
2023-11-16·5页·317.3 K

宜城一中 枣阳一中 曾都一中 2023--2024 学年上学期期中考试

襄阳六中 南漳一中 河口一中高三英语答案

听力 1-5 AABAC 6-10 CBABB 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CBCAC

阅读 21-23 BAD 24-27 BCCA 28-31 DBDA 32-35 BACD

七选五 36-40 BCFGE

完型 41-45 CABDB 46-50 BDDAC 51-55 ADBCA


56.publicly 57.Unlike 58. presents 59. a 60.Divided

61.was taken 62. which 63.to play 64. what 65. length

说明:57/60 小题答案首字母小写不给分


说明 :这是篇新闻报道,不能写成书信格式,否则扣 2 分。

Among the outstanding figures shining at the Hangzhou Asian Games, Wang Zongyuan is

absolutely an impressive one, who demonstrated his exceptional power and won 2 diving gold

medals for China. Born on October 24th, 2001, Wang Zongyuan spent most of his childhood

practicing gymnastics in his hometown, Xiangyang, hubei province. Then he was discovered as a

talented diver. After joining in the national swimming team in 2017, Wang got his first world

champion in Tokyo Olympics in 2001, which opened his remarkable journey in the swimming


Not only does Wang Zongyuan devote his own power to the diving event of China, but he

also sets a good example to the young swimmers in China.


Immediately, the class became excited. Soon, the first student began his tale on the platform.

Inspired by his courage, everyone could hardly sit still and itched to share stories except Rafael. In

fact, leaning forward, he was trying very hard to catch what the student was on about yet instead

of sharing our laughter, there was only frustration flashing past in his eyes. I sighed and began

writing. Seeing my notes , the expression on his face softened and then turned into a smile. At the

same time,a wave of happiness swept over me. After more exchanges, Ms. Sullivan gestured for

Rafael to share. When he turned to me, I nodded, clenching my fists under the table.

Then Rafael rose and walked onto the platform. Our eyes followed him like spotlights. After

looking outside the windows as if collecting his thoughts, he broke the silence, “ My family

relocated here in the summer so I had spent my holidays packing and saying goodbyes, which was

fun of course. ” We chuckled. Before we could know it, we became fully immersed in his

emotional journey. When he finished with“Like putting on the aids and hearing a new world, I’

m so excited to join you and have a fresh start.”, there wasn’t thunderous applause but waves of

paper rose high in the air, reading“Hi Rafael. Welcome to the family.”

附:应用文写作评分细则(本题总分 15 分)

第五档 4-15 分:完全完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点,应用了较多的语法结



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第四档 11-13 分:完全完成了试题规定的任务。虽漏掉 1、2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要




第三档 8-10 分:基本完成了试题规定的任务。虽漏掉了一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。



第二档 5-7 分:未恰当完成试题规定的任务。漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些



第一档 1-4 分:未完成试题规定的任务。明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可




1. 本题总分为 25 分,按五个档次进行评分。

2. 评分时,应整体把握,综合考虑,主要从内容、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考虑:




3. 评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量,


五档 23:漂漂亮亮,可以犯个别小错误,只要不影响交际;

四档 18:清清楚楚,隔三差五有错;

三档 13:马马虎虎,半对半错,属于有问题的答卷,没有及格;

二档 8:糊里糊涂,隔三差五有点对,1/3 句子可以,2/3 句子不行;

一档 3:一塌糊涂,一两句话给 1 分。

0 分:未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以至无法评判;所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目要



(1)词数少于 150 分的,酌情扣分;




鄂北六校联考高三英语试卷 第 5 页 共 5 页



Text 1

W: Excuse me. Do you know where I can find a caf around here? (1)

M: There’s one right next to the museum down the block. They have wonderful coffee. There’s

also one in the park about a mile away with an outside seating area.

Text 2

W: How much do you pay every month for your phone bill?

M: It’s hard to say exactly. I share an unlimited call, text, and Internet plan with my family, but

the taxes and extra fees are slightly different every month. (2) But it’s about $50, give or take a

couple dollars.

Text 3

M: Where did you find that hat? I’ve been looking for one just like it.

W: I bought it online. It’s perfect for the summer months because of its wide shape. I used to wear

baseball hats until I realize they don’t protect your entire face from the sun. (3)

Text 4

M: You’re looking a little stressed.

W: I have a million things to do, and all of them have to be finished within three hours. (4)

Text 5

M: Can you pass the salt, please? This soup is good, but it is a little plain. (5)

W: I put so much salt in here when I was making it! Maybe it got watered down. Here, try putting

in some pepper instead and tell me what you think.

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Text 6

W: Can I get these shoes, please?

M: Are you joking? Those shoes are six hundred dollars!

W: But all the cool girls at school have them! (6)

M: Well, the answer is no. And you’d never be able to walk in shoes like that. Those heels must

be around five inches tall.

W: High heels are super “in” right now. (6) Uncle Tim bought some for Samantha! I’ll do extra

chores! Please? (7)

M: No way. Do you know how many chores you’d have to do to afford those? (7) Look at these

over here. They’re sixty dollars and have a low heel, so you can walk in them without getting


Text 7

W: What are you reading?

M: It’s a new children’s book called Sail Away by Langston Hughes.

W: Isn’t he a poet?

M: Yes. The book is a collection of his poems about the ocean. The artist Ashley Bryan created a

bunch of pictures made out of paper to go with the poems, (8) and he’s ninety-two years old!

W: Wow! How old is Langston Hughes? (9)

M: He’s not alive anymore. He died in 1967 when he was only sixty-five. (9) Ashley Bryan has

done a lot of performances of Langston Hughes’s poems, and he wanted to provide artwork for a

book of them. When he started out in 1962, he was the first African American to publish a children’

s book as an author and artist. He was forty years old. Now, he’s won many awards and has more

than twenty books out.

Text 8

W: Hi, Mr. Smith.

M: Hi, Debra. I just dropped by to see how you’re getting along with your packing. Need any help?


W: No, everything’s OK. Thanks. But I’ve got a lot more things to take home than I’d thought.

It’ll probably be a little overweight.

M: You know that as long as the two cases are less than 40 kg, that ’ s all right for flights to

America. (11) You can have a handbag and a small backpack as carry-ons, too.

W: Then that won’t be a problem.

M: Now, when did you say your flight leaves? (12)

W: Let me see...at 10:30 a.m. (12)

M: I’ll come by and pick you up at 8:30 a.m. Then we can arrive early enough to check in without


W: Thanks, Mr. Smith. You don’t have to bother, though. I can call a taxi.

M: Look, I don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow morning, so it won’t be any trouble

picking you up.

W: Good old Mr. Smith: always so helpful!

Text 9

M: Bonnie, I’m super nervous right now.

W: Why, what’s up? I thought you were flying down to L.A. today. Are you afraid of flying or


M: No, I fly all the time. It’s just that I’m doing my biggest interview of my entire career

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tomorrow, (13) (15) and I don’t want to mess it up.

W: Come on, you’ve been at the magazine for more than a year. Your editor wouldn’t send you

down there unless he had confidence in your abilities. Who is the interview with? (13)

M: Quentin Tarantino.

W: Uh…what? Quentin Tarantino? The director? Are you serious?

M: Yeah!

W: Oh, my God! I can’t believe this! Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie of all time, (14) and Kill

Bill might be number two. And even my parents liked Jackie Brown. He’s, like, A-list famous! He

might be the best director of the last twenty years.

M: Do you see now why I’m nervous?

W: Yes, I’d be scared out of my mind if I were you. But this will be good for your career. Hey,

there is something that I still don’t understand.

M: What? (16)

W: Why on earth did Quentin Tarantino agree to do an interview for your magazine, Trevor?

M: What’s that supposed to mean? (16)

W: Um …never mind. (16) Good luck down there! Get a good night ’s sleep tonight because

Saturday will be the biggest day of your life! (15)

Text 10

Hello, and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library

facilities and operating hours. First of all, the library’s collection of books, reference materials,

and other resources are found on Level 1 to Level 4 of this building. Our humanities and map

collections are on Level 1. On Level 2, you will find current magazines and journals, and our copy

machines. (17) Our science and engineering sections can be found on Level 3. Finally, group study

rooms, our microfilm collection and the multimedia center are located on Level 4.

Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can

check out fifteen books for two months. (18) Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a

50-cent-a-day late fee for overdue books, up to a maximum of $15. (19) Magazines and reference

books cannot be checked out. The library is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., (20) and

on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. The library is closed on Sundays.

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