
2023-11-21·10页·32.9 K

英语参考答案第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1~5 CBAAB6~10 BCBCA11~15 AACCC16~20 BBCAB第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)21~25 BCAAB 26~30 DBCDA 31~35 CADBC第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)36~40 CGAEB第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)41~45 DABCB 46~50 DCACB 51~55 DABCA第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56.practically57.and58.a59.have run/have been running60.to increase61.in 62.were exported 63.its 64.where65.accounting第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)【参考范文】An Unforgettable“Creative Fruit Platter”ActivityLast Friday,our class organized an unforgettable“Creative Fruit Platter”activity,which aimed to relieve us students of great pressure.At 4:30 pm,the activity began.First,we discussed the theme and the design in groups.We soon went into action. After the fruits were washed,the students expert at using knives cut the fruits into slices,cubes and other shapes.Then came the wonderful part of the display on the plate.We created many beautiful patterns,offering a feast for the eyes.When we appreciated and tasted our works,broad smiles spread across our faces,which made us feel our efforts were worth it.We did feel pleased and relaxed while cooperating with others.第二节(满分25分)【参考范文】Then came the final year-long project for me,an academy senior.I created a team of people whom I respected and who respected me in return.As a group of two guys and two girls,we all brainstormed,calculated,designed and constructed together.I remember the numerous times when we washed oil and metal remains off our hands together after the laborious work.I also remember we once got stuck with several technical problems,however,we spared no effort to tackle them.After what seemed like centuries,a two-passenger,gasoline-powered go-kart was completed.The other day,when we tested it out at the top speed of 27 mph,we felt excited.At that moment,I felt proud of my team.I felt proud I bravely soldiered on my dreams.Thanks to all these experiences,I’ve grown a lot.I think I have gained the courage to stand up for myself and the abilities as a leader and a strong team member.In the process of growth,I learn to be patient.I understand the meaning of confidence and cooperation.I want to thank my dad for cultivating my interest in engineering.I know I will encounter many thistles and thorns in the future life,but I don’t fear.I have been determined to succeed as a biomedical engineer,designing and innovating medical equipment to improve healthcare and human life.【解析】第二部分 阅读第一节A主题语境:人与社会——节日【语篇导读】本文是应用文。介绍了澳大利亚四个特色各异的秋季节日。21.B细节理解题。根据第一部分第一句“Nothing says autumn like red and orange leaves and comfort food.”可知,没有什么比红色、橙色的树叶和舒适的食物更能代表秋天了,说明在“明秋节”这个节日人们可以欣赏秋天的美景,故选B。22.C细节理解题。根据第三部分第二句“The Grampians Grape Escape at Halls Gap is an unforgettable two-day experience that’s all about top-quality wines,gourmet food and live music — the perfect trio.”可知,霍尔斯加普的“格兰皮恩斯葡萄之旅”为人们提供两天的令人难忘的体验,人们可以体验完美三重奏——顶级葡萄酒、美食、现场音乐。这个节日在所有节日中持续时间最短,故选C。23.A细节理解题。根据最后一部分第一句“Every year in mid-May,the Myrtleford community celebrates its Italian roots with a three-day festival dedicated to all of the region’s cultural and culinary delights.”和最后两句“Also a traditional grape stomp,part of the wine-making process,can be experienced.It showcases grapes being crushed by foot to release their juices.”可知,人们也可以体验传统的踩踏葡萄环节,这是酿酒过程的一部分。它展示了用脚压碎葡萄以释放汁液的过程。说明在默特尔福德社区人们可以体验传统的葡萄酒制作方法,故选A。B主题语境:人与社会——生活经历【语篇导读】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者用幽默的口吻为读者讲述了她与行李箱之间的爱恨情仇,表现了技术对生活的影响。24.A细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“A trip or two with airport luggage handlers playing soccer with it and it began to break.”可知,红色行李箱破了是因为机场行李搬运工如踢足球般粗暴地对待这个行李箱,故选A。25.B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“I bought a small purple suitcase for the airline specifications when I went to Egypt.”可知,作者当时买紫色行李箱是迫于机场对行李箱的规格要求,故选B。26.D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二、三、四句“Unlike the two-wheel versions,which still require a certain amount of balance and strain your back when you pull it through the airport,it is a spinner,with four wheels.You can push it,pull it,or walk beside it.And it has round wheels like a ball instead of flat wheels.”可知,“我”的新的蓝色行李箱,不像两轮的行李箱仍然需要一定程度的平衡,当你拉它时,背部会绷紧。这是一个有四个球形轮子的可以滚动的箱子。你可以推它、拉它或走在它旁边。说明新行李箱移动容易,故选D。27.B文章写作语气题。作者用幽默并略带讽刺的语言讲述了她和行李箱之间的故事,playing soccer with it、being followed by ants、went the way of the dinosaur、can do cartwheels等的使用,都让文章读起来别有韵味,故选B。C主题语境:人与自然——环境与文化保护【语篇导读】本文是新闻报道。Priscilla Hunter女士作为ISWC(辛基翁部落间荒野委员会)的创办者和主席,正在致力于加州北海岸红杉林的恢复和当地土著文化的保护。28.C 细节理解题。根据第一段的句子“‘The trees are precious to us,’says Priscilla Hunter.‘We believe our ancestors’ spirits are there.’”及第三段第三句中的“the original old-growth redwoods”可知,那些树是红杉树,对“我们”来说很珍贵,祖先的灵魂在那里,故选C。29.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句“It’s‘lost’because scenic Highway 1 avoids it,cutting inland to escape the rough coastal terrain(地形).One could also say it’s lost because less than 2 percent of the original old-growth redwoods there survived logging decades ago.”可知,“失落海岸”之所以失落是因为由于崎岖的沿海地形,修建1号观景公路时人们只好避开它,往内陆去。还有一种说法是,“失落海岸”之所以失落是因为只有不到2%的原始红杉在几十年前的伐木中幸存下来。说明“失落海岸”失落的原因之一是由砍伐后果所致,故选D。30.A词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段中“taking control of their land,laws,and fate”的提示可知,最后一段最后一句话的意思是:这个故事探讨土著居民们正在如何要求归还主权,重建他们的文化,故选A。31.C标题判断题。结合全文可知,Priscilla Hunter女士成立ISWC(辛基翁部落间荒野委员会),团结当地印第安部落的人们,共同保护红杉林,让文化和生命得以在这片圣地延续,故选C。D主题语境:人与自然——动物研究【语篇导读】本文是说明文。介绍了一项古生物学家最近的研究发现:长颈鹿进化出长脖子可能不仅是为了吃到树叶,可能还是为了打架。32.A 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The Discokeryx evolved like this to absorb and deliver skull-cracking collisions to seek mates and defeat competitors.”可知,獬豸盘角鹿这样的进化能够减轻撞击带来的伤害或进行撞击(这种碰撞会导致头骨破裂),目的是求得配偶和征服竞争对手,故选A。33.D 推理判断题。根据第五段可知,研究人员认为獬豸盘角鹿尤为擅长正面交锋。研究小组估计,獬豸盘角鹿之间的碰撞力度可能是麝牛的两倍,后者相互撞击的速度接近每小时25英里。说明獬豸盘角鹿撞击对手时力量巨大,故选D。34.B 文章主旨题。文章探讨了长颈鹿进化出长脖子的原因,故选B。35.C 文章出处题。文章介绍了科普知识:长颈鹿的祖先獬豸盘角鹿进化出长脖子可能不仅是为了吃到树叶,还有可能是为了打架。这样的文章应该出现在科学杂志中,故选C。第二节主题语境:人与自我——积极的生活态度【语篇导读】本文是说明文。介绍了冒险家Bear Grylls创造的应对恐惧的S-T-O-P策略。36.C考查句间顺承关系。前一句说到“冒险家Bear Grylls认为那个事实(登顶珠峰的人无所畏惧)远非事实”,这里接“恐惧是我生活的很大一部分”比较自然,故选C。37.G 考查概括信息。破折号后列举了人们在生活中要面临的困境,这里应该接“我们每天都有恐惧的时刻”,故选G。38.A 考查句间顺承关系。前一句说到“花点时间远离这种情况,让你的大脑重新活跃起来”,后面接具体的方法“你可以从深呼吸,集中注意力开始”,合乎逻辑,故选A。39.E 考查句间并列关系。后一句说到“你要去看看有什么可以选择的方式”,这里接“你要看看有什么逃生路线”,形成并列关系,而且句式相同,故选E。40.B 考查段尾总结。前文提到“想出行动策略”,后面应该接“然后开始行动”,故选B。第三部分 语言运用第一节主题语境:人与自我——完善自我【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。讲述了Don Munroe年少任性,后来成为一名专业运动员,之后环游世界,最后将自己的冒险经历与回馈社会相结合的故事。41.D考查名词的辨析。fame“名声”;success“成功”;doubt “疑虑”;trouble“麻烦”。该句要表达的意思是:Don Munroe年少时像Tom Sawyer般爱冒险,他的冒险经常导致他陷入麻烦,故选D。42.A考查动词的辨析。steal“偷盗”;repair“修理”;decorate“装饰”;park“停车”。根据上文,该句要表达的意思是:Don年少时的冒险经常让他陷入麻烦,他寻求的刺激有时要通过偷车获得,故选A。43.B考查动词短语的辨析。pass on“传递”;refocus on“重新聚焦”;call on“号召”;comment on“评论”。该句要表达的意思是:最终Don不得不将自己的注意力重新转到一项更有创造力的活动上,故选B。44.C考查形容词的辨析。leisure“休闲的”;permanent“永恒的”;competitive“竞争的”;emerging“新兴的”。该句要表达的意思是:竞争激烈的体育界使Don备受鼓舞,他最终成为一名专业的长曲棍球运动员,故选C。45.B考查动词的辨析。adopt“采用”;accomplish“完成”;witness“目睹”;invent“发明”。该句要表达的意思是:Don最终决定去环游世界,并放弃所成就的一切,故选B。46.D考查形容词的辨析。accurate“准确的”;advanced“先进的”;convenient“方便的”;challenging“富于挑战性的”。该句要表达的意思是:Don说到,做这一决定时,最富于挑战性的部分就是放弃与朋友相处而获得的安全感,一切都要靠自己,故选D。47.C考查名词的辨析。humour“幽默”;justice“正义”;security“安全”;wonder“惊奇”。句意分析同上题,故选C。48.A考查名词的辨析。citizen“公民”;designer“设计师”;onlooker“旁观者”;guide“导游”。该句要表达的意思是:Don说到,我现在感觉自己是世界的一员。a citizen of the world意为“世界公民”,故选A。49.C考查形容词的辨析。embarrassed“尴尬的”;hesitant“犹豫的”;eager“渴望的”;satisfied“满意的”。该句要表达的意思是:经历了世界的好与坏后,Don急于想要让家乡变得更好,故选C。50.B考查名词的辨析。education“教育”;adventure“冒险”;entertainment“娱乐”;strength“力量”。该句要表达的意思是:Don想要将自己的冒险经历与回馈社会结合起来,故选B。51.D考查副词的辨析。immediately“立即地”;occasionally“偶尔地”;casually“随意地”;actively“积极地”。该句要表达的意思是:Don已经做了许多志愿工作,包括连续27年积极组织每年一次的独木舟接力赛,故选D。 52.A考查介词短语的辨析。in a row“连续不断地”;in turn“轮流地;反过来”;in a rush“匆忙地”;in vain“徒劳地”。句意分析同上题,故选A。53.B考查动词的辨析。assess“评价”;correct“改正”;admit“承认”;avoid“避免”。该句要表达的意思是:现在,已经78岁的Don说,自己做的志愿工作也是对年少任性时犯下的错误的一种改正,故选B。54.C考查名词的辨析。platform“平台”;scene“场景”;journey“旅途”;deck“甲板”。该句要表达的意思是:Don知道,不管你在人生之旅的哪一个阶段,都有机会来决定人生将怎样展开,故选C。55.A考查动词的辨析。unfold“展开”;increase“增加”;rest“停留”;hide“隐藏”。句意分析同上题,故选A。第二节主题语境:人与社会——事业发展【语篇导读】本文是新闻报道。介绍了全球最大的袜子生产基地——浙江省诸暨市大唐镇及其中一家业绩斐然的公司——杨玉成的海纳针纺科技有限公司。56.practically 考查副词的运用。此处要表达的意思为:这几天,杨玉成几乎都住在厂里。修饰动词lives要用副词,故填practically。57.and 考查连词的运用。inspecting和communicating形成并列关系,故填and。58.a 考查不定冠词的运用。此处要表达的意思为:大唐,诸暨市的一个镇。Datang和a town是同位关系,故填a。59.have run/have been running 考查谓语动词时态的运用。关键词since提示此处要用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,故填have run/have been running。 60.to increase 考查非谓语动词中不定式的运用。此处要表达的意思为:为了提高生产和跟进订单,我们今年年初买进了新设备。不定式表目的,故填to increase。61.in 考查短语搭配。specialize in的意思为:专营,故填in。62.were exported 考查一般过去时被动语态的运用。关键词in the first three months of the year,是明确的过去时间。另外,此处要表达的意思为:超过一千万双袜子被出口,故填were exported。63.its 考查代词所有格形式的运用。此处要表达的意思为:去年公司的出口商品的价值超过两千三百万美金,故填its。64.where 考查定语从句关系副词的运用。where引导定语从句,在从句中作状语,先行词为companies,故填where。65.accounting 考查现在分词短语作结果状语。此处要表达的意思为:占到国内市场的70%和国际市场的35%,account for表示“占据(比例、数量等)”,故填accounting。听力原文Text 1M:Hi,Lucy,here’s your postcard! I happened to find it this morning when looking for my bank statement in the mail room.W:Many thanks,Jim! It’s a Christmas gift from my best friend.Text 2M:Have you seen my Chinese textbook?W:Never.Your room is in such a mess.If I were you,I can’t find anything,either.Tidy it up quickly,or you’ll be scolded by Dad again.Text 3W:Jack,you’re back at last! Dinner is getting colder.Basketball match again? M:No,mum.The art festival is coming.We just had a selection of actors and actresses.Guess what? I won the leading role!Text 4W:Oh! This restaurant is terrific! I have lost myself in Lotus Root Spare Ribs Soup.M:Hahahaha,I love it,too,but I prefer West Lake Fish in Vinegar.And next time,we can have a try at the special here,Dongpo’s Braised Pork.Text 5M:Emily,it’s the weekend.Do you want to go to the movie tonight? W:Thank you,Tom.Actually,I feel very tired.I just came back home from a business trip in Singapore.Text 6W:Hi,Eric.Why are you in sportswear? It’s Friday today.You say you exercise on Saturday.M:Oh,my colleagues have invited me to play volleyball this afternoon.The team of our grade needs some young people.We have to train this month to take part in the school match next month.W:Won’t you play badminton this Saturday?M:Yes,I’ll still do that.It’s a fixed time for me to have fun with my friends.Oh,I forgot to tell you I met a schoolmate last Saturday.W:What a coincidence! I guess you met a beautiful girl.M:In fact,I met a handsome boy.He impressed me a lot.W:Why do you say that?M:He plays pretty well.Amazing me,he used to be the vice president of Badminton Association of our college! He taught me patiently.Text 7W:Frank,let me look at what you bought last weekend for your house.M:OK,Aunty,please go with me.This new bathroom mat can prevent slipping and it feels soft when you step on it bare-footed.I bought it at a supermarket nearby.W:Sounds great.And the mirrors here make the room look bigger.M:Now let’s look at the bedroom.The bed is king-size.I put a bed mattress on it.I got them at Company Ikea.W:Is the bed mattress very soft? If so,it’s bad for your back.M:Nothing to worry about.It is human engineering design.You can feel on it. W:Um,neither soft nor hard.That’s nice.M:Here’s the living room.W:Wow,it’s so spacious!M:It’s designed to connect with the kitchen and the study,so you have such a feeling.Here are the blocking doors.If you want to divide the area into different sections,you just pull the doors out.I got them from the previous owner.Text 8W:Honey,would you like to see my new electric bicycle?M:Your new electric bicycle? You never mentioned buying a new bike. W:Do you remember when we bought the last bike?M:I remember at that time Gina just started primary school.She’s already in Junior 1 now.W:So,after such a long time,it’s breaking down.In fact,last week,it didn’t work so well.M:But I remember you replaced the battery one year ago. W:Yes,I purchased it online a year ago.But it’s heavy.Even worse,the rain got into the battery two weeks ago.M:What’s the brand of the new bike? W:My colleagues recommended Bull and Emmelle,but I preferred Tail.You know,I’ve been used to it.Besides,this time I asked for a lithium battery with less weight.M:What’s the price? W:The shopkeeper charged 3,600 yuan at first,then he said the old bike could be recycled at 500 yuan.Text 9M:Madam,nice to see you again.Can I help you? W:I’d like to have this skirt shortened by two inches.M:Shortened by three inches.Any more requests? W:Not three inches,but two inches.M:Sorry,I didn’t quite catch you.My one-year-old granddaughter is noisy. W:That’s all right.Oh,these vegetables look very strange.Tomatoes in flat shapes,pumpkins coated in small hairs and potatoes with wrinkled skins.Are you selling them?M:No,my nephew put them here.When the market begins,he will sell them.W:Does he buy the vegetables from the wholesaler and sell them to earn money? M:No.He searches for strange-looking vegetables in the market and buys them home.Then he cooks and decides his favorites.After that,he seeks the seeds of them and grows them himself.W:I suppose he majored in agriculture in college.M:Yes,you are right.After graduating from college,he’s been applying what he learned to practice.W:So he starts his own business.M:That’s it.Text 10Tourism and sustainability have historically had a difficult relationship.Greenland is looking to change that with a new attraction which focuses on this delicate balance.The Ilulissat Icefjord Center on the west coast of Greenland opened last year,located 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle.Designed by the Danish architect Dorte Mandrup,the building copies the flight of a snow owl,representing the fragility of the surrounding fjords and landscapes.The visitor center,open year-round,has a permanent exhibition called the Story of the Ice.It is meant to find out the history of Greenland’s ice sheet and the Inuit who have lived in this tough environment for thousands of years.As a part of the exhibition,some archaeological artifacts are shown in the glass display cases designed to look like real blocks of ice.A boardwalk leads from the center to various areas where one can view the Ilulissat ice fjord.The hope is that by learning about the dangers of a warming world in this spot,tourists will go back with a deeper understanding of how and why this remote wild place is vital to the survival of the planet





