lower BMI

C.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

D.Intermittent fasting contributes greatly to weight loss.

( ) 31.What does the author suggest we do at the end of the text?

A.Try new lifestyles. B.Be aware of the benefits of each meal.

C.Pay more attention to breakfast. D.Follow a balanced diet.


When a chunk of ice fell from a collapsing glacier (冰川) on the Swiss Alps’ Mount Eiger in 2017, part of

the long deep sound it produced was too low for human ears to detect. But these vibrations (震动) held a key to

calculating the ice avalanche’s (崩塌) critical characteristics.

Low-frequency sound waves called infrasound that travel great distances through the atmosphere are already

used to monitor active volcanoes from afar. Now some researchers in this field have switched focus from fire to ice:

dangerous blocks snapping off (折断) glaciers. Previous work has analyzed infrasound from snow avalanches but

never ice, says Boise State University geophysicist Jeffrey Johnson. “This was different,” Johnson says. “A signature

of a new material has been detected with infrasound.”

Usually glaciers move far too slowly to generate an infrasound signal, which researchers pick up using detectors

that track slight changes in air pressure. But a collapse—a sudden, rapid breaking of ice from the glacier’s main

body—is a prolific (丰富的) infrasound producer. Glacial collapses drive ice avalanches, which pose an

increasing threat to people in mountainous regions as rising temperatures weaken large fields of ice. A glacier “can

become detached from the ground due to melting, causing bigger break-offs.” says University of Florence geologist

Emanuele Marchetti, lead author of the new study. As the threat grows, scientists seek new ways to monitor and detect

such collapses.

Researchers often use radar to track ice avalanches, which is precise but expensive and can monitor only one

specific location and neighboring avalanche paths. Infrasound, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break-off

events around a much broader area as well as multiple avalanches across a mountain. It is challenging, however, to

separate a signal into its components (such as traffic noises, individual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) without

additional measurements, says ETH Zurich glaciologist Malgorzata Chmiel. “The model used by Marchetti is a first

approximation (类似事物) for this.” she says. Isolating the relevant signal helps the researchers monitor an ice

avalanche’s speed, path and volume from afar using infrasound.

Marchetti and his colleagues are now working to improve their detectors to pick up more signals across at-risk

regions in Europe, and they have set up collaborations (合作) around the continent to better understand signals

that collapsing glaciers produce. They are also refining (改善) their mathematical analysis to figure out each ice

cascade’s (瀑布状物) physical details.

( ) 32.What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?

A.Infrasound has a major role to play in discovering avalanche.

B.Researchers are trying to use infrasound in detecting ice avalanches.

C.Ice avalanches are harder to detect than volcanic eruptions.

D.Scientists employ infrasound more in mountain areas than in other places.

( ) 33.Which is an advantage of infrasound over radar?

A.The ability in picking up signals in wider areas.

B.The accuracy in locating a certain avalanche.

C.The combination with other relevant signals.

D.The sensitivity in tracking air pressure changes.

( ) 34.The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to ______.

A.detecting multiple avalanches at the same time

B.distinguishing different components of a signal

C.calculating the speed and path of ice avalanches

D.monitoring the specific location of ice break-offs

( ) 35.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.From Fire to lee B.Secret of Ice Avalanches

C.Nature is Warning D.Glacier Whispers

第二节(共5 小题:每题 25 分,满分 125分)


Most people aim to get their recommended seven to nine hours of sleep in one long stretch at night. And the

technical term for this is “monophasic sleep (单相睡眠) ” 36 . However, we may not have been

programmed to sleep in this way.

Now, I’m sure you’ve had that experience of a drop in your concentration in the afternoon, where you start to

feel a little sleepy. 37 , as their heads begin sort of moving up and down during afternoon meetings. And it

happens to most of us somewhere between the one to four pm mark.

What this suggests is that we may have been designed to sleep in a biphasic (双相的) pattern, meaning one

longer period of sleep at night and then a short afternoon nap (小睡) during the day, very much like the nap

cultures around the world.

But is napping always a good thing? 38 Although we and other scientists have discovered that naps can

have benefits for both the brain and the body, naps can be a double-edged weapon Long naps in the afternoon or in the

early evening can just take the edge off your sleepiness. 39 .

So if you are struggling with sleep at night, the best advice is not to nap during the day. Instead, buildup all of

that healthy sleepiness so that you give yourself the best chance of falling asleep easily and then staying asleep

soundly across the night 40 , naps of around 20 minutes taken early in the day can be just fine.

A.Well, not necessarily

B.In other words, a single period of sleep at night

C.And you can also see it in other people as well

D.It’s a little bit like snacking before your main meal

E.If you’re mindful of how often and how long your naps are

F.You may think this drop in your concentration is because of a big lunch

G.But if you’re not struggling with sleep and you can nap regularly during the day


完形填空(共 15 小题:每题1 分,满分 15分)

The Healing Power of Music

Since Mom died and Dad lived alone, he was often angry, and lately he was getting more and more confusing.

Today 41 to be worse than usual. He had a new aid named Linda, from our home country of Lithuania. The

42 of a stranger was bound to make Dad even more 43 .

Sure enough. Dad started 44 as soon as I got in the door. “This new girl doesn’t know anything,” he

whispered with dissatisfaction.

“It’ll take some time for her to learn how to help you,” I 45 him.

The three of us sat 46 in the living room. I wished I could think of something to say Lord, please help us

feel more comfortable with this arrangement.

Linda 47 to her feet. Walking over to Dad’s record player, she 48 a Lithuanian folk record onto

the turntable (转盘). The familiar accordion (手风琴) music played. Dad started 49 along to it. Linda


The music seemed to drive all the 50 from the room. We chatted about Lithuania. It was one of the

51 visits Dad and I had ever had.

When I left, he hugged me good-bye and asked me to 52 old photos with him and Linda next time.

53 . I had a look at the old Dad, the man I’d always loved 54 time with.

I’d come to Dad’s house expecting the 55 . But with Linda’s help and a little music from the old country,

I’d found what I would always love.

( ) 41.A.promised B.tended C.planned D.needed

( ) 42.A.choice B.presence C.name D.assistance

( ) 43.A.absent-minded B.light-hearted C.ill-tempered D.heart-struck

( ) 44.A.shouting B.warning C.remarking D.complaining

( ) 45.A.advised B.directed C.comforted D.informed

( ) 46.A.impatiently B.anxiously C.awkwardly D.boringly

( ) 47.A.sprang B.went C.struggled D.came

( ) 48.A.threw B.placed C.grabbed D.played

( ) 49.A.laughing B.singing C.clapping D.smiling

( ) 50.A.warmth B.atmosphere C.sound D.tension

( ) 51.A.longest B.strangest C.nicest D.rarest

( ) 52.A.check out B.hang on C.get through D.look at

( ) 53.A.For a moment B.At a time C.By the way D.On the whole

( ) 54.A.treasuring B.wasting C.saving D.spending

( ) 55.A.best B.commonest C.worst D.happiest

第卷(非选择题,共 55分)

第一节 语法填空(共 10 小题:每题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

Smooth yet tensile (可伸展的). Versatile (多用途的) and durable 56 these qualities. Xuan

paper is known as the “Paper of Ages”.

The term Xuan paper first appeared in On Famous Paintings through the Ages, a book written by Tang Dynasty

(618-907) scholar Zhang Yanyuan, in which he described Xuan paper as an ideal carrier for calligraphy and painting.

Handmade Xuan paper from Jingxian county, East China’s Anhui province, 57 (list) as a tribute (贡品)

to the imperial court for its supreme quality during the period.

The traditional craft of making Xuan paper is extremely 58 (demand) : Sandalwood bark, a plant native

to southern China, goes through 108 procedures together with rice straw over the course of three years 59 it

can transform into a batch of fine Xuan paper. The entire procedure is so complex that even the most skilled craftsman

can only master limited number of steps.

The f low of ink, 60 is both guided and resisted by water, determines the output of Chinese art, and

Xuan paper outshines others with 61 (it) excellent ability to give full play to ink. Different proportions of bar

k to straw during the papermaking process can create different canvases best suited for artistic expression in freehand

ink paintings or calligraphy.

Xuan paper 62 (accompany) the passionate brushstrokes (笔触) of the Chinese literati (文人)

for thousands of years. Unlike other forms of paper, it is very resistant to damage 63 (bring) by time. It is this

durability 64 has made the preservations of many valuable works from ancient China possible.

Papermaking is a crystallization of 65 (wise) of the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the zenith (顶

峰) of papermaking.

第二节:写作(满分 15分)



注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右:


参考词汇:pottery 陶艺,陶器

第三节:写作(满分 25分)


“Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...”

Danny sang while his fingers pressed and pulled skillfully at the guitar strings, delivering a slow and peaceful

tune. A circle of audience had formed, nodding and moving slowly to the song.

Lying at the feet of the street performer was his most adoring fan: One-Eyed, a white stray (流浪) dog with

pieces of brown. Danny felt the name was suitable considering its physical disability. Usually, One-Eyed would bar k

loudly as Danny performed. Much to his annoyance, people often mistook the pair as owner and pet. At this time,

Danny would reply, “My dog? No!”, eyes rolling at the idea. How he wished the dog would leave him alone instead!

On a snowy night, while Danny was performing, a bird flew downward, landing into the midst of the crowd. It

cooed (咕咕叫) happily as if to harmonize with Danny. Unfortunately, that did not sit well with One-Eyed, which

immediately bounced at it and the bird flew away desperately.

The unexpected chaos upturned Danny’s hat, which could have been filled with notes and coins from his

appreciative audience, leaving it ignored on the ground. “Argh! The hateful dog!” Danny broke down, thinking to

himself, “Either the dog goes or I go!”

On the next night, Danny tried to find a new place and chanced upon the park. For a while his earnings were

good unsurprisingly as there was a steady flow of visitors. However, that didn’t last long. One-Eyed came along and

appointed itself as Danny’s guardian. “Argh! Here comes the hateful dog again!” That night, Danny hadn’t made

enough money he should have, all thanks to the troublesome dog.

Danny was almost mad with One-Eyed. “What should I do? Call an animal shelter?” Tor n by this problem, he

walked aimlessly by the lake of the park. With all his mind focused on how to get rid of the dog. Danny didn’t watch

his steps. Suddenly, he slipped and fell into the lake accidentally. Struggling in the icy water, he cried for help

desperately, almost choking to death. Sensing the approach of death, Danny got into overwhelming panic.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右:


Just then, a familiar barking was heard in the distance _______________________________________________



“My hero! Thank you for saving me,” Danny said gratefully with water y eyes.




哈九中 2024 届高三上学期期中英语学科试卷答案

听力:1-5AABCC 6-10 CBABB 11-15A CBCC 16-20 CBCBB

阅读理解:21-23 CBD 24-27 BBDD 28-31 ACAD 32-35 BABD

七选五:36-40 BCADG

完形填空:41-45 ABCDC 46-50 CABBD 51-55 CDADC


56.With 57.was listed 58.demanding 59.before 60.which

61.its 62.has accompanied 63.brought 64.that 65.wisdom


Aimed at arousing our passion for traditional Chinese culture, a pottery exhibition will be organized by the

pottery club next Sunday in the school hall.

It begins with a viewing session where you will see dozens of handmade pottery created by the member of the

club. Works of some local potters will also be on show for appreciation. Following that, a famous local potter will

give a lecture on different aspects of pottery and remark on some of the exhibits.

If you want to feast your eyes on the beauty of pottery, this is a rare chance not to be missed.


Just then, a familiar barking was heard in the distance. In a split second, a splash of brown, out of breath, quickly

jumped into the lake. It was One-Eyed! It barked, swimming toward Danny with all its might. On spotting One-Eyed,

Danny seemed to see a ray of hope, attempting to move towards it instantly. Instinctively, Danny grabbed the tail of

One-Eyed. Ultimately, they managed to climb ashore, exhausted. Gazing at One-Eyed in disbelief, Danny patted it

tenderly in return. One-Eyed was no longer troublesome; instead, it became a “hero” in his heart.

“My hero! Thank you for saving me,” Danny said gratefully with water y eyes. “You’re my brave guardian

angel!” Since that night, “One-Eyed” was nonexistent while “Hero”, as the dog was re-named, became a part of

Danny’s performance. So attached were they to each other that they became genuine partners. Danny would include

his pet as he engaged the audience. Hero also had its own place to lie on-the feet of Danny. While Danny played

guitar, Hero would bar k happily to harmonize with his owner. What a perfect match!


Text 1

M: Getting to work in the morning seems to take longer each day. I was late again this morning.

W: Are you still driving in?

M: Yes. The traffic was so bad in the morning. It’s just one traffic jam after another on the road. (1)

Text 2

M: I like that new clothes shop. The one I usually use is so far out of town. I hardly ever go there. (2)

W: Me neither, and the people who work at the new shop couldn’t be nicer. But I found the range of styles there was

quite narrow.

Text 3

M: Hi, I ordered a book from Justin Lewis last week. I was wondering if it has come in yet. My name is Peter


W: Let me check it for you, Mr. Schneider. Yes, the book has arrived this morning and should be ready for you to





